Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1966, p. 1

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The Hometown Daily Newspaper For Barrie and District mind You No es Que Provrno1q1 Ponce Begin MOICII QUEBEC or One hun dred Quebec Provincial Police officers iormed picket line in front at the QPP regional head quarters here today and few Wm reported outside the Mont real headquarters as 1700 con stables and NCO oi the iorco began what they called JBVIOIEI strikeI The pickct line here was armed at am and paraded on the sidewalk until about 915 am when the men dispersed to go to work There were about our men In irant oi the Montreal headquarv tors and the same number to rant oi the Montreal court house The recentlytermed Quebec Provincial Police Associ ation planned to have oti duty policemen picket the two heads Quarters scattered district de tadlmcnts and courthouses in Strike an etiort trimca the province to accept it as bargaining agent Dorris Lavoie vice president at the association said today the picketers will be in their places again between pm and pin today CONTINUE PICKETING The pickctlng would be car ricd out daily until JusUce Min ister Claude Wamlrr agreed to meet the association leaders Among the signs carried by the strikers outside the Quebec headquarters wcre one ng Jllstice for the QPIN We want speak with Mr Wag ner lltoral Strike No incidents were reported The men say they will reluse to cash their pay charm will march on picket lines in oti duty hours and enlist signatures from the public for petition to the government Preliminary Agreement Reached To End Ontario Truck Strike rononro CF Prelimi nary agreerncnt to end On tarios threemonth Lindon strike was reached Saturday and H500 members oi the lode pendent Tenmstcrr Union will decide by governmentsuper viqd vote this week whelhcr to acerpt the terms William It Dickie chioi con ciliation oliicer tor the Ontario labor department said the ncw posais nili be presented to strikers tor vote by mail dctnils ot the proposed scl alcnt vcrc releaed ruo weeks ago the Team slcis mernbcrshlp rejected by 2in1 majority scitlunent agrccd on between union negoti ators and the Motor Transport industrial Relations bureau bargaining agent or the 55 trunking composites involved Tesmstrr lrssidcnt James Rollo approved government su pervision oi the vote at mat ing in Detroit with rcprcscntro tlvcs oi both sides Acluol su perlelon will be carricd out by the Ontario labor dcpartmont The contract rejected earlier rdiqed truckers pIV raises to $270 an hour lrom $250 and rtductlon in the work week to 00 hours Irorn to Toronto dri crs now make an average oi $2 an hour The strike started Jan in alter union members walkcd oil the job at two Toronto firms The bureaus 55 companies closed down in retaliation Jan 20 msmctsovsoies IVPROD Ulu Rains In Texas Swell Rivers 10 Are Killed LONGVIEW Tex lAIlTwo days at harmlial rains measur ing up to lo indies sent north east Texas mama on ram page killing at least to persons and disrupting rail and MW traffic Nunmous highway bridges were swept away or weakened Rail traffic on at least one mam line was halted when bfldfl collapsed sending dimel en ginc into the swirling water lowland areas near 1mi view Gladownter Krlgorc and Marshall have been evacuated and major flood warning ly stand or the Sabine and prresa Rivers in northeast Texas Forecasts called tor more The Sabine Riva was ex pected to rise in tact above flood stage today at Gladowa her Heart Surgeons Concerned Over Kidney Complication HOUSTON Tex AP Illar col Dcltuddcra surgmna are concunod today about new complication kidney maliunc lionas thrir uncomlous pa tients partial artificial heart continued pumping Methodist Iioepilnls last ad vistory reported