Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1966, p. 4

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Walls Publlshpr Ottawas extmayor Charlovle whllton has opened campaign for new mun icipal taxation base in which she would eliminate all exemptions Even the municipality would pay taxes on the pro perty it holds Miss Whittan believes that the extra hxegthe goyerning bode all levas uIrlu taxes the governin bodies at all levels would pay should suflident subsidy to ease the load of the harried mie payer In addition she claims that run down property that the governments control cost the taxpayer too much they might be made productive if facing municipal levy Miss Widtion says the worst racket Tax Municipal Property Says Ottawas ExMayor One of the notewoxihy developments in recent British political histary is the obvious good relauonshlp belwaqn Prime Minister Wllson and Her Majesty Queen Eliflbeth It has been remarked upon by more am one British observer and seems to be fact of no little significance in limited monarchy It also sheds some light on the character of both the mon arch and her first mlnisler Certainly the Queen ls heard in more definite way these days than has been me case with royalty in this century 0n Rhodesia she spoke and acted politically and won both praise and blame night he made proaumve lacing numcipal levy Surely isnt hinting says Miss Widflon says the worst racket The London Free Press The Queen And Go Vernment 45 YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barne Examiner May 26 1921 Can ada was geared for censustaking to start June Most of those engagm for enum eration in Simcoe County were vejerans neLLsy suu Ill uh 1012 Other Dyment wmneis were Sap per and lhessalon It was first plate win for trainer George Walker liiany Barrie people were among 28000 who crowded Toronto Woodbine Ontario Premier Ernest Drury of Crown Hill addressed large gathering in Banies Graml Opera House on Problems of Future auspices Womens Institute Program included vocal solos by liliss Ada lliehardson and violin numbers by Lorne Arnold Coekstown Soldiers geiiiorlal Committee Comprising Barrie espra and lnnisfll awarded contract for war cenotaph to be located at Post Office Square to McIntosh Granite Co Toronto Mrs Stewart Barrie Reeve Wattle Vespra and Reeve llany Coleman lnaniil appointed supervisors of work James Woods graduate Barrie Collegiate Institute left llank of Toronto to accept position with National Cilg Bank of New York lle will go to Cu to air charge of banks affairs in View of serious finandal crisis on that island Local men called to liar in Toronto were Grant Longman Oswald Dennox Robert Russell and Maurice fasten who will practise in Barrie with his father Geor ll Esten Refresh er flyng will carried out at Camp Borden this summer where 120 govern or use relafives Colonel John Mc PhecBamecommlssioncr Barfiebred coll Hercndcsy won Kings Plate in easy style This was fourth time Dy ments Bmokdnle Stable won big event ersymslro 2f Henend won it in mud mm an Recently Herzuajesty told Belgians Dmilu Jay UM MINI Ivmd nl Twin inMod Md mu 01 111 mm Exam Published by Canadian Nawspapm lelnd 16 Bayfield Stieal Barrie Ontarlo HOLD TRADE TALKS IN OTTAWA DOWN MEMORY LANE McPherson Mnnuglng Editor momma MAY 1m PAGEI ka MinHIr vaII Hr lr1 twva In In lllnn the church of God runs is accepting tax free property She adds she would make an honest woman out of the as sessment act Miss wmton says schools and hospl tails too should pay municipal taxes Ihen pmper grants would be made by the supporting bodies so that the rate yder would not be carrying double 03 444 Ihn 1030 She also launched an attack on the neglect being shown women The last two prime ministers have dedined to place potential women senators in Office 77 mum mu Mating cum ggliteiy but unnfisrakaby that would an excellent thing it Britain were to jom the European Common Markot Lu Imam In Hull JUIH uh ulnvyunu She would hardly ha led to thls desirability if she were aware that