Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1966, p. 4

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HM In prlmo Mvrum rl my i41w1mrnt nallnnn lmllh an wrlnr ha in In nwlro pmmllnfly hand Mun nu 13 mum ml in vlmnnino lln Nqu M1 1vade Mm un lha Prth III Iv llr um on In rlnnM 1er IllvlmM In hh do mlvlwnl rmmhl with Wm Wm Mlutlnno valor Mr ml llumth mum mrml rmlizllun nut In Ill rmllvmlumlll hum rum we Mb Ian mun lmllknm than mum mrl pllmlnnllm rl muuunn nl valr um MMIUIIIV 1411 1w mgrnry In hall puMuUrm nhrn mung vml mum In nmmhin um WM hy llrnlfll MMNM Alan MM Hmhm 1n mm mm CHANGES IN GOVERNMENT Chicago Daily News Yet It would be too facile to blame Ghanas condition on Nkmmah alone in the decade 01 Ghana independence the havenot nations have steadily fallen behind the have nations almost without regard to their political or econ omic system or the quality oi their lead ership Ghana is the ninih African na tion to undergo violent change lead mhip in llttlo over year it any com mon theme runs through time changes it is high expectations dashed on the rocks hard reality Nor can them he mnhlér hum Ilav mammal Inumu Barrie Examiner May 14 1038 Vic torian Order of Nurses Banie branch he gan campaign to raise funds for new car Present vehicle has been going steady since early 1930 Miss Beulah Scott VON reviewed daily routine of local nurse Last month 185 home visiis were made plus assistance at baby ell nic TB and mental clinics pronatal and sinatal care of mothers child welfare alks to church and womens gmu and help with Christmas Cheer of 53 vaiion Army Kiwanis and Lions Extensive renovations being made at Minets Point Cottage headed by Dali Reid and Ernie Ryan have ialren over operation of amusement park bathing beach and dance pavilion Charles Johns is oonirac tor for extension to pavilion which will be managed by Amide Hudson ator of Barrie Bowling Academy Bo Pow ells Melody Men will play for dancing three nighls week Al Ottawa Miss Agnes Macphail 00 Member of Parlia menl picked eight most handsome man in House of Commons These in cluded two naflves of Simone County Hon Earl Rows of Newton Robinson and Hugh Plaxion son of late Mr and Mrs llaxion oi Barrie Douglas Ron ald of Minesing and Miss Vera Rumble oi llillsdale seriously injured in car ac le mllullnn Mn Amrrlrln rmnnl Mr Minn an mlrwlqwnnfi AM n1kwul rnnqmuunn Mk7 meq mImJon Iain nothing Mml ll la lmavy Irhhlinn lv Hm luxury yum Iml mum mum Mnmingw um umer Xrnva In mr ullnhm YITMVAInlhmnn ll no lhn mum mam lulu Tnnldn lodny OTTAWA REPORT In pmspact L1 the atablishment of consumer protecfion bureau The other government measure would require the disclosure in credit contracts not only 01 interest charges in stated dollar amounts but in terms of annual interesi rates Perhaps of ual 1m fiance are aLher featum of the egisla on These would provide twovday coolingoff panod dur mg which spurthemoment or im pulse buyer could repudiate purchase from doortodoor salesman and re safeguard the micaest of 13112333 30 YEARS AGO IN TOWN For years efforts have been made in the Commons and Senate to gain passage of bills that would afford pmtedion to Canadian consumers by requiring full disclosure of interest charges on credit accounts Now the Ontario government apfears readx to st into the breach wih