Wes Bend ovarcume an early ch last nlglul al Queens Pm and recorded lheir firs EEarrie Intermediate Softball guague vimry The new en try tripde Clarksan Hole 31 lar lhclr lirst success In our tries and now hold share 01 founlh place will Burden Fly and Olarkson The Holeth managed an unearned tally In the upener abut lrorn that polnl winning pl rlmer Paul Corner kept me 1965 flinallm oil the smrelward 3mm rlghlhander who lmd enlor ball In your for Fen bells scattered all Claim My mgn 541132011 cry chapter In player dish Nu over mark has ended with ma play xlviml In But Iommm wrote dunmz Um lay pulo we had that uhm Ibcy 3m pulling maximum Ml Mm mm mm mm then may tan put me on uhnl player on Mm Thnll the way Ihcrcl loo muth my my argument mw You take what my ï¬ve or you dont thy Kan lrlnrlm hm Anxrlm skunk Wuwfm llmulnn Clmlnnnll Inulu AUanla Nrw mG mum flan Frul Im am 10 lhlll 001 Ill lfll ll Mn um HAm 1m um 11 my ml lnllnr Wlm MI and Dalmmlt mu IM mm L1 Allm Mm in Flood glutland Mumm Ullrnil Ifaï¬ï¬‚ Tnlllnrnll Irmal wk Ikhlnglnn Inm wry me one has on balls mm mm mm man was tagged with the dc eat He gave up single run in the mm and mini ramea jun two him before lefty Dan Alchaddon relieved and worked Lhe remaining three lnnlngs McFadden yieldnd anodler West Bend run the sixth and BMW od our singles NEW YORK AmDon Dry dale cl Ina Angola Dodgers hall 01 lha most Mm Inth team In history thinks men shouldnl impose Hum imum limk on salary scales un til lhvy Impose limit on wir mm enminsa 1th should be boner way lo mu dem than U1 way it has been In the past Drysdnlo said during weekend and win Nnumul League New York New mm lsurxrll mm 51 lrnn Banlo my mom ulub post ed amhar draw Sammy cv ening at the Fair Grounds to preserve their unbcalen record in Nmmaxket and Distria Lem zue lira division play Thcy battled lo 32 5121mm wiLh Midland to bring Meir rcoard lo win Ind um lies mm our starts panaky kick wih around minutes to spare gained ha 5le in points or Barrie as the lead was swapped City drew ï¬rst blood Earky and Midland bounced back kcw the score 11 me half The wsxtan grabbed ht lead 15 minutes in to the last hall setting the stage for Ike tying zoaL Vbackrlulén came through in lhe clutdl to recon the lying goal or Barri the Leadoff halter Gerry Mc Bride rapped two singles and scared the winning run He was driven was in the third by Bill Donmans Mom In licld single Pete Bertram pro duced run with smut wing single sending over bru mer Bill who had led with Mlllmmo WI NIIMIIIIMI W1 NI le II um um levmhy Inll lilNIduHrn llla 51 ml Cum mu rial II THE CANADIAN llllï¬ï¬‚ Drysdclle Backs Salary Ceiling Barrie Draws West Bend Gains Initial VictOrY Amnlun Nuonnl jmm BASEBALL RECORD Mi Hlrl ll I35 JD 05 II II III III II I34 11 Ill J11 HM 15 di Ih mm VII 111w Tnnmln rmruw mm moum lrurmo DIMNI ll ullm 4L1 Imlmlrn 10 AM FNMMM Trllhnhmlm mm mum mml IJmkl II forHrmrn TitIla mu vlll MMNI Mr Grill ml luhnmn Rulhrlnml lllI Nllrhvrlll Ill lflt II knm ï¬le must purl It is that one player comwlrtd lo nn other playnr snid Koulnx IIUI Mmuhlnl nnkr lnln it nm It 110 mm In lhu same thing again Name It uml he nncrsury You muz ulc In much cumin point In thx gnmu And whorl Ruth dnnl lhInk you him to mu my mom Mmum WMllmard I7 Ilrinkman If lhlrnl mm llllnrnll WIWM 60 