Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1966, p. 6

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PMELA INESON MAXWELL Blue and white streamers decorated the Willow Room of the Continental Inn for Royal Victoria Hos Iaiinl School of Nuxsing Graduation Dance party held asi evening Carrying through the theme of the juriy Blue Heaven individual vases blue and white carnation centred the tables which were placed in cabaret style around the dance floor Decorations were in charge of the social committee of the Student Nurses Council headed by student nurses Miss lrene Jackson and Miss Barbara hirner mesh were received by Din ulnylor Margaret Ann nxrner eciar Nursing Miu Joyce Ar Jenny van Arrazon Virginia deil and her escort John Kel Walker Peggy Weples Juno lough Hospital Administrator Watson Geraldine Woaihcrhcad Cameron and Mrs Cam Arlene Wilcox Janet Desor emn Mr and Mn Roas meauxi We WEAKnd mm mm Uon Mn Mamwétm Mr Johnston Dance musk mm to was pmvidbd by the Barrie Central Collegiate Dance Band Guesu indudad number of auésu mama number at dag in cluding their mm Am Ind MOM year mdcm gradual nurse on stall at the Royal Vicmrin Hospital and mu doc ims wll corlupleled melt mommy schooling together and went on to enroll in lhl mm Unl verslly hnve received Bachelor degrfie rum lellc Iha yang mm at an grad uating class wen rues cl hun nr the nocaxlun and made In enchanting night they were whirled around the danca floor In Ihciy length Emu emw of Western 0mm ng dnss 66 Include MLssu Mary Agar Dorian Andison Peggy Hatter Shuon BulIen Faye Car roll Cam Chute Judith Dav Msun Kulhlccn Dool Elaine Frauds DInnne Game Donne Green Glenna Hardy Multan Hackeq Marlo Arth my Ellen llowcs Donth Hughes lnmndn Jdmslan Shhlay Lalole Daynlrlo llncDougMI Anne Mak aon Mule McConncll Marlon lAml Cami IIullm PEOPLE AN PLACES Slmon Quaril imilh Mr and Mn David ndnmm nu dim Mlmlnz wit wrinzn nl HumI Av um linitnl mm gym3 whim Mn win firm 1mm ygmw jagughgwfig ml eri Anns autumn Func Blue Heaven Used As Theme At Graduation Dance TO RESIDE IN TORONTO FIVETELLOWSTUDENTS TO TAKE UP TEACHING Central Unizédmmch incluch cuui in dly attending 0W3 Wink Mn an Mrs Rand and daughter Greta Mr and Mrs Alec Cowdcn all of Novar Mr and Mn Carl Ccmlen Dlane and Jim of Sudbury Mr and Mrs Don Cowdrn and daugh tcr Domu and Suzanne 01 Parry Sound and Mr and lllrs Harold Camden of Mldland Mn Pamela Imam Max well daughter of Mr and Mn Edwin lnnsnn Sunnldnla was nnmed on the Deans Honor RolL She has accepted position on the teaching mu EmeryJunInr High School in Veshm Miss Jane Ough WEDDING GUESTS 0N VACATION Hay Dulour WorsILy 5L be holldpying in Ottawa and 5W4 durim his two weeks vaulion WEEKEND GUEST wenkend gum at the home 11 Major Ind Mu Ray Henry was heir Ion Rodney De lroil Mich He is urchulnx men or lenldo oclri Co DelroiL Mr Ind Mm Thoma Hula wood have returned Io Dryden after visit wilh relatives and Hands In Barrie Toronlo and Bell Ewart JUNE WEDDING and Mn Maurice an Ible Onlnrlo hm annmmc fln hkbgmm Mr ml Mr ml Mu mum Jnlm lhhmn ll RH IN WI Ml Mkth ll llu ultmvm lwnmw na nrw Iyml wit 5qu 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ee nlvmlrlzl hrldll ehowen bridge pmlu toman el In purlIn lrlvellen and VII ltan III llelnl nl Interest to under el hie pm Your help In mplylnx lhll new wlll he gully Apprec leled Plun phone The lhrfle Exemlner 