Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1966, p. 1

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BURYON RIGHT CLUB PRISIDINT AND THE SPEAK PACKMAN Edward Public moon cd End glasses undu bright Prior to ma new nmhnds he clmmm ended be dtr4cllhz 51man Thu pun lh expand Mr aidl dwetop now pkllla 1117 make almrncllom from ml munllovu nml mum Ihna mmlm ML Monm uld nanla has bun experimen unngh new approaches lo mamcanu or he pastjiva yearn 11115 mu been done Waugh he manon 01 par NIH cachesI and Ibo Barrio M154 School 1mm uld An sul McKay public drool sup ninlmdcuc undmh on mil Xn volvcmcnl ho Ind The flu flu is xiven an Wmfly lo uhaw vrlulnnlny and re mcdldncsa TM anchor only provides no guldnnco whlle the mpr are mully leaching each other Primary dlvlsion dassca an under um dimllon Joan Win lerfmm llilknst Public School and Junkt Black King Ed wnnd Mb mam have done comidunble reward In new anmek and their class rooms dimhyod M5111 dolrco ofd minimum um alficluh 1m 15 due In large d+ mwmxreatmntdre lurch done by MacIMn p11 1an Edward Ind mu he demmnent meniscich said nay mu Immune mathe matics with Ihc mkfimn div kion skid Hut Banie was chm sex because the unlqucness 91 1g mammauu dasan MORE PROGRESS ln Hui opinion lho depafl menL more pmng has bum made In Barrio ward ha da vdapmld new approach In mclhod in new mamemaum than elsewhere in Ontarlo Onedass In new mathematiu lmm each school was chosen by tho Wm division of the Ontario Depaflment of Educ uonlpparfidpm in the film lngidhe was to mist the depamnenl ln devean mm foam £19 mu mom came yestzr flay $610M In King Edward Them In mon Iclcnulla mm wumn Hem um ng Edward Public saw maliu at King gamma er Hillele51 mac 5cm advise mm liming Ihe rum yrslozday altmum Exnmin and Janet Black teacher at ing of class in new mathev er PM SCHOOL FILM RECORD My minnow and Barrie Pupils Work Under Cameras Eve nnd Ken Ken Slxira MT am an Indmlrlnl nation mi haw dnvolnpoxl In Advanced Mushy In Dcnmurk on one of Um powinllnn unumplny In ms Mn Packmnn lrlbuud lhll mlhllc in NI In qegllcd dunnnd mhxpuon Ha umva in Doumaxkl ec onnmlc development In Influx in us hm 11 511111le when we nro ctbnomlcnlly nypraachlnn lhg inlch 511qu and Canada Danish Industry must produce an basin qunlily 11 la rotnln any hope lurvlvul nnckmnn Toronto cansul of Dwmark ink the Canadian Club of Dania yulcrduy Tho mofiflng wan held In Uhrary We came mmwpmduco 111m lhu Unilcd Slate and Canada htrotors must producu good line quality Mr PMkmnn MM lurnlluu in one 01 the prime exnmnm at our lumen In Industry room is nemath summed 0i nunmu activity centres me chiidrcn work in groups bui the empiusb in on individual ieam ing he midi There is no com mon iiandard and cad student VTho Implemml learnan yrq no 19mg lhqponggl lexl in Mrf Mum All types at Audio bobk VAan explained Classrooms are set up or learning and not administratlve puma Mn Madman said pupils are no longer in straight as the class may be set up in any manmr which best minutes 19 lcamlng groguses according lo hi th Toronto mung he had never sum inu Leadnlng any wime 1n the world after ho vlsled two mammalian clash room in Barrie 59wa Sf up quverfnx preach to solving and more nahslic social selling is creat ed for the students ML Mc Kay sald Ha pointed om the emphasis in on the process and theory oflearning name Hun fire traditional leaching situa Everan we are doing has nund loundallon 1n aducationA researdI prbwlpal Mac Lean saidm arming process becomes mini Wm Konney qglogedflfolum Danish Industry Survives On Quality Canadian Club Told In ms 100000 pmons Denmark nubstnnunl lmrml om mo pas ll yrarn whm only 50000 lwrm lefled in coun lry Wu hnvu nnlhlnn Apeclnc um lo nmr hut pche vhH our mmlry Imam be lrlmdr ly Wm more hit Intk man mud Mr Inckmanmi moo Dunes ur muons Damn do ml tamed In Cnnmh were hm been nmnblo lncrrm ln lmmlgmllon 1n the posl war your he mid In tho production