uunlwrol rnrrnl ymrllnn have lan Mm ml mu Fur mrrnl nmuuu man nwlfl lml Iran mi in rslnlp Hill Immihml runmllm Inr minim ml mmurxllnl tlIullhl In order mt all an mum MIMI Hm Arm mill ru Jny lwnnlil t4 INI 01m orznnlullmh Imdr IllilllHITIUN unuul unr luckl mnmnn nml cvrnlnu Mrvlrm 11w hxlrrmnlhla rlwlr muler Hm diyrrlhm of Mn Mt MN mllwllnl mmlc In 1M nmménu In Um owning Vlmll HI Um Unltrl lmrch tnlrr Almhnl Inlnnnnlfml nml kmmn as Im Iln untuwlkrr ulllu rhunï¬ rhnlr Mllmm umlrr Hm Irnrlrnhlp of Mm Inkllfr Mwllnl ho x4 nclion CLASSIFIED Why Hollow In Olumh Hm wrmun ndwm pl luv Nowell 1M HI of Star borough urntr nnxfm who Mch at he mornlmz km on no nrrmlm nl llw HUI nnnlvmnry Nev IL Davin of not nun UNlrd Ulludl Mny Cooks1w Cub nllmd ad umm Cuhnrca nl Camp Wlldmnn Vmalc They par Ucimml In All pmjccu and won fir min plaque ANNIVHRSUW Mrs mm was In Toronto May 27 and nllcndod lhe core mnira nt Cvmumuon mil Whoa Ml Imdmy hum 011 mum hcr Bachelor Sela kng In mulslng ll May 19 visuar Included Mr and Mrs Bert Hmldlcslon ol Dani with Mu Mum Mr and Mn Walkr Andrews Nwwn lwblmun with Mrs Maxim and Miss Mc MM Bany Patna rod Dm ud Wilam with Mr nod Mm Dimn Mr and Mrs Boyd Delhnm Guelph with tho Inl lcrs parents Mr and Mrs Ken Mr mi Mu Irwn Wab Jon and family ol mlmlmm and Mr and Clark Scott Mcalord wim Mr Md Mrs Cooper Miss Audrey Mapu Iorgnto wllh her mother Mn BAROUND SIMCOE COUNTY The Presbyterian congregation ham spent the past few months Nnovallng he ammorium 01 than church Work 1m about cumplcwd nnd dcditnlinn Sunday has been so tor Jim 11 with services at am and 730 jun The minister Rev ntccanmn wll condua the act viccs nsislcd by Rev Grams Moore Uxbridgn former pastor Music is being pmmrod by We choir Thu ladim the tangrcgalion will servo Innrh ln lhn Sunday school room nllu the morning service EXAMINER 7282414 lookslovm lmnt street is in line W055 of having new storm newer put in making It rather inconvenient for traffic Haw awnmaflknowmisisa mud nwdod job done and WM all the large machinery bcng used lot of wark Is bmng munAlder in short ï¬rm DEDICATION rli Mm PM my nzr McCamll took the serch in hi my Ichnrch lone Supday and Mrs McCar roll relumcd home Sunday 101 lawing lhrce4wcek visit in Prblce Rupert n0 with their wn EM web 119v Gmufimnlian servlce will be held Wednesday Juno at mm in St Johns Anglican Chumh Rina Sask the home Mil IL Madly were Mr and Mm Milt Trace Elmvale and Mr and Mrs John madly Wesl WEY WW9 WE Recent visle with Mrs 01 he Menaster were Mr and Mrs George Snyder Nanh Bay Muer whammy and Mrs Halverson ol mi nmuwr xwwu mm Ngrth yalg Englqnd pmalmey of Godenid 1W Solemn daugmar mum May 24 Sympathy is extended to Tum Williams who recently melved word they death 01 his 0an Gordon Bmad Noblmn visited menlly wth their father 11 34 McFadden and Mrs lmFaddcn Born to Mr and Mn Lyle wisVCarmHRedmdm prhdmi Mr and Mrs John Ram and Mn Robert Denney prlnclpal Le my and stall Wllllnm Newton Mrs Shirley Demon and Mrs Lorna Thompm Bell Ewart Mm Norma FanEu Mm Bur kinyhï¬m Unabln to he was Carmen Redmond pr ml der the direction cl Mrs