7366531 Ind uk lnr Eileen Dlxnn or Audra Caulson el the Women Den putmenl Annual Exhibition and ule will be held at Memorial Park at Brachridge on July 15 and 16 tom mm lo dmki Exhibit will oaiura nil paslcl Ind wa lmnior paintings iulherwork driftwood ceramiu onlhevxpot portraiu carving copperwork Imanila waving vaciry And mlik NEWMN ADM Hmfland MlNW mud molhm unlm pmlumd In la rnl hurt that putting lwv do In bud law an 1m an ARTS AND CRAFTS Thu Muskoka Am and Craft It pm Maul member rl lho In Ila Unlvmfly Wmmnn Chin lnvlnl Hm nnumwm Hulnn nl nnlmnco ha Clnnrllnn rumunn lYnlwnlly mm hrh ll mG Univtnlly Tumnlo 1M dlnm mukrr on th Iwrnlnl n1 Mny 27 Win Paulina Juwcll hmvmly dmlrmln rl mallle lnllllul lrhum Qmmn Huiwwily aml lonnrvly Mun mlln Inml lnr up riding Nam Inllvnlnnll In her lnlk on ll lflklll MIIII innitT Dr hvwru NunI Um MIN um Iha lrnml mm am mm prmaml In nrrrpl mm In 0qu ml Ilnnu nuUerIy In Minr Him wan won Wham qlucruml urmlua lhp nomina llnn pnhllral rmrlulaln ml hunllp lull mumnl Ill Illwvhnimllnn mm In mm In palm lllrrvan NUT VAR JOII IYr erill 1mm UM it won mul In IIIIIM In dumb mummy am at Imgh Mn mu mer IIMO ur IN lmlrilmu bar llm mama Huey AWN Dum Mvr In in lIvnmL Elu my slnl um wmmna nmnlu Ilnnu ha ha mumm In Ihlu maul ml In In Mp than chmm nl preju Former Woman MP Spealés At CFUW Conference LINDA mmu MARY LABKIN DOLLS IMMOIML An nrrmgemenl ol blua And whita carnation ccnlxeki the head table at the First Barrie Guides Mower 1nd Banana banquet held Nuily Parish Hall on mired illfling meme the all Sehqal mg 9m 11 $99 umber Miss Mary mun dunner at Mr and Mn Gordon Larkin ol Grovc St wk reeelvzdhg Preth Frenle haifiameizlea p051 tion with the teachinz its 01 meme the all round cord whlch ls blue and while blue lawn and blue decorafinns layer placed on whlle tabla HONOR GUIDE The allround cord presenta lon humime ha banqutt Guido Vern Miner receivad the award which was presented by Guldn Capmlll Mrs muse Ems mmd Wm Bullwch luvs unnuml the Intumnflnx mun Mn ler mater Lynda omr wam 54m Barrio Awards Presented At Guide Banquet mum Ofliux ml Grunge Northmu Ian Mr and Mm Arthur Cflmm Norlh dku ulxlinu whlch will In lisrrimlnnllon munllng In cm purmu In makn nvnllahlo lim ll wnmtn who would um wrll MI puhllc myth and not kill Au gm nvfly lhr mm um 09 wlnlnl umI Includ nl Allan lluvnlvlqr me In It In Till1m mmle 14 nlvrvlly v1 loo Nnel dlmmlnn on 11kth Vva at Womnl Ed ucnlinn was llm uluu rnnrrvrnu on be mnmlnl May Wlnrunrd Adlnl Dun the Hmul r4 Gradual Mud hr ll lixltwlm mum Iorm Phhlm din lnlvmlly Wmmnl Wm Nnrlh Ymk and mvuluo WMhan III unlly making or Ivor mum Me Al Um Unlvmlly Tmrm ANTJ IIIMUMION llm lbumu Ilmll mm Ilw unilam urlnun Am In wmimmm IIIv llVItMlIm th unlnllnr Mqu the ma llwl wmmm Ilh mildrvn VIIh Inl tn wnyk lmunl poxlgwlu 11mm Thu an waiuvamm mum Kn swim 1w mm nl um wkhinl pm Iimih mum 153nm mm unapmw In mu Other Awards presented In Dr and Mrs Franck My THE BARRIEEXAMINEIL SATURDAY JUNE I966 T0 MARRY IN BELLEVILLE the Lam Smut High Schoot in St Cathartncs Mts Cam Ednnmds wzhter at Mr and Mrs Edmunds cl Le titia 52 will take up residence In Brantlml when she wtll be teaching at th Brantlord Colleglate Institute guides Included Miss Barbara Loy its class Margaret GU liland second ch55 Barbara Laundreu and Link Home Swimmer badger were won by Kuhn Hood Joanna hm luvs ANN LANDERS Wool NurflnK Hold