twopioceg of le Iation doslgned to Walll Publish Law To Protect Conumér Heavy Interest Charges IATTUCK NICIIOMON Minister Mental 119 Ifiarrwifixamimr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspaparh Limlked 16 Hayfield SfirgatBarie Oritarlo DOWN MEMORY LANE McPherson Managing Editor WEDNESDAY 25 1M AGE nItlvnMul IMI Will to nmrmnmll la lmllvhkuh army And rnnwlllmklml born lmlc 1m Inn Hm About um MmIv rnnuvmnrm ll clvllmlltvn Md vvwxrs on many mlr Ilrnl rowmm and Iwnlllu only mm mmnm 1n mlm Ihnl mr mu Mhmal PIHMHMI Anrl mllnurl MM mm It mhm hm man mu lhnn vat nKIur mmm an noan Mun mmm In sum 1mm AlaIll he ml 170 arm mer Mnrkuule Klnl MUM In NI Iqislllllm In Ml Munlm tummy run nmmivr Mm Mm lubr lnlmtrlnl mu nvmlxr NH mu Suk nldmn luv nl mm Al MI In Minted with mum rIII null mm Allau Iner In no mo lnM um Im mu ll puma In ltlnre lwlt um build in km Ml Iflldx duplay Um rtMu NDTIA omy In Mir mnlmllnn Mr nnlun rmmNrL lmlknflng Hut Main no will lnrl lwkinz ln mpomihimy In Hm way ll for imlnnrn dump mmmrninl v11 Into mr Ink and river wlUIml lfllhlanL Why do hulnm In NH NAM wmld cml mmr ml Imus dorm prob Mull purilxnllrm mm nun Discusses Pollution RHODESIAN BLOCKADE Buffalo Evening News An oil blockade gives Britain powerful leverage at least psychologically Rho desia isolated from the rest of the world except for symnptheiic neighbors in South Africa and in colonialist Port ugali The fact that some oil is leaking ln doesnt mean that nearby worldwide sanctions are not hurting Rhodesia They arent yet crippling its economy but are imposing on the Smith government what in descnhed as tolerable hardship any real hope that the upheavals will end with Ghana cident on old Penetang Road Highway 93 Board of Education raised sal ary of Bell principal of King Ed ward School by $90 to $1800 per an num Empire Day will be celebrated tomorrow by annual field day of public schools in Barrie ln patronizing Can adian products Board of Education de dded to use Nova Scotia coal next year instead of from Pennsylvania Miss Ethel Richardson elected represenmtive Barrie traffic star on Bell lele hones Employee Plan At ning lad es day of Barrie Golf Club Helen Garrett won Mrsi JohnWalkers prize tor low net Loblaws opened first modern supermarket in Barrie on Dunlap St north near Five Points Wlb Lak ing manager for past eight years con LTnucs as store manager assisted by meat and iruitvegetable managers Bradley Co with offices in Bass Block will be distributors for McMartin Chem icals Committee of Collier St United formerly Methodist Church working on plans for Centennial celebration Sept 27 to ll Annual BCI dance in gvmnasium armn ed by Student Coun cil headed by Jo Rooke asvisted by Margaret Parsons and Margaret Webb Mrs John Beleskey elected president Barrie Womens Institute Leonard Needhnm from Vuhngo appointed night cperator at Barrie CNR station The two pieces of legislation certainly would pmvlde large measure oi protec tion for society generally in credit orlented day and age However no leg islation in the world will save the im prudent from his own iolly In the final analysis the timebuyer will look pri marily at the size he monthly pay ments involved he deems he can meet the instalments then its likely the cold hard facts of interest charges will concern him little it at