Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1966, p. 5

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mum mum JESDAY MAY im small Wins mmxgn nememmx me Jame mn off every nlesday In My with law Net Ferguson Trophy and the first of 10 Cum days um Iadhs Simeon County meet in Madam June 2nd at Orillla For theAmm the month of May is mainly concerned with qualifying rounds hr the Club Chmlonshlpand fllfihk may FoUowlng complete list sdleduled acflvfly It the Bar Country um fiopenifig stag Jim Small bccéme one am local gal champion or 1966 Saiwday allemoon when he cap Im Ihq topfvfatiar Bar my mm he 0°29 9121 Theflafotml men at shanty Bay Tum 2310mm mm 1959 mm plonship an fights Wed IIIa Thuu 14l Sum Raund Fri 1010 FrL 26 Third Hound 51 wProbahio dam or all llnals Tuu 345mb CHEU dny II bolas 1030 am Man BCaflain and Woo Caplain Day Seventh Clfill day pm Tun nCaplnln and Vim Cnpluln Day Nine more halal 1030 ILm Elm CLGU my Tm lipNine And 18 MI plnyvn In two ball mnlrh am Tm BNlnul CMZU day AUGUST Mon IIo Tums Firs Wed dul hole Sun slRegiflraflon close at Club Champiano ship and all flighb Tues mu sInvitalion Day Barrie mm I100 Tue uchjslrauon close 931 RcesCuq any Irophy Thu 174w Net Nu 14an nophy VNH tilFirst CLGU day Low Net first nine holel communal at the runehole Sun nidale Road course opened the film for the mens secLIon The ladies at the Baxjne club hunch activity lm the new sea mn May will go and an eve ning dinner 890 mens and ladiesr see Ham have beavysdwedule Ella raginna cogpegltlgns 263 open day Hid an Dug Trophy lllo Thursl 2161mm Round of Ree Cup am Dug Emmy Zlo Sun 31 lhlrd Round Rent Cup and 0ng Tmphy 13Fnurhafl 1mm Ball club campeflllon mimosa wur part ncrs law pull lsSCID at Collingwod 12 noon zlfli CLGU day lBFifih CLGU day 1111 polnLu law pull 2040 Wat MIL 27 Third Round of Rat 141mg QLGU day MD at Midland magma doses for Rogers 01 Ho Mon 27 First Round of Rogers Cup 7Second 716V day My Not mend nine zsam at Orilfla 12 me am gm Round uhoééra Burie 12 WBILVTLWAY nmfio HM vtm lndim Swine Show Park 30 run HIONIGIIT Exhiblllm Game West Hand vs mil Ham Qumm Park pm 0m mmm Gal Quwnl rm 530 pm SEPTEMBER Sat 10141 HandcrsTwma men Goni Roach huphyL Sal ziShm Gun Derby OCTOBER sat ncmlnz Slag Thurs Wed CALI SPECIAL BALL MEETING Sat Mon Sal 70penlng Sug Sat 21 Sat June Hm flying Club clamp loshill and mm mm 55 4Fimxk855l1ationor Balm Cup handing match play Fezgus on Tmplw twoball lmlrsome ham him AUGUST Sat Tuna Wed Pmsldenl Short last nlghl stated that every allort will be made to bring the cam back lnlo the league The absmm of Canadian Tire would force lhc complete redralllng of Ike sclmlule and leave just lwo Barrio learns Slcwarta Garage and Plan other members are Elmvnle Palace llnlel Orlllln Norlhzalo llluslnnux and Newmarktl Tmlnhln Important gnlh trlnz mm It 730 pm ovromi Wed 5501ng Field Day dinner Barrie and 1mm Mens Sandor Sollball League has called spednl maul meeting Int mum at Dan gerfield MW Bradford Slmt The main mum is the fate of Canadian Tire who last weekend dropped out of tompetlljm aller ex periencing dfllicully liulding learn ar the momlng min Wed 1710 Fri Simeon Come Tournament at Callingwood Tues SOYPossible Gama Bor den Tournamgnt SEPTEMBER Tues 5Tenth OLGU day HSgh PainLg 531 1140b¥l91nyhgland Presldmt Jim Short of the PRACTICES Harrie and District Junlm Gall mam planmip zsChnrlha Kearsey Tro phy Junior 3075 Handicapl alSimaoe Cmmly Open Mcns Championshlp Shot aim 20mSat TlFinah 99 95h9n 110111 Erown Trophy New 39le lsOpen pm 14Seninr ladim outnu meme Orillla pm 2079mm pm Men Secllon Elam Gupiiexguséfi Simone wnly IM 0aan TommyL shim Mens iridwtie Pol luck