Elaine McDoweil are slmcrvlsor Du Eng the awning pupils Named Mu McDowell with camllan Vudia nerflxirglsjlvc bracelet By MISS MnMASHm VARIETY NIGHT Mmy and Bell Ewart schools held successful Vaflety ngM In Bradford District High School Friday Iay 21 Music wag un dont coll lhoy ply NEWS OI COOKSTOWN flds Thu ï¬rst doubln weddlng held In Guthrie Pmsbylcrlun Church look plum Juno when Darlene Sharon nnd Gull hum daugh ltn Mr nml Mn Clamm mule ware united In mar rlngo In David McKenzie and Gcorgv Cameron Nspcdlvcly by Nov nnulch Inrmcr mlantcr Dm Imum nl he Ilium mkled by some local friends Mflld lurkcy dInmr to over 150 nucsl KM Com munity All During lho mm Uun Gull and Gtorga mnlvui conmluluory phone call Irom We extend Iincere sympathy in tha lamily oi Mrs Mary Gliduist who passai away suddenly inst week armor school teacher Mrs chm had keen mind and Wm kindly lnlercsicd in every thing and everyone about htr Puniron numbers of Gmiuio Womenl institute nilcndod the first annual meeting of lho new dlslrlcl or Simcoe County May ii which the name snï¬m kmipcnku 01561 mens lmlflula was chosen 003m WEDDING Mn flame Sylvia Sam and Sally altcndod the Church Choir ConvanIcla at Glen Mom ngpp My Congraluiaflom In Mr and Mn Max Livingston whose 01 wuidim anniversary idil on June 9m mu daughter Mn Ihmld Wright was hostess or anally gathering on Sunday June ma Midland were Sunday mm with Mr IndMr Campbell uy ms 11 mmnou Miss Sylvia Bank has com pleted her year at Teadxcm Collcgu and will be on Battle Phillie Sdml staff um lad Mrs Peggy Adamson and Mrs McKay Tanonto visited Mr 9nd Mm Livyd Sam Sun IL and MN Mml re ceived BA degree Friday MAY 27 at Illa Unlverslly of Western Ontario Lemon Mr McCamH has been chasm lo 217 ta Dmpo Ms mumm In three months and will leave Juno 28 111 lrlp issymsarcd the 1mm Tam um Smitan will elm Ionday mum of locum in Oxlnnl Unlvcrslly lmm this project Indications am baaring out the Injected coulldenn those who started fltk gum and am is the peuplo 4111 area can and will rise to the support any use ful organization member name and support the Coob 21ng and District Recrenuon As T9 co ARRDAD WIII unvnmnwnl mmiuu plnnlwnuhls dis1lilllvmiimmnnmlonIhIm rnnunh or you nnd your lamilv nemh Willy Um lmimm Sccmilv lnunnnnn Imxwlal LHn man can nhnw you hnwlhny III lnwllh ullmllmmuclnl unvlslom you my hnvnumln 1m Ilw iululo Dnnl lm unnennlncall him today No obligation 01 Comm larnly to minim Mami ed The mu plum la cork duct survey duflng June to determlna ma activities most deslmble They ask construcuvo interest be given the canku When he at abe calk MAW communitim In the pmvlncn are exuoylng the bane ï¬t mm such this and many are con vinced Cooksmm and district aliq rccelye mqu bandit Mp John panhls and Telephone 72006 luv Umwn DlakrmusH Whillrm Branch Manager Wulsm CLU 7mg mumEma activities and Wm be 59m Kw sevenumber commute has been calm are the vinlage council the other fiva were elected by dime gen eml moeflnx me names at the committee menfaem will bu an nounced soon as the bylaw ha been approved and council In position to make