an Gdden Ammsaky so mm me 51 the lndiamqnlll Motor Speedway mdusemrdliuosalandl time high prize list am my mmmhadmm SCOTLANDB Jimmy dark happily reulves mlnlahn replica of the Indianapolis 500 race dmmpionship mm The presenmlon was made yester day to ï¬ho 1966 winner It AW mammal speed we 15051 miles an hour fm the m1 unmpmad with 156152 Last year Se£lingle pace In inflae pale pusILm was xmimbmn Mario Andrew 26 no national drivinz champion mm Narm nflh 171 who finished third in his ï¬rst Sptcdway 51m last year He sat fourvlap qualily Worlds Top Drivers Chase Record Purse General Motors Parts are made to pro vide mnxlmum longlamina smislncuon reasonable pricol Because they mo dosignod and manuluclurod to tho sumo standards excellence as all original INSISI ON GENUINE GENERAL MOTORS PARIS FOR YOUR GM AR 0R TRUCK 155899 this year Mum Wyimpemylgm walhwmu amwd 150 686 mph F1751 1961 and 1961 Pamdlll Jams 1963 and Roger Ward 1969 Mid 1902 WILL CLARK REPEAT sham Clark 30 world driv ing champion 19m and 1965 win white he ï¬rst drive to lupus in sucmsive yum since the 1119 1311 Vukmidl in 196364 Duty hm othuns have done 11h1mmi use in 191748 and Wflbur 51m 198940 Andmu mm and Fm were mum 21 Mariam driving marmine can mumed by promo drlven muting by Jim Befl representative we srpqnsqra Clark wm be out defend umque 0h afternoon be won good position on lho first raw These and your GM engine are made for each other For like new performance replace with genuine General Motors Parts the Real McCoy are His 1965 winning med was 150336 miles an hour av enger Todays race marks Lha anniversary the Indian apolis endurance lesL AP Wirephow have Mrcyï¬nder super charged onth warm Billy Mar Vcha 11 start from Ihe fouflh row in Volted Oflclfnausar He qual Sï¬odhwlh speed 159490 mp Ho beoalne the 5m Omndhn Mywmqmlflyfwmem and was nmhg In nth place the mafia mark whim buntggter 5mm maxi him TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72324 parts on your car or truck they por form like now Next time you have your GM car or Huck in for sorvlco or repairs be sure you gal nonuino General Motors Fons Youll save with the Ron McCoyI 11 Leaf downed Brampwn their fourth vlcwry mum loss The lnmnph put Tomnw two pom ahead at We ifan in the nixloan ma CANADIAN mss Maple Dean new an am New 1M loss was the mend of QM weekend or the Brampton club which bawed 1411 to 3mm $31de THE mum EXAMDV MONDAY MAY 30 LactOSSe II eaIs Grab Lead Alone ingme 21 The viuxmy the ï¬rst the scum or Harnzlhm With hadnt my tr 3300 pm 51am wlule he lam was Ro mas ï¬rst in our ominu flu another Sunday cmtest kmnm Italia munmd ance in caahhalllnrazo viwuryovu Mme in Mgqu flamdwn playmgvbefom lmmKo md 2510 left it all to Dan Mchmdy who 91W upemd the noan mng uuwgh he ï¬rst heat Linshmg off hwy pass ing Nay whim Jdm Simpsun and Derek Sim Dcmnine lied Lhc Dave him Hamilton Primo Wins At Varsity early Miami hull Im header and McLardy By Tim CANADIAN mass Dcmaim gained 011 goal gn tomb Bijfm gee gun Paul McDonald Bus when and Al Abbott mu Md nd Wally Hum Brian War nock Bï¬anAlmrno and Ron MoNefl one aplece Bmmptnn Koals went to Bub HENa whh Bmgklln Satqnigy wit Law goals Ken 143mm and Dan Riding added lhxee eadh Dav Horslan sored two and Elmer Tran and Bob Hana one each Scoring or Brampton wm Spice with three Aflhur and Wayne 11mm wleh two apiece awe Bruce Wundesu Kan yummm and Julian Kawaï¬sld PoterSimpsan and Gemgin Pint sawed tar 1W hid 801 mm zmï¬hmdmg mm Nigel Sum More Momma crowd about 1900 516mm opened ï¬re scam and hwnlreal mixed damn three minbus late when Nevn Vnrvnn shot 0mm Sims out 01 posiuon But lmmboa Dork valdo Deana dave into 11 Goal In make the saw PM added the secnodhnll goal mom alter mmimg penny shot BRET HANOVER WINS WESTBURY NY 1A Bret Hanovu reï¬ned his winning ways wiLh an easy length vicWry lhe $3611 realinm pace at Roosevelt Raceway Saturdly night pacing he lllsmile in me min in 21 and adding 91 055 In his bankroll leading soccer tum an slowly lotmin themselves Into an unoffidal Inper lugue In their light or na tional and Eumpun mprem The 315 quads al the loam our divlskm Football luxue he helm Man chester Unlted and West Ham have mud on hentiy wing of Barman Fumes and dis covered that me and Mum lie with can die at lhl Entry to most in em Mental Wilma Involve winnlnz dmsde uwml Foam Association cup or theFoqihau Lune dsam CONTINENTAL SUCCESS or hsuncue With one Lhasa