all There Mubtleésr will He resistaiéé from lenders over the Interestdisclosure bill the main contention being that It Is of simfalémifiterfesrtfithe vanous charges that in an array of instalment arrange men1s commute the c0517 of mad quirement that esslbn 01 articles ba permitted only court 11 thhird of ha fimeRaymgnt debgpag been yqpaid bill the main contention bein that It Is welllnign imgossilqlelgo comgu 1ntgrms Wilson GenerAI Manager llanvrr II rnllrhnlrI Il IM IMIW um um nvmul llmlvm My lulu Iillmlla mm II may nvw day In an Mum hr rkryn In my home lmn win It Inmwa wmlldul vlnl viIN IIlh Mu Mm Ml Inlxl Hut 5th ull In In mmly palm WWW Inc and MM cam la mt Manl pnllullnn ha INMI mum wt by Hm min In MK rllm n+1 II Mr mir llw filming nridlmn lhv Mlmlmz nl Imumnr rimle Mr ll Illnmr cnlnvnlmml luvlnl rim mm pure drinking err run cull llm Hrrrklxn Inlmdurlnl IlmJnr hill mm onlmt mnminn of our men Thu Allure Ad in 0mm 0er yrm amavnlnl mlr nub Inlu today NIZW POLLUTION Minn Mlclindm Hun ro lrnnl In mm palm lionwarul lwmnh lu unwind um um Moral KOVNIIMM run or mm xln About 11 Wmhl IIMIHI Minimum NH ll mrntnl polulnn ml ma nm It may Immnm mva mnxmrnha In Ah nr mm mm 11m lab lmyuluyny ql nnNNu in Ith hum hm hm vr My mm mm lnll dumbing Hchu Them 1on dun lhul mt have hm diMSNIUAs gmir In Nnnh VIM Nnm out nl wurlnuu Emu lhh ym mudqu mmim Le Due 11 mvrnly Imam hm wha umm pndlen Ilackcn Bdnra the US air offensiva darted ln February 1965 Um 110le rogima had In yuan virtually rel 1mm oulslde peril In which In or anize and cum lolldnte ll mlr N0 OPPOSITION The no question ln lha nnrlh nuddhbt oppaaillnn such The rnlixlous situation hem Ll mudI 11 It was In file mth baton um Buddhhll gnarled lo orwflw pdlllully agalnsz the NW Dlnh Dlam rcnim mu doesnt mean Hut htm clear nmnx In Um norm in comm lo Die mum How ls ll lhe northern regime under Ho all Mmh appan able tn cscap palm trouble and conlml ll mile while Nahum maimcs under varlnua leaders whom Nguyen Cao Ky ha lnlesl seem in capable of daing no The local laith In the North was mostly vmm mixlure InlmLsm annular worthln1 dcqa Imprint cl 011nm Conlu thsm and element Ch mao BmIdIdsm Under thy nnA mmisu Buddhism have ind dwn to become polnlrnl mm rather than morale South Vic Nam is engulled lmessantLy in Luxmoil while the Commxmis nuflh Lean iron at Why man In um ml1 may nmmlul lh hair in In In Mr HMhMJ um yromlm Mnka numnwnmmuummmmmmmmm Bombings Appear To Help Morale Of North Viet Nam Probably there an sevcga mm NoleInVie Jam Mhnll Ih Mdth AP Wedl correlpondent By WILLIAM RYAN Olive Theres Something Id Like To Ask You MAYORS 0F BARBIE lo hive chilled weakened wth Esagggéggggz5aeé €522i si Eggs man In change nl hull wlll have dunno hnblu IIvhlencn nl clrmnl No n1ch In day ta dly Jr in many men are7 on duly the WW has reported Jul 70 cent of the lndustill Ll mu now made up ol wmem The north an area Ilwnyl poorer lhan ha twill L1 nc cuiomad lo ruml privallnns All along has been on am any basis Any diamdun 1n Ihe economy dun ln bomblngs hive had 6mm 1mm Then Is rallmlnz in Noflh vm Nnm rict meal sugar and when but Ihcm m4 dkalloru of extreme privallon Ihcnlnn my mu be in mm II new uulum nld anl puud be hold lhlnn bmml new Collnlhllm 511 The said party members wers loo coercive wilh tho mum The partys presllge was hurt by Ihrs