mllcal In position to make ofï¬cial Ippghhnenu IPgler flanall son Rev cotm Illan 1min way do GUTHRIE 1le on nhoul live now Impmlnl Cnnlmmial Plan MM CARSON Denimd 1mm in mnvalm In at hh homo mm noct aUnn some llme ago when Amman remava ha minim 1100 mmï¬ Iscidcnl with Mrs llnmld Larry Caldwll and Ilmld Husband manger will mm agnln In Imam nl he rmflar mmlng of UCW Please mnllnuo lo save the um slum Gulhrln AMA gmup held their ï¬nal mm at the study year by Macmm presidui Special nible vase were read by on mambo The Eating was recde by Rickey Ross shot mch of he book George and he 111nm Lady was givcn by the leader Ac hmledgmnt had been receiv cd from ch Mission Lo cher or wad stamps sent from Guth rie ï¬nal rehearsal for the ljunlar dnir was held Mrs George Caldwdl servrd lunch the church mitt Juno dridmr tmk part In 5pm DchcaUan tn Misslon ceremony when 875 was present ed to the and truasurcr 1mm lho Messengers These 24 ywng folk formed the choir Carl Clark who had Jun cc bralul his 81h binhdny sang his ï¬rst son 111050 hiring pan Ln the dodfnaï¬qncugrrmyrqu am mm no mn By MRS HOWARD CAMPBELL 61er To mssmxs yyung people representing Guthrie cormmn lty cnlerLalned Mr amt Mrs Rodger Husband recent bride and groom at dlnm party at Lakcvicw ntstamant Satur day owning the conclusion Bruce Wiggins preseMmi the bride and groom wih gifl of $100 from hair many welhï¬zh em jn Guthrie hiss Mannan spent the mind in North Bay Glgr 10 cgurw 4unnufll May 29 AMrs 31mm Campbc accom Evan Wilcox and son Richard of EwAm to Guelph June visit Mr and Mrs MILn Wnlma Kcnhllan DMM North Bay xcisilcd ï¬end here last Satur The community was saddened aheardfllasuddendumof Mrs John Géchrli on My 25 at the home If her sister and brmIéexlnm Mr arm Georg an lion Mm GUdIrLSt was loyal an manhu of Lily ii 93 and interested in the misalmary lite dud Sympathy extended to Mailbag mackwam on Mr and Mrs Gordon Cald well Mr and Mrs Norman swam Mama Gumball ray Love and and git Le Cumming shaded annua 5km Colme Federallon Agriculture Rural Church serv at Sam United Hutch Sunday Juna Mn and Mn Glen Fuagher and amin Hey Ridges visit edMr andMn Cecil Camcm during the wgckend Douglas Ind Mane Gddwfl In British Columbia The organ normname Mn Rabat Campbell Nonnan Cam bell and Cecil Catmm to be wngrawlatad on the pur chase of an electric organ which added mud to the event MRS CAMPBELL APTO nvm ynn in II LIIF Fslmon Ilmllh mu HALCMMII Ham on In lmlivklunl Gum Das IMPERIAL tuna 1m lmpmial Lilo mm mun mu Elan sued Mr and Mn 7m 26 In Gordon whim Midhum hm bun ï¬shing hit obtu nnd Irwinmin Mr ml Nu Kc at In pm on and Mn Don ham Tar onln vbllod Mr and Mn Ivan XIII and lnmfly memlly mum mud be may ln hear she her Moment bmddng an Arm and crnddng hrp 910 meat Barrio mm leol uï¬ Margot Pratt Wed the fllroedzy trip to Maw win the salcty patrol lmn Innlslil warm welcwm i1 extended to Mr and Mrs Moduy Lam and lamily mm Townln who have bougm Mr and Mn Elvin Kelli mmc Mr and Mr Kdl Brenda and Barry have movui in Palmick Dr Lmic Elmvale srwwod ï¬lms 01 his and Mrs llarvlcs work unn to the hold Ind lhdr