Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1966, p. 3

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Color television will be legal and of Iicial in Canada next October and there is every reason 60 expect it will maln tlonlze the industry rm ma maHAr var Walls Publisher It is surprising to learn fmvald Jack Gamer that the Norwich Plan has been shelved in Barrie nnfil complete study has been made of urban renewal The Norwich Plan named after tawn in England ls devised largely to immve the appearance of downtown commum fly by renovation of store fronts Mr Garner must be sEeaking for him self rather than for City Council The wundl gave 1L5 blessing mm plan some months ago and there has been no indicafion vffidal or otherwlse that it has abandoned this stand If and when the plan is launched the council may be committed to some expenditure of civic fllllndi apart from money spent by mer an The ulflmateiEsfilt is matter of var led opinion One worth considering was offered by George Sinclair president the Maclaren Advertising Co Lid of Toronto Could Proceed WithNoMiCh Plan DespitevRenewal Study He said the changeover to color would create 7000 new jobs and predict ed in an address at the University of Western Ontario that color set sales would exceed 500000 threp years wuum mm uwwv we Perhaps his most interesting remark was that the increase in the use of color will adversely affect the quality of pro grams Disregardlng argumean that it would be difficult to make the programs 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN BanieErgnflnerMay21 1932 11109 George Henry Premier of Ontario officially opened new plant of first Co operative Packets of Ontario Limited to day on Innisfll Street in Allandale At town council Reeve John R0 or casti gated committee for purchasing US made cement mixer lnstead of Canadian or British product Contract let for paving Bayiield St between Wellington and Dalton People of Cundles peti tioned Vespra council to obtain water supply irom Barrie Scottish Rite held annual spring reunions in Barriolllasnnic Temple lilaln speaker ll Tudhope oi Orillia stated Valley of Barrie was third largest in Canada second on to Toronto and Hamilton John ler rick is Most Wise Sovereign of Spry Cha er and Alonzo Maelfillan is lh co Puissant Grand Master of lodge of Perfection Barrie Theatre Guild presented Shakespeares lwelithight collegiate auditorium under direction of Mr and Mn llorace Wilsonr Cast in cluded Wallace Hedger Frank Spearn Dr George Burns William Knox Oscar Shank Gordon Lon man Sieve Stack Mickey McBride lienry Mclnnls Harry llmther Eire Colelilorgan Mrs ll Rotifcn and Audrey Clifton lllgh oiii 113 paid visit to Mount Cal vary Preceplory in Ilanie Masonic Tem ple Eminent Sir Knight Gollop oi Utopia was presiding preceptor loyal Canadian Corps ol Signals amp llonlen held regimental dance in liarrie Armnury llev Shnrtt oi Sta An ilmva Thurdi addressed meeting at Vcsprallarrie Sunday School Asxodailon Warns About Color TV This should not be question of what hm bun mum mm km NS Wunmsin SH N01 Jugq M4 the 551 In min In Um Naryn mmw nod II Midede Nail 1191 flame Examim BATTLEWAGONS 1N MOTHBALLS 1N US Published by Canndlan Newupapm leltadr 16 Enyfleld Street Barrie $9in DOWN MEMORY LANE MthgrifiyfiMnfinflyg Editor mumw MAY um uni mm by an ulmmmip no one or mu In AdmWI or nun In Vrot mm haw Mm mldflml ll Vito mu nun In comes film the Norwich Plan or the re newal study They are compatible and consequently thereis no reason why the downtown facelifting cannot go on in the meamlme Goodness knows there 15 need for such renovations both in the interests at business and of thenppear ance of theldowntmvjn nrea mm um Urban renewal could involve thelevel ling and rebuilding of certain areas of the city However the possihllity of any such