name lacmblvini th um mm In or1 mm Ila llunu Im 71 Kmmu Invl Jury 11ml IN mum Indian new ill er kl NI rnrlnl Thu$31 Immint In woodM yum Mail um um Lab 24 lulu mnh rt lmi AHIWM mun lwu lummn Inga IDIMI rulhh In ml Imp lmwnlimi Iml An mu mm mNOHA mm mm hth llm rmh mil nmmu In bum um mm me Mr ml nu luvs Wm pvmr ZOI llflMxm In mm In hnnnMnK Inme um my lmllluUam II In lm nr wm Mm mmm damn In 1m IMUIHUum to nor My mud chil dun In rm dunnl AmL TN Mum Wu Illdnly later dun mu lha prrvluu two month but Illmfly high Dun flu pupa W0 wuar 10 mut 1mm Ow nnanrn cnmmmec Mml that 1er our mnndu n1 madm lhn mlclyl 1an 13li an rxpmdllwn mm muh in In numlm nl Amaxxm My 312300 Two 11m Injured In Plano Mishap was nuth Um no more than 20 wk macs per mm cnn be nsslgnnd In order In emu nmrrwlnlo courage it as rmgnimi xhnl ll ï¬rmmum In ham ememcty hlshly dullul nnrl qualmrd per mgml mum ln NIL pm Mr Jackson add ll amen than LI notd pmvido up via on xellnlmul and pro tusional rdmal law 1mm ministers docmm luwyeu Ind tenchm In lho urea ol Lunin urvkcs Sud urviu would ha of vnlumaxy naflure and arulnd in lumkm be Ln Illionnl mlu ho lrglslnbed 011111 Welfare Services The boar achnz an mules mm managing dlrccm Jackson Mm Inlormed Ulem thahm ulhacatim hndbml made In the hudgnt or the arm glaynwnt or one Lupervisar end up Inmily mica lion Al meeting hi week the board at directors passed mo Ion rdu Lth mluu la the pcmnnd committee or con crele camcme or the board ho June Mug The Barrie and Sims Coun ty Childrens Md Soddy may add in Iamily mvim muon Chi yezun About 80 person lurncd up to watch the program which Wu amigan lo Include m9 thing at everybody ask Young men mmcIIM nl 0112 weighbliflen wha displayed amazing strength while young Mr Randall partlime work at Barrie YMYWOA and coach of jumar weightlmerl we approval of the judge In the physique contest hold fur the lint time in the city III ory Inst nlght Mr Ban was crowned Int night in lhe person of mm oum ï¬nalold Dan Randal Childrens Aid Society May Develop Family Services ANDY CONNELLY 0mm the senior wdshflmku contest WM will 1000 Mr Barrie Crown Won By Don Randall ln men lywpknl Injuan mllvml hi mnï¬llwnflrw alr int IIOU HTAYH HOME All Mll Juilmt Ill Iv Gnu lA IMI INN LN In Ulvilnl AmI llqnlb Im nppmvnlly IIM llm IIN pmml WNhfltfly IHWHNDHC Munr mmml huluy 1n M1le Inn mwnlul mum Hui mouth llnl 1m MAIN IMI Mm Jim Alan Ilalnl tn vldt nxlthM nmmnla lul mm In hrm na Mildl Ffl Hrmallm ham INIM nl fllw vhll car Iinxk end near hm Friday Mmlnnl ll nhoul 26 mm In me flamd II F0 ll Ont CF mlrmu what Conn 19 Collmnmd wan um um hu W1 or Jn exM n1 mw ndqvlod TM Mm Aim decided to uh no mlon nn mnmt from flank enlmnlll Omnmlun la ner mlennm program In this urea He shmcd mmcm or the lnmnsrd Manda nu hi Hall Moll indicate the CAM Rel mm mm sodmuly disturbrd chlldrcn and mm Mnlliu serve Furlhtr buslncu lncludrd the nutmrluuqn lo wrth Collingwood Man Dies In Crash rm plactd an Id the axcncy whim ruprcscnu 111111 rodudion km the previous lwo monk and same ï¬gure 12 month ago Total ap punmcu or