NW mo in beginning new career anlnx Just complclul thrwyonr mum at he Univer ally cl Wlunnsln Including inn and exam or her Dncmnlla Ihilnsnphy MI Canny has bun npminml Assmnnl mm Mr 51 Velllngllm College Unl venlly Guclph And will leach loclnlou During mnu In Viswnfln Ml Cnllry rectivul Fclluw Illln uhkfl marlo It mmble lo cnnlinua her Almllu or the dc mm PhD Sh majored in Adult Ethxcnlkm IIM multlnn Mutation llcr mlnor AHMKTI Wlu erlnlniy Prior comin to Ilnrrlo in ms Mln Collry rmlvrd hrr mum Demo mm lhc Unlvmlly mlrun The armor dlmlor n1 Slmcm County Recreation Services Mm Louisa Culley PhD vlsiled nar rll durlnx 0n weekend Havlng Men moclalzdwim Cwnly Recrmunn Scrvlcu or over 11 year Miss Culley mada many Mend hrmlghw the am In diuuulng bar now wulflnn Mill Canny lawlhlmd HIM IM 1anme nl urlph mmhlnrn ruvlitlonnl ullh um nrw In an inlrmlhm he lnrmcr nnlnrln nIlngo nl Mrlvnlmrr Mncllnnnhl mullne nml Ihu mw coma at am nml Arlrnre num Idtmnxlnn Cum Allhhlxgln we rnlnywi Mr gluti lrl and rim In Uanl iosi girls in our affine he aaixL regard their jabs slop nver spois uniii husband sup mm them and they can stay ma with children The older women who work ior are looking or challenge iihcr mind their choirs is side line Job dial umi take too much effort it gives them Chang mm iwmc iii and Drovidu ihern with Iddnd us So on the whole Iv am can winced that women in this gem eraiion dont wk hard iheir nnccsiun did Mien ii comes to rolling up their sic In doing sgmelpionecrin Do women in this generation wk as hard ul their ancestors did ma qug ml 0D rials endu vEMnd like In discuss in this cnlumnt In supervisor he Aald Im convinced that today women dunL Wilh all their opportuniflu most of them look for short working hours and in stead of vmrking or challenge they with easy Forrner Director Of Recreation Appointed Professor At Guelph The London couluï¬er Clive rmrled to triangular seamlnx to mark tine yoke Lbs div ï¬ncflve lillla coat 19R Mole orchid Mo rope The Womens Efï¬Ciency In Job Compares Past And Present Nu mhwuuém any kind nouns run 1m nun DUNLOI ST ï¬m By ROBERTA ROESCII Mm 7mm no BILL leBoeuf DISTINCTIVE COATS IN fPASTEL BRITISH WOOLS Slnlu Min Cullty uid Iho wn unemer happy lo bu hld 1n Cumin Hum km lunch with her lrlmdn lulu Colley look rnrwnnl rtncwlnl nc uunlnlnnm mw um will In din plowr In Ilnnlt Few ol us have the med to dayor It least the physical needta work the same long hours and put forth the same kind of effort mat was pre nrdained in our nnccslors daya Out gmabgmgrandmlhem had lo work hm or the com om that an bask Iaday Bul now we have these comfort as Whlll ho My Ml Nit van um lb lerlnth SI hbmu r1 Mlln l1 ElwynI and Han mMuun rl MI MN Mn Wm tIlnglnn 54 BL can possibly mvnr all situation But as one who has had the chance to view Lhe approaches of many women to chair work would like to make polnt or First Just duflulll to mmpan the women oi the past wilh hose or the present as Is to liken buggies to lets be cause he need and he 11ch are dinercnl Second not every woman ha ha lame motivnllm and In to work ll the am pan Ind lo me name dome PREFER NONCI1ALLENGE So for wry one at III who wax1L1 to work long hour in gel In tho top of tnday vocational ladder mm are runny other mun who try their own AdA angle with apex At the high buttming collar polled In the hack yoke and at rout and back of Lhe narmw much in dress The flat woolum IOUISE XIIJJ he most oxdllnn look In diamond ongagrmonl and wedding ring today L1 from JEWEHIM 71M r91 1m mummy rmw yuur hlrthday you should lind mo ymr ahead max Humming me Both job and normal maller Mll he gomnul by annexnus innu mcos nnd If you 5d him can or yourself and mm lhcm mnsdentiwsly your nllnim should be In line shape lyy IhLI ma non your Des periods fnr malional ndmnccrï¬onl Sm ember Nonmbcr December nnjlrncx March Ell inlcresll an mourned wxlhm nmhor Mk you 51mmth an excellent Because factor such ï¬lm bellcva it In Impossible to cmnpap generating of up Una answer to Do wamen In this generation work ham Enclr anceshm didl Each generation is different And eachypman is different log But from gr ny the prucnl the haw way been vital womenand sun there always will be whu roll up their sleeves and do plmly pioneering ny srnELLm r031 mnxormow Gemom plancmry lnfluencu mould make Saturday an ex Npï¬onnlly happy period Espe cially invomi Dmncsuc inm ms and mmnnce cultural pun 1min trawl and outdoor