9xiéljded 10 May ï¬nal cwollpchvelyf 0mm in volunln plan Ind on tnn can your mrm Mp If any llmo The avrmmrnl lumrvcr ran an ranrvl mtmlwnhipl in the cm nl mint mu liun mluw of urvfm mm Imymmt of pvrmlmnn or nmnlhn nlur mrmlwr hu trml In lvavnl of nurin The May 16th deadline is final added the minister This enrollment deadline cannot be extended any further because it takes time to process such flood of applications even with the most modern equipmentavailabie The extension of the open enrollmént period means that thosé residents who have already enrolled and thosewho enroll before May 16th will be protected by OMSIP beginning July 1st OMSIP has been established to pmvida adequate insur mee coverage 101 the pay ment of docwm bills apd to make this coyerage available 31 033 mden an en age Income mu health Enrollment in OMSIP voluntary The Plan is intended for Individuals and theirlamilies Ind does not pmwde group coverage Gmup oovera 01 when number of in in Everyone who has lived in N975 OMSIP will no pay 01th call holpllnllm Non OMSIP an uddlllonnl lowlct ml tubullulo hr Onlutla Holpllal lnwmnu You will IIHI require covmga by Molpltul Immanu received already cover mere than 1100000 of our citizens Dr Dymond added however that large numberofresidents had indicated they would join OMSIP but for variety of reasons had been unableto send in their application in time The OMSIP open enrollment period has theiefore been extended by two weeks in order that these pereth may qualify for caverage from the day the Plan goes into effect on July let The Plan is success declared the Minister Thenuinber of ahplicetions Ontario residents who enroll after May 16th will have to undergo minimum three month waiting penod before they are entitled to OMSIP coverage and benefits said Dr Dymond OMSIP PROVIDES COVERAGE REGARDlESS OF AGE INCOME 0R HEALTH duals collectively urchnsa inan throggh air 1115109 OMSIP provides pmdlcully all phyxlclnm service bcnafm Inclvdlngt Ongario Health Minister Dr Dymdnd has announced that residents of the Province may still receive full ontario Medical Insurance Plan coverage and benefits by July 15 providing they enrollin the Planbefbre May 16th you ï¬ll out lhh lppnr lumlcaland nlhu prozodum Tmlmml of fmdum and dlslnmlom Cefllnod Ipcdullll unlm ul mublhhed mm when you an nlamd to the spulullu by your donor Counln danlal lumlml ervlm poflollmod In II helpliul Dodo visit in no homo oiflce or hospital Dingngxl and human oi iilnosm and lnluvlos Diagnosis Prouporaiiar can and animal Iuriory anti poxivoperoflon can Obmhlccl can Inclvdlng pmnaful and pan nalul taro oflatllvc from the dais of ontollmcnl Anugslyoslq an XmyI for dlugnonle OMSIP IS VOLUNTARY HERES YOUR APPLICATION lnqvinlmdflflonl uppflcnmn hm nullbl Inn may but In cm cm Am Wm 1mm OMSIP BENEFITS APPlICATION IS NECESSARY MIMI Mll POINT PIN ONLY CU 0U FORM CAllFUllYMAUIODAYI Membersarelreetochoose theimwndoctarflnmember travels oumide the province and mquim care OMSIIs will still pay the doctoru bills to OMSIP established Ontario or the past months is eligible to join except those who are entitled to physicians services under another Act People who ï¬nd they can not contian for ail or part of their SIP eon tmct because unemplpy ment illnes or disability may apply for wmpom as sistance in paying their fees mllon and mall mnr you will In elixihlu or MHH mvmn beginning July lnL 01hrer ynn mll