warding wue mnda bolero Juvenile Ind Flm fly Court Mr Jnrkmn MM ho dld ml believe my and were Indica lgq lyy my mm as con Mn ilizï¬ mm to be labflshinx Had lion mule served which xLIghl reducliun rum the Pre vious two month and num Xnal increase over the mm per 10d last you Thus were 53 unmmled nw dflldA Andy Connelly won the weight IIMng molest We Bynamki lifled total of 1000 pounds 1n lhme mu Sewnd place want In Ron Kelly 16 and third Mike Ruskin 23 Jr Elanis mnlest was Mike Osky Rolanans George Mulhollud accompanled on Ihe piano by Dr hm Velldu displayed ver utility Instrument used in cLuded banjo hamwnica and bones children mm with laughter the anliu The Gay Mmiv Ian who Incidentally was ML Bani pounds in three um Second In Ibo contest whlah included he bend pres And the dead Hwy 90 il MHu Bum This Dislricls fim compact course Is now open GREEN ACRES GOLF CEN TRE formerly tho Sports Hub GOlFERS GOlFERS TO BE Driving Rungn Big Greens and Toes unnlrklumI In Hm 1M3 Ln Nmrnlm m2 HAN LWlu Iona in Norm WM Furl dud It Mml vultl War Ha ha mel In Mmu MN npmlmmmfl wllhln anmln mvl 1mm Mmul HM nmul Aumt 11137 WM Mun 01er Hill In ruwllm Mmy Hall at VMllkvflrm 1H7 le HM hulmdnr the llrrynl inndim Arman Cam MIMI 0mm Iknlm ho nmmndfll Um F011 Enrry Ina lhflm MI lmr fl fly with MI CANIle Maury ndwln Gmuu In Gmmm lnln Anmnl ml Ilfll Dcan lwr 1w IL LNUO ranlnn Inn lm nonnl meM aim Mr Um UnMui H101 hmnnl nnl Emmi SIM tnllule FM Ummmh Kan henn nmz Aug Mr Randall who ha show 2h Ihu evenlng had been grant sums Vthe he was disappointed and he slmnglh comm did nu attract morn club mamas he said that con siderina his was the HM show 9L ldll in be held in Barrie 1h midi went off well Borden Officer Gets New Post In United States Vcre foul make an an nual event he added Maslu comIndus was Ro tarian Waller Camnhern Judg cs Included Robert Hnncmk Allan Aistrop Paul mm mu Millernnd ljeto Haynes Ian Postnfloofl 15 look top honors whilo runnemp trophies went 10 Mike Foxbus and Roby Cregwell 16 Third was Andy COImElW and Kw First Item program was me selllmpmvemml contest featuring Junior boys in In weight training dub Winners were selectzd an bho has of most hypmvcd dcvtlvpnmm over lha last slx months ATCOL TILE was mm Kelly right Mk Mike Hmkin placed lbw Margul wm InM All lmthm mmdm lnn on lummy lo nlml Mr nil MIMI hm uhkh klllntl Mr ml MIL lrlnml Mmhmlul ml lhrlr lhrru mnl mu OWEN SOUND CW61 Inn Ida Own Rnqu WM mmlunl Fdnlny ï¬lm lml mllxmn ml dangrnll Ivlvï¬nfl In Im nwhlnfl In mm min Yo thI on Al munc my wmn pmdnual mum will um In dimmcd ml 0m vmmnnlzIUnn locll mNnnwnl Menu for immulan It bulb um Md policy union wll In elude pmpoah Advocating an Invudwlon nl umlnx wllullcn cnnlml mum nnd he de dapmml rmcllve mmum 1m mlIquon conlml lenlumi swaml will ln eludo Hon John Rnbaru Promier Onlnxlo and McNuLl pmddcm he luv MIMI lumbcnmnx Amoclnllan NM discussion on Ro donal Gmnrnmmt wlll be Mill wlth Palmer Onlmln db puly mlnlslcr nl munlclpal Aer Arno Lho tugs mulls Rosa whens prrsldml and Wclhmn sormmry will rcpmuml Barrie at the