Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jun 1966, p. 8

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Inlulnk ring In lnll tirIl ulihln Ihc lm luw dun 11w mwrIlyle lirld nu ma Nnynl ml MI wUIm wllh Ilul Mn mm III Um Amerlvan FM lull Inuuq M11 lmmnq In nlrnl Mny The Harm an Alinlnn my 2mm Hahn mnrxcnnrh mmxa WM and Vlnce Inm hm rnnrhuncrl murmur nu rhnnvplnn inen My nrknu Ixulh volrwl Mlpmvnl an Vnrk MIMI nrrnl mm vimkirk Im Goxnlnk lluxellnl lUnIlNllll nbwl In pmled Inlenl Ml n1 mtn Im drr contract or munn um nmtle In an lnlmrvivw Hull 15 NH rnmlw Mlu lintan lwudny mmlinui NEW YORK AmTho pm Imlbnl war moved clmr in lhuwdwm Thursday uMn ILla Rozelle conunlulnncr n1 ha leonnl Football beam lfllll Jum wnx concrrn In hnlh mm Jar pm loams about Xnmo duck plnym But Vern must lhlnk of msel first The NHL season ls long rugged Ind lonely grlnd or re eree The mental slrnln must be tremendous The NHL will go on wlth or wllhout Bulle but ll would operate just thnt much smoother wl referee hrs lnlegrlty and experience handling the games Im sure Camgbeil and Morrison would breathe sigh of relief if uffey decides to referee again ihis season Referees often make or break game and with seven NHL seasons under his belt now Buiicy has reached stage where he is confident and has gained tho respect of the big time players nui Its going to Ymvldo wonderful opportunities for hundreds of poo Its certainly going to make moredlobs or of icials and Its great chalch and lncen vo for players management and orllcla BUFFEY ALSO ADDED his view to the expansion of the National Hocng League In ilhelr pralée or BuffeyrCafipgéllmand Morrison certainly made it clear that they wanted this type of experlence to remain In the NHL And with expan sion just around the corner it wont be easy replacing man like Buffey Pro Grid War Near Showdown Buiiey felt he had his best year ever as referee He admiiied he loved the game and hoped to remain in ii However he sill wants more time before mak ing up his mind Porha he may be considering staying in hockey in snot er phase or the business asked Vern when he was in Baxma if he had something eisu lined up havent made my final decision yet he an swered Seven years is along time in this league No one knows how much it can lake out of referee He has to his up for every game and found myself hav ing diiiimlly reaching the necessary mental mi lude MORRISON SAID Buiicy has had very fine sea son and hogs that law months completely away from this kin of work will lead in his decision to re min as member of our officiating staff mam he had been advised by Buffey that he Bufiey was having trouble getting mentally conditioned for reler eeing assignments Cam bell advised Buiiey to take good rest and reconsl er Buffey was in Barrie recently and said he sflll hasnt made up his mind Perhaps the hockey season Isnt that far removed from the minds of play ers and officlals per hapsEufiey doesnt want another season 01 such mental strain Whatever the case he wouldnt commit himself Its almost seven weeks since National Hockey League referee Vern Hurray announced he was con slderlng retirement After conlmnce wrth NHL gresldent Clarence Campbell and reiereHnchle lcquy Morrison on April 25 Buffey deferred his de csmn mm Mum n1 Imw lllnl Imkn nnmlnl An hm MIMI um mum CONTRACTING DEPT VERN EUFFEY DENIS SHEARD lTD PAINSWICK ONTLBARRII DIAL 720396 Than ummn In both pro lenuun nboul lhn Idu non lmunz mmrnnn or ho hum um ll Yrtlcnl undrr contract at uplinn uld noulle In lod In would In urvinl two mmm 1M rnll Id mun MumA hum luck Illunllmm 11 lama duck phrm not lunlly 11 um llrnllnll In nmm who in Inldxlnl oul full nfler hr lm bun de lnalrd lur okrlhm Umlri mo toolbnll NIH tr mn Ilo 11ml ytnr hul Allll play with cum lha OWMIHI Kuhn hemmm rm nenI 1M Inwlnl Nny Thu II in Ilyin out mm ummn In both Tho InlnI ol Gogolk lmnhrd all min upon Hull AFL dubs Mil ollrwl