Dim Hva Kingmn Fo Nunhovtr 1mqu uus spring from rho Royal mumy mm Darwin Kingston The marriage win aka plan at 5L Michula dlrrrh Holly ML Rm grmlmtg nlSL vim Jim nclock llmn Iludy when Ruhr un Ilma Aludmu Ira tnhrlnl unl mlly In Aurh number mm In mm pmNbxm In armnm xllllnn Wmmn uric lnhl Hut hty mm be Indy cnmmillrd mum or mm Invohmmnl MKH mum mnly nml no final lw in Man wilh cm MM ml BIIZAKH AT LUNCIINON Speaker at he hmdwn on May an my Mn UHHIP ZFUW VtHrMan or On dun Vulwmrm lirlmllml Inn Unlvmlvy Smllmry uhm 10W luurnmlr nr Im anm lndny mm lulu lurk muhllu cl MAIL mind nnvl will fillrh mu HM um mfllml luvle whirl Iml with In mum old Mr mkllamo In Hm Mal Uul Inn wu mm lurrvnl lur dulldnm WM II umInn lnr owwa In In happy Ila lmwy lm plur nhlmn mwmillz hu NIl Indml lhrlvr vawr nl Ill nun mumm th many Mun uwul with my Ilkrvhlnl rlnnlirm 1nd IMan The rnnlrvvnu mnrlwlal will mml MI lmhwu Imlnn All Ihidl Ihl Unlwliv Wuv nmn All Pvllh Ilk Inn Matsum 01 Dear Rudcm Frqm Lime go Former Victims Help Fight Bottle Battle mwmm mmmm My Eww mm 39mm éveiyoae Pawm Gal Gauthier Sandra Smith Margo Hamilton Ind Elaine Little who also receivad he muss b9 Religlnn and We badges were awardcd to Sandra Bishop Mar ilyn Elshop Barbara Lay and Ronnie Melsnn and will be ob daily pmennd Clutch Parade Margo Hamilton Joanne Pap pln Knrlin Hood Margaret GH Iiland Judy Pekln Gail Gauth ler Athlete Joanne Pappln Karlin Hnod Margaret aim lland Keep Fil Margaret Gilli and irst Aid Sandra Bishop Marilyn Bishop Jean Perkin Wcmy Anderson Karen Nixon Mary Jane Young and Baflmn Ley Guild Care Mariiyn Bish Head table guests included Mn Ivan Gracey Division Cpmnfisslqngg Mrs Gail Bol lan District Commissioner Mrs Burbidxe Bmwn Owl Fin Barrie Braw Mrs Selwood BrSWn mary Pearce cut Pringlc Cnpmin Mrs Russell Emcs Archdeacon IL ma Mu Read Mrs Duckworlh Ran ger Captain and guest speaker uho are fighting and losing Ihe baIIJe at the home to let mlde Min have recom mended organizations that alter help and have most lrcquently nmllnmd Alcdwllu Anony mous and the National Council an chémouwn Both groups are indcpcndenl um prom orgmzauans that am not only the almhnllc but also his family Since nkohol Ism has reached vpidtmic pro portion In this country must now be magniqu for it is major hmllh pmblcm Many almholics Im sure un reimmm in aim um mi Mu hm hay will not 13 warm remflon because they arc nsfugrioqgobosgmnngw they Mr Her mmlal Mallh adviser wanlm ol the Ohio Maxillary Sn Columc bus me an article ram an pmmdald which he re ochad rmnlly mm the anus um Hm are me tmmu It may uivo mm of you In on tmrnncmcnl you nmi to and um 5m muting Mulwfim on Dmdy They um dmmml ridic 0dV dmvml Mind and led by Mr lmd Md lmmllea 111g um loinMu ahumd and mm by tho puhlla nwy amulunul ml alum by mu chknlrlsu The lmnl mes plmd Wu Ilium Ilu about than and hmnlm Wm They pmnduod la and prayed om by dusty YN 11 Ihh Inuit IM no mm on tho nkflhnlkl drink Ina Hi My mm MIKE and mnlm L1 Um Mlle Tnm ha 1an mummwp MI hmu run his Madman flm he find MIAIO In rdan Iznlml Hum who Inlnnxu in Miami hln twill In llw Mull Im hula at In anmry rrlmso Imm MIA war mu mu For Um mmInn ma V5 lillfl lrmflnvl bit tlm It dmwuh him time Mn mm In Itll wwl mi 11m hll hm lumlly And HI HNIIL 1m Um ulnth Nu Ivlwr um de nmuLI In Milo 1mm hin In Imvy grmim h1 Jul luv ma nl Huiu rnnm hm AA marl mv lm xlmh muwmxln ll Mu lily