hue Eny meonu which begin Sum day Not Negligent In Death Iury Rules No members Ihc Harrie Chamber of Commerce will und the Ontario dumber of co 5M annual mrdlnz Non Hay LN wcckmd Buggie Tent Awning endorsed York County Federation ol Agriwltwo madman calling or the inclusion of education tax as an eligible exemption on mm land This Is similar In pollen nnd ire lax exemption on farm land granted in re ocn Vaughan Township court decision Mr Grillm was also appoint ad the ledmadms repmmlm live la the SM Counly Ag ricultural Ednabiliulion and D1 velfxgmml ActA Commlucm SOFA direcwrs Eugene Smllh of Ulvpia and An Griflen of SLaymr mm appointed to represent the chemuan on Um Geotflan Bay Develomnont As socluglcn at recent board Ilev Joan Hunuey sum will dalivnr the sermon lhc annual rural life service of wor hip spnsorcd by he Simone County FodcraUm of Agricul ture Tha service wnll be held in Stayncr United Chum June Plan To Attend Chamber Meet Ht North Bay Stroud Minister To Be Speaker Ht Rural Service DON RANDALL crovmed Mr Barrie during mum show held at the YMYWCA last my NIII II our ill Inwn nnlug unrvln Mu Cullul Onluia J4 Myqu 51 BEAT THE HEAT ENHANCE YOUR HOME PROTECT YOU YpllR FURNISHINGS HIM lelvm Ixnl will dim mumln ranking Imlmlmlrs and Ink vhiku mu um uman nl Umir mHMry ability Imlhw wlvv prdrr In My Mr and lhrrn will IMH uHpmnlna why um Include Alr plwu tank nuns rum mrkm tllmlc uipmenl turmxlrr Nah Amman mmlla Ilrnlnl 11hr Mmumrn And vnrlely mm rqulxv mt Huh Iiuviay wlll mn wcmlm ln mum in explain how ll wurlu win do lml why nml Arlellu will let Imdcrwny Ill pm and II mauled that man mm urly lml mnkn nn mun Inr Du en lu lunlly Imnlly Armed Form Day coincides wllh Harrie nordan Goldrn AMlenary etk Th0 day prnmLsu be big mm with all schools unll and de pnrlmmlu Navy Army IIM Mr For working lagrflw III on an Warming and onloyn In 13 Tlle the tint year lnr holdlng Canadlnn Farce Open llnusn ml the unite base wlll be mm In the mlllla All Da ln Canada Mll hold Armed Font Day mm and lhlx will replace upmalc Navy An my And Mr Force day which we held ln Illa uxL Damp Borden will 0pm ll sales to Wbllc Ind el onmu lricmls And nclizhhon 1mm nurmundlng commurdllcs Wndncdny Juno 11 when Can adian Anna Force Day ulll bu larval Synmls Cool Mnlhcr ap pmrs well mmnchod for ucekum stay at lle and lime change ln lompcraluru L1 we dictcd Ior Sunday Although smy skies are ex pected to prevail again this vcekend beachAgocrs may find temperatures cool for sunbaur mg or swimming The walker olfice ymdicts mainly sunny skies with few cloudy period today and lo momw Tomeramv am ex pcded to take steep dip droppipg gum degrees tonight Winis viJ be nmhwcstcrly 15 La 20 May beaming north erly 15 might awarding alike imduibemnmszm rendered at The Exlm lncr office last nix thwas 42 de ï¬re95 Illifm lnmgrrmv ox Displays And Demonstrations Feature Bordens Open House AREA WEATHER yearn swimmers of 111 unim and wedgmilï¬ng lrlnkl hï¬nnrrixim and For Fm Elllmalu CITY NEWS Swimming May Be Out As Temperatures Dip THE flAllmlZ EX