Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1966, p. 4

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4th Imw hm AM In mu Urn Hwy Imrzu rl Any mumuon hut Im up lellmn hm mm ugrr II mmmu Mr rrlmlll KM quI over Imfllvrirfly lmlll Hanan HM Hula II ahead 01 UanI EIIIN In Mt In is mwm ml flu lun Ira In rlnu HI HIE EIEMIi rum lrl le univnm wuAl pvt my In mml Am mind luy UM ma nmuml of clxtmmnn Ihhh WI In an Aunlrn munnlug we 1an ho ml In an lnwnlrw Hwy do uuvnmmrm uirnu In Mr Hon MGMHFAL CW6 nom Ard Innll lwud llrllalnl Jmlrrll Hunk Olywrwm ll Mndny nlzhl unldmlvlrd flylnl oher rauner 1n mum Nmfl Amflldln unlm muly vrnlly bun mer llu lmrmnx no In my mm 1h mlhn uhllmhm mm to main mum ml looms uhm th mm hm on do lmdnm We do woclm the ml have llnw enm mm fly and Ionmhlnu wall warlh lxmllnu Cnl Munln local hurhrn did ulhcr minus mrn ho umb In nrnlm at Ihl prouvmlun cnnuuumty Ipllll Ind lrirmllmm 01 ll monk Report UFOs Meteorite Bits hnva mme In do to km busy In nm dbvulcd Elm vnIe um am glad In In It rmnrkrd when nnlnl how he mml lImP lor cwrylhing In 1M1 he bocamn mar and publisher Ind hm carrlrd an In ma capacity not One film vnlca moat mm chin he am hold numormu mnnnunily vosla The Auky an mien Inca hooslrr IWN wllh mo paper when 11 mm old Mm unending Unl vmily nl Tomnlo he mnrncd Elmvalo and was wllh Um 1m up Llnlun nr years lav Vlulm Arc usually directed in tha Tm Park an the Wye River the modern Communin Ccnlro nnd busy busincss am When may ask about places of parllculnr Inlcm in tha com munily Um the oldcr weekly newl In Simcoo County the mvnla Lance which was loun dcd In 1391 undo lhn name Ilmvalu Advocnle Hill serve mirror or the wivillm at Ia mum aummcr by George HMmann the Elmvalo dumber Com mme does much community promotion which has been prais cssmcnfl lilo village Ion In the mlds of fine ugricullurnl area Elm Ic merchanu do slnady year round Irndu which is Increased considerany wiLh the heavy thrnugh trelficjuring u5nmcr mu uawway to ma popular Wang Beach are wilh In 1min turn Junqllan ELMVALE Stall Willi brewery warehouse rclall oullel liquor slam and beverage Ioom llccnsed hotel ml village the Juncllon of hlghwayx 21 95 has ample facilities to ho diam lo promote lu nur lst Irade in locallon five Facilities Good In Elmvale Area for Tourists Approval already has bcn re ceived from ha Ontario Water Resources Commlsion or the lhllnnd Street West sewcr line projbcl may BRADFORD Slam with fimilar requests having been made by some 7n municipalities In various parts of the province may bu some time before um Dnlario Water Resources Com mission will be dbie to make its wage realmcnt survey here Meantime the Toronto engin eering firm oi Pmch and Red gm have been asked by the radiand cmmcli tn prepare draft bylaw to cover industrial asle dlsposai or discussion and Check Bradford Sewage Disposal Sxt Parker ls present ed with clasp to Cannrfiln Demrannby Wing Omdr Maifland RCA 00 Borden The clasp ls indicative least 22 ycam of honor HONOR 30an AIRMAN BIRDS GOEBLE HARVEST The qunlea bin found thrwghout central and southern Africa so numeraus it costs Senegal alono 9000 on of food month able service In the Canadlaxi Forces Sgt Parkar L1 an ex aminer in me trade standard calabllshrnent Holden He 11 wile Dalnres and their three children reside at 23 Centre st Barrie mu mva quality than £0 mes spoaficd by car mnnu Youve sccn lircs on Ihc market Ihnt range in price from 5899 inch to $5500 nnch Youve hClIld claim and more claims about treads plies cord fuhriu wing and Ollie factors unlil ynu simply cant be boilicrcd listening uny morc However you probably hnvc not heard that mnny of the tin mmkcttd by lire com mic and dixlrihulog ye of lower The savings in dislfibulion costs realized because of the simplification of lire lines will passcd on to the public bymduclions in the priccs or first and premium line Fina lim llllh Ihc commilk um dzalmjighllng for min lam mmth of heape Ilm are Mn umumi llII ran become mum In Inkliqu JIIly uhm mtde Miarm hIzMmd dIlrnxAzlmlhlng Age July 196 hm Whats wrong with other tires Thus Canadian Pctrofina will bccomc the first tire marketcr in Canada to discontinuc the sale of second third and fourth line promotional tires Effective April 15th Canadian Petro fina will market only three llnes of tires all as sale or safer than standard orlg inal equipment tires tires installed on new cars at the factory some newtires are safer than others the new assessment system is concerned new