because the greatest peril is soparallon rum he masses In sum mas ho uld there was serious data of dismilyf HELFED COMMUNISIS Uarrwpondcnu admitted la Hanoi within the last year luv wggutcd that US bumblngm wulng the nonhcrncn home land undcr attack hava bowed the Communlsts sustain morale Wm people now no In militia corps Maud no busy digglnl Ilrxaiddwllm manning dolcnce posu drilling Alr delcnco untu mobile room teams nnd first aid groom an on um alert 21 rm day So mmhanl um Imill mm lminka MIMIva nur Fun Marl null WWW Mum 11w ma mu iMwn lh Hothwell their vigilance and fail 10 gel llidaeologically ready fur com BIBLE THOUGHT flm hmnlx strucer wu Manx ha duslul llm lumad by Ila In he old dry II Corn mmm lntunnUnnal It nrnnlwl villa dLlrkt pnwmuu mind And 10ml lzvrla In pyramid mat ran rmlnm pmlcr In top IM harm of the mum Oncu um wu IrrmmMM Me ylglmue Mun In moMm 11 our cnlnul rl tum ElyMl Mm Simbd mm 61 left hlzh Ind weigh 1200 In Mm He Wm the first garlic barHon movrmml In Frmrh Indochina at he and lhe Second World Wnr Galina KIIMI mime maps wm In oocupnllun 1n the MM charged with dharminz Japantse my wm raludanl In at out ml by the ma they did nod the French were on the way back Ho wu AllNady wall organlzed wlfh hls vm Minh zumlllm holdlnx much Ton kin FMHM nKnlnst he Frmch wag high and Ho had Hula dil nmlly In mlnblllhinx amhurity mm the Vlenamm When ma buiidinz hh party and counhy cw lollowm cared Ihnl he and himull Communist He hu hm may In Nnnh Vie Nam the father of lhdr coun try in idmmied mm vim Lu pounnla Ind championed BEEF GET TITLE Tnday there are 2500600 children In he Comnnnlsr Young Pioneers me best he m1 of good Mphm or mm Uncle Na About V3 PS Ila In He Vin Nam Labor Youth Union 1m noflhcm regime hm had long lime lo organlze ln Illa 21 year since Gal Minh moved lnlo Hanoi wllh Illa proclamation rmmlk whole notation has been brougm up to look upon film ma leader at In Vic le Illa man who led Ii Victorian light agalm French rule 01hr Burnt Emumm 11w lannrllnn Im In umme unlm In on nr mthUUM Imu llitpulrhn In um Hatr HMIIHI In II nr Aumhlrvl run at ml ulm ll Irtal Him Unlunlly Aw Tnmnln MA MI ml H4 Mmlrrnl WM Ilnvllr Fl Vnnrmlvrr lH Mnmlw nnmllnn ally Nowqunmr Yulth AuNlnflm Um lpn mlhn Ilru Iml Auvm lhlrrml ll Imlllllnfll Dally Sumlnyn and Mammy llnlldayl urrpml lmipllnn In xlnlly lry rmlrr tr wily ymly Shula rn lrl me fly ml Hm Ill ley OMAN rar mnlnr Haw0H NS ym Mull Mllxi4lnllula you HIMr nm mmm mumm um ym MA mt lurelm mm your Anlhvrlml mm rlnu mall hut olnra Drpm mml um nml lnr payment nl pmluo In IL LIVE UV TO NM scare him away HlasouwasaihdmdnnastreetInddieduflwremoll beating Then two men believed to be flu mum of me crookl went to Dummiig home gauged Ind tied him In chair whill WMCHKM timugh hi flea carried M1 the incriminating maxi wu to be scared away He causedxudi uproar in Who that oi the mmch of Liwgoveming council had him pm in Jail before this last ship 1m or Fran inlhe munin Thethedmat Dmesnfl wwidoooioffdmin who which or the mallet would be largouen However Dunwnii manhzed to maps And got on France on andher ship He mm to the kings ministar Colbert with his mmplainls and Lila drama at flu gallium qanqeied Mani an cinc promam come only whil puma by the MA oral Kman to the pmv laces laward p111 11 be mat cl melt plum 1h quain