this reference would not be approved by Mr Wilson and his government and the possibility remains that he may have ad vised hcrr on the point usuu nu uu nu If so it indicates that Mr Wilson is more in favor of ECM than might have appeared the case in his equivocal state ments on the subject during the recent election Such firming of attitude would be one with important consider ations not only for Britain and Europe but for the Commonwealth as well com ments The KitchenerWaterloo Record mcnt alrcrait are stored Estimated number of airmen in Canada now is around 10000 but only 700 can be taken to camp due to shortage of accommo dation and machines Militia depart ment inaugurated these ZBday courses last year allow exaviators expenses and pay of previous rank Now com lete at Borden are our tennis courts go course and excellent outdoor swimming pool in Air Force section of camp Officers who have returned from Camp Bordcnclaim that site at one time noted for dust and sand ioday ls healthiest place in Can ada It is hoped that cadets may he tak en next year on our to sixmonth flying courses Canadian Air Force Associa tion has enlisted nearly all cxpllots and airmen will hold meeting of executives at Camp Borden June 2122 to draft ro commendatjons for militia with view to maintaining air force rd Junior church baseball league on cd Collier Methodist tllamcas cal St Marys 157 Russell Duff was win ning pitcher over Gerald Dalcv St St Marys senlors with Ambrose llamlin hurling beat lrinlty 98 Three arm ed robbers smashed sale at Sarjeant Co tucl oltice got away alter exchanging shots with PC Waller llayncr Max llmentcld mu llarrics good hockey players bought business in Toronto Abraham Li vitch bought Crippiu pm Kcny on Caller St lbomas Coupe 13 complolcd erection of mammoth danco pavlllon at lllg llay Polnt also eight cottages ll llamlonl resign ml as organist St Andrews Church for position in Port Arthur Baracas beat ltllandalu YMCA in senior baseball 72 on rtcady pitching 0t Cliff lirnwn hitting ol Elllntt and llqracg Cnlcs lrcd llant on mound lbr losers Wilson GaneraLManagar 0m numwullh ml Human 11mlle phmM wan mum nuglylm Ind am LI QUEENS PARK TORONN The pmsiblllty menu to he emerging Lhat Prardu Robuu may Lry Ind opt out the federal medical plan and dcmand payment In lieu Quebec Premlur Imago has done emié more or less accwt ed this opting out by Mr Le nne But Ontario should nuunpt it and on mm as im portant as medicare it could throw edcral movinclal rein tiom inla tearful disorder On his auwmcni ln ihu past though Inoy have not been cleanone would my that Mr Mann has not bccn eniirciy against mung wt but that In consideration at nalional unity ho ielt it was not good thing il ha did mt out he would be charged with lighting or the insurance indum and an niec tion might be audit on this tune not am one or the government figtfizleg mir 5mm IT IN ns Ggmuerr Hwevu eclions the Can mrvalive pros have alrrady been urging something along thx Inn CANADAS STORY fly HOD BOWMAN lhcro wtro some maxim Xml knls made even hm Canada wnu growing up For lnvtnce ln 1w tho llurhona nay mmnny lcasod Vnncotnrr Nan or mm mum yurl IL ha been mod cxnmplo Ivy lard SelkHK on May 30 ml who par mm Hw cunpmy In xrnn him 110000 square miles of lmIMry or 10 dxmlnzl Tho um connle MXII hall prmntday Munlwlm Ind half or Mlnmmtl And Nonh Damn It wax In thI Ind IIYMXIHY nl ha wuml lilo ol VllnflimV lhnl Sclklrk Inhllfiwl llul nmr wlmy hr Numhr Mnckcnch 0m um mm to No the mnllnrnl mm 0m Minn In um Pndllc In ms was lvnrlly PJMKNL hook ha note about hl lrip Wklrk In lry In dewlap MM Mm mu mm mm mm uflIumm or poor peopln In Emllnni Mm wrro Mn drIun Imn InIr Imw Ivy Iandmrmn Iouml mum pruhlnhlu Ia rallu Amp 11mm Inok um min mdcmlea bouk Man In nIIruI Nnmlmn Ia lry lo mamas Carnal or Ham III uInn cannuqu 1m IM IIrIlIsh navy lendmI III nmv In In West Imlvrs NapnImn ImxI lnlrmIM In Invndn innmln Ivy mul Inx Ixil mmy up II MImlquI mm Iho Ml IIIerm flrnnunIy MIMI um um Akxnndrr IIIdamn lrlnl In erk 5kalriI