More is convlnced it will effect considerable improvean It is the only way you can get full county usessment on Full data of me plan hm yet to be cnmpMed but pre liminary lnlormaLIon being obtnined or slmcoe County Council may be discussed at meefing sdwduled or week frgm Mond3y arBame of qualified person mm their respective areas who would be available or mice on our county cnurll ol revision uld Reeve Mary DETAILS Is our altenllan In set up cnmmunlcmnn system with line virlous municipal clerks and flaandw are asking mm me new Suncoe County assess ment committee annex1y known as the egualizaflnn com mittee We afe working on plan or such appeals nidlheldnalnhan SIAYNER Slam Rale payers who eel they have grievances will not be deprived of their rights lo appeal under lb new Simcoe nunly assess men syalem It was explained by Reeve Wllllam Mara of Slay ner Only Fina hasnt any others Stfidv Appeal Rights For New AsSessment Like you our manufuclurcrs must consider lmlh cos nnd qualily As resull the spec ificalions of Ilie Iircs installed in he filclory provide for he most economical lire they can buy without going below certain min imum slundnnls of safely and comfort Obviously if less expensive tires could be built to give me some Icsulls they would specify them They like to save money 00 ll slands lo Icnson Ilicn llnl even the most priceconscious lirebuyer should no selllo for less Iluln originnl equipment quulily tires And if you want exiru long mud lire ex lmne xlrenglli and mfcly plus lmnendmu ICSlllIInLC to nlnisc then youle in Hue minke for neinpmnium or premium fixes If automobile manufacturers wont buy them dont you facturcrs as original cquipmcnt tires An attempt to justify the sale of these inferior tires is made with the claim that they are safe when used as intended cg in driving back and forth to work But as the presi dcnt oronc tire company putilThc problem is that the manufacturers intention and the consumers intentions are somclimcs 80° apart and this is how people get killed 17 nmlfir minimum mrty vamluniv or auto mativc Hm now Iiiyam qutJItmt III Fairn TmrI Cummluian myx Turonla Daily Slur Frbruary 21 I966 IJJW of amine to Court ufukcvu Ion but It will bea county My WW mu oi rilem era nut necessar nhiyEazéizayErsWea they are assessmi out line with mher EIEY wilL haye aright To me 11m seems be the only way you can expect get assessment whidn are com pletely air from one end at the counly to the other my or APPEAL Thisls the first lime all the assessing will be done mpplele ly under county cnnuol When It was done locally the npneals were first to local court revlslan and then to county judge Up to now the county as xensor had llrnlledmvwm ex cept for county equallzallan but now It will in different All he assessing in Lha calmly will be underthe control ot the county assessor with supetvlsnra and assassuu all using the name yafrjfiick of values Asked in elnbnraie on the radvanlnges since SimcoeCounty has Men striving ta carry an an equitable equalization of as scismcnt or years Reeve More sa lair basis he said pointing out It removes Iocal politics and set things upon business like basis for equality to all nu muse etks ol the various munici yalilic would be provided with assessment rolls and these would MJVBHBME to ratepayers or checking purposes If more inloxmamm was de nred ratepaym could take up any problems at one of the five regional office or the head lice at Barrie The other region al Mikes are located at Orillla Alliston Midland and Calling er might be madé Milton reglaim allies sobniufi reyealed In me case 0110 90mm xloner might be semlo sit as 1a Court of Revision In more involved cases thera might be Ihrce orlive Under present plans the mem berswauid be My on per die is with mileage uw In reply to another quesllnn Reeve More said lheusessment commisslnnen appointed to these cauth would not be full lime men but the most qual ified avaflahle The sdecllon would be made from the lists sulmltled mm the various mun kiyaliuea fly judging In mah own man Iclpalily We think this system suuld ma we assessing com he afllmed The big question is how do you know which tires are as good or better than original equipment tires and which tires are not Ilroudiy speaking socalled first line nnd premium tires are as good or better than original equipment tires while second third and fourth line promotional tires nreinlerior in quality But because tin classifications are not uniform and common to all companies