muHUM mun Insl nan lulvuu Unnnl Vlurflh lwuu ml lIivlay May 71 hmr mm Imam Illl II llwmd Iamvl uni lrul Mu Dun Mm MML mm Imumwn 1m wuhlwl Mr IllmnXI Tmflrr cm 11 mvl Min mu Want uhrr mrmlur rim whhu nHrwl mMIuL II Iml mfl Um ma MM erwnl ln xhlwln hl Hmrm luumy ml Imuh mun wk am 11w m1 vmrnlhn un hrll Cunk ImADIOIlD ISIAH Sewn mu will rnrmde In SVlllll Sixmw Arnior anlllml lemma III Mun width In Bdrmle in oven on Tuhdn May llnllnml huh Ilnlwl In plny Idmy nml Coolunwn nrmllml or Um opening gmnon Ilmllnrtl lill mm Fru mlll Park Na lwrna armmln Il mun Mrle nlm Ill ha lmnw lnr Frmwlll Carnm llnlInnvl Mnrlh and Hard We Ihn ollvrr lunu lmw lrul mm fKkHN HUM Ar mnmwnu IIMo hem romplnl rzl vwkslmm Vmwnu 1w nMMr lnr vrmrnmlnllnn ll Um mm mumal uwfllnl 1m 5w imrn th II In in hrltl al Seven Teams Will Compete cIn South Simcoe Soitball wim 1m 1mmku ml ym Frnnrnl Imnï¬ mum coomown slafll the gnrcrmncnl would prayId the ï¬nancing we would be in favor or inslalling village sewage symm but otherwise Emma out hc qucsunn lar now We HH have In pay or our waler lyslem or some Years said wouncdlbr Arthur Edd We long resident of Coomwn The munlupnl water syslom whichhns been lrcquenlly cam mended was lnslnllul abuut hm your an and being ï¬nanced by 30year dwcnlurcs Councillor Kidd revcaltdl llu snid this made sham rlse in lnxu and with he counly rate now up along mlh ccrlnm Ichoo rule and other com the kamawn councll had lo be prflflkal In It ocunnmlc pollcy 1956 MATH 0N 1956 MATH SOON Aska about the 19m lax rate Countillnr Kidd snld he nan nnlud this would be at he ncx rrzular moulan on Tues day June Varloux nsnocl Um budget had been dlscmm by Ilccvc Inuls Monkmnn and member of lhc council who also Inclqu Gordon Inmmnn Mur my JcDWbll John Houghlon and hlmxrll Cookstown WI Lists Delegates Seeding apcrauom are start soon or the planting of grass on the 13 acres This may man that Irv park will be clued or month or two for baseball games but avenlunlly it will be grant advantage flu pro motion of sport The Bradford mlnor league clubs vll be ask ed to play on other diamond lor whllc Sewers At Cookstown Will Await Finances abosr ron spam We Len dis park gang BRADFORD 5mm Wlfll more than 75 has planted and cm baseball diamond being laid out Quad progress is being made In the development of tha new Bradloni and district cen tennial park by the immunity 9311 here Slum Cozkslmn bcrnmo an Good Progress Made For Bradford Park lflls RECREATION cent hwwn Bradlom and Dly trick Mam orhl Communlw mm Mmmlnln Gumryn 5m ml 10 Intlllnmllmn the IRHN lad Ha FIlmlflnnll an rllnx mm m1 lho Vivhie LLINGWUUH MVFTIMH OHJNGWUID Fhe Iranu will nilHI In In Him Mmm In lvfllmll rune lhh mu main Krllifld mm lo Mlllhy May smamm TIPVIIIM Illirklm lrnhlcnl llnn Zirlka Fm nrlla lwuh un ndlw urcullu th also lmlmlu MI Jndurm 01 Amy vimprmdenl MM Illll Mall IMwa Wir lnryIvratuvrr ml Hwy an Ioni lnl man In wlml Hwy Nd Ihn lnmon Ml MM nmivlnvuhlc nramn lulu lm ï¬rm mm and mu urn Imnl mud Im In slur mm In drmll nl which will Im Immuan Inlrr Hnnd llradl oprnnl limo II llxlrd lnr Walnmlny Mly 13 wiih llnlhml Marh lha ulluc inn pinyin lwn rvcnlnu In row mell Cool mm or the owning llwa nn nmmby May in all but mu hmm nxunrr hrlnu my limo on Frldny my 21 DISTRICT BRIEFS no human which run um 11 Aukml prmldu nr 11 home alumI and 11 may mm or MPI mun Impva and put Into shape In tho coming Irmn Nm pnym rndzmxru MM HIM TM erd your councillor he pmvimuly served eighl year on the board cl lnnlm con oukd that mmidpal wwnrga 5y5lcm would In grant Id vnnlugc nu with local rcal mm lam bring Mun lhoy ha nmnuml Mu govml mcnt will him to provide more he inMina or such Insul 11an Innisnl has lira equipment at Stmud and here talk of an oihtr It Idroy We can Ill hclp each olhcr when the accu