NFL mm lulurn conlucln ll lhay My mu lhelr omlq Commluinnor Rozelle had 10 day In dlnppravc alter ma llltd 17m 10 day explrtd and Mull did not led ll In an IllXInyl Mu ml mmqu mum Rum mm mm mm nm Irma Lumm mum ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK Then came confer ence with Campbell and 0511509 Cagpheu said to Cup Butfoy made his first announcement after re ereeing game between Montreal Canadians and Toronto Maple Leafs first me of the NHL semlvfnals And in case youve forgotten Can ndlen went all tile way fake Varnother Stanlé II Aurora Luau Oxromnox mum mnu nu ma 5mm Munm MRRIE 600 Nwmarm now coke LMOHI om Tlmm Gummm at Aurorn NawmAerl 971d 11mm 1119 on nhm lad wllh Newmnflm And Namhum 01d Tlrnm Ill hnldLnl Identical ra IDldl ol one victory and lwa Ila Doldlodu but been gramlnm to dnlo with no In thin men of lo lam mnmu comm opt om IWr In alter three week ol com pemlon plly on home rounds Inln lomarrow night my hm fourthqflm Midland In we gm duh Fair Emit City mar 1m thalr first am Wednesday ev ening but orlunalely did no lose any ground In the New mumInd DIM Leakuol um dlvblan The defeat Al Bum Grounds It ha hind ol mlliury unit In In exhlbmon MINIY held in cordumlon wlm BurkBorden Week tha elfinfluh McFadden who was In vlc um 51 pile of unearned runs In no loss mesday qulckly made up or elfhim by kule mm the West End baum ll bay The winner Portslder Don McFadden div piayed some hl 18$ mm Karm last night he plldled Ind hit Glamon Hotel to de cillve 91 wln nvar new entry Wm Band Queens Park In Lhe mound hall the normed ale twln bill Slmcau twp ex tended Lhelr line mm by dump Inz Commen Gas In yearl Intplug llnldlur Barrie City Plays Midland Clty no hive sham Slabmen Shine As CoOp Clarkson Win North CoHciiate were hnnor ed yesterday with awards or varlnus sporu Adlluvemenla studenla BanJo DlerM NORTH ATHLETES AWARDED LETTERS Uuw Mralxm am or nhnre 01 in pine wflh Im trlnwlmmn bum up 60 and um lha Hm hm lnnlnxl hen Inumll determined MMHd Conulnm dxlvl Scorn hy ninns West Bend 000 Imlz Clarkson 340 ana ll DMD Mueller I5 and ur Iis McFadden nml Dykxlrm Vflmn lo dumr Canmmm In um nlmnm mum Mm In mo nirhum Cnop com blncd In tarly bat barn wml mlld pildxlnz tlton by Tcd Vllosn la dump Comumcr flt Thu ulnncr uh have run up Clarksan won the game be ora man an reurad nun crnll wnl muck an the am by puch and chk Form dmw walk McFaddm lhcn club bed lam blow venue pru vldjnu Ipfllcltnt rum For ch wlm scored onceJn he Iaurth And menlh le player mnnlzcd one Ml ench Gerry Melinda Lrlpled luau lhc Int more an Polo McNabb Bah Denney IIr rls Bertram and Dixon all thy mg nncclcd 15 113 mn double and Lorne Ann man added lwubmer om Rama and Ralph Dyk nlso xin d2 McFaddbn wns his own bl zesi Incl wiih neuperlcct nimt Ii iha pinie if mmd three limu including ma win ner drove acres ilve laiiliu with home run double md single Jahn WoUb singicd twice while Merv Hroicy erok 31 do gig gm Jay Starter Gary 1an sullcred the West Bend delesl He yielded Id but one the run and eight II Clarksun hill Th balk at he Insult was cmllned to I11 Hm two In nlnn the whmm paraded 15 men to he plnlu and duly bod levcn hm mmmn HITS The final outcome the comm was knnwn early as ha Howlmen struck or mm miles in the opening tame and our more in 10 mend They added an unnamed mm In Lhe Ill and gained an on reliever Ken Mueller In Um sixth yielded 51 base hlls Ind walk ed one mnn bu wu efledlve wlm his last ball selling dawn llmenon strikes Coup Mn elm Cresled Men were presum ed to 16 boys Shown how are the select graup Back 011 to right Dave Cun Inn cm me Outbu Am In In Ilsa 4n the MEL was mmlrxvd nmmlw chl leuun ndiun Sunday when ImpcrlnlAElslman and Cw up are mnuhcd In Irwplncc shouuown Gama time all Park also AI ACE1 BIGN WATSON QUEBEC UPIPM Mun hm tnr mam ul Amrrdcnn mqu Mm MlIn mam SuFAny lnfivilacc Dordéln Flynn host Was Bcnd ll Aruumcrs 000 10114 71 Cpr 72 1010 Lucky