Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 May 1966, p. 4

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Rddaltz Fastball Magic Ii minn mmmul illlll 00010009000441 Mm Hum maln IIy Plum 1m lnrhr 111 Hot Durhmlt lll ml MvNfllnry min anbz anlrwr My II MIII matwmm um 11m and Eldudmnn and XMmil Culllomln Uhklfl thmu anlnllnn Klnm ill Nu lel Imlm WMMdua null hlruo women IIlll M100 000 finrlnnull MOM 006 Mllnll MIN II Elli IV DAVMwn dln I1 n4 Fflwllhi Clonin nr IND llvo and Trim mu tIrHummuy 51 Au Alum ll Tmr Ill ThlllrvmuI mulvm M2 on 000 II Yolk IMWlMl ll lllhrrll Lalman In OHM Am Ilammm 131 Human I5 Ial ml rdu Ill Ilnu sum Wynn Anxrlu oolgozonul mm In And Vllmdgnlo JMklnn HI Kmmln A7 Fox in ml mmmm rdnudly llrlnlll Rln ITNI ZMMWFMZG Illllbllrlh DWIWOM GI Prrry 1w And All Futfmll 1H Mikkrlnn 1M Mrflenn HIV and lnanrnnL ll SFNnn BL rnu Mommai ii Allmfln Now Yolk Clnrlnnlll Lou Chlmo in Angrlu agnan mm and nu thinseam and raked his cm total la 40 mu any the allfime List llu Mam hi hm of the night ovu the Mt field null mm man on tn the hi and than ruched nlml the game with lvm on in the film gen Franuuv mg mu pmuuy yrvclannw Wu msoivod In 51m whaling And tha Mm Bram did lust than am film easy when you have Hank Aaron on your side Am hammered home rum and dmva in live mu Atlanta ended bring firing at llvo games with an 51 widow um Obdmtl Rods wm day mm Bragan called mminm mm below the game BEITER THAN THEY LOOK 91d than the plldlal an bgtrr than the have been By THE CANADIAN IM55 Mnnanr Bothy Brazen yralai om daduflmu med By HAL DOCK Maudled Pm Spam erler HI appearaan against Kalb City was Radatzs ninth leasonand the Red Sox have last eight of has games He has been tagged or 18 In In 10 13 Inniliqs IIu struck out only eight has an 01 record and £90 ERA The loss dumped the Red Sax pm New Yolk Yankees inlo role possmdun of last place ALL GAMES LONG In afihcr games on the min ahoflened league program Chl ugo Whua Sox edged Balli mans anfi The Mons1cr Isnt medull lcu man said one American League slugger The guy hu been In Gm 200 games In three gear Add lo that the lime es warmed up in the bull pen WM do ya expert out oi one n1 at arlhelke balling rlghlhander him last season when the onceinvlnc Hale Monsler first began Io 1m Ills erlecuveness Radalz no Md sagged in MI In 1965 and his earned run average climbed to 392 The tune remained Ihe same Wednesday night MM came In for Boston Red Sex with the score fled In the Inning and ended the gameby thawing single to Bert Camp anens hat gave Kansas City Anew 55 vidw Dick malls fast ball used It hum Now Its slnging the ues Braves Rebound To Snap Slump Alloclfied Pmn Sporll Vrllu Nullonal p1ng hymn BASEBALL RE CORD Iman an hi W5 rdnu nrlulll nhnnhnl 00100 Ulo l0 lhlllllo 000 100000 I4 urbanth TuINlo Urhmnnd llndmlrr Tmnnln Sm ma Hulan McCormki 00x Ml Kline 04 ii nu H0 And kw mvn Brunch lhmlcuc San Innl lull17 ml and SM nno ILr Washllnwnnl 15 CnIiICnrdmal Hflrlwnll l7 Cnhunbm not 000101000 7D Knul CU IOIMWEZO Sanllnm Snmlm II 11mm 10 And Ryan Tillman Hunter Krnussu Monk mule Alter 10 and Sunni 1m KCGibhl Wuh OIHIOMI 0121 Cnlllomln 00 m0 000 12 Don smon pziihul zelos Hrs shutout ol the ma ponazd cmqibutod mm In their attack GIANT STREAK GROWS Elsevbm In the league Houston Axum domed New York 64 San Imndsoo Giant mm winning stmak 0a In gamu WM Vldnry am Pittsng Pirate nnd 1425 Angel Dodch lbLankod Philadelphia Phlllias so Barry Lalman pitched innings twohu mild and Rusty Snub and Jlm Wynn hmnmmsd heme runs that tilted Houston pm the mu Wyxms mmonm in the MU put the Aslmu an top to JV Gaylmd Perry won his filth swim with sixhitter nrnd Villlo Mn hit his mm came ham or Lhe Giants Mnyn mm bumm In the ninth commend San Francisco scaring talkr pair double by Tom Itllu hclpcd build the hyiilee Tam came all Ellis who 106 or flu fiflh time in six games APPOINT PLANTE SHMWNIGAN Que CF Jacqus Flame mired Horus