Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 May 1966, p. 2

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ms MARRI nxnivnusgrr FRIDAY MAY fair ivzwr roundGuilivirOi CafeleSs VMolvln Books 87 corporal In IhoJICAF Wm lined $60 pit $2050 court costs yesterday aftor Magistrat Foster LEAVE FOR SAFETY PATROL Milton Barrie student board has Monday for Otliiwa and Ihe Notional Saler Patrol Jun acres in trout loll tonight are Lynda Barber Murray Grandma Paul Osaclailr llox anne who and Stan Thim bull Bdllnd lie to right Shari Itlurlow Gard ilocidey Youths Remanded For Sentencing Two youths yesterday pleaded guiity to breaking and antestog into our Crimp Danica residin fccs and stealing sooth Mailing 3605 John Bresoilne is stationed at army Camp Roidon was re fmanded in custody one week tor Ilentmcing Brian Peters 17 at Camp Bordon was retained in Ihe WY of his iaLhcr and jwiil also be sontenoed by Mag istmto Foster on May 25 It The youths admitted stealing jgoods rm mm St An di Third 51 AW 11 First li Anglo and Niagara loop Ccmp Hordcn between Sept pan last your Crown Attorney John Murphy mld court that military police mat Camp Bordon loian the abow bomm insecure during security cliooiis All midcnts won away at tho time and no chuck could he made to ascertain what Ii anything had been taken On Sept the rosirienls rc Iurnod and dhocir made as to missing items The two aroused prisms were subsequently inter viowod and admitted being in volvad Mr Murphy said they cooperated fully in the hivostl nation One bottle of nhislq gloves penny colicction slver dol lars cards stamp Alinano un used stamps comic books can bag and reading glasses were amongtho items stolon Joint rm told that Ilia army would not Insure Brcsalines ball and he was romirndod lo mtody Polaris high sdiool sludcni was roleasod on hand after his other told court sciml exams were near and every day In school countcd lor Peters who was trying or his junior ard Blame Bedard Twme member 01 Barriel sdruot safety patrol leit mmday on tho twoday trip Examiner Photo Iine Youth For IIssauIl mamllnnwaridicw loud out at facts Ive ever hoardanme lllurphytnidamtymdayai termldyoaroidAngmyotnh gakjlidcdguiltytnoonmmu Brian Dykmirn who was lined $00 plus or costs admitted pun diing Joseph Thomas Mills 19 In the nose May alter be six nolled Milisrar to stop The nursed said Mr Murphy with out provocation struck Mills and drove off Hie lunglos pone crazy said Mr Murphy alter Dykman told court he had nothing to say In his ddcnce What kind oi idiocy is this Mr Murphy asked The crown attorney said Dylunan deserved revere jail term to pay tor the pleasure his obvbusly derivod from the incident DOESNT LAST LONG The worlds milest subway Is in Wmhinglon DC others the longest ride lasts loss than BARRIE ART CLUB PAINTINGS ON DISPLAY Mrl Wlillm Clark slimlm smrro tho runny printin now on dispin st ill erie library 11 paintingl his original ol the limit Ari Ilidi ml will Ira on display TeenAger Dies From Beatings zumm iwitmrlml nuns llny iml In it InclIver In their time liwks livid mu ivy muliriilflrl In the Vinrin ll IMlinn lur van in the wrrlvl inrrrnw tho Ann bl Ilwlr pmjfl My lbsrill transMia In tuturm prayer my Ilrwnl Ilia imman ll llwlr lvrmu nmlilr yvarolll lirmolrtio who Ilifil IMI mrml Mm nun ni mo mnk ml inrrnl lmtmr llvny Ilmlrlbfil to Miss lilo iir lwai lrr In dnse lrc limit ml il lvv Airliyrrittol law armlrsi Ii rrrnrlm id Ibo Mnuuo Wit and no walla new the In Imudivmi Fomdy Union lrIr Ilia Farmingnnml lmrv Mm Ill mmlnl rim mulllor parm iurd llmiur will ti not Mr wile lent iullu mid asks maul In limo ha nrrr lurml Indy lionmin In on innno milor mt mm who llfirl mlhnrillm the AI rim it vat that hike mill Ilmlrr IirlllllNl lN vnivfol to now his Iiau MIN mml morn ila ms or inln lire lnllw