Munro Inning IA and Mnrlln Knnlonl MI Mclofla In while And llmluerl Ill IdEli Sumwn 1L Ollva Min 171 llmlnxnm Bnl III 11 lvidrru 711 HO II II lldximon Hal 2m 32 Indian Cal II fnhmyivua Tnkwln Jnrhrmvmo llklumnl llorlml rr llulllln Ml HIMl ll nlfhmmd 00000811 Ill mm nmwuni mu mi Hun autumn un WANTED rAmes Remember we unm try In to mvululionlw myuxinl mid Drysdnle We wtra Just wing in gel whnl wan air and nimble Dryldlle said he hasnt lhmxnh about whnl pmblums any mm arise ncxl year But Koulnx doesnt think than will be In rural mimwt in ml himnil nutmy umMm Drysdalo nnd lib purine Sandy leax ï¬nally settled with he Dodgux or nboul $245000 alm lhrenlmlnz out lhe year rather flu km or loss 70minute mm referee Jam 9109313111 Barrie III to the lead after may five min uhes Midland reacted by ap plying pressure and Hielr zl on paid of with the equalizer just live mlmnes la1er by Hermann The remainder the Hm hall produced some close range plays in the goal areas and bmh xoalkcepmmnd plemy ol work deceaeda you who km arm and mum made no mis take wim the tree shot The emuive heal took It loll In the mend half and play was slower Midland managed to take over the lead in mar 15 minutes When Stein lwnd In opening cxt Saturday Jung 11 City The game was completed In in time before torrential downpaur came and breed pmtponemml at senior game between Stewarts and orfllia Next leagLe adion lonlxm when Simme Own collide with lumeriabman II 700 Both chm have rm and my will be after sole occu pancy first plan in me six eam leaguez Scare by Innings Clarkson Ill KBl Wesa Bend 011 aux1 hamnan McFadden and Dykstrn Caner and Harris City Again visit hronlo runnioi For Clarkson Don Amus con nected or double whil Dld Forbes John Webb Bob Cheeseman JAY Dexaria Ind mbman added singlu Th lasers only run was mourned With one out in he ï¬rst mm Forbes was sate an throwing mar charged to third baseman Bill Bertram The Nan Id vnnccd to lhlrd when an lemMed pldmfl as by catcher Harris was wiid Webb then sent thc run hm with taul Iice fly walk At Harri collate another tnticld stnzte tn tbs sixth and scored tha thtrd West Bend run with the hdp at Ill error The other hit was single by Bob Denney UNEABNED TALLY lnlrmuanu bum IV IrlJIL All 119 llIrl mm hm Jvlmny um Mm Oulmwn II lluu CAM Illnn Vunlar thumbs mlmhhhklhymd unï¬t Way II 1me km with null Ind II fur 74 mm OHMWA ICI Hnlalkl Iran Ivy llm 0mm nwm Amxumn Mnmlny nlLlvl dww Tvuy 1le 11 quum Ilnhnm and hla mmw lmflhrr hlmny luhwmzh Janina In In lhlvhml pull In lu Mun win IMvy Italulml In lbw HIN tflmlllil Irnnl hull or Ihnu avn mm luck lmuu Ilm M11 lull lrmh llw lmluo with in mm pp ml ï¬tle mm mm lmMin Hkhnm IN HUI 7v mm 11 rain Ind ll mu league In 10M and 1m has owned nmlnt lmd lhl season He lillnl N1 nvemxo Iva Imrn Mull 35 by 01 lmlnu ll hlL kl 31 flu In lnsl kl 511mm mnï¬manm nullimnu mlvmwvl 1mm 1mm plan In the manor up mullnn Ill pirlml up wlnlx or 31 wk ycarold Cu 111 whn hits enough or hm guys while playan or Minnesota Wins in In KW millm Only Ty Cobb put owner as many as lhrm AI mm In mminn Ila mm nine dum ponllln mm mm lhmldl 1915 and look lhc llllc lhrcu Emu In raw 1917 through 1m lkmus Wagner aim mushy nnd sum an1 hnvo been It only National Lemur Ila mch All three mum ym mm Ildinmn II nlhrr all hr NM nnlem mndv