Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1966, p. 7

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His superior Arrhhishop John Patrick Cody head of the Chicago Roman Catholic arch diocese denied that he had lnrrod Archhlshnp Shell oul lunar cl Sh Andrews parish on the north sldcr Archbishop Cody said he had nianmd In nmmini an adminis trator lo help Arrhbishop Shcii run the parish bu he tell hu had to replace him as pasta alter Chlcazu nmspflpcr puh Bu Ard1blshop Bernard shell 80 sald he will not for many oppou hl mnoval and will mend hls Nllmmcnr lime wrillnx on both rellglou Ind secular subjccla Warm air La flooding the Arctic wastc and It should evcn tually have an effect on the Weather candifioxu in our area 1ne low temperature last night recorded at The Examiner office was 26 degrmcs The cm CHICAGO AHA Chicago uchbishop who laundcd mo Catholic Youth Organizallon and or year was one of he chmchi most vocal champion of social relmn was mired Monday He said was aKainsl his will Moderating lomperatures are areas for daflima but the evenings will still be below the lrccung mark Moderating Temperatures Forecast For Wednesday Chicago Archbishop Retired But Will Oppose His Removal DISTRICT WEATHER Archbishop Sheil however will remain an archbishup He Is as wldcly known or his puma of social causes as for lhngYO which he rounded He allmcied nflcnlion in 1954 by dcnuunclnx Senamr Joseph McCarthy while the lat ne publitun senator Calhullc was Invesugatinx communism as chairman the US Senate lnlmal mmfly commlllcc Arch new pastor won be named 7y Wed nesday He said the plan to name an admlnmralvr In line with directives ol he re cent Vatican cmncfl for the ID poinlmcnl administrator to hch elderly pasta run their didnt retire or anylhlng else like that said Archbishop Sheil is removal and want that made clear wanna at 730 mm was 31 de gran fished an account of the admin islrnlnr arrangement Including comments by Archbishw Shell Smaplls Varm air now flooding nathcaslward lnlo Ihe arcllc wastes or the Nurlhwcsl Terrllorie shmld contribute to the wenkenlng of the high pres sure cell on Hudson Bay Con sequcnlly almongn remalnlmz well bdow normal moder ating lmnd in the daytime lem Every June Bride knows that right nearby shell find bridal shop iewellers florists caterers and lust about any shop or service you can think all Wm mdmnmw Earlkm Saul Sle lane Kapusknsinx 11in River Mansnnre Timmim Forecnl lempcnluru Low onlghl high ednurlly Windwr 55 Kilehcnor 15 $5 Mann Forest 50 Vingham 22 50 St CaLhariM 23 55 55 50 55 30 20 15 15 Northern Lake Huron Geor gian Bay4 Halihurlon Kinaloe Algoma Saul Sle Marie Ti maxaml southern White River Cochranc North Bay Sudbury Variable cloudiness with an oc caslonal light snoullurry today Mostly sunny wilh moder allny lcmpcraluru Wedncsday Norumrly wind 15 to 25 today bgqomjng Norith 1e ver Sunny with few cloudy Interval to day Variabla cloudiness Wed nesday Moderatinz tempera tum Wednesday Winds light again tonight but moder ating temperature Wednesday Northwest winds 15 la 25 be coming xighMgmxggz mam Ia anticipated lrom Wednesday on Tonight haw ever will Again be very cold wilh temperature we bulwz lrgezjng in 7193 locgalilies LakauSL CIaxr southern Lake Huyont Lake Eraif Nlagan Lake omario Windsor 1mm Tomato Hamilton Sunny with some anzrnoon clvudiness loday and n9 sd Very gold upenhii oflhe dij beauty my CF WLIIphWJ WW wMMWfiummm aw VThe pracllmnalnn lauds Tru man or devoting himself un Pmsidml Johnson in lhc phone call anvlilicd lo the nucsLs 101d nwlamalicm he signed Monday extending he admiratlon and gratitude 01311 the new There was genuine feeling of aflcdion or Truman by he more than we dignilancs and old cmnios who gathered at lhe binhday lupchmn perceptme nxcd mulincd hh remarks to tow Wm 01 thanks Imdcrslamd that you think have um lnnmanl things todalhanMthwnhkwy birthday Well hr the first llme in your lilo you are Wmng Mm Truman may knnw of some othur limes but cer tainly dnnt Bumlnx bmadly Truman re plied Well there has In be first time Mr eerwnngf want you In know that Ill never be 400 hwy In pay my resincl In great American Ch president 531d KANSAS CITY AMHarry Truman so lot niu cam piimenls at his and birthday cdebralion Monday buinclhing seemed to delight him so much as when President Johnson told him by telephone Americané have filmed the Grglt Lakes man than yrs have be we can mwmh cleanup ol the Great Lakes 3mm mm Vernoy Fin WWW for wind The Liberal uifl wm making during consideration loe estimates oflhe energy And resources dapzrkmanl Mn Singer said me Buy ha almosk become oe and Hum is not on beach on the city mm where mim minx is possible TOMMY JON4 Indus trial pollution in Ontario will be cleaned up by mo Show minister of enerzy and mmms managemem told the legislature Monday night But Mr Simonm flying in tritiumn Md he does not think the gnwmment should week ounvimm lirm that came la said