aily nrlsN Councillor Kidd uugxcsltd GOVERNMENT MD There ire hall and equip mcnl here and cover lama in arcn He said time was good mutual cooperation In ï¬reï¬ghting There brlgada and tquhlmfllll ll Thornton Ihd he heard there was talk es lablishim another at me nurlh cumcr ol Essa incorpomlad village ln 1W dil cram improvements had been made Before lhal it had been pollcu village since 190 Parts of he cnmmunlly were located in our lawnshipl Essa lnnls til W95 Gwillimbuzy And Tec Minor ball has been spamm ed in Bradford lhrwth llle Rec reation Cammksian Until couple of years arr so ago Brad ford had team in the Swlh Slmcoe baseball league Comple lion ol the new park with modern ball park is expected encourage mum to inter mediate or senior baseball to be 01 great value to our town and district said Mayor Joseph Maganl onetime Hradlord basebnl and hockey star and keen sport Ian 11 should be big boost to sport and runa tian The location rim by the gradlordA am Diskkt Memong Cmnuiuflity Centre was consid ered Meal Baseball 11mm in Bradford Centre mbeonhamed wiï¬h Improvements to the MAM park area visitor Edward 0R0 STNTION Slam va nearly rocovmd rm recent seizure Wesley Tudhopu wax back In his ksk the 0m munkim ofï¬ce hrrc Mn wnx Saidlcn Mcmnrlnl Ila pilnl or name two Wtcks Cklk of On or 41 years Mr Tud hopo In udling lu mum rcmly for 0w CounciL Mflslï¬l by do lily dark llmry Nude Mr Mhopo slarud 0m dark in mm mundin hll mm to tho pout llis urnml lather aha IM been 0m clerk Councillor Kidd susgcslcd coundl have to start to hlnk nbmfl his pmblem but In cl he zavcmmcnl should come to the mid of small places liku Cooksmwn whn are laced with such rublcnu There should be mlllo taxation on 1031 esule he remarkud Mos Cookslown homes lmve septic mm whidu work sails Iadnnly 1Hth should be any great yowxh municipal saw age mlem would become man datory under health regulations posslble lo pmvlda Hm 131731 and inprove lira prolecllom Eran GENERAL soon In reference he cower zlion cl West Gwillimbury in joint projects such as the park Mayor Maganj said he would like to givethe people there dua credit Wu lxy to work togeth at for the common good and both mnidpaliï¬c bandit he rammed We like our 119th ban and we want item to like us We get my ï¬ne Clerk Is Back At 0m Oflice The greatest comedy of all time hunwx mm 5mm aw Inninwng IJIWMI MW Arm Hum LAST TIMES TODAYx LA BONNIE SOUPE RESTRICTER PLUS IHE STRIPPER has been kindled by Lha success of young Bradfoni souflrpaw pitcher Jirnlaumny who is with the major league Detroit Tigers meanizatlon in Bradford are an very proud of him and wish him every 5W8 pro ball said Mayor Max WNW WWW Tony CurWJackLemmon NataIIeWood fbï¬latrilhe Great Race Home stands by memorial mamaneat to Bradlmd and distnkll War dead Exam Iner PM IHWX Hill 20 mqu MN MIMI zflAktmgrwonnow 29 13 353353 35 313 19 fri u1c45arve 315 m4 FEATURE AT no ml mm SHOWS AT NIGHT Pauls Innislil and St Pctcrl Churchil lhn cemmony the blazing 5m was 115 Sunday Many puck ngm rl MM were blessed mi grncm hIrsinK Mimi Dr the men Mm plant nnd gm Wu mm In PM whm hm hm been lurnul out um New munhm lwln Main My nlong mm tho own Mild mm well lar Hm hand nl um am warm The lllcklmgl havu arms nnw planted but mm Inku hm week come up so by lhcn wn may be pm MI danger and have load growing wrath nanfnoN SUNDAY thcre has been no spr work done on field yet Ha feels that the long dehy In getting the planted bathy spmutcd may allcct he gmwlh the sprout may die of Man It gen above be soil This Applies to early sown barley only GOOD PROSPECTS Unless some unmesccn typo weather develop it should be good crop year In our men and we ed that them Is no msan or discuumgcmcn here Buds on the ruin tree In the mil mwing area may have been mlkilled and