Mum wllh h1 lmolhm Mum um hi Minluau nlmo wim Ill warm Ixn thlln flu Inur WVan 1h LI lulth Ivy Id mniu Mrlmuw ulna lml minim tr mmmmw this In umwhinl In my mu lwnnm nfivkhm In mum ml rmm ll in In all lIllIn may run Um nimlnHv url Hm mum in runo Mllny ml Innlrnlhn 11 II Im Nu the nu man of mum 54ml nm MM wlllml MfrI In Mu In Nvum JIMK mWA In hit Mirwa uilll Inak nl Imudm mumm wouu all or 33371137311 lotionsI5 ELM our ugwhatpm you do mm unburned house blister utmtcmyoudonhomanmhnnedham and peel palm Perhaps you should dlw by AMANDAle LUMBER FUEL CONthCHON 49 Na In Barrie and lee their lno ulceflon of Make Siding Hwy are the fleet me In distinctive design brim mm your only raw the advamaxea are dmxgth weather lblllly long lile cvmplm line of Almnlnmn siding i1 unmaon mo Credit term can be arranged SKTISFAGIION GUARANTEED Ml Just one ol tho rem vhy more people shop at he FOOD MARKET on theBrmwoodeJnAngm WMMWMAamu mrammd to please my rmrkqlgle Pavixggg 0m Belleva mm mm umvl me delightful feeling In shop wnh he kind of midcnm AElevesyvunIndmlshewedaflymolmanwnuy lend prime qmmy mean available an Yunnan be sure of gating only the he quality 100 mmflced N0 SMALL WONDER me andmnvpewle met4mm Ind just flu dampen mm all ammd hook Im lirst quality elearned mum Hum aw 39mm DEPENDonAlkflFOODMAWHJelmMMWE THE NEXT BEST THING To BEING THERE yes de phone has Income an lndlspensible mvmiema AN ABSOL UTE NECNITY How many limes hava you mixed important telephnno cal because you were out or your no was Hod up Itlhishasbeentheuseumhymmwilhmmnnm ANSWERING SERVICE and discuss flu serving whim Hwy offer mmfilwwymaln£edsmefiaxfiahmwm5er WNHIMGIYMWUGWMIWWHHIWHWJMIM telephone like eat watches M1501 Teleplme mom REMEMBER THE OLD RAIN BARREL Altar every rain all the musewlte would go out loaded down will pails lo retriev md carry me proclous nubsunne bad lnln the home Rain water lswamInlupurestlormallermeramlnsmakedlnmllw earth ll ls immediately hardened by email morals the den 01 hardness duerrmncd by he mm of calcium and magnesium dissolved by the misure droplas Sc ll everyone were to Invest In rain banal mm lherad be no CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING my have really dont role min loo many raln barrels sitting on front steps or patios Beside CUIJAIGAN WATER wNDmONWG ls so very reasonably priced and so very momdevil Tele phone your fCULLIGAN MAN Mr Men 7734181 HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF GOOD TASPEI WW rela tively limited budget but love no fine line of hm hm nishinzs you can make the mm limltalims Pufmps youv limilpd space in which case ymlfl nctd expert advice Ynull End the people who can dn this with great dam and Im dispnwl goodtasie and kmwledge Al the WILLIAM LOWE run NITURE MAM 201 Dunlap St We in Harris splewdld shop Inst becoming legend in our um and all Imund new travel last and the fine mume and co ordinaling services done by them have resulted in shark cesslml of referral mm one happy manner In lunar SLWMERY TEMPO at THE FABRIC SHOP to Mar Barrie Once Igaln havn mkon with that dmnntnz and en lhushsdc lady In Robertson its tells me that the indie around our lawn are looking to the simple cool but my analt coth the one mm pack easily and Wm wit In and cipnuon this trend Fabric Stop has his remind magnificent shipment Am LIBERTY print tn dineran pattonu exclusive with them tn the area north