Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1966, p. 9

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it fig mm mm wumr 6mm who uunml mm mu Imam nu Vnmlv nmn VVJMHVI thlNl mum NM 1mm VII mum Mun vimu ll 7mm mum HI lNIIC um Nhnnla l4 bury IMHIM nun um mam l1 rmln ll new um unlnl mvwl mum 110 IA nnrlnLnUM vLfigmln anm Mum Mer Mud 47mm will L10 In LBUFFALO Ll anm mm mm Humm mm an 11 an Lum tn nvnlpljd Lxumlu Hm mnnlml nuC Remember both elhlcally and legally lnlnrmann whlchyour docmr past nr present p0 use about you ls mnfidcnliaL He has no right to reveal any lhlng wllhout your consent Therefore doctor are careful about glvlng out lnloxmatlon including your mcdlcal records wllhout your appmval Cmn sanl should be in wrillng and Ilgned by you So 131 as lhe legal aspect goes the medical rccnrds be Inug lo the doctor noHo the 71 10 317 mm Hnmy sm 1mm Maori hnmx mm Then mm Lon um 11an Camplny rmT llAhln my munh No exercise wun harm the bust It wont increase the size eilhcr but may Improve your posture and that helps mm Ihan mml girl rrallxe 400 tr Gratin lhuw In Ordinarily yex buth In no quuila openudfiut quel llnix you Inlng think nur Dr Molner can excr cIes develop the bus be harmful lhink can see some IrqpmvcmLnLMln pm My answer therefore is that In most cm records at copies or summaries ollhem can be transferred In amulet physlcian IS mailer of caurlcsy but it is not something hnl ml can demand Courtesynnd common use solve 101 of thing easily whereas defining onul rights isnt my 50 easy FolApch ca purposes tho way to proceed L1 to buys your new doctor request lharecordl or com lhemrum your lormer doctor You Vmusl spec lly your Willingness to have donn The pafienl receive the serv Ice of lhe doctorexamlnauon troalment Idvlce flle records however are an account of what the doctor has done same legal qucsllnn come up perhaps Involving clnlm or law sun by um patient the doc or needs his monk lie tn be Able to lesLin intelligently Thus ll not entirely quay than of he pafim ha zone to mean elsc lily keep the un der mm mmums ncu level wlse that ha retain his notation of hang dope of ypu So goes lung paLicnt rd Mlt 41 VII Doctorsj Bechrds Are Cofilidéntial Dear Dr miner thi patient change docton can the recurds be transluxjed Can gmlor rum ta dotthMm By mam ohm nm TO GOOD HEALTH Alrhnlwl TUESDAY TELEVISION PROGRAMS 41507 mum II Tvmmr MM musma 1m no own nm FRANKIE tIIUFFALO FTORDNTO llIIARIILTON me um nlrmu rm m1 WIrIu Mb Am num um IJII 31v Hallv III Illnjnl Ilunl 13mm 141mm 1mm ml Lrum Vivl mm mm 0min um in nuwn um RIVIVP In Nmmllml 1L mum ru lLlumnl MM Iiunul Mm mm lh rn Nm lJmmy 11mm oNaun onn at nun ITn Tod 110 1m rm ml gym Lyman nn mum mm tHifl ummn Mary tNuu Iummlry nu ma Illvru lmxan mmy cmmn new vmn um Mann lnuulry mm Inn 1m mm Ifl MORNING AND AFTERNOON ermm mm IMmll kn MICGII mum un Ann mum Idlnmlnl II 4am Mlm mu 4mm ma nut rnur mm 00 um um 1lnmlnl my AM MAImm 14m um lml Illunlnml MW um mm rum mu Imm gmm Ma mr Hut mn rm Inn LAW mm pm rml um vn um nm cmnou IAhnnuhn Lil Inrl mm trm Lucfr Andy gum 00 24mm rnnylm Show rum an mu tnuucmd when Ilnrlk Jammy rhuu Cflnunuedl 700 ZIlunlluflrlnl lIlnney Wm 41m uobu llhundnhlma Hnly Thm inn 150 znuu Vlllry Inon Mum 11 ml nu mm 57 Lucy snow llCumhn Bernadette and Francis Gren ler have lived In ml rammum My All their lives Kenneth survived by Ms paroan and I0 brewers and and skiers whu are Paul nich ml Annette Joan Yvette Her bert Dannis Daid Michael and Michele who had Just came home with her mulhcr from Penclang hospital three day More Four boys acted as pall Imams Mose SI Denis Billy ONeill Norman Hill and Louis Beleourl Funeral mass was lung In SL null church by Rev OLeary with my pansm mm the choir by Miss Mae ONeill and Mrs Bill Mc gill Phelpslon Burial was In his lathern plot in St Louis Cemetery with Father OLeary eaying the graveside prayers lragedy visllcd our commun lly again Sunday allcrnoon April 21 when Kenneth Grenler was accidentally and 31le shot on his fathers larm He was born Oct 31 1960 ln Pane tang hospital few headache which cannot be greatly 3112 vlalmi with proper treatment but It mmcllmcs mm careful nbsurvauon to determine which kind of headache ls involved nukes aulrspcclally Is problem Qulle few do our famlly phslclan may be able lo rm you ml anllnquiry at one tho major hmpllal or Ilone of he hll medical centre in your area will lead you to such speclallsl 0r ho cotme med lcnl soclnly whlch provides ll service relcrring peo ple Lo physlcianl doubtless will bemfblo to llnlp