Hoekay League alldar goalie has been ammiadyw of in Quebec Jumm Hodwy League the announce ment came at the and of day long meeting ol the leagues 2mm Flam played with Momma Canadians am New York Baum in his NHL days on minscoring single by John Humane Ind Fhryd Robinson mey won it In the nth when Gene Brnbender balked home Bill Skowron with the deciding run vFrank Howard homered for the Senators and Jose Cardanal and Rick Reichard or the An doubleby pinchhitter Bill ryap and ingia by Ed City run Charles then stole sec and and Boston manager Billy Human brought In Radat to face Cnmpaneris In White Sox were shut out on three hits by Dave McNally until they tied the score In the eighth with lwqngn rally mill Kansas City went Into flu ninth Hauling 42 but Larry 5ch Had It with thm homer The Red Sox however pulled ahead again in me 09 the 101 when George Scan singled home run more Oriole In 11 innings and Calilornln Angels outlasled Washington Suntan 75 In 10 innings Jl DUNLOP ST EAST EoLh ol Aarons sham find one Como In and 500 ha 0th 17 Few olhor mnkos have half them No nlhor mower madn has lhom all Its one 15 advantages lhnt mako LanBoy lhomost gummy powunnowormonoycan buy GRASSCATCHER rakes as you cut mun lAWNBOYS lli STAY YOUNG IN HUN all the nl Iho Domin Irnn mm nu II pm nld nr ymmm htklvllll 000 010 Mb Kymma WIIIW 001 II 4mm Tulrdo 000000000 Tannin 210 Wx 10 Juwvnu 101 Tam And Fernanda MM mod And Jalmm TorMM MMIMd lnhvunm nlrhmnnd WZOIM llnchrllcr IWMHI l0 Schneider mum ml mm HarmH Cos prove Ml Sm Iowa 11 in Ind Haney mu Rich ulnn Gnmfl lochMIMI mvrr and man Todunhl on um and llmmhera llll chk HR ColHarring Player to port to wad ulntheirngemnthenp pointed time and glue or the ward In which My mmntly rmlde Any wishing Io play who residqmlde the city Hm iu must receive spec perm sion of fins league executtve Bantam 10 am to 12 non Pzeweo pm to pm WARD Mn Mum hm Bantam 10 Im On 11 noon Pecweo pm to p111 WARD Queenl Parkh Bantam 10 up to 12 mm Pecwce pm In p111 WARD Shur Park Bantam 10 am In 12 mom New pm to pm Baeflam age 1mm undu 15 as of Jan 1966 Pm under 11 undcho of Jan and he dmpped in Io he Podiairils Wald of Raynl Vic toria iimpiml He went along with Joe Ta mnn to see Mike Qum who mu in RV rmvcrinx from the elmL1 at bucka Man occidan Quinn piayad ibis past hockey season wim NHL champion McBachmi nod Flynn BanLmui Needless to say Such unmmmmcod visit dclixhlod All the other young hockey Ian cunlimxi In the local Impiufl InterWardLoop Calls Practides Pmspcctlve players with me new Barrie Inlnrward Softball Museum willhave their first op pommity practice Satur day May The bantam Ind peewee boys team have two hour vynflwuu win their coach WEolIowIng the cumulus sch edule of practices wym Slcela mm Eddie Clear the Truck Shack Vblled Barrie Tuesday night to olfidnle At profu dannl wrestling mew limin od by nulograuu mm and will time at mmium be still was hm to bring chew to smlne cu fortunate pcopla SHACK VISITS RVH WARD Atrlple by Bobby Knoop And Reidurdta single produced the first Eekhardt then stole and and ma Ed Klrkpalrlck walkod racedhomu with the wine on alngle by Plul his they warn fled 55 Wash lngtbn moved ahead In um 10 on Ken MeMulJenludothe Ind flash by Don lack but Cl lqrnll urns 1le back with twv mns gel by at the epdal nlngrlngl Wimnunl mint lurky in 111 with Hdmnnlm Ilym In 1m Hell in 0d laid Na WI may Omy Mmm much flay Krlly Mil KI mmxml My llrgillm mgund um In Minn lrailud they ml Into MAME lrlxnh mm lb hmwloeml Iain will tho Maxim rhnnnviunl Min an um mm Id In Maul ml the Mn Sherlan Iicnunl me or Mn he film 52pr find Again mth In mlhnn fimmr Mimi and puma emu lemma rl NHL knwwhml la CANARY CF Ask 0th why In our wanad to map 1mm MI In 1109qu 113mm gm During lbe evening Wing president Ken Mitchell mada special presentation In ihm mEILWhO have given mutil lime in mm work Peter McGlbhon was recogniwi or his work over the pasl