inched may successful mm then has passport or the Eu wpean Cup Ch 01p Wmnen Cupor winners cl national FA was lha Inter Cllles Fairs Cu or the Nations Guy The 1154 seam to get lqngu vegyear Xubrmanum are com sunny looking or new play ers Qostengflm weak um In their warm Mose with healthy bank balmoes can fozd buy Rely on the inhaler market TIME FOR SPENDING Annual muster turnover can rnnrhflo mmluu pounds Lam clubs scan other Mam WWI an eye an new mm and the lesser dubs maka hdly proï¬ts on deal will the glam no end some set wn is traditionally the Lima when flu ciuln play musical diairs with big money In voivcd Chaim anxious after defeat in the FA cup semi ï¬nal that Eurdpean chances may have been crushed has been spending money as though manager Tommy Doc Dodnedy print it him II sgnod Charm Cnoke mm or £71003 $216000 and bought back Co vanry player Alan Harri or Englands Best Are Super Soccer Loop pom CHEnglands Tendelngéi CONTINENYAL SPECIALTIES NEVADA WOOLS Wool or III nudl In colauu wslnhh llnrla Mlnnlll III WIBBS JIWILLIRY MONARCH REFRIGERATION India Ind TV Servln rm 1mm mulcle woolum Dr MI lludim nan Mull vumhlu rum mm nmnln In hulnm Killlnx llama qutr Suppl Cullinl and Wrnpplnl mnuo Cnrdl ll DUNWP 7282059 Modunlrl oun erchva 50 AbAMs MEATS HARRY SMlm Gonoul Slow lnr MlflAl VALUM nlumu JIIIIP hum In III amt Mum 11nd mum 0010 TV MIU 5L COOKSTOWN MOTORS HI 72H Mm WWE BU$8E mu £6500 Just months alter Harris left the Landau club tn norlh vra 535000 tee Harris joins hls younger brother mm present caplaln at Chelsea the me lime DMhBIW signed away lorward Barry Bridges to aspiring second di vision Birmlngbam City for 65000 lolluwmg negoiiallon on in big business level with rlval bids mm first divlslou 14mm Bfld second divislnn Covmiry SEEK EASIER SCHEDULE leenpool new league cham pion ready to stop inn Eu rope next year plans to put chase several new player or in Miami other teams like Burman veterans West Ham and Toll211mm Holspur which have not been dolng so well lately are prepared to spend upward of £200000 In regaln ulclr position The Spurs already hava pald mm or Qhelsea PLAY BINEQ peflarmeivlenVfvénables Enh week or 16 wrekl mm will be lllhle ll llle hIIIIlIur El an Ihll Idveflllrmnfl BINGO clrdl wher may III abulnrd HIKE CIIMLGII by Ilop plnt III la lhrlr pllra Inul nul Mm nth Ink Ihtre will lppur lhmullmul hrle Idvu Hlemenll lllnxo numbem Th llnl prrlon tn obllln lull uni mull notlry 1110 Blue PAL or ¢n no ï¬rth Humlner HY TELEPHONE to he tllbll lur lilo lnlh llllt linrh lurk II In ll wlllnrr lhIl Ianb II Inchled by HM ou mull hu ha urd rompleloly rumd to tllxhlr Ia Inum th nunmun quullon Int lh Cnh lrlu Gum 0n mm mm only Numhm um up nuouonnsun numsonnunwm Hum mum an 41 ILHL Nuxunno nnu1no unnummn II 120 PINKNEYS LADIES WEAR JACKPOT $3500 Kin SL Cookllawn Acï¬t III nuluuunl III he llllllvul ll hnl nuk Illl Fllh Int Mlm FII Tllloul 7K0 MIIOMAIIC TRAN 9an SICHVIKJ 24 noun TOWING moo lglul 4496170 mu MI MRS PINKNEYS LADIES WEEK Tar Thu Flnrfl Ind MM III anu Try 11 Colllur Sr BARRIE SEA FOOD uiJWIN THIS WEEKS dependable protection iï¬fï¬ï¬ï¬ila MERIT DOUG BEAN 1A SERVICE Call your MERIT agent ROLAND DOBSON NM All Leeds Anenal and Man dxcslcr UnflAd ammg omen have ï¬ve ligum sum In mind to drink ma player they want during the next low months Heavy league mnï¬knenu are proving hugbcar to NM ambitious clubs AILhough they realize they must phy at hwme they an angry becnuu owrcmwdmg domestic ix tures compeuuon data means ylzyers an no in peak physical condition may want league schedules to be rimmed so um ham has place it can con cenlfam on the competition The other clubs an unwilling to agree to dismpllon at he WNW which wnuld so mean less gale money or Hmm The Football League is worried that dangerous split my be he wind But as one manager mn menled Summing has got tn give and with all this money at shake you can be it wont be Europe Hwy 11 kuan mm lnllp Marlrim on Funny Ill Frnh Llh 51mm hllc Fill I91 PETER KLEIN TEXACO Tires Bauer Lubrication flpecllllxlnx In album len Tlflln EL 7154 Ania 71 anla llmll ISI upu MG ROY TRACY SALES nullm Cum AL lllnlnp IL HI 1mm BANBURY FOOD MARKET 0pm Mm In SAL In Sun un Dunlap NI ll Ann 400 GRILL GROCERY VARIETY In mum Ill Tndly or am Dtmamlnllon MACSW BAKERY HURON MOTORS AuthlvM IA Mnlu Tol 1287571 Klllor JEEP of Camd LM lulurlnl Flllor Ouun lmnll rmw NH WWI Repair MudI Ofllvlul Hunt mm 72H nml