Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 May 1966, p. 2

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Idmlnlulcml hy xrpnrnle tm lenntnl hoard wlm rwrmntn llvrl lrmn llrmllnrd nml Wu vwxlllmhunu OWEN NEW IIIHAK We hmlna nun man DUN and urgnnlxnuom nll ll TM wk rmrnnlnl Irulcrl I1 it Iren unmd bolnz mncillnr Tnpling Ilsa InM lhe mnrhy cmnmunfly nl NIW hm Ilbhlnum nho hm le heard turn and ll 11 unllrhmlul them will be dayu Man llufl me In which nll lhl Ionpln llixllicl will In Him in he lJncre park by lho cammunily cenln is mnln pra er lhrre are numrrmu nlhrn The Ilrmllnnl lire Inlgmln hm umlcrlnkm lo lnkn Mr Hm rnrk hack lhc 1mm hall or in rmlrrfnln wqwl The mvplo nnllro um um by it lxcnm maku Mull GOOD CODlEMTION do not know nl my other mlzhbaurin municimliuu that work In tlom harmony than Bradford Mk West uwilllm bury mid Countlflnr hurling mcnllonlnx lth thing In lhl Bradlord and Dlalrm Commum Ily Cenlre and he curunl Jain tenlrnnlnl park pmkd olhcr ulnmxln Ike chm CHM Ilnn Beside councillor Tu rhuirmanv cchhrallon com mmee includes lhru oLhcr Bradlard representatives Mayor Joseph Mngum Mme Lewis and WAIIcr Musson and three trom Wm Guillimbury Reeve Her herl Hump Arthur Writh and Geurge Jnchon Mr Mussan In carrying out duo duties or noc tclnry Ixcasurcr As in numcmus other pmjcdl Wen Guillimbury is working In cwpcmum with Bradlard or 1an celdbralinn and other amanlznlions 1n the um um have you invited Jojn We sent out appeal In more lhan so vrganiznuolls he said sluling they wow 351ml to em phasiw the historical aspects he cnlcbrauon and wlm It meant modern Canadian pr0 gross Thu rcspunse has been wnnderlul IHS0RICAL ASPECTS our commlllea has been 52 up lo coordinate all the cole brations ln the dishlet councillor lupllng explalnlng it was decided at an earlier mcel In In hold yoanMmd cele brallan Mrudy has been decided In sponsor conlcnnial hockey tournament rigum skating car nival and drama festival The Rainy Club anan to look me Ihrwday event alter the Labor Day hollday next year BRADFORD 15ml We are making good progress will Inn for our emumin we allun said Councillor Ken mu Tupling chairman ol the Dradlmd and district mammal committee He said there has been an excellent response ap peals la dfllercnt organizations for assistance Plans For Centennial Advanced In Bradford ember of the Dominion Parliamtnt or Simone Du uin Ellwood MadIll MP lmond right and 14 year DUFFEBINSIMCOE MP CHATS WITH SUPPORTERS mmm mama 31W NOW PLAYING lth lhu lid pul lnln IL WM and Elmvnle aha Imv mmwalal In owrr mnlwll ml her Imprvuwlrnln Th1 afllrr ll Imam HEATH AT AND 110 IE new law and with mulnnl pullflxm ml vnvlrmmkhnn can In 11ml mlvnnlnu mld Hm lilmvnlo mvr Mm wily mwnlm mhliulwr lth lhu Mfud The Hmm Tnumy Pulrllr School Aron mu nnmlwr upm mcnl with um romlrmlum Wu he Elmvalu HRH School Ann We haw noun Innulhor MI mr communin mum uur flrw wl and Wu nln Mmmlr with in Wmlnn mid Imu McAuley ho 51141 the mlrm mm mumal ndrnnlngr ELMVALE Slnlh We have tried regional gnvcmmml In In Jmnll wny unu $1 In wnrkcd on Hue mm new Mu Mmulry lilmvulu Com Ha wax nlrrrim lo he cn omnflvo allorlx with Hos Twmhlp Council headed by More Fer Counhlin Councillar hlpling is serving his third year on the council and since the entire council was acclaimed last Demnbcr or luvymr tum he will be allow lng lhrnuxh with line council said he Bmdlor muranue man who Is president flu Bradford Promssive Conservative Imo ualion rlding vimpresldonl past president the Bradford Lions Club and chairman of the Irwn police and lndustrlal can mince in addition to heading the ctnlchn ccflralion co ordinating cammflke and am lng on the munlcipn council ElmvaleFlos Reflect Regional Government Tim in mi déuu nm In me 61an mung new oIq daughter Pat are slmwn chatting over the poiifical out look wiLh John Dinwandy shelburne riding vicepresi KENNETH TUILING Ideas Lllnyi MIle film In farmmill my Illrlllll he mul mun Im You will up we rculmml Iovvlamncnl lImu um on lull hill to town In mid Sumo plum Irrhr nrrn oprrnlim In ndmnhlmlim In mnaxnum vr nmnlunmmixm nml lho Ontario Munmnul Ad mnkm pmvixlvn