He hop lha within 10 years there win he no pollu fion at all in the province Funeral mi yer Robert mm and Vem mger ear dealmrhtfiifi Mrth hunt Ind Mk fion wmtad Muldemuon 33 emme dim pollu gm Tompt menl BI Tummy MAY 16 xi WM miun flow Mimi PW Iohnson Compliments Truman During Birthday Celebration Ohtdriq To Deal With Pollution Mfi Peace any price is no Um answer he said Our members who haw bet baaccn shot clubbed dam on the meal and in lheir hnnm cannot and will nM nmvl Lh hoodlum trad unlan He sald m9er 01 Hrs Me an oppressed and will con linuc he Impressed until sweeping and lasting harms are made in the marine Indul try Jack SL1ka mid pm conlcrence that Great Lake saxlm havenl benehlltd from more lhan Lwn years of edcrv 31641134de msleaship the dent he Canadian Maritime Unlnn am said Monday ha board marina union trustees hasnt been Ne xeform the Indmndem Sealaren Inlema Lima Union ceasingly to the cause rec dom peace and the betterment his know man arm Knowing up who not know whatMs to swim in Metromu wanna John Route LW gm Dqflerlm saidihat the Imannai vheldiines am we can be assured that Lake Ede is fiat mm bging dead lake as yet Mr Simonlfll prediofim lhat pélllflon We pmvimel lake and dreams will be eliminated in 10 yam drew acom mm the www Mr Singer laddwil llknpos xibla to put Ideadfine on Ind program He mull lhl 10v smallo paying 1an mt than lip Iorvico be pollution problem am My Ouvmy icnml manager the OntarioJVIler 11mm nld Monday night amide in km Illute that the 1m deadline was chosenan much convld erafim fflle commissioncwld not predict Mm pollmum difiom but In In dead line Young NDP York vlcw 53ch outside lho hm the finisher is absolulely wrong to speak allflfl dudllne Mr Young also said many inns are not Interested In Malina effluent mm their vlants Inde In dim Theyre may win tn do wink they have to Uan flue gavemmem VLI willing to lower the bonm never meet their deaf Unable To Réionn SIU President Says mam meme Kev wholc xeneraliqn ofi phil ennuin mu sun Wruen President Nuser took limb out in attack umuq sum pol Icy tawnrd Claim and in Viet Nam on ha eve visit by Sovldfremler Kosyzin lo Ihe flied Arnb Rapuhfie The Egypllan leadpr said that Americanmalky has crealcd complicated situation in Asia by gaming theflrulh about the Chinese rcvoluuim and lurlher lryinllo Male China andde my dlhe US amour land In bantinue II activity In Vie Nam beams the Soviet Union lsilu no posilion lo Issue In ultimatum qr 1h with dnwal American troops and this Foviet igablligy was blamed Na were made public Monday daij lore Ihe scheduled arrival in the UAR of Kosygin and group of on he currénl digputrerbclwcen Peking Dd Moscaw JOHNSON NasserBlames SqViet Inability For Dispute flights fiankfurt Starling April 24th we can fly you TorontoFrankfurt NonSlop wllh lets week that fly on to Vienna too And Alr Canadas famous dally lllght Europe 870 will alsg fly to Frankfurt lrom Aprll 24th on Or you can lako our TorontoLondonFranklurt flight and stopover In London on the way What choice total of ten jets week to Frankfurt our great new gate way to all Europe find hub of Continenlal business Your Travel Agent wlll tell you No other alrllno can offer this klnd of servlco lrom Canada to Germany Cnll him or contort Mr Cnnldl nlmr SA Tormlo Slvn with now raduud 1421 day Economy Excurnlon rnlum forest TORONTO to FRANKFURT MIZ VIENNA $450 Plus exclusive Europe 870 daily service News thats Wunderbar AIR CANADA 301118 MISKEW HS Dunlap Ban 0me 6mm Hm Soviet advisersv The Sbviet premier eighMay lnur Ihe UAR Ilhls lirsl or iclal 1Man himCommunist cannuyexceptfor brief visit Newprlhi arr prime minis ler Shaslris funeralaich he replncgr premier Khrushchev in October 1964 But dcspileLhe rcmgva or Khljlbhchev Nanerl old friend Ihe UAR continues Io en joy special lmalmenl by Mos cow Knsygins trip will give Ihc Soviet Union chance lo ram fresh chalfenxe lo Wmml in leresu Ind military polllhms in he Mlddl East Cairo was bedecked 1n vied flag and hammer and sickla bannm to mark Ihé visit or Ko 3min the counlry and In the 900000000 Aswan Drum which about 401m cenz was nanced by the SnvieLUfiloh The Ruwans have supplied Complm Tlml hrvlco poliflvcn and ecnmimlc bu Kosygin aisn may take advam lag of he lrip lo pmuadi the ieuding socialists or he Arsb worldlraq Syria and the UAR io unite against he pro Wesh Em elemean in the Middle asi The Soylel premier recently promised the new rulers 01 Syria to hclp canslrucl lhelr Euphrates dam slgnbl up Ihcr possible Sovlel economic Involvement In lhe Arahworld But If the visit by Knsygin stresses the Snvicl Influence in the Middle East ilalso will en hance Nasser prestige Nassers xiimed areas with more lhan $1900000000 wagih tank 12 submarine air03 missile and blher weafwns since the Egyptian leader lurnad Eaglyard or hall 11 years ago TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7732411 71M

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