NEH SATURDAY MAY 21 In Ifn um IIHCOIH MIIIJFT MIAMI IAII 11 Ilium numlnr mm In mlm In um day nlnrn xlul mm mm 2m um lumlnl hm PM on TM Air mum hu MAI 11 21130 Cuban nln In My an ill ha mmrlhlnl lnr awry mamlrr nl he unruly Mullun Fort my but bommIM Hm hullll Inlrnflni Hem arts In lhn qu vnilunry hand wlll pmVMu mudr AnnUw dummlutlrn will shnw MW ta prodlltl In mm tmml Inad MUMt murmur For me who Ind like look arrangmnu haw been made to have mm mmouml upm Time am tho Amwmed Cams lwrml hm Ind Serle harps mummy Many ml nl mmmry history In rum In ht1a mm Ind ll br Iiovrd Hwy uo Among the but In ht murky TM pub the Canalle lrammflm diam plan un Umuzh his mm 10le game and two TAnzan Auden loam playlnx noc Sports minded person will have lhqir 51min rqoyment fluid ambulance dtmIAy KIM ire Winn dIsplny and nylxu dLmlay will Imam lhnse ha want to mien For lhmu in the right place hm roving phouamp er it than will ho free pic Wainn Jam nay Mainly cloudy will law show1 and in nortth muons m4an mflurriu Hula dlanxe In Tlmagzml Cechrane While fllvor Sunny with cloudy inter val and continuing cod Winds nmhcrly 15 la 25 Hautmm mm Nmflr cm Georgia1 Bay Algoma SaquSlc 5m NorlhBay yngipgml wm nonhuiy is Niagara Hamilton Mainly clear ï¬nd cumming cool with mï¬herlyfllQ L010 with few blmidy period ME much cooler Winds mtthedy in 21 Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huran Lake Mal1n Saungn gearng Bay yum chi Rod and Bob Gm Vadly Hon David Randall Mike Oliver Ken Dum Mike 7266417 Saul Seinnmg Know 11 White River Monsch Timmin Burnou Jim Tempmlum St Thomas Inndcm Kildmmr Mount Forts Wingigam Low 1mm mini FOR HOLIDAY FUN 0R JUST NIGHT OUT 50 Juz Caniéou 11111 tmnperatum Winds northedy 15 lo 25 Ottawa Mainly my with minimum mpgaim wind Sauna his mi num Gumn um Nonlmestzdy mm 15 to knots Doday humming nodherly 10 lo 15 knots tonight Pauly cloudy 0mm of cw shaw TORONTO 01 Marine Issued at no an1 Omsswul Andy Gummy Rm Kelly and Mike lloskin 2x unha Photo Dycks Food Market TELEPHONE 721L533 AND ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR COMPLETE FOOD PLAN 150 Collhr SO BEEF FRONT QUARTERS BEEF HIND QUARTERS BEEF SIDES Phonn 4874123 now for Infommlon leA IIAHI nm In Invlluullnl 1mm Illï¬lMlMNr Mm my um um hunur wllh mm SunllltvImrulml nvnnIHI mun um ma lllmmlnn WWW IIEATIVDV IUUI In publlc with mlI mm mm Illllllllh 10m Zollhr SO 7285139 Blvrlm THE STORE WITH THE CUSTOMER PROFIT SHARING COUPO 11700 Norm To me PUBLIC Sunday LMDIEE SLESSOR Insurance Agency Collin 5L mun huurance or your car home or bushes an company Ialmmm an d4 for you only In polidu hls eompany Della Get the mg Diflmnoe in insur anch 011 us soon As Indmndmt Lerrame Monk we make no am 33 for mu mom companies and can gelea the kind If you In pImnInl on puzmaalng and limnclng 196466 car valued ovu 81500 dlrl you know that then is mlbfllty your present rate may be loo high you lee they are callus 7250285 and ask or compamon This mny be the hm mix you luv over No charge DELTA ACCEPTANCE nmop ck skim or Leon Paid Bum Ont lb lb 38c 58 48° MN