activ Li alum hm MLmo unidx would Lu unlll tho and will Comolldnto xnlm um and rush no mflwr mom lawn mmolnry ennmim unlll ncxl Mnnh when ynu will rnlrr nn MM ourth cych or in mgndnn mm Whom inlomh mo mmnml ml qypottuniflu or trawl mo indich within the nut er 10mins nlxo 1n uary ml Apt 1901 Tho mlnlon meter much mallet as challenging jobs But il these job get the work accom pUshed mat has to be done at the same the that they serve individual purposes who 11 to any that ï¬lm uvmen are uing or may cab And dame In the women who have all he comlmu and Mime and the mm mm tuniuu Iha any thing sled dnuflla gahardlna coal fn white with pink was designed by Dolores bl London for Co jana and It right ram lhn Michael collectlon pared THE STARS SAY Acllvfly um calorlcl you an ks lhnn normnlly Iclln you burn around 15 calmï¬e pound Muluply mur dulrahlo wclzht by 15 lha Acllvlly mm or lar ardentn vim TM ï¬hl air ul nle or your daily calorie requirements If you In moderaloly mm yrm may use 20 cnlorlts pound or deslirnblu hody ucIKh Now Tm tour look ll he enlinx hahiu our 1er lill 0n the mme mrnu To 101 the myflcry lack awny mm food angle or Lhe moment and put the spot light on energy expenditure Ulnncu an the slim sister the analnu one She maven In more sprightly Minn when mmelhln needed duï¬nl dln ner the slim gal Jumpl up to get 1L When he dlslnnct ls nnl Ir Inc Hm lo walk Ind sell out lively pace Whm wnkhlnz TV In an evening the nenvler lixler unloyu lyinx pcnod lxtvmcn now And In Scplrmber will highly nmpl cloua lnr wnflmcml lnlemu am late Oclnber and next April 50an mum timid prove hlzhly mlxnulntlnx nc WM mm and mldSoplrmmr An excellent period or nll Tmmm nlm In December Jnmnry and next AmL Iry In HIM lrï¬dkm In CL clrrh ï¬lming tho curly part Norm In usence 1h one who holds the weight lino without allort Just naturally more nctlve Thu hnvlcr llsler lnsllncllltly prac lsm emmmy of mollon unequal energy oulpm makes blg dlllerenca ln calorle wand Wl By IDA JEAN KMN When we consume more calo ric in food man we apendln the prom Mini flared is the certainresull This is undeniably true Cllnries count and In excess they multiply SL111 some overweight individ uak appear lo gain much more readily than album so the question mm do We no logdx dklmglly or mama take two slm who apparently an the same kinds loads and approxi mllely the same Imount yet one xlwly but surely adds poundago while dun olhar hold her own KEEP IN THE TRIM down caal In whiteberrlng bone British wooL With Ling button dosini at 61 Intel dipping waistbamt by coal ha neat high cuunr Calories Count And Multipr In Stored Fat Plus Weight The remedy Hal just link less every day am Just um mare Soon you wlll led mare and you will be on the happy wad to healthy weight Oddly cnough undercxcrcisa and ovucaunz seem to goiter Wllhout exercise you feel lemmin Perhaps you out or energy But uvcrcaflnx dnnsnl make extra energy just more fat quile liker the lnclinedlo xnln gal averages 100 mo calories day more than the other The slim alsler tat par cl roll and part pal buller whlla the plump an eat me who ml and pan of am othcr and all the bullet llle sllm sister ls salislled wllh smaller urvlngs She ollcn leave lllllla of her dessert On the same menu the heavy girl gels mm calnrles perhaps not many more but bl mall excess ls mnulalivu The re creeplng overwclghl and squarede shouidcrL floating panel at the back swing out to reveal slraizht matching 5km to which is wished tap in ï¬ne while wool crap WWWW lamWWII humhmnhunl BhutanImm unn UMlllhuuh Mommy will phm mm hexlm Mll mi you um huh cl my Ind lmï¬nu In nu 1m haw nlmu you In mumm your 1284 Instaflullon the execullve for the 196667 Ierm of Mike hixhlighted 16 Annual Meeting St Mnrfs Catholic Womens League he egnesday St Marys CWL Installs Ofï¬cers engue neld Wednesday Mr Murdock wuinxtaxlcdl 67 TORONIO ST 1965 MOITAT GAS RANGES HT BISEOUNT PRICES glnmorous umbrcHn is your mo gift will the purchase of any Maï¬a Natural Ga Range in our April Shower Sela Speclll Gn Prlcos APRIL SHOWERS SALE Various sizes and models every one loaded with Natural Gas futures Limited quantitlosl Baal choice for early shoppersl onsumeISCflas onsumarsCflas Spudl Show Room Hluu ll mm to pm Saluvdly IIGIIPrkM 15500 225 GET YOUR FREE GIFT LADYS FOLDING UMBREllA $795 VAlUE catch the savings ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY APRIL 23 BAIRIE PHONE 726 00 $433