steps in the downtown district remote Indeed with minor exceptions There is crying need for the Norwich Plan in Banie course without the merchants co operation and blessing it cannot be car ried through Perhaps selling job ls needed along with little gentle pmd ding by Mayor Cooke and his munul any worsg than they are something which is offered In casual conversafion from time to time ibis is subject of dirsct WW 9° nks elevlsion will rely on the novelty qt color and forget the program content But he also suggests that viewer complaint and resistance may eventually force the producer to improve content in the same way that the movie finally got around to better pictures af ter the novelty of sound color and wide screens were exhausted Within 10 years he said 90 per cent 01 Canadian TV viewers will be watch ing color program Unless the produc ers heed his warning the percentage of viewers on the other hand may have declined rather than increased Tom Thumb golf course opened on Bradford St next to Barrie Tannery Capltol Theatre Joan Crawford in Paid At New Dreanfland Jan Oakig in Gangbuster Alert work of PC James Oaso resulted in arrest of man charged with breaking into Ernie Wil iiams jewellery store Ai Inndon Ontario Barrie amateur heavyweight boxer Archie Thompson knocked out Ernie hicbennan in first round Pro vincial inspectors presented good report on Barrio Collegiate on organization by Principal Girdwood and teaching stafi Board of Education concerned over congestion at Victoria public school now post oiiice site and may enlarge boundaries with addition to King George school on Blake St BCI cadets compli mented by inspecting oiiicer Jim Terry was C0 mt McKenzie secondincom mand Platoon commanders were Austin McKnight Morris Davison Lloyd iiiorri son and Crompton Lewis iienry Sims headed signaiiors and Jim Dutton ambul ance section Painswick twomena institute chorus directed by Alvin Wire placed first in South Simmo music fes tival at Churchill Cherry Creek innis iii trained by iheima Knecshaw won school scdlon Somo Ecopln am always trying to mm mponfl fly or their action Many penon prays Load us not into tempta lion and when he yields to 5nmu twill tauon ha tells hlymolt It wasnt hls nu all was dun to hh prayer hdng un answerer Paragraphically Speaking Wllsdn General Manager Wind null hm winn NM Nu rrmllm M1 My hil nnvul wru liml Inflhm ll timed mm Al wm numxmwmmuuummmwmxu mmmmmmmmmamrmmmnurmmunmmmumwmmummmmmlxmwmwzumwwmmwnmmlnmmusmmmnl WAWAI Just to the king And mako hkn smlla mint hour was never wasttd inn bowed W65 Puck or Robin Goodan Several years ago applled than Simkeapeavrian lino ta WNW 82W ma the Rumnan Willred Hexrhino MY The tag mod and this day Bert known the Puck 11 Parliament Hill But the Hammid wag MW is filling ln hi Parliammt and will be H3 1331 file Miss has put hut mt down alter 11 yoars Bert told me mmlulb So he plans in milta to Ills mum1cm nil ranch Showholnw nn the bank of Upper Arrow Lake Then he will givu more llmo lo lmpmving hls valuable Mind of WA am who lho minim saga tho minLion the llcrrldgu clan Lrvm Harmlde ann In llrllains plclurcsquo llnmpshlru lo lhclr virgin land Nakusp um joined In Ll Racially balmllcn ln lho First World War and was semdy wounded la the Baulo cl tho Somme fMy willla was llnu boy but ha was badly wmmlul In the hand aim has nuver lwm Ihu tamo alnce drphlrrd Ms Lil crnl lathcr when Bu Jolncd he COP party Yd M17 bond muducca An Walling mm ha hut willlclmu heard on Parllnmml lllll mu nfinglnl with them no alwmu 9mm mu llb humour lends la mm and nllllchlnn with mlim lmndlwlmm ll OTTAWA REPORT lncmgrumu minimum and lho Inward twin Ill wk is mm nly Imt the we mllmed phrMm ml lnlc mlnl vrdul mmr unvrr cm Lnln mdlco nmn lho mm millage nl hLl humour Mulch mhlm him Injdltp Imlcynnt runggm fififlmrhrfit Wk and to