gums Ladies wen pres ent lrom Chmme Unfled 5L Peta1 01mm Ind 51 Gwcel Barrie soda hour mlulod ha evening 11y mns PRAII Mr and Mrs Vinslon Smith and family Villmdnlc Visiml Mr and Mm Fralick and lamily recently All béolulhwm he in bdon that date ROOKMODILE Please remember the hook le yin hcaling3 Jpn scrvicn Mm Hung gave an Interpretation the ï¬rst tour commandments taken from the hawk Smoke on MounLnin Mrs It Was named with piano solo Several ladies gavo mpqus if mpcllng attended rc neï¬lly Business concormng orthcloming catering was dls Mend nl Mn mm Law co mg United chum Women was held at In home Mrs Il lwwo Mrs mindedPm wrshlp Hy 1mm with Mr on or the weekend Mr and Mrs Tony Moyse and lamily Tor oma with Mr and Mrs J0hl son David omen Sands at his lune or the weekend Mr and Mrs Ted 0mm and may Rexdale with Mrs Haydon Sunday Mr and Cobom Ind Lmb Were In Samoan Saturday as guests at the De Guerre Wln wedding Mr and Mm nghlm and family of Matkdala spent Ihe weekend with Hom Don and attended the McClain reunion in Bond Head Saturday 11mm visitors have been Mr and yrs MacDonald and mi Congramlauonu to Robin Groonbfldga and Bob Johnson who received Mid Queen Scout mm Oshawa mellly ML and Mrs Gmnhridge and tamfly and Mr and Mrs Johann and Douglas attmded the mummy MN Bell L1 melding aw days with Mr and Mn Ivan Bell Pinon Mr and Mn Banard 101M bl mower and sister Barrie mowed to Tuvalu and st Cath atlne during he put week Mr and Mn Orr and Cindy Woodbï¬dgehvisited Mr and 11 bonus Smday venflm at London Ont May 29 in June Mr and Mrs human and family Almlya visited relatives ST PAULS NEWTON ROBINSON Cmgrmlaflons to Mr and Mn Hallway neg Barbara Hoskln on the Huh son at Barrie and to Mr and Mrs Hasldn on attaining he ufla grandparents POT LUCK SUPPER Julies llfll Vnmcns Insii utc decded Mug will quln at pm year mud An en copthm will be the June um Inz at Holly Community Centre pot hick met 11 630 Emh warmer bring dish girls will be guests Public Relations Convcner Mn Graham will be in charge pmgram For 01 MW Whig Mrs Furyk resolqu convencr had an Mum pand dismsslon Pfe Wan with pic PW on Miss Connle Brown Mrs if Emma Downing Boole Nevmzd was wmpml easl wn 3111 who has nooopmdremn playnwnt here May29 with Mr and Mrs Dawnï¬ng were Mrs Bonmr Mr and Mn Peale Jahnjnd SMrlcy and Bill Bonner Newton Wham PRESENTMME made thawsmumy Max the since Manama um miter Mr and Mrs bl with W5 W0 Menu Mr and Mrs Elliott Howard Mon Mord Mr and Mn My Robson and sun hIJW DHAUSWI Mr and Mn llama Faunan SW8ngvmmsJL By mm 110me Mug by mmm and cover your dayloduy banking needs Basic Banking means simply lbat we have gcarcd our branch offices to give you Absolutely lop performance in lbcse lbrce vilul services Willi Basic Banking youll get your banking don picnannlly and efï¬ciently and be on your way in manor of minulca Hnaic Banking docsnl climinnln other banking ICWiCOI of course On Ibo conlrary youll ï¬nd more complete rnngu of ï¬nancial acnices at tho Hunk of Monlrcal than It any olbcrlypc oiï¬nnncinl inslilulion Wouldnl Basic flanking be the answer Ia your banking