Alixme me with It Wnl lle ML 11 mlm In JIJ become the second plnyu In Amalcnn League history to in mm mmcullvn balunx Lilla The cal rlmlul Tod Wil Ilams Jne DiMaggio and olhu Al sum Davis Brothers Top Sr Points Twins Oliva Chases Third Batting Title Sample display he moi Victory from last falls hime muss was recognized as Bame NM 01110an hdd their 156566 athletic awmx ouvn 1m bauii rhjmpAln Nurm mini wanna yaw Averng um rpny FRED ERICKSON and Tim INDWIDUAL and team per HONOR NORTH ATHLETES NH CANT WIN NORTH HAVEN tII AW me Tmllno hind lhm quiml pm ml hm llmn nrmmvl 1m ma rum Imlnx nw lln VIIII In NIH Mrully In Mn had bun uolm mm wxunmm rulmnmmu MPHML mmmln anml lurlny Iramn lulu rmlinml llwhy nm mu Allm mml mm Aim flaw lalmu 5n=uar1mn mum um um hhl mum Turnlay In mmwmlu NORTH MY Criqllm pln mmmmw ha Norlh rm Mmm Inlay Ammum Jnnlur Imlhcm group nay all My Irnmn m1 mum to Um Imam or IM I907 mum lane ll mpmni NMUI my Tmmwn Saul Sun Mnrf ï¬mhmmda Smilmry him anm Fnltvmlxhlnn Nullvn Saul Mk1 Hummfln ID111M quin will the 01mm Mud nla ml open Oct My wth than In 19M nml Hm mm linnl Ill be plnynl Mmrh Hf The nah II MlmluYnl Maid 1le wolh ll ulnrwr WIVKIHH In ulny KM 00min Imr llsltld dantmlnn In M14141 min Marlin Am lhv mth 0h Inst Hm arm Nun In mvl am pm ll Mn mmvlon warn In MnnhNII try ml rt no mvw II Km rlllw In Irnnw Pittsburgh Pimlu dominnle he anlonal League balling race Manny Mom unï¬nqu to set the pate although hln aver age dmmml so palm ms Mnuy Mm nnuhn Iimlc movul up one place In Incond at Cm Flood St haul 5Tan lhinl place on gain palm NV 123 fourth at 109 follownd by rookie Rick Reithflrdl nnmhtr Angel 302 Thu liguras Include Sum days Kamcs tho 51mm llm Fir1m was mmlhnr ho hum Ha Five To Return In North Circuit mm ï¬lm he 5cm tea ndmriwd am mway lo the Gomgian my tide The local WQWMH day Hen displaying heir sil verware are the autumn buy mm David bewison Jeanette Jamey Hamming rm MM In flu mud madlnq thln ro qINN Charlie Dressen Leaves Hospital DFTIIIOIT AWDrawn mu mic Inlet man nIIOnn DI mm mm mam mum 1va mu was dwvrï¬ll Mm My MI willnl hm WNLI All hm mvwl mm at lnrll llvml hm ha Inn mm Imml mm nm In nan1 llLw Ilnlpl And hwyw Mr nail NV 11104 WMW lull Mull That Wm erl Mun MM mMnliml nmnlmr NM mm will an qwrlmy umm llw IIIl Wm marl nunu lUch Allm ILL dolphin Phillim unwlxndui vldnry aver $11 Francisco Glnnll with ï¬nale um lnx double And his Hflll haunt Mal unmm My mwvriuliiémnln 3d climbed to math MI 11min pltkup lo 527 Sargcll has hit safely in his lad nine Umm 131 and is within one of him lha NL record or cmuuvo Welles Ins utek rum Drunk llhxflm Cldmxo Vhilo 50x mphqu mnn Plum wlm none ml ln 1h nixlh Iminl m4 lha Im haunt hm tn Ml Inn 4mm play and um Hm Mal II In nln mlulna In in ml dan Hm Hun thy mun uul Hank Anmn nl AUanln con tinua lo load lhe N1 in hm mm with and runs halted In with 40 Olim In tied wuh rookie Gnome Sm Iu the AL hmne run lead with mm Ilroolu flublzmu remained on op In mu with mi mow lhnn pmer awaxd or Junior Girl basketball OhmInna Blgelow with the Georgian Bay cham pionship trophy for Senior aw vofloybdL trimmed Midland for KIM my IN 101 the overall uué Examam niéméi BALL STARS lww Ilmfl IXl Ikrun ulw Iumulnl hlwulmflmb De Schwrpiacea iEuaxii docked 16 mph or 49290 yargs per milMe avgrage Plaza Nmmmrket