Marlon unbu quIIownjfiymy Thu Wednesday nlghc had my Howling benzua held their annual cmloluasm banquet Ind award mum at flu Em bassy Hall Trophlu were hand cd out or he luv Individual nchlovrmenu the mom um um n1 allowt Following the schedule at Um May 14 lryould WMID ONE Pcnwce and Emma 54ml Sizch School In am In pm Lhe name impflu cad city wadhasaflriahdnmwlea gues one peewcc and one hm hm team Any boy wishlng lo try out must 111an the team In age group that will msan the wan in which he re sldu Any player who reside ouLside the city llmiL must re ceive special permissiun of lhe league executive The lcagfies mi operating with olnugrlo AmnlLur Softball um clalion group regulatinru are govcmcd from here BanLIm Under 15 and Pocwte ls Under 13 both n5 Jan 15 1966 The minimum age or the mete League luycan The cnaches be gathering with the league execudye Lhil Thursday night p111 Ihe Barrie PUG Slnll Roam Bay fidd Sweet The first day of tryout for tha eight teams LI fill iflmiJE Samrdpw 14 at ll n7m4 file coachéi wul have thmhhour drill at our loca The Barrie InterWard Solt ball Hague are swinging into action num seven month ground wmk planning around the committee room table Bumex newest sporu organjuuon starts it first season with two our ceam comm ham or hm avg Waxedqus Lady Bowlers Honor Winners Last nights meedng at city counqn the Bania Kmth were reconfirm for 196566 hockey championship achievement Civic trophies were muted to all team personnel by Maya has Com and Bnrne maiden Ron Suw InterWard Leagues Set Tryout Schedule cm HONORS HOCKEY CHAMPS nu Nu nu den sun Hobbclle emphasizes Hui no experience necesary and every morlunily will be pmvidod In Learn the intricacies the spayi lhmugil lhe Sim coe County Community 11mm Local businessmen are back inglhlx communin project In the lam uniloml spon Dorship and volunteers have came award to handle lhe coaching dulles fur the boys the presgnt moment there Is WJLWMKPrAaZ WARD FOUR Peewce and Bantam Shear Park It mm Pam WARD TWO Pcewce and Bantam Mac Mormon Park 10 Mn 10 pm WARD THREE Poewca and Bantam Queens Park ll am tn pm art National Hockey League stat Knights completed their most successful season by capturing the Ontario Peewea dimpr and the tide at the annual Lillla NHL Timmum in N17th Bay They also came close at II youll LIWnflDV ownuv mm up Ind II bow chn on 01 III mm on Thu III dawn and ulu lanl mu only man nklng 01 pm Inc huvy oldluhlamd mow llwnuoyl nmmxchu dun lhn nklng Volvo II plclu up gun whlla you pin up In In LawnBoy with Grasscatcher picks up grass leaves and weeds as you cut Robinsohs Hardware Barrie Ltd Simcoe Distiict Coop Services Watts Sales ServiceLtd WARD TWO PoewceBarrie Spam Jim Mnflin Bantam Barria Welding Hub Hillier Omar Olson WARD THREE Puma4 llmis Cluprohn Folds Tom Filuimmanl Banlnm Civilan Thigh meelmg Following list team sponsors and coaches Llon Servlce weekend clinic Ls being planned for coaches manager and lumpim Quali tied Instructors are bclng brought in far thl valuable ses slon Mm details on thx will be annwnccd later ml week Any person Interested In um Erinz are lnvllcxl lo attend WARD ONE Ophxmst duh Ron Elmward Harold Martin Imam Optimist Club Ken Hi Rod exmings mantents In Part Rum and Saul Ste Marie Michi xan well compiling strong record In exhibition game With Ron Stewart are lefl lo right Fred Hastings Brian Khuglln Bob Lynch Examiner Phatn Arthon Marina IRE Will the LawnBay owhér please Staiiii ufi Llwinnyllllil umnlucVan Im Ml lwu nun and am Ion lhln old Ind din your llwn In lpvlnu ll col lull mod baron Ihoy Ipmd am you llwn To cmpm voulun Ihl Inn And uruln BURKES 251273 INNISFIL ST BARRIE DUNLOP BARRIE 65 