lwo yam in snarling he midget iuvcniie hodwy league which has yawn lo provide hockey iar 130 Im rle and disiricl buys Jim Lynrh rccuivbd an award in recogni Iian his wark air cadet liaison liar past he in bold dnca i965 Wing first vice vrcsidenl Aicx Strung wa the third to be banned or hi wan on he bingo nighil big mum Wing and ior youth work And charitable donnllom Sport lnd recreation volun teer worker were honored nxesday Mghl by the execudva 441 Win ROAF Almil lion Present for banquet held It flu High St chhrooms wen team managers coaches allit Iala and llmekwpen who we ma flu Mlde Juvenile home hodey league mm very mccmlui season Aim recom xed were he bingn and Mr ca dq cammiuccs Head He guests included Mr and Mrs Nlelson mm the EOAF Association headquarters at 0mm Jack Garner the Battle Recrea lion Committee and Mrs Gar ner Wing 15318011 olfiocf FM Wournlnen Véterap Rollins Is Miners Ace RCAF Association Honors Workers mm the Dunn Grant SPECIAL GUM at flaws aid0119mm banquet ou the Barrie Bantam wa mule NHL president Jim Cal lahan Hg Ingrown here nd filollim mw hoclwy mad at Uvdvmdly Album Onl rnry nnd MIMIn mamm nl sum campny mud Ian1n thdku matri In hniar hockey In Home an In mm Hg Nam unlnr hockey yur lain yrm lam ho bmlm IMo UM NIH HO played lhrN Slmlny an Iinynfla man flu Vemmehy In ma tho 1qu My IW mum 1061 ml mm hack um mmlhI lug war war lbu Goalle doom do MATUREB AT goal docmt really ml nopxml in Ma Na in mm Chltun mark Huh ml Now Yuk Rm lmdfr Im In pally hf that While dropping from mum mmpetifion the locals mat of glory am up in Non any where they were om Io ddcnd lwn imphius in ihc um NHL tournaman This my did suc cuslully bringing back he Bamam and 31mm Grand nilvcrwm With learn manager Maurice Man in the gun 7mg Hpccchii thrn amide mu GUIHRIE Players parents and team ouiciab comeded with Barrie WM Flynn Bantams dmed at Guthrie Com munily Hall 1m him 10 bring successhfl 1M hodwy sea son to close In reoogumnn 01 three cham piumhip liLlcs all the Men and omdal were prmemed wilh lndlvldaulb erratum hockey me lmphles In cumming an impressiv recoldol 20 wins and two deadlock In 27 com tesu the bantarm brmrahl back trio In 1110 captured flu omrlo MLnor Hodw Ioclauan Georgian Baw wne crown betm bowing out the provincial pidure lo the power ful Town Marlboms TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72mm lwphy along with team cap lain Guy Mom The Mc Eachern and Flynn Bantam won the huge trophy by our cessfully delending lhe NHL Division mud chmlanshlp Barrie Bantams Conclude Season thini with U16 NHL president Jim Callahan Barrie Mayor In bake assist an manager Harry Mia and coach Paul Maser The evenlng concluded wiLh hockey mm film and slides ol the boy by Dr Leggm Team presiiianl and sponsor Garnet McEachern pmsenicdlhe individual twphies alung with Dr George Leggeu the club dent at the North Bay Little NHL Toumamenl last month The Inca won the overall crown or lhe first lime one year ago on Ban1e Arena Ice Ex gminu Photo do they always come back to IRA WEJ because its such good ale Bmwn Maxed mloux head hum1a In comIon with out fielder Lean Wagner in plum 11 at fly ban 7m 5m Emunmghmnsnn my ma CIEVEMND APJ snort MOP Ian Brown will bu brow lrom New York In °1°Ycllnd by Man Sammy memo and will be conlflnzd alflmker Medical Cenira Ior funhcrlrealment Nude ro celvod in the IndianYankee lame May Injured Brown ClevelandBound Colllcr ma s21w s16 fiarrie Sports Ltd Raei ByAmbde Delmatic letd Spool ma St fivegame Impfiedwifl an vldmy wet 15 Nab mu my Giants won his film game with sixdhmr San Francisco ran It winning Itreak no 10 with va war Pitu burah Pirates TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7732414 WEDNFSDAYE 51m Bull Hank Am Braves hit mm mm amh MI ay ma mm ms Early Season Specials Rod Rial Llnl Shakupurn Fishing Outfit BALI STARS 595 50 LOO my 2495

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