pun Ila mu Lmlor 01 UK Nonlnm mrpnny Iul ler MIA an IImImn Hay Company In mm In make deal In Du MI lllvrr rrnlnry MI Hrk Int Imull howmu flurrl ol 1M Ilmlwnn ILIy Calmany um lIfllMWI twink 1qu NmIIwml lmnvmy InI mi wan wnnmrnI mum 1n leun Yanmln Immune Imlncu III llMlInL Iflllru WIIIM driva lIm nuinm Imflvcr Mny 11 kamm mm mm Mum In Mums llay Cumuny nntl uInI In wrmmIo In IIIIMMI mt In NIH him In hurl mt llilNflll ml II IIvnIry Mum Htikllkn IImI MI NanIMM tummy an INI In leI wnmur Many bl Itlkhkl writ Mm IuIIrII ml IIer IIIHH Inlrnul Mien IwIkIrh anImlwl Ivy rnlIInE NnHIurd Inlnuny IIMHIMINI nI rm VIIIINm In wan Inkrn In MM In Imr IMnlln ml Iuvrll mo Imwh It Ill rm InwmrnI Inr nnr at unmlnu Krrah mlnnlmn ml ImI Wm nnrr Yd IIFI IIInn WM nvl nun4 Mink mud Ibo MM lur mo II ml mmmlu In would lmlll TATNIN IN MAY III 10 JAuwu lhnimrwau Immmlvd InIrwImI the hut Ontario May Opt Out Of Federal Medicare Tnlon MNAmImam Maud Allan Yervn rmlrmu on Mo mm Infllluhnnu lhy many mum lnr YI uu mmrmsrmm Nrw runVIM lumwwm IMOIlrinln Inmalnl Nnuinlhu Lu erle luwhl NIIrmlll dqu nmnfllnn AMIIliwl canal Mwn 14 Lamma iv In Lah 1wvvllln In rtvllvuNI IKll Ill AML 1hn1llunlllm Irll Fnflrltrflm HMer mmnl mm InWlhlmnn lily Dummy balm Vnmmmr Hm mIrI Vlnulh Noum pm lb 771 KM Hamrm nl Mnnnm ulnnmll hum quhr Ulfll m1 amnnml llm hulnizmwr In Nunn XMLMum mind unwm do qu killed Mr in pm lry Ilmm ul hmwn By DON OIEARN Paid Ten Shillings For The Red River SHIP IN BOTTLE Until Idle next stage negoLl won 599 at Ind Kigamfimmeh June 0mm probably not until aler we wul know nr sum SUPPORT TEACHERS Both fixation parhcs have been pildaim heavy woo ta wants the school teacher vole i1 opening came with Ibo mm Toronto bilL The bill hars teachers hum running or board educauon not only lcr their own board but Iur my board In the M614 mucomplcxl Lhcy muld run rux leachm might end up nexnua ung with themselves an their own my and muting condinuns ids Annhm hm in ma pmvinoe has great appeal tn um two out parllns looking lnr So both Liberal nnd New Dmmcrals ought finuouély vigorously and in vain lo hava Um rcslrlclim lifted Eu now hey can lace he leather with sparkling eyes and say Were in lhcm ith lug or 3w As axpaying resident ln he Ownly of Sirncoe wlsll to express the disgmt hold or the disgrace and Incon aidcrate attitude at tho eleclor ales placed In ollico by our volcsl ls evldcnt he taxpay er and MM is forgotten or ig nored wlwn pleas are made or action Lb alleviate the health and dzivlng ggndllionfi Existing on the hcafilyuavellcd rain known as Come Ilan number ton Rmnir unds er this road must be in abundance have observed an lhme occa siom this spring county road repair trucks and crew placing asphalt in the polholes only In have graders with bfadc down com the same arm two days lzucr um qurrild hisridlculmu ac ion by phone call to on wellpaid hiltcollared individ ual and mlgm well have bcln laid to mind my awn busi ness Iuch Wu hls altitude We as laxpayan mldtnt It Is my business 1y am we penalized or living In his men We dont pay taxes to atquim he priv ilca of mating the dust of mi highway Nar do we re duced rules the laundramat where we am forced to have our laundry dried Not on tha purchasn of clmhu drytr must or Insider dual allry called road Incidentally duran ths Vidodan Holiday weekend lhe dusk was to Navy molmlsh mad Ihelr headllmt twcnlmer ham day lhus prevcnunz hcavicr hlzhwny death til ml pmvlnce One the many dmk emu Ddsholm NIKUS Onlnrla RS have lust nlkcd mm the Mle area now Im lorcal In Ml Ihe country helped protect LETTERS TO THE EDITOR And lhne Ihl In In In to unluflnx pnnlnhme hu tho fifillml Into Illa Itflflll Mlflhrw ma Tho mmmr rl Wu mmd an In min army Hum yo 1m day hum ye ull Nfi BIBLE THOUGHT 01hr Barth Exunmlrr Aulhurlml nu umml clnu null Im UlHru Damn mrm mm nml pavmrul mlnn In MIL Hy Sunday and Mammy Hnllllnyl unplrd vahlnlullou rahI llnlly Ivv rnrvlrr 05¢ eddy VI yearly 5mm mp In If Iy nuul llmln 10 ymlly mm mr mnlnr lhruu rnr Mail within Unla lim Mr lmllhl la muln llvllith