Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1966, p. 5

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357 The INN mum 01 plum lulme mum mv an urn lhmnfl Ilu nu 12mm nml ym should lintl gml hmwnm In hmUr NIM NI svniwunl rrlldhn Oman In lnHrr mm wu but mm mm lewwn MW and Na liMmlwr In late owlwr ml ml Ami mu lunlllm lnr haw an Inlrnml Mudn Jum ml hp lnulwr In January and um ApAril dulyl hum In thy milWI IEIh mo hassz nun nrmvmlly MI uavm mmllly In my In lmnmllnltly Idem ltxk lur an minml In and or lmlmu mmlm In an hr Numubrr Number Ind next March Aml Mm um um mnmfil mm mm nnrlntl mnumm finflmlrr Aml 0mm mm mr mlummm hm how mrr In mr mnnhm mrr um um 14 mm hml wlurw In NMrmlm nml mummy AmL Ilmu nll timl pinmam nr you MM um In emer Inu Dml 1M um nlung lrvmnr lim In Ymunry nr denm mllw Inul wllh Mnrdl Ibo uMuw mil ham flux tum lmtmnlni mu wm umllnnu umhully yumMd mm hr wk 11 Jun mm Mwn will mm uwllml mla MIN xxblan mr lhJdny you Mm wry ranm lo Isa npumixllf mu lhl nvw ymr lmnJih Mm mmmn with names Mmdntm and mamhm In Ian numb the mod will cl mpahu wuld pol ynu In Hm way winning mmo melanin lmrfllx ml tn mm mm um 711nm nmnmlnr bdomphslml pm on asylumm and Wang hope 3m dorm give on many diam the gill your mind lmcy because mm um mm your lunar you dont ham great deal Io mm Dear Arm IZudem was mm your Answer to am man who waan to lmmv Emnmmn row mnmmow nur bore Your alalomcm that any girl can gin her vir ginity was mu Snmmnlcle You shouldjavu added 316 AlgalEn rm You mid girl she was An became she had given way hu man precious git meanbuz her virginity Haw naive can you be gift the flesh can be fine mimics and mast muninziess gm of all gin can give her body and makn no Mal commitment Any lumla can give her vir ginity but the girl uho can give her mind aim tho most ilm my sin 01 all amid iko Him your imm 33 can lhlnk nno Belle In 51th have Den Ann Landon Whumer read summing in mur col umn that bums mo up 9mm lu mysdl 111 sit down and write letter to straighten you out but have new gotten mad mm UnLi nhw Yam FF Far THE STARS SAY On Apr 21 Grcat Bfitalnl Queen Elizabeth above marks her Mb birthday anniversary time when most women come to terms with Ohcir fuca ANN LANDERS GiveAway Leaves Nothing To Spare QUEEN APPROACHES 4U law wunl Mm hum mar ll MINUW MW Niki Kluruflrhev uMnlnl hh 71nd Imllvdny MM TM lnrmu mm mm and tummunm my IMIIH 11 munlal In mum mg Mleml MI 54min It Hm mdm ilyflrll luullan nl Wuhlnx hm wlnum huh Mal ulrl lwr nmmll nlhu thlnll WM mt lhu Null huk on 11w lrh 1th lo mm van In mlmful erunnny May 15 Mum mo Hallll mlrmy 01 141 Golm Imam the luv punkm hmumulm Milan Guyann 11m Irutmchr Anlnlnllll lmvJy HIM ll haul mush Hrl Immune the MI hnd lmn ulan mum Illul Iddflfl Iyy uplyluy mgnflm Ml or GEORGETOWN UlrumflA umnn Inmmm 1mm um Unllnl 5mm Ml dud 1le ma Sunday All much wrrk lrylnl In Ium 1m Julnncu alrln Inln muillnz Malnuwlng hipswuing ImplantL gunk hm Conlldrnlial In Green Ammd Ma flllll AmHnK urrt dnu Indeed haw Um rim lo tell nun that his cigar LI mun 2w AM 1110 air In nflim helm to ueryom No Imdyjm right foul And Ml hid xiii5d mmny mu Inurr Mn Tell him smcr pmbaliy dmnmoering female who hm shomd her mfmd out he drivern ml The truth sim ply In my husband too selfish mud mo hunnlm tn comp hll mlo met so Imus hu job So please Ann ell your mdm not Imp an mnclufiom when they am an ouflrusivo wumnn nl Um lucnd at fnmfly may ml he that she had nu choke drnnlyluldl mumm Du Hurtmm Your but am unly one 01 um hundrrdl whld ugmm tho tame point ViLW umk or min the full the olhcr title UM wlmanrl wry real Aldo uses He says thats my Jab He has never taken our sons listh or to basdull name or lootball gamma He mm that ho goes aldcdy for business mm and he must lnvflo clienu dont want imply that husband mean he drm Ile aim ignores them To lilessrpaan 0quch ob Trains Soldiers To Be Majorettes Wmukemfiifmzfix not challcn your answer Am but In me latest at mimosa you might havn ex plgimd uhyuit is why American males in public lilo always wantuo be graphed with mom He asde America is really mam mdlynnleHsuuethnth most American unifies moms voice the one that Marti mix and