or I0 1hr IIhn val mvu pulnlnl uL course each have out local pwhlcm and we rulnln our local autonomy to look nl IN llum llul lhu mu lar to apcmlkm LI bclnx wlxlmcd all llxp llnlc We flunk mnernllm In arm ul natural mm In only numb uld In new In Elmvnlo viiLagc The sum fins Imgndn provide pmlullon logWk arena RECBRB HOP at me EMBASSY SHT MAY 14 gonna meeting at which film anLiUcd 61 Ideas or Cen lcnnhl Colebrallons was the mean creating much inillal cmhusiasm We want sea Lhis followed through and no good response shows clearly it will be so said lhe cwnclllnr BARBIE TEEN TOWN Featullng Our committee welcome any mom good auxzcsflons ha re marked Brndlord perhaps has had some advantage aver other com munities in that the lawn cele brated it own I000 anniver Iary It lncorpnralion In 1967 We had wonderlu cole bralion then he sald In re mncc to the marking 01 100 year 01 lown promen When it comes to the dzscrvance 100 years as nation or Canada the scope In Just flu much steam Our projch are really mov 11 ahead said Councillor Tup 1mg stating he was pleased with he cnumiasm gs ADVANTAGE The clergy cl Bradfordnnd district aka had Shawn consid erable interest and Line role of he churches will be given lantlon The town said he nn ucipatcd he Domlnlon govern ment would be providing hm chums and Marmaflan stress lng the historical aspect and teachers club leaders and oth ers would be asked to empha phase when suitable occaslohi arose work during centennial year ai will the other mgmbers meoody director the Progressive Conservative Wo mens Association or the rId ins Examiner Photo aw axni his vzile Mrs Juan WIN VALUAIILE DOOR PRIZES my Wuk THY LMMINHH WANT ADS IHONIIIZIHN llocvo Mrltulrv sum he bo linvn Elmvnlo nml Flo mm pallrm tor nlhm to lol luw lurlhcr mum Hvr loml nl Hnulhml and Inwmmn Wm Zunlimbury unit In time nwnlkm with rmtcnnlul park one of Um mutual prnjccla mm nlhcr umnplu mum Um munly aim mu many by nu lumuwr WilHlnxm gelling higher some thing has In he done and 1hll may provldo mm me am mm ElenlDFlm Mpurimtnl wzu just beginning ll Hands In xmson you can gain in rfllcicqqy nnd Inv Thin ns naw in we design Ing slagc ncludc mienAlon Hells grls mm and development nl recreation arm UTOPIA 5mm Plans for mm rcscrvoir and new dam at Bear Creek are being ad vanced under the Noilnwnsaxa anloy Conscrvallnn Authority David Perry of Victoria SL Ail ion Is sccfciary treasur cra flip baud mum rccEniiy and 1m assures that swimming and day camp acii ilic will be made available Mr Gill mat the Toucan Red Cross commigmo MI Gill suggested this could be valuable development for Tollenham and said the swarm men approval should be well received Mr Gill mat the Toflcnlmm Utopia To Get New Reservoir The govern cm approval means the development is elig ibhl for ant grant The usual lormula for the re mainder is to lvlde the fin mcng ammg participating municipalltlu with the multi pality In which the project is located meeting hall at the lat terrcost mm water from the 1mm Beam Crock tho pond will be developed or re creation and water storage pur WEFS TOTIENIMM stam Mm vat has been recoide mm the provincial government or the Tottenham Pond Conservation Am development II was learn ed Wm Peter Gm who is with the Nottawasaga Valley Consor vation Authorin slafl But elfllcr way Mr Cross concedcd lame Is game which maxim good support He pointed out Alliston had some good teams few years ngn In the early 30s then was BEETON sum It Is aan 13de game and we would like Sin to see it beomne more popular againfisaid Hany Cross Tef mnsdh deputy rceve In ref lumen Vlo Canadas nauona lame lacrosse omrlime player for Orange villeAMfcxins Mr Cross called when the old field game ranked mth hockey in popular fly The 12mm game played on field with goals usual 10 leeLapafl was replaood with lLitim indoor varier of the sport 1131 Pond Project To Get Grant Ht Tattenham BARBIE EXAMINER nmnsmv my 1me Field Lacrosse Era Recalled By TecuMeth Deputy Raevé DISTRICT NEWS DAIRY DAN Secret Roolpo plun Frnnh awnot OllldAM and MILK mm mm wring We didnt have all HIE mn chfnury lhcy have on Innm now he rcmarkul Wellknow