an unwlaflfllflg Copelandalallerson Ltd Brampton The offer has BLACK WHITE OR KODACOIOUR FOR EACH ROll EFT FOR DillOPING PRINTING Slxu Include FmESTONE RESIGNS Harvey Firuulone Jr 68 chairman of the board otlhe Firpslone Tire and Rubber Co of Akron Ohio since ma re rignud Tuesday The board decled Raymund Firestone 57 to succeed his older brother MAKES OFFER Amth lmpcrinl but through 11 subsidiary Office Spocially le has oiicrcd to acquire or aboul $800000 outstanding than ml shareholders of Empire Life Insurance Co of Kingston have npprovad IMOMne stock split to Increase the number outstanding sham to £40430 Directors also declared stock dividend one share or every 10 divided sham held to be Is sued lo holder record June WOOIWORTHS um uuan 620 120 and 135Sallslaclla gummlaod Jusl loam your ï¬lm Wonlwollhs lot dcvelonlng and prlnling In addi tion In Iho last cillcicnt SOMCG and finest qualin plinls you will also wccive ABSOLUIELY FREE new loll ï¬lm of the same size This 00 WY 10 Kodacoloor and BlackandWhila lilm In sizes 121 620 110 And 135 Salkhrllm Dorulhy Provine and Tony Curd Indulge In some fancy 51min In this scener from um mm mull lh Vame ms cumady hit The Great Em in mm color and Pane opening um ammm EXAMINER OPENS TODAY AT THE ROXY BUSINESS BRIEFS Iv STORES INSERT OWN ADDRESS HERE Leamlnglnn England Ran dolph min 33 who won the DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Vancouver William Tam plcton 76 believed be the Gmndim build and fly plane Wis 11 1mm WILL SEND MISSION Canada will send special economic mission to France lalcr his year to work cut ar rangements or Increased Francocanadian trade Trada Minister Winters said Tuesday in Ottawa said been ameplod by holder of more lhan so per cent of the companys Issued shares an an nngjxeement in St Catharina today at he Rnxy Theatre Jack Lemon and Natalie Wood also star In rm mad slay of round4heworld auto Alue mums gï¬reded me ilm WEDNESDAY MAY MantaDr God Alexander Ear 7s nun dnm Gm Mam Her nandez MarLinez widen cl El Salvador mm mm la 19 stabbed to death at his farm in eastern Ibnduias mm M1951 ncï¬ï¬i mm sum wand warld nï¬ddleweight boxing chmmmp SWI nay Nerrmk supervisor Mm Milan the CBC fold the Cnmmnns bmadcasting com mittee French nelwork pro grams cflï¬cal the Liberal have brought dime Interven IIun by top CBC officials WEDNESDAY my 18 The Ca pm co discuss In amide gran ta NMoxdeani The Senate sténds adjourned until Maw In rvl The issue was Comava live motion saying the gov ernment inwosed ugh money and denied lunds to builder Ind praspeclive hmmawnera Health Minister MacEanhm said he government will tablIsh medical care lnsm ante by July I961 whelher all provinces are ready lo parlicipateornnt It was the elm min margin of ha session or the government Parliameht ï¬t 11 Glahce 1he minority Liberal gov ernment squeade to victary my on Conservative nonconlidence malion In Iha lImmrmna mnney sum de ale 0mm and leivii Cir nose and 3mm STORE HOURS DAILY TO 530 FRIDAYS TO SMMncHan Guarnnhwl 0r Your Manny flflmdfld