COLLIER 5T BARRIE lEFROY PH 4566840 MOONSTONE IBW2 Club Joe Harmdlnc Bob Grem WARD FOUR FoewceMlnn dale nusimssmens Assoc Mike Herman Ron Boormn Ban tnm Aflandnl Lumber Ken hacker Jack MHch mare named Ermine Sex ed by George Dnngoflidd horse EEK fungal In ouprace It spring meeting Friday nflcnwm 1116 house on med mm are firing the weekend or Mondays opening at Greenwood horse Mr disclosing he Mme the con to replace two oun harm Sh Demijohn and Big Boots ma he 105 via claim ing rams toward lhe end 01 last 5mm Sir Dcmijohn in par hgular was mum money Rimes Real Bang young rse was acqun Mr Herniasun Mn Andy Sinth rdlmm WE Ole hallm Bnrrieowned race how whi expegxzd be WatGmpogdspmisg fluewoamld cult purcha sedreeently by Dick Hendmm Codrmgtm Skeet Barrie In training at Woodbine race track and is mooted to start in race at Torontos 6mm wggd mug laerthk wealth iwke hm mm Honda 92 the 0y Firebug 6747 Texaco Can nh 5621 mimlnarcg BanqfialMmdw May 16¢ Bar opens atfizw pm Supt per served at 700 pm likewm Dairy 6721 Dan gerfield Molar 5692 Clarkson Hillel Eliminated PLAYOFFS Group Firmana Texaco 7175 Wall wma Burner Service 7m Pm WSWBHOOX 6900 Qualified tor finuLL Barrie Frosted Foods 67 Hamnuxs Well Drillers 6769 Gwen mums Ellmlnaled CONSOMTIONS Thoma Eleciflc 5894 Barrie Tanning 6891 Wrights Clean 5838 WWW finds KEMP BOWLING SemlFllul mg Slewuu Wholesale 6991 Aflandnlc hum berm led lorfinals Hmwy Beetle 6769 Letter Carriers 64471 Germs Toadies 62W Eliminated consounons Wellhtxlan Hotel 7223 Sar Seanll 6965 Inferno 111mm Qqaugied 0r finals Barrie Horses Ht Greenwood BOWLING Sn you dnlu 01 MI Hm cl uwnuaylmllh Immwilhoul ammlchu numbIvan Ind pmpollm In ull mm uuonn you mould own lawnDov Vow dc IllIlchlnaluahnwyoucvmnm Bpener 72 The auxin ume will bu played hue Wednesday McLeod said his players have been shooting directly at me 9311an deience instead get ling heir shou sway quickly ENVIOUS OF YOUNG McLeod 18 the teams lirsh string goaliehas been beaten llflmes by shawl Generals in Hz Ihree games Oshawn leads the bash ol aeven Canadian junior hockgy final 21011 ha hash of 71 and 62 vicimsxn the Iasffié games Egimiantpnhwon tho He iald he wisenvirmn ol the protection given Oshawngoalle TORONTO G7 Goalie Don McLeod of EdmontonDfl Kings llruck balk Mondky at critic of III Mvmance in the three games of the Memorial Cup playplla wk hh teamgnaw éxahshmdnfibfimixdhe know Ivebeen lousy but some our fellows havent been yuingjbeir heads Mc Leod said Hand mine opt and in dnezameand llge EIaniavers CritiCS Osfibwa dalch blocked OIL Collier Dolmmc Roe $1995 Spln Rod 995 Ln Loo am $2188 am 195 Barrie Sports Ltd AWN BOY on MnIn wm ypu bunlm we Mflumlrwnmitm MJWM Raei Ey Ambldex Dalmatia Fixgd Spool 3090 wouldnuver say that About my player lGnascwldL said Mclbod has been havhg his prawn in Ihls series but hes good goalie All he mod is one Rood game and hell win 11 cup jog We want to leave him to hunscll so he can mull things over said Klnmwlch May 119 will pol lhe kid get his Ray Kineewlchthc Edmonv ton coach has to decide whether hell go with McLeod Wednesday or remuln with nandhy goalie Jim Knux who held the General to two gual tn the twp period he worked Sunday Kinasewlnh was critical of Mcwoda work In the opener ciaiming the two Oshawa goal in that game were soft ms But mneeqwlch dented at press conference Monday nlght statement éttrilxltedto him alter Stmdays game that Mc hawom Mama IMF wotk with the team Monday butwakhed from Ike stands Ian Young by the Generals de fence Early Season SpeCials Rod Raul Lan Shakupearo Fishiqg Oquif Tull 595 1750 100 but 2495 51659 7184592

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