REV DAV NW mln hlrr ti 1111mm Ammo Unllal ï¬lm In honors lry Ind In And mmim um mun mm from lhe éï¬wm Mm lnTltm ls Hm with Mrl 073 BEZZANT NURSERY new Johnna ImAnunlrms rnn SEED PLANT FOOD POTS AND CONTAINERS Eventful hr 11 EXAMIle WANT AM 7mm Mr Reeve who ls leaving Barrie In June was honored at Iarcweu pmulnlIon Cull Jenkins and Donna Mama turned MI More WWI In Evina leather cau wm nunu can om balkln Shannon but than Colleen Jumeu Pam imn and Valeria Faimea ngyonjrmsran lwolold oelcbrnï¬on was held Button Avenue Unilrd hum last evonlngto honor radualta oi the Canadian Girls in Training and Rev David Ream Murbm of the MIT Wm 01 the chum who were honored included 11 Acnlom Jane Webb nap Wm wmuu Lo rs Flnnigan Dynondvifle 11w latter ha been spending the winter months It the home of bar sownlaw and duugfler Air and Mn Art Wands Lawn Guest at tho party Included Mrs Noodle Mrs Angus Mnduy Mrs 04 Rowe Mrs Mil CGIT Members Receive Awards At Annual Graduation Banquet BIRTHDAY DINNER bhuldw dinner at the Con tinental Inn at noon taday hon ored two blnllday cakhranb me 51011011 01 Codrlng 3x152 Mrs Flnnizan llflmenl um um himlulu hrldll mum bridge panics comlnl of ago pnrfles traveller and VII llafl are In Hem Intern render Lb page Your help In mppmnx this new will be greatly npprw Med Please mm flln Rania Enmlner 7mm Ind III or Eileen Dlxun ur Audrey at the Womenl De BEZZANTS Nam Mada to cover the 1mm nodal III the cu 1mm weddlnn nn The charming misses pIc tuxed above an student at tho FaganVDananz School who SPEAKING UNI Mm mde nlll her Mrlnurrn nu Colllcr SI 7204 Dlflll Onl Tlll mum WITH THE CUSNMEII PROFIT ï¬llHUN COUPONS IELEIHONE 7mm AND momma ABOUT nun commm FOOD PLAN am FRONT QUARTERS lb 38° BEEF HIND QUARTERS lb 58 BEEF suns Am Dycks Food Market 1h mduaUan mmw vm attended by mm and grad uam from Mom and 0011 2mm LEADER RETIRE million waxwdm lo lwn miflnx lendm Mn Lima and Mr McDoch 50 Colllcr hmxlnnwxervlte badges were pman La mum who haw Wield this sum or the first m5 mummy um da Broley Vldd Mym Sandra Calrnl RAde Jaw Mar garet Daley Stephanie Prater Carol Shepherd Mm wacll Jug Baum Wu graduate who we wolcmnnd into Lbs 0ch mm Brew Wm 3mm In other club In the am In welcome lo mend Am CABS RECEPTION The Auxiliary Wing Air Pam Manon en tmaincd receptlon unend szay parenLq and friend allow Powell Mn Donald Brwn and Mrs Ednwnda Corsages wen presented lo the bhthday ede branu during 1119 party whkh was arranged by Mn Moodie Am CONFme Maxims Golden Foster and Mrs Foster Dmry Lane wen Niagara Fan an mm Ind ï¬ddly to Attend the annual magistrate oonlemnce Barrio mp1 wen guests the Park Motor Hotel SQUARE DANCE ELK Cam of Willvwdala ill be guest caller at the reguhr waning nlsqmro dancing or the 8mm Belle Club on mumay at Lha 11mm Vimm St North Dancing by Kim It Am WIN HONORS AT DRILLIA FESTIVAL OF PEOPLE AND PLACES wan top honors In the Jan auction at the KiwanbMusk Felllva held Park Street er mdu clean Mm Place diaper shin nightgown washdolhfmu cl and blankx 02cer in dmu bryh Irma mm mm mmlï¬e clean wnrdmbo vnllnblo In short order 552 mm lnlanla laundry W0 mum smung Jul uvuuhn Asked triplcu am triple trouble one proud um mmd moth saw thuyork p119 nu up you ohm wï¬nflma warn hm you but you never Wm Ihcm wen only one nl hrm luau nus Adeline Kelcoy