In Game pans the province early plantings tumuch may haw bvfn 1w FALL WHEAT GOOD Unlike last year Lhe MM has come 6mm WEI and this disc Applies to 1119 do ven and pawns They may be slnwu but perhaps by tho weekmd we may haw Mt Eden gmwth to wow pastur ing ï¬smillbonflghel to shock awnm who have having diflicully in ohmlnins hay whch was short up last year Silos are about am My WW one has double new age capacity This is the fodder which keeps the milk yield up and mum Ihe grass arrives in very important lactw in dairy feedxnu Md Aymt of Simud WM sells seed grain in Northern Ontano says that too much rain Ihere is flgxijng the fields and Mng Most of the main done and this would not haye been possible had we had we swing The rain which full this wedmnd was not near ly amidstt for spring need but it we good start and may just penmll the bmidins leaves on come can and Ihe spmuung grain to push up il sun warms is promised bulso uasthlssecflmls concelmd it looks good for murkyearAsR0ylflck linztoldusallweneedisa wannraintoslanthamh ï¬m Ofmm we Mama yerylargernngg Ontm whatwe saw and heéid did not mt to eggs win 90 ranaï¬mtpagestorydme backward updng which was causing Lha tanner of Ontario annualable setback and that Inked ashangh the taxman muld come out badly on this years cmm We checked WM some at mera and wok look arm DISTRICT NIWS¢ INNISFIL NOTES Tomnln Page Good CrOpXYear Seen For District BARN EXAMINER JUESDAY MAY 11 1M Go along any of the road In the township and it will not be iar ill some wrecked can or unused vnhlcles show up lo mar lha vlow ma committee has been uking or cooperation in homily 1h Inwmhip but even alter Iome local group have mi on drive In clean up and aulily here on still many plmrlnfl wllh unsightly sur mmmpe almosi any point one lust has in mud and look around on Use ncw Tollcndal road lor instance one 505 rear View of 1qu that could have ouihouses and other unsightly building re moved Old can lea on lot along the Hillel are the driver as he proceed along what might be lovely mivel An abandoned gravel pit municipallyowned harbor or waste maierialx aid 15 lust as the above lin mmmmmmm successful in malaag me man 1k year will llkely be Shaw welmmllltlshkm hem maï¬a soon ngAmmcmox Many amtuiuy mum moma who have tried brick or who have experi ence at quake are needed if they live wiflin 25 miles of Slroud We hav had an enquiry tram the locaï¬m maneu of the Canadian mgmg Cam paw asking our compe titions project or WI Mal ï¬lms display This mid have to be recorded this year no be available my Cmada far 1967 One 66¢ need to go far In any direcgion to sue some eyesvre up the landscape LAST TIMES TONIGHT You Man II JoHng plm Humch To JIM Mum as 315 min Shane Hm Isaac dc Mr Spring hm been in poor health and has rented his am He been one the older arm should am taking life easy present he will remain the pd has 52 tenant 511mm SALE 1113 of Isaac Springs hold farm sale thin week Mwn Isaac Spring will his and imple atllnlamon the MI era 20 ddernad Mn we nc gs were 23 Egé 53 agriculture mm Mam or box wss fliemarm prire lad week whéd was Mn again and Md make that Industry hep anrn roundings It will lake lo ol persuasion and probably the use some iognl force to get rid many of the lhlngslhal an anlcycsore wroughoulvlha lmvm II Mr Rose said was he ln cation to place tamed pic tuu which give something the history of Gammander Slade who was Simcoe Cou ï¬rst rncmber nl Parli mom around about May 24 The glass in he picture was broken 1m year then me many vlsllon aha came to see lhe memmlal and we are requcnuy asked questions said Mr Rose who Wu cant understand 111 Ed ldnd at vandalism IBM Mn Rme whoId police have not been AM to track dawn the culprits mesa placquns mu elm the memorial and give it meaning