the wyenrold Itutvillo lit man has im proved in several respects nlthouldr some docrome oi kidney iunr began develop lnz Sunday The bulletin said Inboratixy lost indicated the kidney con dition was listed this morning as just the same Dcltuddor maierwent six hour oporann Thursday In RCAF Sift Clues To Crash Cause VANCOUVER OWA panel at mdor MAP otiircrl began alitltl clues today to establish the cause oi Saturdays Iicry crash at search and rescue nlrrralt which killed live air man and seriously Injured sixth Tho Albatross amphibian slantth into lonshrmuied mmmtatn to tailor east oi iloric Tho mountain uhlch has no name In tho same one uhlrh dropped mrurlvo rocblllio on the southern Trans Canada ltlchwny in January IMO hill in tour persona Ktllnl In the crash worn Flt Itt Irler Somali pilot and FltIii lhiillp Alunttzumtry copilot both inrmlrty oi Von couvrr F0 Christopher Cor rnlcr 20 oi Muiicino Ilnt Alta LAC Robert McNaughton technician and Sqdn lxtr liraldon oi ltCAl Station Tron ton Ont All but Ilrnldon were sla lloatxi at the Comet search and Haul Ilntlon onyanrouvcr Is nn IIAIILY IIUIKNIZII lievcrrly lmrnui and nut In tho lnillt was IO Itnlrcrt Ilold 15 pi Honey Ito is In hos pital in only Mr randiUon ttio nlrcrntt lrtt Comox at It on routine Momlto min In illnht to Williams balm in ronlrni ILC uhlch medaanloai pinup was attached to his heart and In cending aorta to provide tem Pomt bypass oi his damaged ldt vcnhiclc The pump continues to tune tton quite well the advisory said adding that Dettuddmrl central nervous syotcm was bo gnnlng to show signs of re covery nith return at some oi the reflexes Deliudder baa bccn uncon soioiu since tbs operation Surv goons said he muibly rui icrod temnorory brain dam age during the animation and they began treating the rctirod and minor tor removal oi ex cess fluid on his heirs They said the dome shaped heart pump was not the muse at De ltudltcrs unconscious state DcItlktdorfipidn blood mun reap re mood ltnblo the advisory Dominican Marks lst Anniversary Oi Revolution EANTO DOMINGO 1M lnta of nan but no violence mod wuk oi celebration Sumtny oi the orurtmlary oi the maintain rovolutim lrul Arfll An onttmalni 10000 demon alrators mt rd them youths mamd nt lodopmdenrc lnrk nocntrdiy alioulai Go home Ynnkm and ctioorvd lmrity hi the ml at tho thrmhour rally when U3 Ilog was buried UK Calls For Talks To Study Copper Curbs imam AID11 Iiritlsll umnnmmt md Inlmlrtnllaln nallul Inuit talks inlay in my alder maid natrhtinna on mm In rm ntior hole he imnrasu vy Zambia and lllr lhn main IrfllllNU imnrlnt anointMann hm ru lhn lttilmu imllil mid newton itilillflliml in Ilrlv ltus luuwul lull Ilirtlm pllttl om lnmnll lur rm hauling nil plumbing FIllll ml cit uwu nul rmlio mus Inwun himtin with the Zambian nruhwu do then In slop with the tlmt who at LLio Hunt tin and Inrlnml Mom in the rm rmr Ilrt priv liwl Iii tile lmllnn tl Illvmgn invhl phloem rn do or arm titan lm won man we raining on to the im nw at it is trivial to units at amind mm 1500 ton Itotlrztna lny pmddrnt the uithlwlll board ul lrntlc ninwly ht pop to limit Nth pcr imports by lirrlrc th ole tut oi lmutbln lrztrirlhms It mullf study by Minima unn nl ninth luvludiy with Itvnn be ItlHlllltWttl would work out any lallnnlng pro grain llcitaln nn wul 710000 I1 new mentally neatly boil it it tum Zanirta The main Itrittdl filtllan tbq etNlrlrril liabult will way in My In xrtlteiitllrl big plus minuru slnlulmc atoll Evin the royal mint may switch lmm gm tor the ilritiah may um mnmm taltu say They intimate that at nurmt prices the misty Vtll tun mm to prtnlucr Inisl withdrawal oi ulsllnd mfiw winner himm would have only uwginat Nlort on sumo haunt 11mm or not rlrrulnlbn at only 2000 lunl lnlrl Ills bullion and Old ml