Mn Hazel Iowe Mn Jean mom Mrs Irene Mame Mu Lewolla Rent net Mm Etta Sutton Mrs Vern Turnan and Mn Anah Wtbb The party was urande by or mcr student naw resident In Toronto The next gathertng ts uhululed An 1068 when Barrie will be the host Mrs Clemens tn charge of mmgemcnu lIcCannrwu nmd mercury enta oUflng Ed ward School Emitheld union In Toronto May luncheon party at PorLsgol Call Barrioguesu altendlng Includ ed Mrs AILla Allsopp Mrs Man gm Clement Mrs Evelyn EL Mrs EIaJn ncsap an AMI Mr Aiming imm Hillman and Mr and MIL non lï¬Lman Scarborwsh were guest at the homo Mr MM Kekey Maple Ave outsmday BCIIODL mmw In the Mr Cadet Impeam at Banlo Aflmury Mandy aven lng Mrs Jim Baker was in damgo of museumor flue party red and whim Haul cmtreyleee flanked by blue tapers deconud 0115 tea lam Tu hbnon were pedormad by Mrs Jim Lynch and Mrs Ozzie Shephnrd wile of the commi hm ofï¬cer 13X Depot Angus SIEJDAY GUETS Callexiala mun From lah Ia right are JumIIer Walsh Llndn Kazan Jana Harper Wm TROUBLE Alb 330 lb 580 lb 481 think omlmllm mu la he Nullun lem fuqmm 501110 la mm 11m WillKin pmhlnm wankmm lnsrnwr mm unlit Ina Ede hkhr UC Gwy Dmm Inflow Ma lyy mk nu mum anything Minx km erd mean In pmium anmI pork 1mm lull ha 7Tb luoiuon wrnl nnwvm mm Parliamentary mlw Amum mm or mm on be mm with Ind mam wilfully WAWA CWle Dan forth PGKm 0m nskod in ma Gammon MM whu notion ho momment tnklnx to mm the hmdinn dm luxury Ln flow bill Mom the huml mun Comm 101 gm Impgru I52 lows mum Mr Max Judd Vlco president Mrs Joan m1 hem Mn Hugh Installation ccrcmonhx mark td mo muflnz n1 Exemplar Chapter ol Bela Shana Phi Sor ority XI Beta Pl held the hm of Mn Hum 11mm The MI dflceu lnl MPs Questions Are Unanswered flla lnrga gymnulum will make seallng avnllnble or to 1000 and an Allendan wlll bo umml good uni Fun Iun dolhlng will be ill nature at an thaw with styles or all use In lull and hall Ilzell lhll wlll be as mavlug nhaw will lgomclhlng for everyone Fashion and models are be Ins displayed courtesy Walk qua llama xmre Pun Mré Max Iudd Is Installed President Of Exemplar Chapter Tho Anqu Park Dlslrlct local Association Gulde and Brownies wm hold Summer Fashlnn Show on May 18 In ha RCAF Rocreaflon Centre The theme at this years show Fun In he Sun and ltwfll cammenu at 830 pm Mus loavlna ev mimic MI cm ha pmunl Aids Anderson Fgghign Sh0w At Camp Bordeh Canadian shopper collected nearly 523000000 worth of merchandise in return or trad tux stamp in 1965 upw in Lynn uvfnmona Janlco Welsmu and Debbie Sar jeant Examiner Photo cynullaByles Maxon Spear in Lynn lefnmona Janln MST OFF flIE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY ll 66 9min my on iï¬u ï¬le hNsz hm Ken Donn he Ill ml nl Jwrrh hnflrr will ha rm mend lho Rum uL1r Chapter lhl mullnl The cultural mmm lum lnx Frlemxhlp and Iha Goad Lila was liven by Mnlolm lmell ï¬lm the nodal or the month was My Burln mu nth member mode n1 devlcuu when she or her bushlnd did mien mulch hall and mum wu mm by Mrl Dou ug mm mm rou ulM union flu mum Ml he held at line homo Dun lrw null will mnmmco WW pol lurk upper Soda convene Mn Halter by IMMIan um the Juno club me Include Irlp Tomnlo to Samd ol Hu And link mok out wuu vanllon to be held In Mantra In June Dmcelu Recording Secretary mu June Burnett Conarmt 1m Scenlary Mn mnk 