lvsd llmtw In rvar lii rrdniual mill lmldrt when ngwlnn rrlilhll oi qupIum mid point iwl will mm In the iltrary howl at tho littl pwp rim un kr lollrr raid Hooter ulro mm Irrun the iimm Imn ll lhnldrlnl was liilml dlldic 5m Int IM Imam munmlu luv mud romol mm cornIdol him of naming driv Ingln mum with latel lty on Nov 1821305 Gangs Reid 52 weillmovm Barrio brnossrnan was killed in twocar inodon oolihoa Highway 90 near the 1001 line of Vupra Township Docks pleadednbt guilty to the choral and VIN deluded by Liv imton Mr Mi 52 Barrie Ior saoe was passengerin car driven byGeurgo Bruce Wilsm Tower Crescent Wilson and arr Mira pasenger Robert Vbawi relco filed of Scarborough Ont were taken to Royal Vbc torla HoardtaIAWilm ordered abroiren nose broken law ohd multiple abrasions Rind sm tainodbmisod ribs and lacera tions to the fordload Fewer Extras When Royal Victoria Hospital int added in its facilities orig Inal estimates predicted the lob would oost just over $197000 llowevrr actual oasis record ing to figures published or the job neared conviction had ris en close to the $1200000 mark lhe hospital board now iinds that another 450000 extension Is necmary andwhile Eutlior lties say it Is possbie that the rural bill will be above iirsl es timates it imt expected to rise in the same proportion as last time in the last addition metal to Hospital Administrator DSF Camelan several major items were Modeller the general contract was let and the board ran Into additional llnancing ex pauses became grants irorn Conservation Authority Gels $104500 liranl NEW DWELL Slam An nolmccmmt of provincial glart tiol500 to the Nottawasaga Voion Conservation Authority tor rcstomlion and development at New lmrcii reservoir was received with ratisloctlon hero today it Is certainly good news bromidan Township it Is im portant to New Lowell and also our entire nntnicipaiity Arthin Evans MPF or Sim coo Centre nnnormccd the mat which will be mad or the li nrnclng ol dam and water storage reservoir which would guarantee amply ol good wa ter lor both this cornmme and surrounding lmn areas It would also help lira protection 11mEEQUAlITEM COST The H000 Is expected to represent about thrcequarierl oi the Cort Councillor Marlin pointrrt oil explaining the mom ber municipalities In tho Noilr wrsaga Conrervniion Are In rcquircd to pay the per cent balance Since Ihe worlds to be done In Sunnidrie the council hero is rcqulred to pay hail oi the mimiclpnliiies drum or lan per cent at the cost it Imounu to about 011000 and rowrding to inlorrnatlon we ran Inve this money IrIrr rrl Ina lor thm years Ihrough lira govmrmrnt poiky raid mmtlor Mrrfln Ilio councillor wild Sunnidniu lull mode In 10000 grant Inst year and his lclt lhis money should he mova and umi lor new municipal Inrilrilnx and nllvrnlngo tirtrn rl the In lrrrsltree money IMPORTANT 10 PKllllY At any rate ml alnd to learn Ills grant was muome This Is IrvrurInnt In tho people at Iinnnidaio raid Cmnciilor Martin As min municipality In lira Nollsills Ilulhorlty we Ar Inlrmlcd raid 0ch Waller Forbes nl Vrrprl Town ship palnllng out Illlt II was molly rt Imwllt In New Mull mi tho mifiborlnl township oi Runnirlsis it is rd no direct bandit In us said lime Fretsr ll though he rounded Il miillt help walrr ronlrol at tho Nol Inwungs which runs through Venn mriloq CARRIER MISS YOU your urrlrr nu not an 728 irrl by mm 2433 or phone Ami Copy lit in Iilllvnrd To Your Home Ivy THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR Till SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVErYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS raid Councillor lrcd Martin at Doollsol Mt St WM 51 Barrie driver of the ailment was takento Sunnybrook Ros pitallimnto silliering irorh dklocalod tlnrmb and too and minor localstints