the first line tires or one brand might be inferior tolhc third or fourth line or another brand That is why in order to eliminate all doubts and uncertainties we are making it iirm public commitment that from now on the quality of nll Fina tires regardless of price will he good us or better than sland nrd original equipment tircr Them nre more Ilrrm I00 immrlr of rim today more or Ia nrIIknmm labeln In all mathe lifljl In lieu no npprnprlole lrglrlartort on the mmme Ilr qrmIIy rnndrrrtlr 7711 mr omm mm It mmlr mm if thereforl brmtut It life may illmid II TmMflkllffflfll la IalrleJanquy I966 Lune Tire buym nawfim raniulon and ampllon Him they Iry Io punc out 1h mrnnlng njmI Imu premfum ply ruling and 100 Iml III dual Trade Commman my 011 mm panyxfirxtlinc Iii mlglll be afar0r 10 III third Innc in nfalmlllr turrmuny Tamra Daily Slur February 21 IP66 knit How ybu can tell mum1mm WatMn Fina makes it safe to save money on tires Finn Executive HOMES WORK CHEAPLY Nuclear explosionamove dir for canstruofioh purpose at our cam cubicJard com pared with 82 cubic yard with conventional melhnds The new overall assessmm commissioner VA Symonds begun duties on inday April 1511 orklhg from the Coliinywood regional office Govemmentgrnnu or home and am pmperlx make Um dillercnce in the rate The nunnetting the Lpnncfljs syhgduled or Mon May 2nd at 130 Mn The general rwdcnhal and arm rate wfll be 6466 mills reducLlan at 115 mil run last year while Mr com memia 9mm the rats will be 7039 mills reduc uog L15 milk In place 01 the tax incrense which allepayags most Smeoe County municipalit leL me ev Herbert Hughes municipality will hale atax reductlnn BRADFORD Slam Rate payers at West Gwllllfnbury Tuwnshlp will be In more In less unique posllion this KN WHATSTHIS TAX REDUCED Ifinnblyer Finnbuperlinu Jimmymun uMWMIM Mr mlm WuhanI Inna wulmfln So even if youre bar In lira buycr shop at your nearest Finn dcnlcr Thu diflcrcncc is that tho bargain lire youll buy from him will be safer and slrangcr than the lircs on most ncw can You can bu your Mo on mn our lowest priced lire By standardizing on three safe tircs we have made substantial cost reductions savings that me being passed on to you in the form of prices low enough to surprise you pin from vhitcwalts pin 11 lifetime guumnlcc based on mad wear We have actually lowered llle Cost of safe llrcs mg gum Rcsulls proved that compared to ariginnl cquipmcnt lircs our premium tire the Fina Excmllrc 70 Irangcr than most original equipmtnt lites Our carpremium lire the Fina Flycr 50 Jlmngrr and our first line lire the Film Supcrlinc 10 stronger We wanted canrhulvepmaflhnt our three Iircs an equal to or better than the quality of original equipmcnt lites They were com partd with original cquipmcnl lites by scientificallyengineer Its used by the governmcnl lo dclcrminc carcass nircngth Ilic mpg impamml Mint 1qu racly Government testing method proves superior strength and safety of Finn tires av mu residents did not have vote at that lime and an order or them to have an eIchnn lorJnm more coun ofllm has me opposition They Wasaga Beach had is election far twoyear terms last August procedure to acconumdatu summer tuldenls of this popular 691 Ian Bay cqltagegrca WASAGA BEACH SimM municipal election lituntion Th gnrding Wnsngn Beach and the Oakviaw Beach Melton at Sun nidaie Townshipgha voters in both areas caninsed but there are hopes that commmise is near film lava been different tugi zesilans naming what should be dune allowing new hearing of the Ontario Municipal Hoard at Toronto in mnnecfion with last December orderincauncii directing the Oniario Municipal Boards annexation order to tnlm Elect from the beginning of the year Wasagd Election Date Uncertain mszmcr NEWS mum EXAMINER blown mm ma numnl hmdlau MroflulJmiled ONE SPOILS RECORD The Mmasauga rattler the only poisonoiu snake found in Ontario Thérannexed am added 2800 acre and 3000 mldent at Ihl lavmghip to the village Grieve Robinson counsel or Sunnldale residents has propos ed general election or the nnlargefl village on May 21 ar ln June to elect three council lors wllh two from Oakvlew Beach and deputy ww mm ucww Since Eudgmenl wu reserved decision is awailed with keen Egrein want Vote In flue election lo reeve as well 131 Welt gounwl for flu village xuggesled an April 30 elecllan wrrcopncillora and general decllun or flu new overall area In Augustine nw councll Io mkeoflicenexl Jan nary

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