or this pamml Abam lhc My major chum the when will ham to make in he pmvenl Wu com bining 3wa with print mup coverage will be tn aban don 1M private cumaxe WILL DICKEII Balm he glve bl formal mm homer Mr no bum mmly hem lo do dkkernfil The mleon Ly what will he dklwr lorl And ovaMud 0mm cw My will do MI The Am may Involved ls loo blx mm mm $10000000 to risk lmlnx NEONN Thom wodd to be only one big ques pon ruminm concerning med In in me Maul medxcare What might be called Canadas first eiecflolu readied fmn polifieal Randal ln Quebec Illa Cmvpany of mo Assochtu establiiied by Cardinal 11mm to look altar the devdmlnm Canada had been humanlnz badly On May man Kin mumapmmpmmmnutonwmmmm lute its mm Then Halo doubt that he uncovend avldeun dcroglgedduflnubeeamnmmberoleflomwmmmw Whal will Premier Robam bargnin or in the negotiations win Ottawa It LI taken lu mnkad ha 91° Wit be Periwi Bishop Laval won the final room He knew Illa King Lnull Ind Colben would lrawn on mythlnx democmlic zledicns and word Hum qulckly as possible De llezy wu rccdled lrmxedlatuly hm dled before he cwld leave Quebec OTHER EVENTS 0N MAY 25 1515 warmth urlved at Tadomsac with Rocollel pried was Sauna timed peace treaty at Quebec 1750 Acadim denled pennlsslm to leave Nov Seam They would have lnlned Frendn In Cape Bram in Russian boards Hudsons Bay ship Dryld at Stiklna River now northem ma Columbia 1349 11mm admin postage 53mm must JB engraved lo pravonl forgery 1368 Victoria proddimgd capllal ol British Colmivln 1m Fenlnnx nlded Eastern Townships Quebec 1837 YMCA organized examivn on lirsl raln that nlered Vim When hvnl refused da Mezy placaldcd Quebn with pom Mating his views urging um the councillor be disnisscd Hi1 campaign was 5mm lo DI extent that than was me and new MRI were meted In the meantime Quobec was divided Saltray de Mm wu lha govemor In Bishop Laval wag the real power Laval had 5990111101 cemln men an ounncll to whom do Mary Medea And he wantth to hold an 21501101 in Mace Lhem i111 marrip Exumtunr COMMERCIAL PRINIING CANADAS STORY QUEENS PARK no em bmajnflltr larger l6 llAYFIElD ST THE NEW RUBBER STAMP THAT NEVER NEEDS AN INK PAD WEDDING STATIONERY CONHNUOUS FORMS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKEIS LETTERHEADS BROCHURES lNVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS RobaIts May Dicker On Federal Medicare Scandal In Quebec Led To Election By DUN OIIEARN TRY PERMASTHMP 25000 lMPflESSIONS BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR By BOB BOWMAN Ill mu yum wukhl mm or mine to wt olhcr province and mmvlng any mum umu nelvu It Mud be poliuml nfiridl In ry Ind MM om Tho hour chunk widen money oran In ml he men OMSIP fear MMY ln hull Everyone him he cant turn ll down mll L1 Waxiy be om odch Mm colladed in Ontario will be What nearly ml the mm mm up cgixdxbcgiasiqdmfi no aim hm It has refused la change its whim GAIN LrflLE Howevu it in am an premier will in lhde Uh uh siniwwkignk 119 flu also may nuku another Effort 10 have tho 068ml ZOV amtan my part the cod nml mamgun In the prvvimcs mm In hi1 field when the hospital mm promm was mod tawa wjnxldnt cumin it or humanpummm provincu he may be Able to hnxe 39 payment average per emit 005 cl ysgnL oldrkhasodmanflmd GUMMED LABELS 7266537

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