Elmvale Stewarts Oï¬llla 5ng windLmd raimlmms played havnc with Lhe weekly competition of tho llama Pis eon Racing Hub number of bird were 1051 and the in niygumaumvmslgw The race auradod Inn with ma cum 121 pia eons Henry Allisons loft man aged the runnerup slot Mimi De Schepper John Mar shall non Scisling and Brian Man following Lu lehln Score Grim al Swwafla ppd Burna Gum Wednesday Elmvale at za 700 Newmarka at Stow arl mm Inn515mm Simone Coop Consumers West Bend Borden Glaran llm unmuwmml mm In mmtlse mince um Rnngm Im le in In Mk1 Iho nx rluh lemma IMA 1mm nflnr PrnnciA rrplnml llnl Sulllwm math d1 umkn mm the 53gan Iha mum 1mm mm mm madly Inn much hur lumh Imlmh III Tomfln Mk IINI NH Ful Mml Do lmil Ilul Vmu Mm MEI rm ml mammnwh mlm In NIH HMng liRNWInflr IIIl GIL lwn MM nlllwlnl Iuhtluwl valny wllll lruwlt M14 IV In mvmlnd wll um mt rm ppm mutim quv mu ml mm WI mm In NH mu Mull HQ hnmii ml at lhwrh mu mm per ml vrunrr Nul mu MI In puk um Dennis Higflm linaliy has crashed Giicago Whiie Sox bullpen and Knucklchail flow may never be lhe same again Higgins fastball pilcher who won job this spring on bullpen crew daminaled or dis past three years by knuckiahail ers Eddie Fisher and Hay Wil helm lassm four perfect in nings Monday night compieking 51 victory over California An gels that slrelnhed the Sox win ning weak to live games wyearoid rookie spent night sum in the minors ihe in ï¬ve as miiel spajal isibelore his impressive show ing in spring training and an Injury to 42yesmid Wilhelm opened um gala when Wilhelim racmrzd the middle inset on his pildilna pand Higgins was tabbed Io course irEn Guiana to ERITEE bird ywnqd l7y 01d Thursday Plaza Nowmar in mm Laul NIMI Scorn West Bend Clarkson Fun Game Tommi Coop HYPJElflv man Hm Wuhcsday Come Bank 1500 druiayImpmnmnn th knd 10m Borden at pr mt manslau Emlla Thu Cm Hnntls rl wa Yuk Hamlm Inld Monday will mumm In mach Hm anlnnnl Hockcy anmm mm mum Tho rhthn umlmillul mo ml unvlrr Hawk 516 11m iflllvnn mu xllslnilml Um he Ilnfllirn um mm wllh 5105 wk hm In numml um Jack imlou mmv mm Anl umld mmml mth mm wny ulwu mi mrr In mAerIl IIuHMJlm Mn um hmmng hath JIM cm IIHHI lelrr mNoll pldun ha Mllrv nilunllm TWO flIlllJlll By DICK COUCH Anodued PreuSpam erler lbw14 mil th THE BAlullE EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE EM Francis Returns Rs Blues Coach Chisox Higgins Relieves Well Storms Impede Pigeon Racing HW YORK AP Gem lNiERMlLDIATE SOFTBALL SENIOR He has made 11 appearances all In rellel and unwed only live and runs in 25 Inning for 130 ERA whileslriking Higgins replaced winner Juan Pizarro Monday night with one on and nobody out In the sixth RETIRES LAST Higghu germ Adcock this ï¬rst man he faced to rap mm double play mum the last lo hitters er protect ing Pizarros fifth Vida In six decision and the Sox 11 mo um ln Lhcixj last games ln ha mfly other games sdxeduled Washlnmn Senators dipped Baltimore Orioles 55 despite pair of humus by Frank Robinson and Philadel phia Phillie downed Sun Fran elm emu behind ulnar £11 in alongside Fish and Linkexï¬haflaqb Locker OSHAWA CF Sansllel remmad Mmday lat tho luniur uric show Jim Pnl Iersm Hnslinu Imginnnnlru the lending Individual water wLh 51mnt910 5045 and league mm nnisla Gum Pawlm cl Oshawa In blooded Mohawk In no ond plan