lowest You said and figure Indications an shes dune Just Ihat Sh den and 1th her hair but 11mm the faint wrinkle on her lace and neck At times her small 111M fule are popular In Cumin mm Ilml 1w in coma plqul by Jun Monhen amualcd camps and nonumber Invllm la nllcndl PM are bcinx made by con ventr Mrs French In have bu tour In May for the mum Wimlallon Mom reached 6409000 In 1055 1m and Cr am Assoclallon held he home of lhe sco relary Mrs Numon Mul cnstcr SL Barrlc the allowlng were present Mm Watson Mrs ll Er Elllson Baotou Mrs Frmdr Cookstwn RR Miss desloy Ofillla RR lllrs Lummls Wychrldgc Mn Lounsbery Mldland and Mrs ll Palmer former lrcasurer Varlom reporu Wm recolvcd Plans were complnled or the Open Spring Mccllng which ls In be held In St Georges Church Hall Harris at pm on Aprll 19 wilr Maxwell lllol fell sum maker Mr Mol lelt ls graduate at Dublin Unlverslly Ireland and ls unlque combinnllon of mls ml designer llls sublrcl is lo be door ls In Open recent mcellng of the gxeculivp gouncil the Sim Maxwell Moffett To Speak Here neg log slrnlped and even and Hen she smiles in Brldgetown Barbados during the February laur AP Wire photo RED CAPITAL GROWS BOLD PRINTS POPULAR lntnu ol lnvl In pallme wnh Im nuke rm INI TM mlqu Iwwl ml at MUM Photo lave hmm Add the ulher anclhird the mm and be null hall choked Tncn ndd the curve third of water II at Umc and boil unlll lha mixture In In thlck as cream Sllr In lha lcnmn Julco and put In any jam pol The rmlpe Much she doesnt nuanntco requires that you soak lho petals In water or half an hour and cover will dump doth strain and set aside onelhlrd or the walcr Place the suxar und petals in bowl and add half In the two thlrds wnlcr ma remains Pm carefully wlth your hands Irylng not to damagu me petals This nppmnfly hbw many pInnu ware Introduced lhl country and the hardy plants have been growing ever since Mrsl Langdon has pa for rose Jam which calls for pound of Elizabcmmtype rose petals one quart of MIDI seven pounds white sugar and lnblnspaon lemon Julre Take nne onion and rub It on your head mumng and night until your head scarlet rcd Then cover Iha shiny dam will hvnew Mn Landau who calls her sell an armchalr lardener also has book with recipes or witchs brew And she can race the history pf herbs In Canada 1n 1575Lo1LI Hibbgrt mu the apoulecary to Catherine of Medici landed in Canada with handful of herbs and taught the Indian how in make lama dhl gallons mabookhnneofaoalna library built up by Mrs John Langdon whose hobby the study of herbs Thu John Wesley book called Primitive Physics and In addilim In explaining where baqu come mm It offer cure for baldness TORONTO CP Babies arent brought by the stark theyu found In the parsley patch The IuLhorIty for this little bit intelllgcnce back written by John Wesley founder of the Methodist Chumh Phllllps Taxmm Di rector of the Speclal Plannlns Secrelnrlal and Dlrector Can adas War on ancrlyl wlll be speaker at the dlnner be held on April 21 He wlll speak on the lubleél New Canadlans All IODE member and Mend us welcome Mn Gordon Leggell lor onla first VlcePy¢sldenl lha National Chapter of Canada IODE wlll be guest at lha meeting and will bringlgrcellngn at an opening ceremonles st4 Morrison Hamil ton Provincial President will preside Books On Herbs Form Collection MANY MOVE AROUND 5mm llnlLIllrI plmv mm up In Man mm hnum mmm laIn the last two nus ln the W491 aniline AWMlD AVMlMILI WINDSOR TID 111 Mulluulllp will Available In gulluala mullm oulnln In yrar he lnllln lml mu Ivlhlnllflllllm mum Al Illa llnhmlly Wlmlmr Nllnlayshk mm lllnm Wall and Ram llxl ulll hi AVIHEIMI Im oven 10 drums am lflwlenrh rule pan Mrll Ula mmmn and humlnll nm lxol wnlrr sur ln sugar Mn nudesluau nml vnnllln llleml at 1111 Innher flour Imklna puwdm luklnl mlo lml MIL Hllr dry lnnml lrnu lulu rllocvlnla lMllWl llrml In nlll Tum lnln ww rural mm Hula ln prrlmlnl 17 xlnurm oven or mlnulu ml ul lulu ban Mum our Ilnml hm APPLYMUCH nuowmm cup dmrlenlnl Iqunm unrweeuned imam mp gnnulnlu NI mm bulm cup AppINl cup Illled mu our VI lampmn han unwin 61an haklru MI lrupnnn MI dumped mu Let mo uy lhll thin pm January