have to wall minimum month or your mvrrm ln Irahl Mute hm at Iknllmu have In bu mun NI wiIh mirmphuln mnclxlun plum MM mrlullf And vlainly with lull pen only You may pay the bill and submit the mceipwd account OMSIP or you may sub mit the account OMSIP prior to paying the doctor In either xltuaï¬dn when the doom bill you directly you will be paid he amount 01 the cambï¬shcd OMSIP Docwxs bills are paid or you by OMSIP in either of two ways Your doctor may submlt llll bill directly to OMSIP This in the most convenient method for everyone and it is hoped most doctors will melt Or your doctor may prefer to bill you directly In this use two courses 01 action are open to you nus These rules are based on 90 of the nuncut sched nla of fees listed and pre pared by the Ontario Medl cal Amodatiom Paymon yflom flexible INSTRUCTIONS It you hm Soclnl Imuunu Numbuwvllu II In tho Iquml armland thrllna with he Ilul numb 1m mu Iqu you do MI hm numvur clue mm In mm Mama Pllnlywv Inl of fun Him In 1m Elnmpioz 5mm Jonu Hannah lvlnlmvnulManamalenllamnlnlhnbcm umnlo John my Mum ulc you hav nlclnm commonly known by mm nun In mnfllnu puvpom plan lndluln In 1M ban mnrhd OIHIIL Pflnlyour nddvm In lhoflul bm yon City Town Wm Poll 00m In lhl nul ban Ind County Dlllvkl In IM lul Im Wvllo ml numhov ul lho day an whlcnyw wm bom In In Do mle DAV lllnl lhl MIN IN monlh ll blivmlon In In box muhd mum Wm In nvmhll In be mum VIN Exampll hll W17 Mun hUuld plan Vmuh In lb b0 minim MALL Wornn would alum mm In mama MALL 11lmlrunulo plus Imavk In lho box mm 5mm you In mmlld out mm In bnl mmd MAHMD yum Illlul Hulhulnln Ilnolc Mum tnmow ameMwud omldaw vow mm an IM lmu rumd OHIUL wm your accuMImu and In Hm ol Innlnm oi lmlulhy in mm you mm Ilmrll canum nulmlnu Yudn lumovAqucmluu Slumn ï¬lmy no child 1o lanMwquM in 0mm makalsanlcv nwrmo AM was mllmlhl Mn livid In OMIVIO I01 Ml arm III no cm will Mlul an by ommmm IN IN lhl lnmmlon am by nomct De hm lllnluuntl llylldnlm UH DIVINDAMB Swanu Aluminumn mluwun v4 mmamunwmmymwmw Ivmu Hun wk Plum MM ONTARIOEMEDICAL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN APPLICATION FORM PWsgpgnLNggagegeggmw or In NIMI nil Many old age ensioners have automatically been enrolleq in QM 1P but most must ï¬ll in and submit an application Those who will get automatic coverage are pm aioners who are resentl receiving beneï¬t under tha pntario Ol Age istgnqe Actuoijthse ared eligible coverage by the Ontario Department of Welfare These pcnsidners have already received their OMSIP registration cards All other pensioners must complete and submit an application to receive OMSIP coverage you have not received an OM SI registration card or Ium ml already sent in an application form you must apply befm May 16th for coverage when the Plan starts on July Isl oulsluv an ppm OM51 lot shortMax puuld Onluvlo helium on NI yuan Convoy mmd Apt III or aodul mama ulpllrm Cw will min by 13 men who Im nlnndy mm or moil mum Mam OLD AGE PENSIONERS Social InIIHIMI Numb smut vim Vim ï¬lm IIle mum of your WWI kn 1hln pIInI lh Ilul mm your Itnlllna Mm Ina oldnl In ho laflawlng box man lhln flu allulhlo dvnundm mumn canllrm you II In In union on Ihll III IM 10an ll you hm mov Ihan M101an mmndmt childun llxl mum nopmMy Ind nlum wbln ynur cwllullon lovm Undr umm DATE mllc lhc numb day of hmh mm In month and IM numhuollm yum blvlhï¬nmpltzwsml IDS4L Undnstx wvlu II lhu th nulv hd¢hlld In 1mm 