Niiwsriibimuur Americ Spédks Aft Ottdwq OTTAWA CPI Arthur Goldberg American ambessa dtrr In the United Nations said Monday the United States will persist in peaceful overtures to Conununist China lie said at press conference thatiegretiuiiy China in soil isolated and that the US hopes China wll abandon its policy that political power grows out at the barrel of sun lIir Goldberg also said the 115 doesnt want to widen the war ill Viet Nam But it wrmld pursue iu military eitort with restraint and carriulness so that it would not be dislodged and at the same time seek peaceiui solution Aslred whether the us would be prepared if necessary to put 1000000 men In Viet Nom It now has some 230000 there Mr Goldberg said Were not playing the numbers game You would have to tell me how many troops the other side is going to put in IS TOUGIIEST Mr Goldberg said iihodesia Is the ioost immediate and dim cult problem tor the UN it would be terrible it racial war broke out in Africa Everything in our power must be done to settle the Rho desian question peaceiully Mr Goldberg who flew back to New York Monday night eon ierred for several hours with External Affairs Minister Mar tin and brieiiy met Prime Miri ister Pearson Mr Goldberg described his talks on common UN problems as very worthwhile and added that the Us and Canada were the principal architects of the UN He said he and Mr Martin canvassed very lrankly the question at lied Chinese mem bershipin the UN They had not altrmpted to come to war men understanding on the issue however This dnlnt mean there had been any misunder standing lie said he ienmlly hopes Canada wont reduce its UN peacekeeping activities Transit Is G0 TORONTO tCPlGOJrarLsil Thats the name oi the prov inces rail commuter service along bake Ontario scheduled to start early next year Go In an abbreviation for Government oi Ontario Highways Minister Glories MacNaughtm minister respon sible for the commuter system said Monday G0 Transit was chosen because it is simple name that clearly sets out the governments participation in thr prolcct The commuter trains will on crate from Burlington in the west to Dunhnrtnn In the cast distance oi 52 milrs scning it stations on route The trip from hurlington to Toronto will take 57 minutes iiom Inuiharton to Toronto 40 minutes lralns will operate irom 515 5m to midnight and at every 20 minutes during rush nonv Firm have not yrt horn on nouorcd OTTAWA CidThe rcnlrn nlal commemorative loin oi 1907 color the governmrnt no pool to roll at til could cost as much on 111 in produrr finance department official said Monday The fllM Mil he will 33131 at are value Inil they will In rludo 310 gold coin that In in tended to be collrdorr ltrm Thrnixh It will he legal tender it it llitttltti In hr mod rhrly If our to normal transactions Onion tor III sprtinlly minted cmmnnnnrnltrr parked in hisrhliunhly lrulhrr vrrwntntion raw new are two init nltfilltii by the iloyal in molten Mint for drtivrry etirl tnii next lnntini and will run lion in he niriplrd iinlll Kent 30 07 The gold coin will hrnr lil Queens rfiigy on the fore and the nnaillnn cool of arm on the hurt The other roiiu In the Ilflliililiiilll Ari nil he spe wnlIyimntllcd arts the nrw coin to go into general lrrula lltnr nut year with lili Qlircnl diiry on the 4m and new wild lier designs oil the bath The latter limbi in 13 And Mrrni Idem and silver drillerMill also he Avnllnhlw nut your to plnslir Vflihfllfl normally brmltiird liy tlili mint for min roltwton Rail Request lttlli AllTlIIll ltll Tun Nunlwm tnuniio lellvllln oi onulmir told the ttuniioyll tranrmrt winnuliro on Monday Hi hotter Inli naurngrr arrive in In nailed to this port oi the prowl TIl linkrhrail llatnivr rd mmtnrr ssan Ilia iwllnlry and loitmi rlinmtw oi mninNr rmmlvd lliriv inlets at th imni timing the touring Mottlilttu Indor ltn Mn in its ImhllilM ihamtm said that will the Chlls upciulm Altmth oesoaano Pelee Gesture oi the Dominion passenger train service it is concemed about the future at the rallwayss re maining mainline passenger trainthe Canadian The Lakehead brici added We believe it Is possible but inconvenient to get along with out the Dominion at the Lake head it will cause some disad vantages in passenger tratie and it will cause deteriora tion in express service as has already been shown but these are not of serious nature at least at present Near 211 Million UllAWA GP Canadas pomdatlon was an estimated 19050000 at April and will pass 20000000 within few weeks or months Dominion Bureau oi Statistics said Monday the population at April was up 1ï¬21000 or nearly nine per cent from the June 1061 census Another census will be taken in June about the time the 20 000000 