win an Infilng oul oi By PATRICK NICHOLSON an Burnt Exumlurr Aulhurlml Irmml rim mull Im omen Drpnrl mml mlnwn ml or pman of mm In MP Of Kootenays Celebrated Wag SUIIKYIDUM hy unlrr um yearly in IN II quy yrar nywln rln HI Ill Jon lmiln rlll Vnnmmr Mrmuf ll IN unmllnn Dnlly anmr lIIMIIh rn Aluwhllun lhl an mxlnn Im and Amm Dumu lrculluml uclunlvdy munl lo lha or rmlxuulm ul Ill newl dlmalrhn In lhll viper rmxilnl in II nr Alsmlnlul PM ur munn and lhn lrxal mu MIth lhmin Olllm Dally Sunday an filnlulnry Ilnlhlnyl urwlnl hlmlonu mm mlpuou mu rmly anrr vmkly yMrly Elniln mull Kano ym nutnrln IN mntnr lhmwnlf H5 Fl VMl Tumulm 3an Mmflml lrntlrr muMa mi mum lfn inlvmity Mn nlh sharing in tha joke about such topic buodlng Alodt or snail arm or the lmporLILlon of lungs Once Mm the soda We HM were being discussed Ben startled his llslenen by nn nounclng lhn he Ind probably lean more his emale con stituean in tho nude man any other llP then cxplalncd his hy mienin to Ibo mm smppcrs Debating the 11 cast Wilding he said work Drew Ln BC had cleared loot mm WWW and Shhch all 1m trunk té ground level or mere 5100 mllo Ho attributed um lo my ngan miraamw wlfidl had the mt mmmmz died on tho crew is mdpc Put mo case 01 clam inln an umpiy vacuum kerosen can add one home scotch and lablcspoon 01 60 per cent dyna mite Ll up with water And brlng the boil over he cum llm Usa hot mm used or drinking or lo remove the tree Humps asked bewildcwd lbtmu HIGH LIFE Dcpionfifi lhe IIHnwnm or Lhn young non sald Ihal his mum nlwnyu mum MI chil Fhuliy brethnn IllMeier lhlul thnu lhlnu mum lhlnll In lrue In haunt In last nr pun In lavely whllmnr whitone whnlmcvtr Ihlmeur whnlmnr lhlnn In of nod mum hm In In virtue Ind then he llly vnlu lhlnk nu lhrm IMMI IMflpplm Wink About good Mun mo mind has way of cmdlkvrflnx 0m mm Al mm mhhul in Own be lhlul thnu lhlnn Imu lhlnll lhlnn hm hers lhrm BIBLE THOUGHT smugfilgflnusry sLmlad mthster already INTEREST PAID 0N GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES OR 5YEAR TERM 30 Dunlap Slmt Em Darrin Ihono 7100405 firm to stand at attenuan film the mumn was played even on the radio Whatflfll you are in bcdi on asked rm lien attention and present arms qulppod the old soldier $0 Ber to cmverled from palillcx lo lakcshore lan nglly leeral vlccvgmldenl ho once led the NDP ln Par lxarrmt he berm hi Wm ship 01 Ms large ranun am only trustee or Lho nallon until the wclnllst revolutlan mm ll aver TORONN CP an dime operator luvmc Those war he lint words spoken Wednesday by Mayor PmUp leens Tornnlo Munlrcnl Mayor Jun Dru an in Canadas in long div nnco call using Bell Tclmhono Co of Canadan nuw plcuue phnne Toronto Maybr Tests Picturephone Picture quallly wnl good but Mayor Givens Id he was div appalnled Wu no In color Ada ncturvphone resembles mill mum ulwixlm wnh when Mddl lmumlu pkluu nl lho maker lo Ill idenllml unit the other end of the HM rm Mushlnz qulpped anp an all xpohsmen emphnllmd UN and wu My uperimmun nndcmnmcldll Aervko will nnL be lnlmduud lnlu Clnudn Imul nvwer method 01 lrnnlmlninn make ha project economically Mamie MAY CATHEDRAL About 11000 poonle vhk 8L Fem nulllcl 11mm on lha Armin weakby Fme Ontario Nmflmd run wny is owned by the govern ment member of the 1mm uve Allister Johnston Parry Sound chairman And Simon minister energy and mount mnmanem re port an home 1mm ml WAY QUEENS PARK Soth ward so out thnl Mr Simone hid availed tom Toronto to NorfixBay on Northland privaw car Ind some liberal memimu saw pokmllal muggu Hwevm It iteveloped that there hadnt been any carryan with 03g car Mr Shmneu saldthat the car had been in Toronto and he had ridden to Noah Bay And Mr Johnstnn reported that ii cost mixing ule car to go to Tor onto RAIL AGREEMENT Under an meean the CNR canla the car all In lines and lhn UN canes ON can on in Furflur Mr Johnston