intro humus cuppa pm dorm in TWIN had midi to Imp the motel NM dan tor tear that ltwrs umld wild to minimum his War tmflm in both rnta and Marina pita lowland lnm ll Vicl we no nimch mm mm muttwr ulIWl martin upom no hoarding Ba rrlo Ontario could PRIME MINISTER Pearson appears to be enioyimt the axrlpany of his two grand odoin Proposes Study Of CLCs Structure WINNlilEG lCI Halal ILIhrmnt at special ronlmls Iim in study changes in the structure at tho CanndInn Labor Congress was proposal today by President Claude Jodoin Ito told tho opening at the cm blcnninl convention nurh study ahmild aim at ending tntrruntnn warlnrc now ma lnr problem In this union Immer rongrrni Hunt is no place in unllrd labor movement tor trntrirldnt balllrr ho said We nnul stop Diem Mr lodnln sald tho allaly rnmmluhm should lxnmlnn the ronstltutlnn the entire Itrue tum oi the rnngrcsr and the milled nt governing the organ lullon It would make rrcnnurwnda men Tho Examiner TODAY Ann tanninsl tlly Nulll IIIMINII mvlluII bathsJ District ZdItMisll swim nutt TV dingoll anvlLl rtelbw Irrtltklsznsflatlr mews Monday it 25 1965 diildrcn Saturday at his not tngs In Itarringtm lake It him are twosoarold Pa cln tlons lo the executive cnunrlt whirl Ihcn would limit nprclllc plrnposall or the hita comcn EXPECT OPPOSITION Ills proposal ls rxpmlrd to run into oppusltlun trunl mule oi the Inrltrr unions nntnlily lhn United Stmlwurkrrs oi Amcrlra who have been pron lug lnr rtmncos in tho rorulnu tion that would upon the door to tutorunion xncmlwrlhlp rnltl Inn on basin oi hutitiratlnn Thom llnlunli are unwilling to accept tunmu delay on the question and likely will wait lor dcclslnn at this works cone vonlhvn Indonesia ShoreBased Guns Shell Royal Navy Patrol Ship KINtvAIttlIii Iltoulml ln Imminu Iii Irnml tan lewl llv Ituynl Navy patrol rthlp Iuluiwim utdin aha mu in Hintmm lmitmial watm April I1 Far Fast nuvluwul spotmunn paid hm today Its Ialvi the shells mliml the ship Ihmdwtm dill not return the tire 1h unlitunion mid Mmt intidem in territorial vasth sunse on the indium1m pilnnnd new pnmmtims orniliot Malaysian nod INN DWI in ntdilm tn the llwimtm lmldrnt Indiumlam ilfll lirwl ml Malaysian n1 tmnl in mmfl value the mic day ms AI ent sea PAGE mm tonight Sunny with cloudy periods tomorrow Must cooicrm For mpIete weather summary please turn to page Not More Than to Por Copy 14 Pages NBC FlareUp Is Latest Move iNSeven Days Host Dismissal and sevcrryoarold llirhael dilldrcn at Mr and lira Groi ircy arson oi Oil litr Jodoin raid the lolh nn nlvrrsary oi the mattress be his martini this work is limo in look bark with pride on its nrhlcvemrnla and plan tor greatn things ahead Ito called on tho rnnunllnn to draw up charter tor in marrow to point tho way to better and taller Illr EMFtum president Al TORONTO CPICR6 televi sion producers bore moved closer Sunday night io strike action in support oi demand ti tor code governing unshare mcnts involvement in the pro be duction at public affairs pro The CDC said on its Sunday night radio and television na tional newscasts the Toronto Producers have decided in with draw their services tiniest tho phoruc Olarnct empty their mggcstod The newscast said the pro ducms Iwiit said Mr Ouirnct threepornt program arai an ul timatum that ii ha doesnt agree to it in principle by rnldnighl tomyrt llliondayl they will reeomnrmi what they call widrdrawal oi mics by all produmra in Toronto CIIECK LAWYERS it was underslmd the ultima tum was to go to the producers association lawyers this morn ing before being sent to lilr Ouimet Later Sunday night the 3th now department said it was deleting the midnight deadline tolerance irom lulura broad min The CBC reported the three points are that no program dc ctsiom be made without consul