and Edward Wuhan Ind Nachan Loser Lackey manned lwa Connmmu hlu lntludlnz clulch leul lnnla In the nlx lh la bring home the Around And lhlrd runs Wally Kelmnnl Icventhvlnnlnz double led dlr ecfly In Connumn Ilnnl run Lends man Grenm Wlen Inlnod lwo mules while John Chmllo doublzd Ind Glcnn mug Ilmlcd WM xilurid queeu during the Hm nnlnz far the mend run Jack Slanshln dubbed lunl tworun hamar to centre In UK mlrd luauLina Coopl lend to fix runs Iller Martha Mken walkad Conrad Milaney delivered lwo Angle and Ron Schuck doBbch Alken Terry Hvdsson and Clarence mm Idded 911112 Hodmna Ml Wilson listed Lha sevenlnnlng dhunna and allowed men Can summ hill He whiffed 12 balm Ind Med five bases on bath Bab Lackey worked lhu mule In delenL Ht wn ouchA ed or hltn Consumcra never in nad 1mm from the early dwell LONG BLOW Lhn plan In um very 151 In nin and Imerled wim IoIId 40 land They added two In the thlrd before lb Gasman broke Wllsanl Lhutaul spell in Lhe Iourlh The defending lan gue champs challenged in the lam stage Wilson grew Mn cd lhcy managed two in the mm mm an enanded threat and one man in the uwnlh belara yielding Scare by lminzs Crook Brian Duignam Rick Cnuus Fred Erickson Tim Sample Dave Levan Front row to right DIV Oun nlnxhnm Dong Cole Fred Elmvale Glawarll Plaza Newmnrkcl 011an um NMMI orn Slewarll anmarku Fulur Glmcl SalurdnyPlun Elmvaln 6145 SundnyNcwmsrkel al Oril ll 230 Manflmwdllia at Stcwml 3130 Future Game SundayImpEaslman at Cn Op 8281 Wall Band at Dun den mum MondayClarkmn at West Bani moor WcsdayCnOp ll ImprEask man 100 SImcae Conp lmpEnflman Comumnrs CInrkson Wes Ecnd Borden Hams Ed Gigs Bryan Mo Lellnn Geny Quinn Absent Rick Stephen Dan Mklnmn am mwerland Dalton Cor bbu Examiner Photo mm mm 52 Clarksan West Bend Mp Cnnsumcrs SOFTBALL INTEMIEDIAIE Bull quning Mill SENIOR WHITEHWSE PRINT Ann SI Wulch lor ofhcr Ball Pllnlng Mlll In Sum 5p Ha For 1966 lhe 5min Tennls Club In acflon with roma Iicnal play luur nlzhu week at two lwcnunns The two ocuris Quecna Park are In use Tuesday and Thuniay evenings while Llnnx Park In med Sn urdays and Sundays Tcnnh lessonl condrnzllcd through Barrie Tennl Cub are unedulej to commence hr marrow marnlnl at Lion Park Tb adul sesslnn ls snlad or an mm start with second ary studznt grouped one half hour later also at Lions hir Lher Inhnnatlnn on these an be chIIned by contacb In Elizabehh Shearer at 0421 mummy mp wax the only balm on either side to show mg mmmguHe baud hall winm hit Stewarts leadofl haw Ron Raycralt awher naw man up WFWWW was Tennis Lessons Start Saturday floggarth Homer Tips Newmdrket 15 Tlflln CO LTD INlfll BRIDGESTONE MOTORCYCLES SALESJ SVEVRVV7CEIAND RENTAL 0F MOTORCVCLES AT BARRIE EQUiPMENI= RENTAL ANNOUNCING NEW DEALERSHIP FOR s429 lelled Quantity GII Rucmmundod For Ounldo Uu Raul All In the Stewm seventh Don Momsm moved aboard with an elm alarm to Ilast baseman Blll Golller snomwp Eve hen followed with clutch double Thu Stewarts win treated bhmw do for the lead wllh and cit rlml Plum nll win Keemvldér Whllo Boyd held Newmank9 In check his teammates warked in caving the onemu deficit The breakthrng came In the sixth Mien mamn openad with single alter Joe MAIIcy and Jim Edward struck out Hog germ found the range for the wlnlng shot HOSTS CHECKED Fmm his point Bwyd sewed down and silenced NI Nonmar ket bats He no mm dawn In order live Um Ind allow ed Jul two ol 51x has nxmm mt um base 10 £1 Mussz D31 5116 on up neon lharod the 11de plan Attack The hula struck In flu very In frame and clung to 10 lend for six Immxu Mc Knight led all leh ahxla and advanced on Laxy Dunlap rifico bunt The lead sum came across from Sturgeon twm double lea Ho aflsu armed the plnle with the tying mm Jim Timu Inzled and Eve dabled to algngwifh Honarm twmun Shiny Buy Rd 7261001 ITS EVINRUDE on Mn AVAILABLE NOW AT FOR FUN IN THE SUN SPORT HAVEN 7181110

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