at Toronto For those wndmul sport clothes my love an wefl autumn FODHIIS denim and satin dwhm Itan simxksldn Hoyu ta nuhhy 1mm the added touch L1 that they hava them in solirb and patterned matuiah umnplctety mkxumdmtrd have all expm lh annoyance of In IIlO Meakdmm lsni it mid lhal lime nui of 10 lhis radium man on deserted mad About 20 mile 1mm muhcrz Even more vexing however is when you walk ten miles lo lhe maxmt home wnlm Imlhomipnnismdplmullnwrvicemmuwmdlfi closch GOOD NEWS lhls cant Mppm Mum you call PAULS BA SERVICE STAT 61 in Barrie lhry have in twin mvlcc 1m another example of Ulc mrvicv and mmplcle mnsldemllon they like In give their msivnm Wilyanhisphonenumberdwnmmmdkcm ll right with your driverl 110cm ABAD sgmmyaapg Inppmqumgtjmgquothu CATS ON THE MOVE FIND THIS PLACE GROOVEI IHIUDTT RICHARDSON SPRING SERVICE 160 Vuer In Muir really plan can on the man should knnw nbouL You ME Ihcy are upon In um field of updmz mrvica and wheal mum Thoy use the famous Bechnc Muipmmt at 111mm Ind xood motmIsLI KNOW the Value of ml name mmcmbcr ll youre an lhu mom Mm Mlh hothy lrnvcuinl nndulbeurrmtnilumwmoarLIinMpwpmndi lion OTHERWISE TASTE OF THE GOOD LIFE Imflo Mm dma regularly Al Inc WE GARDEN 1351 AURANT now Lake or manta Um my rn mmm when MI in lruy fine nod but may pmud this drllnmlul rcalnumnl Hwy have ulmi In pas lltmg my rtndvrn that Um HIVle GARDEN nlm Iuprema Hm mmel ln Mdde rmfimm nnd banquth my uyndgrgqu varicd menu In plmm lho durum1m 1mmlhnmAIxmheonlaD1eluUmmmmlflrm mu In daunhl thlklrm loo mmmhle prkm Um ummphlre charming the Mrflco madam 10ch 191 qlcv 5mm xlrlm north Umh we ll ln brawl Shanty Day ltlrpbuna 711$th PIF2CMLLYFOH OIH by smiling helnlAruPa ymr 1irmurxmanflarflmeflfu1fmuptcyn cl llImM IlUIlY PACHLIA and her my tumble Mnfl In InrmuInlc Ihl Indivhhml Mm Uml nmvm lIw dqihdflminx mdlnu ml only nulnm mlmlng um ndflcvv 1h mmpINa your TOTALLY INDIVIDUAL IDOII IIuIry will um he 11 lllmt your ui Mm mlmlnm Ire yam Inf Um nhnl HUM BEAUTY MWN Dunlap nmlu For nwmmmni elrpMM TJrllll YOIIII IIIIII DIISII VF TIIE IIILVI SUMMIZII CARI In mrll Nm IIllln In Kaufman HIPTIIVI mulmuNl muud IIIIIr In ImI Ill Um mm Al wm 1mm or old In mr Dommlrm IIIIIvlm have rrmlod quhly wry mllndinu III Wuhahlo lIItfl If maul HM OIHINA In mIrulu nylon mm In mum Mun In pm ImrInp lnuqud rl mlnrl nmI IUIH HIM la hmr mr dink lml me mm 10H will mnlmnbln Aw MIMI My mm In Muddy IN nanm the nlnol mvy mnvu wfilh Ml Irlm NM Ink only WI WIIIIIIIZI My mmm mar mom mm um um 0F mUIISIiI WIIIIIIF Ell111 GIFT OF GOOD TAMH P0 MYASKFVJ lilmfl JEWELLEIH numn mmnmu mm HIM thly Ivl mil In Munrvrr hll MM INWM Hm NflMay nunlvrmvy lrmluallun rm In In mud Hum 11 fine mtulm nl rlyln Nu YrVIll or Ihldi Wdluu IM ht mw urll Imam llMun ll 1w wall pin UN Mnrhwm IAN uqululn varlhvy In Mm UWiLll Hmkn unhlml mm In MMy nl drulxm ml mum phn In Iilm mrzmlvu lm mnmm In In um uuilrvl why In amp Ivy mm miv mu Yam Al Ill lltwl Unit mm hullm Hull 11 HEW THIN ANYONE erl ll Mr lalm In lm luluEN IIIII 1M DH UM IIan Lilrlrnnl Imh AM pun lmk hm an In mum luly ll rmly awn mun wmr lmmh II llllHEl llnMN lhal up in mull hail MAITINI RENTALI KNIIIE have us mu Ilium unman mm pver mum Mnhlwlnln mllm MIHIIIUI pm In lmflim mmnhu up WWII h1n rlvan Ind plan Mum um Emma Mm rimh vmv lehfln 71H IWI vl Ivir Hymnn 51 I1 Ihmlvn In Ham 31113111 Enfim

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