10 50 ymu mm nn 1m Hnl mllhd SIGHHUNE 07 APPUCM Ind mm In In an Ind yo 1L You ll APPLY 70 PHIVIUM AHIITANCI llon my IluW and much Illhu IN mllan mm on mnmd Ml hum n4 Ipou In Ml box I1Ihmnypny Bum mu ADDITIONAL DEPENDANTS Dur Mom ml ADDIIIONAL CNILDMH ATMC IllAlAH IN Notlfkullon of ambiance Io In an nu shortly People who have alfeady an mlled in OMSIP need nut apply second time Dr Dymbnd stated that their appiicationa an new bein prooessed and their noti cation will arrive in the mail very soon The second enrollment period deadline May 16th 15 for pea Xe who missed tha ï¬mtdead inc yuu mm mm My Mid am mud am hua 7911 wmmnummmmmm m7 uuu Fun Nlmn LIII mammal omnuml man mm qud 0M5 Mud 0M ll IMM II 13 SI Clulv Wm Tovénh hm almdy bung plum by duh unlava MM and mm Many qUaIify far full or partial assistance Since thq alm ol OMSIPIIeg islation prowde ads uaIa medical Insurance for Maria regdenta full crpar ha lllll gxsiutapca in tial premium axsiuunéa in nvgilaple or those who to Alilomullc fullyMd ovuaae Many residents and their de ndaan have automatic aly received full aid gqvemge under Oidgll These are pgople WHO ire already renewing beneï¬ts under the following Apm The Blind Pemns Allowances Act Yes if you are single persqn and your maï¬a Income In 1965 was $500 or less lha NJ llulM undl Complete cost 36000 Government pays 3000 315i ovbï¬ month Tumble income is the nmountol your Incomeupon whichyoupayï¬xma exemption or dependants and other allowance have hummiqu lunlnlll DO YOU OUAUFYFOK PARTIAL WANG comm HILL PREMIUMS Dal la hm Io mmlm mum Log null Nun woonu mqu mmhu my mum mmmmm éuigrnm am WWI noqu 9W SEND YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM TO OMSIPPOMI 1m Tum 1mm ALLY ASSISTED PREMIUM lnahuuun mung Wylmmbm II lluhh Wm unnum IImunlm leng hand at IN um um ml wom mumu mu ll bl mm In no ouumu umth My INIINO imam Ontario ï¬apartinéï¬tï¬ PublicWellm The Disabled Person Allowances Act The General Wellam Assiatance Act The Old Age Matinee Act The Rehabilitation Serviaes Act Automatic fullyyam cover age is also DIOVIded for old age security pensxonm and ghpir dependants declared Iglble or goverage hylt Yes haw omdepcn dant and If together wml tumble income in 365 was $1000 or lest Complete cost 312000 Government pays 6000 Yougaym $15 ovary months The Mothm Allawdeen Act Who humble Imam Inn ml emud inflow mdlul cm byommmm lam nflow ht Mldlcal Sande momma DMlloo MN Ill mmmu In by III on NI IDMILIUMI SKINAOHIIONLY No TAXABLE INCOME nmw ugly 01 lull pnmlum lullhm lund m1 Illalblo pondnu had no llubln lw mhvmflmnnm mud Dmmbcrllll lu1 APPLICATION FOR PREMIUM ASSISTANCE 1lhmlndannmlalMthc nut l1 month Im TAXAILI INCOME 0F sumo 0R hmby Ipply 01 9mm pnmlum man My lnmml ndl nun nzomulmy mam ndlnllwu In lam month undad uectmbuall ItmulhmhuInlmflonulnnhymlllmnt Dnlo hm Ml 1M Inlomullon ohm hy mi NH Cum coymm Vw cm up ï¬avcï¬ment atamng thll ht Fullypaid coverage on application People resident in Ontario for the past 12 months and wha hadnotaxableincomeinlflss get full mum This man flvthm make out their up hm arm nqw before ay 161b they W111 OMSIP pro Paid tar hm In addition many who haw beep resident in Ontario for tï¬e 12 months mglube orpamalmu as depending on their tomb income and number 01 do pendnnh See below 7mthan Barman Andi luml um mébu mg In 1923 was $1300 or less Complau coat 515000 ï¬avemment payl 9000 33283u18montha mm Mr mm ml 0N mm $52