nccrls HOLLY Whnl does lhc Bank of Montreal offer you Basie Banking Ihels what Basic Banking is based on lhe feel thnlnine times out of en when you enter bank you are looking for service in one of Ihrce basic areassavings personal chequing or current accounts Other services you may use once in while but fliese three services Sorry No Giveaways Sony No Tigelztails Sorry No Samples Sony No Stamps at Canadas FimtBnnki Mn and Mrs Bruce Edgar and Mr and Mn Ron Menary vklled Mr Bowmaslcr in Kil dxgpcr gown Mrs Edna gar attended the wedding 01 Graham Soon and Cynlhla Mchw Emmarr n01 College Lhnpcl Turmto May 28 Um Holiday weekend if Ladles Ald camed or lhn llnfland Mrs Edgar Denney Defwyg NIdDvlgh vlsned Mr and Mn Herb Deerlngw and gum 0a Manitoulin Island on By M158 DENNEY At baplumal service In St Judes Cumd Thornton Mr and M11 Earl Ernwn Baxter had their son Kimbeniy Earl baptized by Rev Mr Hewlon Grandparenls nudes am and friends gamered at Lhe home Mr and Mrs Brawn or Mm Ginlea Oangbtll and 9mm Mn Gear Srhgley presided at the tea table which was attracï¬vo with yum candv lo and him blossom The bake able well laden and was convened by Mrs Jim rhigMnnmi Hunter The flawed by MrsG Mc Corflston was won by Mrs Bob Omani mama uowwube held me hams Mm Dan mqmmlwm be mm Mm Robert OHara has rat Won we repw live74 duo VIM Naan the mvlmial moi convent and Mrs Rab 1163 Mumnm at damn In the canva the 3mm 9mm and ma Mn Jim 444 DEXTER BANK on MONTREAL nun mL Harry Train with Mr and Mn Steve Rawn Mr And Mrs ErnieTaylor Ooflhxgwood and MIL Lil Martin and lzlend Oshawa Mrs Jane Gilmflst Bade with her datumMrs Mil Imhln Wauim spend the weekend with relatives Ken nisla Lake Haflbunon wmly Mrs Hamld Smith was host By MES WANLESS Rm Adminand Mrs gay all Mwnonddand Mug 5Wm WM mm Mrs Walker Hall M15 Margamt Jackwn Azuprlor WV her CASH FOR VACATION and anyathzrgnad msun Is as near as your hnnel Just call Benaï¬cll when you Eel mat BIG 0K or cash last You Kick mu emu ynu plckl payments cm up and no Beneficial Iumed alter spending aim hol lglaynd wmn her mother Cork all luv Ind Mrs McCap mil have been Wag 5mm Inlidays Wnh heir Ravi Paul AW and hh lazily Iurpoz¢C $5000 BARRIE 15 0RILLIA73 hunt PA 55931 Pym 3267353 OPEN WKNINGS IV APPOINTMENY NEW FLOS 3mm EXANflNER MQNDAY man im FINANCE CO OF CANADA roll c1117 mmum display These will inchldaa quill NM home mada map braided mat kn Igod sock Inclj game taclhd as me poun of am llx oatmeal cookies and deal of homemade bread Smith and committee served ralresh menu Next month we Institute plan In our the Mmean at 111mm hesdwy July 12 at pm friend is be W1 entry at Eknvnle Fall Falr was dlscused thbers offered in maku the minus an tide Iisied If Shimmy Is éxmssed In Mr Nelson Shading In the death of htr What In Toronto lea Way evening to flu June meeting New Flu WI Mm members and ï¬ve visi torn amend the mu call by suggestion or tile Improve ment of our meanings Mrs Stave Rawn spoke on the mut la Plum were made In enter or use Lions Chi banquet Oakvlï¬v gamma Centre mum wan June 15 Ammtely 150 are to served MIME rmoN ran Roun