murulmi mm ymr LHIL ml lrllrllll mm yrar Uh 121 nlvmlly Aw lnumln frl CNN All thllrnl m7 IWI Vrd Irmlrr mvrvmvrr Mmle lhn lnnmIian hwy HNuprr mumh Aumlxllnn Um nn IHNI Im mul Mum mm innIAHnm TM mmlllnn Ilru ullutivrly rnIilINI In llm Im or mmbllullm mu dlthhu In 011 pm unmm In vr an Auwialrll Im ur IlelNI nml Mm Ih lnml wxhlulwl Ihmin DUSIY ROAD WASHINGTON CALLING WASHINGTON Special This lady mm nl mm thrives on gossip And personwfles Today 4M quesmm What ever happened to Bob McNa man Then he was the cum pukr that wane mm man the man with he ckomlmn YM heart the must war ard on elm wilhumbilfion JEW that only Tymini Johnson can pass 11 Wm ms¥ p221 19k 11 Washinghm like one McNuwaa molten thous and Hm American ddulso secrelafles have dmmn human ermdon be lore The first Jim For mall qupod My lan he Engine Ohmic Wilm lhe Genera Mom tycoon brought by Eisahowa brought he who ddsM humus down 10 dollar and cemby deeming mat 11313 goodilurCM we the country Bu McNmmn wu consider ed beyond sud vulgar display He waS after 01 the mung viniz kid from Ford who became proth of that corpmlion and milflonadxe in 105 mm right then gave up $400000 year Lake amides $75000 Pcnl agon Job CIVILIAN CONTROL Ha landed the genmls hands together and esmblished lha its civilian control over the lanLaslIc American war ma chlnc He rallled of M15 and figure in pundwxrd languava and could balk of an killale he were list stock prices By GORDON DONALDSDN fiiéfiuuled back and am in Saigon unm Bany Goléwaler label him YoYu McNa Ken in snatch in Montreal he shattch hls image 6113 mu of machines He US had readied point WM could not buy more scour 51mm by buying more mili my KW He listed stops by which the world could find Una security world of dummy and de vcbprmnt when every man can Ml that his personal horizon rimmed 101 huula de velopmcn Ne lalkcd Lulu Pearson McNamaras Speech Shakes The Capital NBDQIIZG ¥533N67O03373533N£ Barrie Branch Of The Canadian Mental Health Association Open Meeting Will Be Held At library Hall IIHAHTEH 6T Thursday June at pm TAKEN DR GEORGE DARBY Onllrlo trpill lrmilnl TIWICI THE COMMUNITY AND SEX OFFENDERS Llour REFRESHMENTS senveo ililwl THINK O9000OOOOQ9OOOQOOMOQQQ IvimloNs ANNOUNCEMENIS ACCESSORIES COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPT ll lvllrlfl DIMPITOHI Dmn And If FILER In table THE BARRIE EXAMINER Barrie Branch Of The Canadian Mental Health Association MK mlght have alkadyabmll band2 lru new bridge mum 555° airL one banan ever clout Ihe new boxder Whue us edmrlal wrlmrs weru all catching up wilh the Amamrm he appeared at am human being do not told bend or mutual nw wvrds uamo mm sign eanjiad by dissident sLudonh on the upraarious campus me University Milan at Berk elmMPHPHPIMWKYP heart He web on to quoteaalnls peel and Greek W5 Washirmm society dlsmmlul human lmpflscs began specmfinz that com puter Bob was looking or new id secretary at date permit Whabvcr may be said ol hr pnsz secretary Dean nusk he has never tried to win an McNamaras renowned amp lcncy plus Mime vauga of humanitycould qualfly him or chf9°ig personality wnlést in L1 sun miim high exec ufim Johnsons military pol but he has shed his He has ed everyone that ho is 5le an Inlellecum even mm hm daily psk is that mafimalicinn calml launz haw many bodies and how many weapons are needed to my given runbe at ornign dchualion sumImimndenoo mm LBJ Mama Mo Namara was originally Ken ncdy appointee almough he has served Johnson Wally with sign of Irklion Hohasservcdmmfllanhh hm at the Penman and could go on to Xmas my Job In dam in private mm But me an no signs that he read to have or that Johnson ind nrcylamm1 even ITS wéitéd oi fink awnengaged H31 Beautiful furs deserve oul experts special cm Our low price includes gentle lhnrough cleaning Ami glnzlng plux storage In our nlr conditioned tnsuml vaults Protect furs from theft moths heat and dust use our storage vaults YIIIRIITil mums YOUR lllllS Get VIP Treatment 103 BAYFIELD 89 DUNLOF

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