The Wikon vettinleflvas veiling west to Camp Borstal When the occupants members noun WilsonReid mime FORMER Nolanl STUDENTS wars to play at dance The mishap bound at 050 pm Court was toidglliAt Doolrs lost control of his car after he slimmed on the brakes because iwo owner Barrlorbistrict NONI 00th studems have the Wilson car wasstraddilng the centre no However wil nesses testlliul that the car he not mailing the line lcy road Emil cmdlIirmI exkled at the time at the mom Oustable Goodwin Barrie Ooiario Pro vncial Pollux investigated Mr field was ownerandiop orator oi Reids Television Ser vice In Barrie the Barrio Milo Wary to it Expected 01 Addition ill Barrie Hospital Murcia were late In coming Architect Loren Oxloy member at the inn dint dei signod the 1901 addition and wholsnowworldngonthonew one says it is not anusualin hospital oomuudion to add to original plans as constructlo progresses Hospitals are extremely conF pier Mr Oxloy said Their design requires great deal of thought from many people and otter the completed building in cludes items that werent orig inally called for it is expeokd work will be gin on the new RVR addition this an and the job will talus between 10 months to two years to complete rounding to the architects One thing is certain patients and will It the inspiml wont bannmmflremiotrial as tilting the lay expansion program The coming addiIiou will go up beside existing buildings but last time the extension was upward and caused treat deal at Inoonvenience Tile en cans Enjoy yourselfTake We rt or Disiiiiii will BanieVLihrary Nigerian exhibit ol hires bod painting wiil some to nigfl and will remain here until June The show is being monsored by the Barrie Art dub and ticiais said today It is the llrst dhow at its kind to come to Canada Arrangements tor the exhibit were nude in ngor by the Ni gerian Council or the Advance ment oi Art and Odture and It assumed the shipping costs Canada These original works otart are being circulated throughout Ontario the Art hum of Mrs mu Craig did presi dent said she believes this to be very unique emit and one which Barrie people seldom have the WW to rec Art ol Africa Ir seldom seen lirst hand In this country and we are quite fortunate to have it come to Barrie she said DOG SHOW llst mural Barrie Kennel CM nlidlreed Dofl Sum will be hold at the Burris Arena tomorrow Judging begins at 10 am GAME PROVES POPULAR More than 200 soccer learns compete in Norways notion diornpionshlps to or move with th9 in my Ale in bottles or iii 6006 cowsr nirANDr eroduotod with Ihe rank in Provincial Police College Tore onto Leonard liibbits Pitt iielt son at Const Pitt Bsrrlo 03 and Al Daniel Brandt son oi ilir and Mrs Daniel Erandt Thornton both mated will he rank of Cmptabte Outfit Pitt was Ms lied InNiagaralhIis land Oonst Brand in Km ALL DAY renza one cadr Gilliliinpsln ilpr him were 279 case of com munloabie diseases mortal In Smooe County during the month olAIpril report ol the Simcoo County Health Unit Issued today points 011 that mumps led the 11 of diseases with mom iBl oa ros Ollieridiseases and the num her 04 cases reporied In April are inlectious hepatitis 00 chic ken pox 21 German measles la masles IZ scarlet lever eight baciilrry dysentery six andwhoopingcoagh and Intiu mr EXAMINER WANT PHONE 723le mm srroos ontrundtu Quill style swim Value $2155 in sun WALKWEL SHOES sir Dunlap mun HBAYFIEL FROSTEDVFOODS wlLL REMAIN CPEN MONDAY 33 BAYFIELD STREET 7252574 DENIS SHEARD no PAINSWICK ONT iARRlEi CONTRACTING DEPT tmne Inildlnl ma lmod nnsnelul llrrn Buildings and nunin ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK la our mlirror isnr Architectural bulwarkKitchen erbium canon Window and Door rirurm Carton plumyr DIAL 720596I lot

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