with Alpinn on Jun Grid til wing to lown 11 third place will poinu nah 1111 he 15Iny xlmhlul 11 Mnmlny hmmw mllnuinl ler with hu mm mm 37 mer mllww bu pllrhnl only hm Lflnlnm In DI Ml mmUI duo tn man llmml Ilimnml lmltlv hll INI errw lln In Its one two three and youra out the old ball lame as as Intelrational lustre manre Augia Guglielmo Ls concerned Manager Earl Weaver of ma Red Wings ound out the hard way mu we mid edgedï¬olée Mua nan Allohelll and Weaver darted arguing with GugUelmo during ourrun Rachesm raLly alter two wen out in the ï¬lm with hm an and SleveDumeler km Weaver wm into his din linx 11¢ but helium Um FORD DIRMILED NEW YDIIK AP Whitby le Now Yuk Ynnkua uh In ldlhnvuhv Mam nu hi1 dul nn him pm time allowing ï¬lminning argument Guglielmo ï¬red sweepan llm plate dean also tossed out Roducsler mach Jae Allobclll but made no diflcmlco to the Wings who downed the league leading Columqu Jag in other Milan Tommie Maple Leaf tripped Jmkson viUe Suns 21 on My Rohrn ounhit pinng podonnance Tommy Amnu twomn homer in the ninth gave Richmond Braves viclony over Bull lulu Binonnapd5fragma TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS IIIOM WI 1m whxmnzwwmrw Patterson Tops Junior Scorers Torontos Rohr Masters Suns By THE CANADIAN PRESS lac Ella ï¬rst mkivr féiï¬ue ROYAL RESERVE WWW 756 iorbys immer Hill Skowrnns second 01 the season and run scoring single and sacriï¬ce fly by Flay Robinson gave Pizarro an early cushion against the Angels Till Chicago southan iircd hm ever in the filth and Higgim cage of to wrap it up 112 Sermon snapped out gama losing string as Frank Howard drilled three run homer and righlhander Phll 0r tega weathered Robinsons blasts or his film victory against two losses yielding Iivu In all Ed Bunkman also homcred or Washlngton while Robin sons pair gave him the Aznerh can Leazuc lead with total of Wm completed his ï¬lm gamc ln Ihe majors scattering elm hila and tanning aim Ginnl the Phillies won or he sev enth time In their last eight Giant was an easy winner of flu National Maxims player at the menu ward for May Mui dul who had six Victoria with out idea In May ruched of the Mu om PLAYER 0F MONTE CINCINNATI AP Pitcher Juan Mariml San Franck only mqgmm mu pctcgugi mm Allen and Tony Taylor backed Wise wiLh homer and Allen also had run noting double and single Demeter minied at the ba cars box Mmbu pitch W11 bur Wood hurriedly throw and mum and players Jumped bad luloposiflon his in time to run The Bison look he lead the first inning on Mayl three run homer and led 41 mil 1° mum of to lar this mourn Mi weak to six The lo To chox lourlh in xii niikamiein 61 lowed with his mu humeral Ruhr mind 15 in row at one rend and struck out ninl In Handing his thild victory against tivelosm or Iha Izall Run scoring sing by Owen Human and Bob Sadawskl won an Tmnrnlo eighth But Richmond scorci mm on Clincs single Boauchampn triple and ru scoring gmundcr by Ade Gm mu Vince Ferguson singed at mmnd in the ninth to ml he may or Aaronl home run Pandno iimnra hit home in he third or Syraouse InJ it turned out to be the margin viciory In An iodienhnusen 91W ï¬ï¬x INVITAHON ANNOUNCEMENYS ACCESSORIES COMMERCIAL PRINTINU DEPT BrldrITolt Draw in Ind HR at your ll rulxlrr THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE 7MB