wu he only Mme had my vi to luck ma ro durc The dockrr though was Do applumwe brownie mm mm nm try them 1mm um mm mommnnded by nod mechaan nl Mnodmnld hull lulc Guelph Onlnrlo nl muny vnlellu In on he mm kcl now But rcmmnbcr uu good cooking App ludl Malnlnsh or lehem Svy In nchlnl mu Inlllmnl lulu husban and dld he reducing nlmply by mm mm lensiMy cutan down he amounts nod wnsumed and luyln away 1mm henvy swam We Jun used common efflh gauém vminla 13mmth ha habit wrlllnz oulumnlsu But anu readlng In yam column About the Hmold wlm wonder if it is possible reduce and slum her health decided In all your reader of our experi CECE Two years no was 47 and weighcd pmmda am mt Inches tall used size 22 pnum making my ovm clolhns so that could melch that silc This morning two yean later my husband nigh IN and weigh 158 pounds My gull is 150 at which lime expect to wear sile ls dress All my mi have been on ho henv side 164 when gradual mm blah x300 my Mic yam eating And drinking nnylhing and every thing ha wanted my husband health began Io nil and we dis covered he was dilbeticiirom then on it was strict dieting on his part and decided so on Lha die with him one time hollyclaim 16 pqinds Brig Alla was 3371113ku he last size was Able to so Inln EAT SENS ELY My diefiUanl cap ll dofled lo the wile In Iodayl story She proved herself to ba real hglptglle Applesauce Adds Delicious Flavor KEEP IN THE TRIM ms MbnmsoN Writer Praises Dieters Approach By IDA JEAN RAIN HOLD MEMORIAL TORONTO CWMore 2500 persons held memnrlal service at mm Tcdoc Syna gogue Sunday on he 23rd anni versary the Jowsh uprllinx in the Warmw shella I4er 19 1913 Pupil of Toronto Jewish school lit candlcs or IM 3000 000 Jaw ho dlcd during the Tell your iclm that the hardest pm to make the start Donl set goal lrying last 25 50 or 70 pounds Try or five pounds thn he first livn are gone try for tha nex ivcl Thats haw did It Ind My health has Irwroved tremendously My blood pres sure which was always loo high now 130 over so The doctor is pleased with both 01 us and so are wet hear many compliments Some people are little pessi mlslic and warn that isnt good In lose lhal much weight pay no allenlion to such talk We are both In far holler health than when we were hnavy will nevu agnln lc myscll re gall leat weigh sense rolrcshint Thank you or sharing In slump and prescribed them or law wanks Drs Geiger and Parlinglun say In lens in the Canadian Medical Auodalinn Journal um um strongly sup port any leglslallun which com p21 manufacturers to lube po tentiale dangerous subject or what Lhey are In threemonth period we have seen three children suitor hlalrom hydrocarbon poisoning due to the ngcslinn or inhala Iinn of alurnnure pollsh known as Hawcs When on One 01 wr cases hadv relatively mild illness lasting seven days but lhe omer two children had pro They sald lhe mothers of the Ill children Mole lo the compnny and received reply saying that their product mud in no way be consideer havlnl on1 or polwnmu nature The company sald child could mfler Illght alomaph upset if lhe pollsh wasl taken Internally adding Illa ll the fluid caused the 1mm to gig chemical pneumanla my re in if he ail entered Lha lungs doctorl member of Kingston General and Hole Dieuhospitals aid that accord tng to the manufacturers Lhe lemon all conuln hydrow hon together with small amount of mg anlllna dye Dr Robert lngrlc director al the poison cqmrol centre at Tur Dycks Food Market BEEF FRONT QUARTERS BEEF HIND QUARTERS BEEF SIDES 150 Cullilr SO TELEPHONE 7285389 AND ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR COMPLETE FOOD PLAN THE STORE WITH THE CUSTOMER PROFIT SHARING COUPO 7235339 onlol Hospital for Sick Ch dren said In an intervléw Fr day that the anutnclurcrs as sessment at 011 appearfi correct Ilwever Di Imrie added that the chances at dIlId nnt gagging nler he got lemon oil In his month are rernolm Naturegoie COMFORT FOR EVERY WOMAN WHO Amunudmnlmrediudo built into flu 110 an 990 your out am or cum Ilm 1h satin mummmmnm $1295 EIALKWEL SHOES WORKS ON grbnnlop SI 7282191 Barrll OM 38° 58° 48

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