preclslon lnflmmcnls ha mnnnucd mom Dnnmmkl mnIn txpom he sled renlzemlurs hcnrlnl aids chocolalc marine dlucl engines mrnlluro and cement Tho shipbuilding Induxuy In ab 10 my Inkgm pan of Dm marks cwnomy ho nomd In 1065 ry Canadian boughl t1 wank nl 0me from Denmark whilu every Dunn punhum warm Cnnndlnn mnrchnndm Yesterdays drum will help the department develop new program which will he telecast to classmom leadhm uuough ml he pmvlncc The most important mucquence result ing ram todays Mmlng will be the eventual Immuncm classroom summon Uxmugh widths province Mr Kenncy wl Na indwéiti teacher In teaching lechnlqugs Mn said We wIshta acquaint lemma with ma latest lechniqucs resulting from ex tensive research he laid NEW PROGRAMS department educauun sun112d producing provinceMd program or uiucauonal 919 visa or the firs time In the 196566 seam Mr Kenney snld This wnsisled of series of prong In grade sovcn mathe marks and grade XIII pluyxiu The dcpntlmmtl plan now to expand the number of pm yarns In terms classroom TV mud also Iunderlqku pro One the obvious mu of the new npproad that the children can not get Enough mathematics Thay are con stantly dimming or more Mr McKay said visual alds are uulned and ML many handled by the pupils he said TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7M4 do on April 23 Ho Wm grand son the 1an mm King who mth the Barrie Gill to Hmkly nmspnpor your up and whose bmldlnz knmm the King Block in mm lho WiLmn Bldg at Memorial Square Mr KIM died on April 11 meuvnr In hi 77th year He WM bum In Dame and went Wm Canada In mm mm residhxg 1n ncxlna or mnny mu In Vanmuvtr th residence was It 2130 West Jud Arr Rm Dr Game 1in the mom Mr Kin mmvcd by Ml wife Vilma lxrmhcr Ar Mr Km Wanda Ilslcr Mn misc Smart mldlnl in Ontario Ho wnl ll munber of Evtrgmn lam Na Na Vnmouvor and NWMI Lodge No Mglnl nlw anl Shrlnen Tunple Regina ml Um Klwnnlx in Vani linm Sewn aid mundfly Mr Man made lhe an mmnem xxxme legialalum In reply to qmum mm va ray Gm Himon Bruch Copacos Barrie plan lost $73 000 in 1965 Undsay Inglis the Coops president said earlier this your Three 5min offidads Includ Inu General Manager Simp son ruiglwd in Maxm browse director dedsion tn keep operating losing plant the Co op am 9mm HM ve Packers Ban has received mnd $300000 mi gumee at the Wynan wax Last year more than 900 per sons attended we display and door will open at 630 pm to perm mum to see the many cralt displays whim will be exhibited the halls show is open an the pubfic New Guaiantee For $300000 More Ihan 150 Barrie YM YWCA nwmbus will panidpau In the Ys seventh annuai mu display my at Barrie mm North Odlegiawaz pm 16 show will Italure various activities perfumed by mem bers the Ys gym classes hdd every Sammy at Ifillcrcst Johnson Street King Edward Oakley Park and Prince of Wales mbuc schools here will also be demomtradons by the advancedngsmasucs dig and COPACO Gets Dangerfield Motors Arranges Gym Display 131 Brldlord S9 HORACE KING jun1mm was made 010 fkff OBITUARY Accompanied By An Adult This SAT At To The Shriners Circus Barrio Arena May I2 To The First 100 CHILDREN Tkklll Par anlly CIRCUS TICKETS endu whclhor there endcnvy In no ulnlml Id mm nrxnar hcmmr ol MI smaller productivity and not talus lma nccounL the help mm mm urnlly growing up on the larm Drillynnrd uktd Ho make in war of hill lo increase the borrowing power or the Corpornllon la make mare Ionn money nvnllnhlo lo Cun Idlnn lnrmm Ha said he know 01 one can when dairy nrmcr had been durum duvm or lunn even though lho huildlngs and eqqu men we good or half the mount or he run nnd the hut wllhout lhc building wan nlmasl warlh lha nlhrr hull ITAWA Spcclnl It more dllllcult or small farmer to secure 11 km mm the Farm Credit Corpuralinmflwn or largo mm operator Dr Rynnrd MP for Simcoe Ensl snld In lhe Commons this week when he den 35 cents his travel dollar remains in Canada to sustain the economy to