mark will be reached Officials say there is no way to determine precisely when the population wil reach that lig ure Since the last census there have been an estimated 1100 000 births and 500000 immi grants have been added to the popululion 0n the other hand there have been 700000 deaths aunyd 370000 have leit the coun rgcst population increase since last was in Ontario where the population rose 101 per cent mm the 1961 count to no es mated 6300000 at April mg gert percentage Increase 106 Elias recorded by British Colom Many Paroled UIIAWA lCllA trial of 1M convicter murderers now me im on parole while another lot are in prison serving lite sen Ienccs Solicilerdionornl lrnt ncll told the Commons Monday 1iiteon other murder convicts have died in prison since 1020 and nine had their paroles re voked or various ollcnrrn PM oi the nine have since been in mlorl second time Stailttlcs talilcd for friend Dell llCCariottnil show that oi the 101 convicted killer new relenqu 1min prison 11 sonoil scnlmccs ranging trom thrm In in years Another 51 sonrd hrfMNn ii and 10 yearn and it served he turen i7 and 20 years Under that irmilaliom mor Parliament ilt ll Glance lly TI ANAIIIAN PRESS MUNIMY lllly 10 1300 timid Ilcn PCNorth lllliitï¬iflrlll mtttfd his partys ltloliml nonwoolldrnro the oinmonv innnod in two Ilav money supply ilrlialr It trliitiliti the inlnorlly government on Krtuintlt that lightinonoy Dollsy who riirlilng ilnielqwiwol and denying illiltil tor lwmolnuld lost itiin tillhnl tNill Ttlt mitt llrnndvlrwl Idiil ill New linlivniain would nintpotl it linnmi when it rmle to voll tmlelit iimllit liniIltr lnilinrhrn Ifilti Hmlal ltildlir me he lnit liolinl to stop the mom Itliotl Ill tlltiti Nile oi till rims Mil UN Muslin lirï¬lrllh mi riun wired limit iiiitilll oi tniiriit housing in Qtllflt only It milrhy mound Ilanmne Kindl Ilt Mata iNIII sold lho ihnllrml hank mild not lie allowed in tlinlgo lnlririt innmil the tvrrlrnl ruperrrnl rrllml litn looaiiynrting ruminmm In told that inr mm ha low the VHIHVlliim docinl pnnlo until Mlllhlau Ilart riveting time May it Th tflmilwnl NW at 110 liltl in whirl on th not ply mom in saun olmll ivlhnirnel lIiilIi May It dï¬ITDeliegdterdrerchihs dei convicts now trust servo at 10 yeansl beiore qualiiyingtor parole and linen their parole mint be by the cabinet as well as the parole board Seven murdervconvlcts were paroled last year emit in 1964 10 in 1961 this in 1mm recordlilnihï¬l Curb On 130 mews CPtThe mun meat studying special meas ures to stop the smuggling and illicitsale of the drug LSD llealth Minister MaeEaehen told the Commons Monday He gavano Imitation Mint the special measures would be 31119 minister said his depart ment and the RCMP are con cerned about the illegal trailie of LSD which produces balluci nations Use oi the drug was not gen eral In Canada but appeared to be increasing LSD was highly potent and dangerous when used without medical or clinical supervision BEARS SilUN SEA Female polar and young cubs spend the winter In land sometimes 50 miles from the sen led to the Dominion Archive 1dr Pardon who lives inOii onrswu UPIA MoeMirth Pearsons in cnm furnished the ripeat obtainingtlie dootrmmt ini ilalied by Queen Victoria that mada01tawa Canadas capital Word oi the sandman leaked out earlier Monday and we first cardisvmed by Moln lon Archivist Dr Kaye Lamb and later spokesman indie prime ministers ofï¬ce ex planed Mr Pearsons involve men William SpencerLa cotsin oi Dymond Sees Scheme Trend T011010 OPlEiealth Miro iota Matthew Dyrmnd Monday 001d Ontario dmtnta that its only matter of time before there will be prepayment schemes tor all hearih services in the province it trend oi our times and we might as well recognize it he said in an address tie the Ontario Dermal Assodatltm Gevemoenu shy am im costly programs that to in creases in taxation whrdi are so dstnstiedul to all oi us But we in government have to meet the needs of society and It is my responsibility to rewmmeod to the government some way oi Ipmwdinig these services capo and is welt1mm coll lecbor ot documents heard oi the Queen Vidona memoran wro we amin ogr is New York City nir SpencecseotwordtoMr Pearson last year along with letter loom the ï¬rrn altering the docummt or sale Mr Pearson was asked whether lanada was interested in obtaining It and regarding to the apotremnan mired ai nrmaavely Mr rem tumed the pass over to Dr Lamb and ceniiden tial negotiations began These were wrrplwed recently and the doeiaoeni alreadyheu tor chord on its animosity was psmdiased and ioekedaww in the arehives veult SAID GENUINE lhere isnt any doubt abmt it Dr Lamb said it oer mil 3193 ismwowwit ma Conrado Dr Laird said the document was on