to visflm We dont know why anyone would want to 3mm them or lake hemhaway but It has been Ona wooden plaque with an lnmipflon to Commander Sled disappeared altogether and another cIIyqnade pleca try Mu Kenneth Well Ilsa unisch There was evidenco around Hm latter had been smashed ï¬rst Hm hail Rose wiSIm be looking alter the memorial EMSWMLE scam 11 cause we damag vandals before tamed p15 cure and plaque at Oom mander Elme Steele memorial calm at nearby Falrvalley Ira 1m erected for the summer nonlhi now it vyurkarmed Since he hasnt been feeling in the beat at beam Mr Woodmw has not planted as much him self as he once did But he sald obwrved Idle plight of oflm sun As 1m Hawké none said he had all and hub HAWKENNE Slam Un les we get mqre raln and mm er weafluzr the cmp 1055 in thin area could be serious said Donald Woodmw RR Ora Station when asked alum seed ing conditions in this pm of Simmonmm Mr Woodrowjaw has plant 9d 50m grain himself Inld mos farmers wen from lwn to three weeks Wad in their work beqausu the exceptionally cold SPHM He said he noticed nelghbons who had planted oats more than two week £30 andflwy warent showing at Lna time at wddnz More rain and more warmth l1 urgently needed to prevent serlous Ions he said stating ï¬lls depsz on glutewenlnen arm 319mm mm mm Protyedt Plaques FromVandal Loss Ord=gF¢rmers Want MoreRain Warmth an In In mind arluherum inmnnv mtg 1553b Imvmu mum UNJVERSAL Flown mm Gm PM 151 I652 53 Mummm Lflm AFLUMIILI NEW IN COLOR Mlmm mum AUNIVERSAL new mm am my wm Marvlu Am Dirklnun Mull mummmt BOX OFFICE OPENS AT km SHOW STARTS AT DUS THE MOST MODERN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO Farr WWI STARTS TODAY SHANTY BAY $523312 Mi maid oh haw named by Mr Rose revealed and it was kum open full week or the Immimoe Wm Ownum Stmle mm mm las 11n backwas Ha was ï¬rst elected Io Par amen in 1941 some 76 yea before Conledernuun He lhcn was reptesenlalive man this dislnict to the Padimnt of tho Unnod Provinces me only pul inz place the whole can Hes no secretagent hes crook llle same Commander Steele was volume who supported Ihe famous Baldwin Act chun ges d1 forerunner todays Ontario Municipal Ad mra any gyjryhidx was pan Uni Gown grant to Commander Steele the Myal Navy mmmcvmum nuwmvh flpRST DUCHOLZ WAT MAN IN ISTANBUL mm xmwA mama worm MARIO ADORF Inns HUME 04an L1 ml WADISIIMJI lbw emu ROM WMWVK lmï¬m Mn mwmmum we WWW Au Hinton Fagan oi Coulson in Medomé Mnship said spring grains wm generally sown but were behind In Kramh with mudl it nn shawng as ytt Soma hadnt glam vegetable wanting and owe had just started TEES CELERY CROP Asked about the celery crops he harvested few years ago Mr Fagan said he hadnt de He also stressed the need 01 more raln and warmLh would heip crops and flu pas hire new be ley planted but he stillhad veg elahle plmlng ahead He con lirmed growth was retarded by the cold weather earlier lhls Crops certainly are geulng late start said Mr Agar who has armed In On all lilo Evean isbehlnd last year Ive just planted little grain or my hens but crops generally have been set pack sald Ore yum of he g1h Line 0m llllhny 11 ll Guthrie Helical Elnlu Ind Orlllll ADULT ENTERTAINMENT NOW PLAYING TUESDAY TO FRIDAY OPEN moms WEEK DAIRY DAN Secret Recipe Flu Igeah swam CREAM and MILK Eat be wary grew was of good quality he emphaslzad Mn Pagan has been frequent winner at ore and qmerrdistrlnt mgge Vlhk yeé qr noL Just me at an ex pcnment hesald stating that his crop has created much In terest since celery is not usu ally grown in Ihis area He con ceded it is easier to cultivait mama marshlandu fall 1ng hls vegetableï¬ï¬‚splayz lnrvhelher lo lryvltn grow Watch for Us JACKPOT $26000 LEGION HALL 71 COLLIER ST sunnun AT Doon mm pm WEDNESDAY MAY 18 lEGlON BINGO 31