61mg aperaled Ior the convenlenca hm allcndlng and to add lo the evening door prlzu will bu drawn rem lienl sold mumm Put Advance 1an of lickcu an Inn available mm moda llan members havgevcr llckels will Ilse be sold at the door nljvghnugnt booth wfll be mum Thu assodluon obkcLivo In apomonng lhu show to rain lund moon the Girl GuIdo movamm wnMn 4ndegspn v14 The commenan for lhlx yenrl showle he Mrs E9 tthSxyayla from togoutn Pmï¬ien Mn Geornu MAUI sen plans aresuch that up to 40 model will be reunaod to model the huge variety of ash lons which am being brmlght In the occaslm ark Girl Guides Thu Venture Club will um vuflnx or the Red Shield Cam pawn of the Salvation Anny May 16th Mn John Gooder anded tbs meeting will an enlighten lng report at In teem Regional Conerene held in Tomato 11 nun memwn brought in hha 5m ofï¬cers the timing year 196667 Thvy are follows Min Amy lac ï¬rst Vice Wt Miss Margaret Goodlollow abound Vlco Presl dem ML Laura Cooper Past Pmkh Mrs John yam muuu VJohn Walton welcomed my us glnavgmember my mu cmqu Club of Barrie and Pmldnnt Mu John Wilton welmnml im betship Xulrmnnflulafled Min Bubm Torry Into the Venture nunu Mfl Jack Eumlngwn Tho memben ol the Vanilqu uh nl Jimla held Ibeirbush um meeting May at the home M15 Ruth Jenna Mrl Ro Cliftonjrom ï¬le an wwu uum Ina Barth Centmnlal Comifleo lpoko la Hm membmaboul er Ions woken lhatcould be con ducted Vehturistsfï¬eceiyé Réd Crpss Trpï¬hy 1w WT BC Palm Spring Spa InCllHaxnll or $475 wee alflmlewmn Spa GoshmNY The Enubeth Ardenl ulna Chanca him In Malnamd Arian dam aiml we FoxAbe woman dedicated to gelunz Inlo beautiful shape It can couQIJDD or two weeks at the NelmnrMupus Gram houso In has as avvpk at v1 nx Anyonovcnn do nuylhlng to their 1mm may It 11 they work 011 ll layl dis Mariam Cult who pull poem of women through Emir pacu at Enzabeth Ardennplnk salm an FLfll Avenue NEW YORK AP Body malnunmcefllop are getting mady qr me blka mm re ping women who hmrlhe hymenaim Pretty Beauty DeVQted ToVShapingWomen Ihd TM Stripe rlrh IMn mlmlnl 01km Ilwll with 1an Inrlln ImL Twalyullnn lmk lumlerwhllrnnvy hmpinknuy pink leapmulrr Fnlxhuwl by Ilmuluy Knitting MINA only 59 Thh Why lnll nhrll mm with eume 011ml Whilav pink light Ivlue Tn lopcnyllnlng and 277111th Hm nlmm ullmx mu pnrly punln Gnlhrr hm lm uhrlln gleefully ml lllll them In vnnr Illlnnuu In your Iummcr wardrobe collccllun Summer She Shells Whmlgooql mm in uahlon no upvnllcv In mu WALKERTS waxmn at Eflngeulhrden mav use 36 mum pupala It proï¬table business tar flu beauty ï¬rms and help them sell yaflely ol cosmetics never kmwgn to Cleopg um Greer house will open H1 dam this swunggonlwn mark in alrucllonan makeup cm the hm on proper wayto walk album all planning ward And acting uhosteu mm 8875 for two weeks 6500 or one you want to look good at 50 must Mart at 16 said yyhflomena Morgan Z5 who blushes lace at the Arden emporium on Avenue Eflzaï¬cflu Alden also offers day Instant maniaand chln 1minme 360 It lam tom leoluly ta Pam lmllnn Ilm but In ml Unnslrmn the Arden collectan at 650 during single dayw ovarymng lrom cleansing ta Darenma my EXAMINER WANT My Hons mm 398 CENTRE OF v1 ELECTROLYSIS UNWANTED HAIR SAFELY REMOVED FREE CONSULTATION For Appalnhmnt qul MI Sylvll Cuban 37280380 Sum 11 Fred Grant sl WIan BldL MIMI