tation with the public niiairs db pertinent and the producers in month Mr WaLson valved that there be no dismLe sals or disciplinary transfers oi producers without dcmonsrra ve cause and that dispute among trim the first two point submitted to corn arbitration by mediator girdled by the minister of Douglas Letterman executivl producer oi Seven Days would not coniirm the report at shake Inst newscasis version is strbslantially mason wonrrs Although Ilir Letterman ex pressed doubts Saturday that Mr Watson would appear Sum day Inle as host of Document is onehour program which plum Seven Days once vldeota brief intmduction Sunday otternoon to the douumstary examining the dmg 15p About to members oi the Seven Days staff Issued date meat Saturdny saying they arc unwilling to continue production oi the program without Mr Watson and Mr LaPierre However in an inicrvicw on tin CBC national televkioo new Saturday night lilr Lei telnun declined to any whether Seven Days would be broadcast May and completing Ill current season He also raiused to say whether he would resign as or ocutlvo producer ii Mr Watson and lilr Inllcrre are not r0 lnstnlmi Harlin Saturday he had been quoted as saying he expected ihe whole stall of Sam Day will walk out and that This iiour tins Seven Days will no oil the air brim mplclion oi lln season lilay up It BEFORE PUBLICATION NY Newspaper Hit By Strike NEW YORK lAILA rtnke by the Newspaper Guild oi New York shut down the merited World loirrnrd Tribune bolorn the new rorpornliun could snarl putiicailon Khul ulotl for today But vnluntnry shutdown by tour other daily newspn rs was mini uhvn their puhirha rrn dfildcd lu krcp yttrium on dnytoday bnrir litntt himr menldrnl oi tho now WIMIIM said he could not predict wlun lhn ward None pl the it llnlonn in tho newspaper indudry has CM hunt with the World Journal Tribune Inc The Newsmm ultd MT 310 set up rocket lines Sunday at the plants at The Journal American The World Trio xrmm and The Sun and The said Tribunlhnll whirl pubtuhnt their last editions as wrunln enllllm dining tho weekend The pittrots signalled the start at tho tlurd major MM aper strike in New York in paper would be Wlithfli as than tour yma Itiulng out at rittlnnnlLsm and srparatlmn iiIr Jodoin wnrnrd innca are at uork nltrmptlng tu shaltrr national unity am not only rrlrrrlug to tho wpnrntlun narhrrt by small lrnup in Quolwr That ll symbolic oi this altitude but unlnrlunairiy it also exists In some oihrr parts at Canada and an twimdan guiltm p14 rnlrd nn inltlwlnld motor Imm Ilalnyslnn iiahtnlr boat Aprll is the smhuman said All iillM Incidents load In alum llmi InIIMMlan ranted term in the tibia Islands have started now phm at motorA lwu ships at the security iurrm the momma paid FIIIINiI IRntOCATIVl Ila dmdlxsi thl Mil on till Maximton natal Inc with and an inn its salt the all on Nov ilolttlrang Iodml um rem mllM Irnm slumn nrvd hunt on minds at limbosz omnibmmdcpllah LATE NEWS US Coal Minors Return To Jobs WANIINGION lAIl Sumt nl mm strllrlttl minm were lurnlnl to wort today Alter trntatlvp agrocmmi was Irnthrd to end their lunMrrklunI atkmllUln Iorsrsl us soil coal atrlkl in is years Two Prison Escapoes Recapturod hl CATIIAIIINIZS itItlo litre turn him ruspvd Esta untay lrntrt nranl lrnlnty Iall unto rrtnptumi early tntay by provincial pullrc The third man evadtd pours Queen Mother Honors War Dead mumn Apply qtinm Mollw bravlnl rain and totem struts tmlsy hnnnml Nw Zrnlmla war dead At an memoir mutal senior in Wellington Mountio Pleads Guilty To Robbery new clamow no zunmi today to the cum armed ndlwy last Alalay ttsnlr ot om than nurtry 1mm Mimirid lrldad Ml flit liarry WM mnbdod until Tuesday inr mimics WWW WMV Nrmm ii

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