and highly peeled In his lwmo mmmmlly Mr lbcrlaml cxpmssod ap mm np pmdnlon for the good wishes Mlghbom and IncndL hmuhy maple Ne 15 Innhes think Ida nbput 15 all Inn The oncumu teacher enjoy good henllh dxpfla his age nl though slightly dent He was in good spirit when Interviewed us he lod of earlier days Inrmlng in West Guillimbmy mé uuunn who mw hves near the Your comers this hlsLarIc com munity It is something wort whilu see the worm change from the ham and buggy era In can plane and rocket lravcl mlive of West Gwilximbury In Sulhcrland has lived in lhjs area most at his lilo ex rpr or cw yours arming In Eve in lot of chm ccsy said we descendant Sclkirks settlers Watch for UsI Mr Su crland plans to spend the day quietly watching his usual television programs and grqgflpg fncnds BOND HEAD Slam Met signs of cmgmlulnum and good wishes were ercived hm yesterday by merma plonw lamiiy Dnvid Sulh exlami on the occasion of hi 35121 mm Bxll Brunakill ooadmd Hunlsville inw Elm last year In hls youth Bmmkifil played with winning learns al Conksvflle Camp Bor den and Oyillla Mr Cross also spoke cl old time Held lacrosse stars WAalumna At one time the Dwain mnkod with th best teams in Canada Today lacnsse thriving in some sections of Ontnrlo bu it lsmmsfly of he horizonom varidyuflnere is considerable field lacrosse still played la lie particularly New You Sula and Maryland where it college span TREES YIELD BETH Pioneer Marks 85111 Birthday At Bond Head quite fill of exdlmnanm alnfl llsion Mien lhey won the 1m ImmedJAlelifle after Huwar an Hem ldaguaopcxaling in Simone andYork counties and the District of Muaknka and the winnhg Druliawm mm on to win the allCanadim Chan pianshlp lhme years In NW the fhstyear with the Mann cup finals at Barrie andthen swamw and TomtaMaple rm flrem was lots of lacrosse fimfflmmnaflmdmh TUESDAY T0 FRIDAY BOX OFFICE OPENS AT pm SHOW STARTS AT DUSK THE MOST MODERN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO STARTS TODAY SHANTY BAY 22m my mung nem owned by 50m and Son wan mhllahed back In 1936 by and has been classified and on R0 for many years 9m mws best regaxfi average 17351 milk and 670 fat with ha of Irom We to 45 cows selling have ovex 300 at and eight are aver 700 with seven being over 20000 lhs milk nu uwr being over 20000 is A180 SEWING New Surge milking machine molen WOODBRIDGE IONT PM This ugh lasting herd owned by mbllahed back In me by and oqfiOP for many years 11 van ADULT EwanIan Nd wnwa should accept Frances word that it will not use any Carla dian produced uranium or weapons Instead at demanding humiliating Inspection con trols before 58 can bg made 1mm c9 Senalér Sarto mem QW said Wednesday thatCanzda Lmu Shduldfiécépi Frances Word Senator Says H511 mile em of Woodbridze on Hiflany then mile north on Pine Valley Dnve Rd win we undue In the Senate hat Bella Davh 011le de lhvllnrl GLENYILLA HOLSTEIN DISPERSAI AT THE FARM OPEN moms wsax AIIULI LNTEIITMNMENT AUCTIONWE 66 HEAD An MIKE BRUBANCHER 531° Wm Auctioneer Phone 5197425111 26 Camden Kitdnener Ontarln PM SAT MAY 14 151 SHOW AT 700 1ND SHOW AT MW MATINEE SAT AT 110 pm Goaan GHaflié nghwu ll ll Guthrie Btlwnn Bmle Ind omn WATCH FOR SMOKE More dun 300 lookout lowers aw used for spotting forest lire 1n Northem Ontario ivaliér flanking ue he wand of France mm ulnly worth more than the SIS nalure of may many other wuntriu proposed sale to Franca of Oanadian uranium has been held up more Ian year be cause ol Influences over the nspocuml control demanded by Canada France will never accept undl hldwmf conditions and that Can might 1059 mi nns ol gumfimhfiifia Mymlrmu Yulwhining mummqu mbble Reynold and my CHILI mfdafiwanlnm The Continental Inn mmmr at 411m IN MAIN DINING ROOMS 430 lo 8x30 Smorgusbord SUNDAY TULLV IlllINfiED UNDEII Hll LCJLO 12 Noon to pm SUNDAY BRUNCH After Church In The Main Dining PRINEESS CHBMITH BUFFET FRIDAY NIGHT ISATURDAY OBSTER NIGHT MAIN DINING ROOM FOR YOUR DINING PLEASURE For Your Envorlainmnn NIGHT DANCING 830 to 1200 Par Parson qniineniui lmi 95 plun Including APPEARING Room NOW I5

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