memorandum mm MbjGen Charles Grey Ma Alberts secretary 1m dourmeot Is in Prince Alberts handwriting and initialled by his wife Queen Victoria The queens choice oi oi iainn made imml try the NE dominant ended tong omin veray Vidmia and Albert believed tohave selected 0t tawa then sent Gen Grey 00 study the site and memonmdum Gen Greys original memorandum to the WOIttD shirts tion will pieya large part in the treatment oftubereuiosis Victims ln emerging nations the Kent Couiity tuberculosis association was told Monday night OBrien at Toronto executive director of the On royai archiveI at Windsor vi Castle Predict COOIer Trend Following Sunny Day Showers and thunder showers will allow mainly sunny weath er today according to the To ronto weather oilice Forecast calls for showers to night and thunder showers be ginning during the night and ending Wedomday evening Winds will be llght todal be comingsoutheest to tomorrow 111s thermometer is expected to dip to £0 degreis tonight ris ing to Wednesday Low read ing at lhc Examiner office last night was is it win 60 at am Synapsllz This will be one oi the warmest days so tur this spring with rodcgme temch tum expected over most oi southern Ontario this allernoon new disturbance extending from the eastern Prairies south ward te Texas has produced large area ol shown and thun dirshnwcrs which will reach western Ontario by tonight It will take most at Wednesday to move this large area oi showers and thundcrshowers across 0n tario Lake St lair Lake Erie Lake Huron Windsor London Sunny and mild becoming cloudy with showers late trnloy Showers and thuntlcrshowers to night ondlnit about annesilay midday Cheering Walnawlay Evmlng hlild Winds light be coming southerly 20 tonight and nrstiiiy 2o Wednesday after noon Niagara noslrrn Lake in tarin smithern Georgian ltay sunny and warmer today Cloud log over tonight with shower and thtiniirrsliowera beginning during the night and ending Weilesdny evening lindt light becoming southeast Walnu day lialtborton Killaloc emth like Ontnrln norlhorn Gum DEATHS lly 111E CANADIAN FRESH Tomoiwllomo Aitnirs IIIniI Irr Stonhrn Joseph Campbell ï¬ll oi llrltloh timnno it his doughirru home two Saturdoy rl mom Ilnmr Minollo iintnrnrm 17 Italian movie lllruter who made Mind to ltnly nod Rosin Sinulay Montreal Antmoctle Nod 55 rcntrnl matron III Qtldrc innvinrlnl ruvllro lirodquartrrl hero uunn lltllisiiop Arthur Ilmry Sovereign Aaniimi htihop oi the Who and tnnad anor hsi IMllllilll All IT ltsrlmting tnmmunIi Ions tho world violini nlmt I170 moooo lone oi rmnl mine in IMi EXAMINER uelion Ads ClASSlFiED dont cost llplyil 7282414 gian Bay North Bay Sudbury Sunny and warmer this alter noon and evening Wednesday cloudy with showers and scat tered thundershowcrs Wind light becoming southeast Wednesday iimagaml Codirane Mainly sunny and warmer this ailer noon and evening Wednesday cloudy with occasional rain Algoma Sault Ste Marie White River Mainly sunny and warmer becoming cloudy late today Rain tonight coding by midday Wedntxsday Partial clearing Wednesday afternoon Winds light becoming cast 15 early Wednesday and west is Wednesday rimmm Ottawa region llecoming mainly sunny this allernoon cloudy later in the day Lillie milder Vcdnesdayl Light winds Forcest tempertrim Law tonight high Wedimrlay Windsor 75 St Thomas tendon Kitchener Mount Forest Wingham llamillon st Catharines Toronto Pcterbor Kingston Trenton Kiltaloe hiuskeka North Bay Sudbury Earilon Snuli Sic lane Knpuslrasin While ltiver llioosonee Timmins éaegeaséessgsaaaesesss gsmgxsaasasassagaaasg 100 mil With sonny bucket seat beneath your butches 4enihetloev router in your palm Ind pockeiiul ei savingsyouve got to be smiling Simras highcompression mounted Iev extra uacoon And actionl Also lot economy Stmca delivers the kind at from some enemies 1mm MAY 17 min Tubemdods Association said drugs loathe treatment at the disease are In reasonably adequatieswply innil emerging nations FUNERAL HELD regime to Ln iuneral was held Monday tor engine is teen gas mileage thats tough to match And With Chryslers ismeus wear50000 mils engine and rims uain warranty going to you you can keep right on smiling SIMCA DIVlBION MairGen John Gunn 03 former conunandlngvoiiicer oi the Queens Wu iliï¬sslei Can ada who died Sunday lie was ofï¬cer commanding the zith Bettalloo in Franceirom 1015 to 1010 He received the Dis tigiguishsd Service Order in l6 es per gallon The trio begins when you get our low prim easy terms and immediate delivery Stop in cumseen CANADA LTD silica FRENCH Morons Barrie 1T1 75 Bradford 51 Barrie Ont May we suggest SavetortlieLitileThlngsyoumightotherwiseneverbuyAccount CANADIAN lMPERlAL BANK OF COMMERCE wvsrkrilrtlï¬f