was dislflusioninz about lravelflng In private cars whim he was carelul to call business cars He gave me Impression um wonomm mi of the Irivnm cu burned out be In the spring of 1m Pietra Lemmo dibenriiie reiumed to the andl base at Placentia having capuuod most of NeMmmd iandi Iberviiie was one the greatest military leaders an land or 93 than Canada em miucedi Afler capturing all of New itmdlmd be Named to go sunk and attack Boston He might man go an and Mo New York Ibervflla prohahiy amid have done it too He was mandala CANADAS STORY The oampalgn In waowdland had been dilhmfl Ibervme had manila his mops acrnu the Avalon pmirmla In wimer thmgh Ice and mmiwz In get Johns He not only had to beat th mm wherever he land them but aim mtcnd with Remix governor Placenlln da eriflm ha kept demanding Larger share lbs spilt Ibcrvnlo and Brouiflon nearly had duel be are the attack on St Jams In wrdcr to keep the Frmdx form together Iberville had to give Brazilian Inger share so pflhlp 11 mud to say ghat he was never defeated H5101 nvgofia inns but mm balm wax at Placmfia and rcalnz hLu maps five Fraud warships sailcd lnla the harbor on May 19 16W Ibcrvillc brother Joseph do Serigny was on band we of hem bringing 19 mm King Louis XIV The humming were dcfinil Ibervme had to give up ha Newimlmfi campaign and drive the British mm lumpy Vflay The Why John hadbeen waste of Hm Ind effort fflerlfldl soon look It had Igain Nothing wax said about lha yuan to attack Basin and New Yoflt ma have been the un inx min in Francos Mary NON America Althwm lbervilla was medal in Hudsons Bay he was new nhYe undertake the malor oampalm against Briuil mummy in what an be USA Animal he was mombtr mimr raid on with manta In New York Am lat omen EVENTS MAY usasCarun nailed on second voyagla In Camda lavJam DWI uilzd 1mm England on third wyage the min Htsmm bdween British and Prde fled all WK trioMajor George FarqtrAdduleqhglerium In Mile tho Comm on me norm mu we at mthXKZU rimmam Cam Ind Nzw Emmi bocamo daxk It pm The Wm ha Mm been emhhwd woomm Lnbm unmixed two million new ln Ontario flaw81 John ankllnsailed from podium Ia Mule mm he hu ow pcrLehed lassNiagara Bush and Malawi Bank Montreal meivod duke InnFin awnboa mind at For Glrry 1376an giu1igland mod male 151ch yen to This Stow Turned Out To Be BuSt Iberville Ordered Attack 011 British By Db 6mm LETTERHEADS BROCHURES INVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS PROGRAMS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS THE NEW RUBBER STAMP THAT NEVER NEEDS AN INK PAD WEDDING STATIONERY CONTINUOUS FORMS 111p 93min iExumiunr 16 BAYFIELD ST Cairn NYE north digrng iho 51 11mm pm wfifié ML TRY PEBMHSTAMP 25000 IMPRESSIONS BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR COMMERCIAL PRINTING By BOB BOWMAN will the need or switching and making connections travel by private car could he nuisance 1n lack the Impression was me am the mailman couldnt care what the line had prl vajg Mr or not Tile 9hr 43 year old and here are up plan or replace willme mainn equlgngn own for Mr SFmoneu hes astvmove who usually pllots M2139 about MMl own II cr TRIED LIQUOR mly Lhcr rcceyul allemptl note dig up scanda ham been In liquor And also didnt 2930 the mad But on we lswuuu liberal cm an charged then had bcen some ham panky in the Issuing ofliccncos And pflnlngnit Iiccpcees The licence board and the control board are dpwntowm and Lho government lees to Lt that it isnt tied In otttciatlyf with most of their operations The only time they are up an dobato tn the house when there happens to be legislathn mnccrnlng them so they dont undergo the detailed examina Hon deparhnent of lovemI ment dm But they cofidnl make any mi 59° GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS 7266537 fly

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