you ukENNEm JAMES GRENIER ucuuuuln Some headachu never yield to upirin but must hava mule dulerenl treatment Your Idler oontalns new as to what type ligatingh involved 31 Ind for several years has hld Icrrflic headachcs Aspirin and oher lnbleu dont mm to help Our family doctor prescribed lam pill that give only tem porary reliel When could 5h zaar lrquneIMA MOUNT ST LOUIS III Dear hr min mm 0de IIIIII It 191 my II III II NOII Wth mm ll lolvlghl PIMI III IO Lawmum Llfll Imnl In llr Gllllhl hfiuilnnVynr mm mm Na IIMI fnnuiiu Tm nl Mlnl um um Limo me I1n 19H nth tTn Tull hum um ermnd Imm llr IanIlM hm mu llnpll In Canfllrl II 11mm mi mmw mr him In Ihmv In rmlo Inm cmnom 210 Im mum 1m gum mm JMmlc run1 Gun Mm Lummnv II Jhun ma nm Inur mm um Mllvl Lu Im ml vaA rum Jun Hum MI nn Im rclnrm mm rm xInmm 1030 10 Iona 14mm 7m H101 Ind Rule 44m unumm IIMm munn Lfimmp Imam Convuct IMO Mm Llw Ind 14 Jon Hm mm H1nrldoun aunm rumuy mum THE OLD HOME TOWN popular modern dimo pack his five his hand than our nmim bld five chm which was passed all around diamond was led and Siniscalco locking 11de the worse or wear In having failed to reach either small or grand xlam won the diamond and lacklcd lrumpx When Crawford When the hand was played at my lnhie opened the bidding wiLh lhrca diamonds My part nor John Crawford who knew Ihad very little defensive xlrengih and who was suiiering from the same dnliciency him self lried lo Jam he works lur lher by bidding inur Vdiamonds DAILY CROSSWORD There were extenuating dr cumskancu is true At both tables preemptive bId was made Wllh the EastWat cards and thin succeeded in blocking the smoolhexchange of Infor anon between LhaNnrth Squgh plnyqs Hm Is remarkable hand mm the match between My and the United States in 1358 grand slam in ellher heart or club would certainly have been feasible undertukflng but at both table only Kama cnn tract was chad wittha NythSoulh cards exchmlllan Jnlwn Kuul munde valdl any In sup or term traulnx so Mumn Indium WRIGLEYS SPEARMINT 21 boriécud Word of and other JDJIuAIc not All dlnlinco 4351 We Now mm South Pm 51 Opening leadqucen of dia manda paged 22 omen Elklma cum vummg 32 Incila of Ir 19 Come land 21 Chlnua as From 36111101 ACROSS Ehhzm or 11 In mum nunma mum Celehrltlun 51 Observes line Inner DOWN Mull 10 fluke HIang tally plan In two hams lpmklnz Mum 20m comb 16 Early Greece arm Ileer 12 Hexflu or Seat or Bend xnpu flu un 231mm 13 spnnx commlucd crow blooming prumhluly 251ronaun plmt Lch or 28 Fish 1452 John 25 IAmlly 15cmwn Sluxlor member 11 Dmmnt pistol 293mm 15 Rellllva PM of unit Wealdealen Neither this vulnerable is 10 unnm Now the only way to buy nun union thlblddlng CONTRACT BRIDGE mum 71mm AWn One klnd chum mm 35 or flu un commmcd Drumhluly Lch or John 551qglor WOULDNT woman amame Youszuum nusr nr mam umuyo HIM HOME Olle A60 HUD NE JUST mum an k0 rfii KQJNH VAN 0K9 By JAY BECKER mm ownd plgl 31 nnrren alums 3L Slmng wlnd crow 21mm annram Aunt mm 28 Fltmljy 37 Blbllnl Izlfier Zflflend Ilklnd Vlsllor during the weekend May were Mlss Kay Allan Toronto at home Miss 11th Reid anonto gm of Miss Luella Donnclly Mrs Roy Wag ner Kflchmu with Mr and MraWlllrcd Stewart Mm Ste wan returned with he daugh ter or weekl visit In Kltch men Lelroy Slumberclles No group Inlshcd their project and as real were taken in Bar rie to see My Falr Ladn By MRS MAURICE REID Mr and Mm Rn Canning Mn and Mrs Kunze and Mrs Creighton all of Toronto mfmt gm Mrs gm mum ununlld lfllrlu FM 1W7 XMIIVIZH MTION WANT MW INN Six heavy played by Norlh cnuldluava been made and in Incl unly spade lead would have slapped seven Bulv Lhe precmptlva lacllc both lb blns made It dflfimlt or North Soulh to Ind he has contract and lucueded ln blocking out the hemla Whm thd deal wns yllyéd Il 1115 olhcr table the bidding want The American South had difficult bld tomaka and mm ed to overcall with three trump 43 won have been wiser lo pass our dlamond douhlcd Lmlcad ho hid five dun andmado devcn trick ln Heflwjolyd Pul Pm am 1pm Pun Bnlladnnna did not prenmpl wllh the West hand but Eau Avarelll dld Ha bid lhru xpades wowed but Smlsclicn rmllled hugh algh relic Iquhaving escaped higher contract Wat FAST CASH LEIROY North By Stanley 42 Revolva 45 you or pmphit 33 Show mun Ed 48Golltarm South Kit rznzra cc £014 32 1013 425 9212 u4mazuoz 12353 whyqu aur SOMETIMES WIN AT 23 urozni4 JP 97a 93 24 72 22 525 own $050 23 rrpuroznfi mummy MAY fish WDNILI LDNMUMUHN rdWill lle UIO NW1 MU PM THE Mun

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