maln taln unployment and thus to contribute to his own weltare Mn Gordon said Mr Gordan pointed out that hen the Canadtan hairlessman es on lurelgn alrllne he 11 Ipendtng 85 cents of his ah trav nl dollsrout of the country and depriving the Canadhn nconomy to that extent In our may unfortunate 1y nearly 60 per centot Can adian travetllng abroad fly on lorelgn rather than on Canad lm uIrltncs hestmsgcd stressed nns generally do not rmgnlzc the act that their two major air lne mrcsent an Important ex port buslncss Many foreign tourists and businmmcn are travelling various nir mules to visit Canada contributing many Ihe Canadian businmman should ny Canadian WD Gob don dlrednr of sale develop mt or Canadian PacflicALr lines lald member of the Ru ary Club of flame yulerday at their weekly dinner meeting at Community House Small Farmer Has TrOuble Securing Loan Rynard Says GORDON director sales development for Cana dian Pacific Airlines wu ROTARY SPEAKER Hy FMIME llTISSINGTON Fly Canadian Aid Economy Exnmlner Cormwndcnt 7161 wnrnod dlscrimlnnla aguhu he Imn apcrntar his produtuvily mund small larmcr win milk mum and Iamlly help can have an wouomlc unit he Orillla doclonlamwr point ed oul llc anld lhu milk human klndnc Ihauld be showch on the mall lumen mharwlsc ll wlll he unwary lo dlx lnlo purses lo rchnbllllale hlm When he mom of the land Va will Havi when Ihnuld be lrylng lo Mm an it Dr Hyman Mr Gordan emphassz that as fire speed and nope alt raw continua to Increase at an Mcclemlcd pace the entire world will becomu our neighbor hood and the global expanslon of our Mfimna can onlyJJe of mancndm benefit In ail man kin Shrinking the span of can inent Irom six day to six haula is no Insignificant achieve ment he continued This has contributed lmxmuwrabty to the welfare of mankind me kt ago has extended our and enriched our Hm The necesslly lo conllnually in crease flying speed based upon the Insatiable curiosity or the human mind and the ad lha me is mans one irreplace able resource according to Mr Gordon Mm than this however 15 the forelgn monoy earned by the Canadian airlines by carrying what known as liflh freedom traffic or traffic on the GIMP dlan airlines plying between we Meal emmtrlcs Mr Gordo not mflllnns of dollar Into the eco mm 13 WW It tile My am mung use ME 010 ol Dania yum Mr Gurnllrld LAM Fmdrmvldn quirk lurnlnl 1mm 1mm Ono unplhn Inn NVII rnmlmumly Iuuly and ery maul Mwlu Greenfield for lazy gardeners ROBINSONS BEZZANT fiflWBNFIEIJI LAWN AND GMHHN PflOllLCffl THE WORK YOU HA Tlu ALI Hm Tlll LANE GARDENING IZVIHL AVAILMHM ION ll LIL HM MI SM LI WW ML In HARDWARE Gordon left Ja lhmkod by Romy president 1306 wu hnms At centre as Ash Isles Mauve of CPA who was mower gues at Mary Examer Photo Topic of Dixcuulon DR SHOOTER will Ipuak an Munagar and parnntl Barrio Branch of Canadian Manlal Hoalth DOORS FROM THE ROXY s1 DUNLOP ST 71 ml Canadian Mental Health Week MAY 2nd 7th MAY 2nd at PM Priced From me Then will In public muting BILL AT THE LIBRARY HALL II Juhnun Grunhrlxl Tlipla Arllnn rnlurm Klllrr mm mm Jnln In om my Imvlhnlimu Slum rmrrmu nl Mmull mmy Null Inch rmlmnu gnu lull arnmn runlml rvl nub nu lmrrlu th lho 1mm wilh mn pmn Named lnun ml to LIN IT 11 Hi MI 71 It LeBoeuf NURSERIES Mineta Palm lumcmvncrs have mm clcamup vainl Irp lgn makfi he are Ammve to summer vis Men and women In the mm be wofkinz Io dqap pp both their awn yankand pubhc pm My between mm and May lam some of lhe Muse along the lakestmc was by In Mmmen mm ma residmm you 1311 financing ms 66vcar valuedover $1500 did you know that than possibflilrywr pre sent rnlcs may be Ion Nth you feel they are call us 31 W5 and ask lnr compnrison This may be the best live mingle m1 have ever the most exciting look in diamond engagement and wedding rings today is from DELTA ACCEPTANCE Columlud ll DUNWP lOWEST INTEREST mas JEWELLERS 7283343

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