sunken Chest TO econ iiiiiiiiii Is amnion Deformity aysosarii MOLNEft mo Dear Dr Molnar not wor ried about my younger brother whats 16 Besides being six Icet tail and weighing only 130 he has congenital chest de forniity that can describe only assuriken doctor once used more technical termt This has made my brother selfconscious and withdrawn Ialliera anything that can be done was hoping that as ho ninswcighi and develops his ï¬ruseles it wouldnt be as no ticeable but Idnnt want to give him any encouragement that would end in disappoint mentC The sunken or funnel chest is the commonest type of chest viail deformity It is also called poctus excavation which may he the tarm the doctor used It is depression of the breast bone that can happen in varying degrees butthe prob lam is principally one of appear fui effect on health vray Hint effect on health Xray studies givsva clue ii the de pressinn is great enough to make correction mandatory for reasons of health The ideal time for surgical correction it is now generally agreed is between the ages of three and six years Later the bones and eartilagcs become more rigidly fixed Correction severe cases has been done waver in older children If the depression is mild then nothing need be done but your brother should be examined and reassured that thcro will be no ill effects it is true that muscle level mimeat plus adding some weight may make the deformity less conspicuous but it cannot alter the condition beyond that If correction is to ho consid cred consult thoracic chest surgeon to determine whether it is necessary or feasible Daar Dr itiolncri What makes my hands turn black when put thorn in cold water itIn It Ptrom your brief description suspect Itsynauds disease Miich is disorder of the ner vous systems control of the ihno of small blood vessels and hence impaired circulation in the extremities Chilling puts further burden on circulation hence the Larkncss of the skin ltaynauris disease is common in women Nicotine has le ridediy deleterious effect an llsynnnds disease While you TELEVISION LIIUIFALO SIiAllRIli slitttlld scoywr physician for medication Just giving up to been affords marked relief Your deciorcaa help you but stopping the tobaccohabit is in large part up to you Dear Dr Moiner My son is to and his eyesight is blurred from cataracts Would trans plants oicomoas help him Doctors say there would be ton much risk In removing his cat aracts Why wouldit be more risky for him than anyone else Would complete eye exchange helpfliirs iii Replacing the corneas cover ing of the eyeball would not heipsince the cataracts are cloudy lenses whlch are behind the corneas eennotanswar the sccond question there cvidently is some special condition involved There might perhaps be some visual problem in addition to the cataracts so that removing the cataracts still would not correct his eyesight You will have to ask the doctorswiso have ex amined him Exchange of complete eye caimot be performed Although we have eye bank only the corneas are used from these sources First Aid Course For Young Boys st John one First Aid course for boys between it and to will begin April 18 pm at St John House at the Barrie Fair GNtmdl The four week course will be offered by tho Cadet brigade No 107C which first started train ing small group of boys in 196 Upon successful completion of the course the boys may further their training by joining the ca det brigade The cadets meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month for practice sessions The best students compete in yearly Junior Class Comply tition for an allOntario Trophy PET WAS IlOOKED FORDINGDIIIDGE England CWAngler Geoffrey Squires surprised judges in limp shire fishing contest by hooking goldfish in the River Avon it was assumed the fish had been swept from private pool into the river by recent flood lntt raccoons tllUIIALO lTORDNIO iiIIAMILIDN Mansioger Spencer Hearings Open oriiiiwn CPIWhats good enough iaritir Justice Wtshsrt Spence apparently is good enough for Mr Justice Dalton Walls ltnd whats good enough for both of them is unlikely to sat isfy those who would be tilii lated by fopeneourt revela testify at the two inquiries new under way into matters involv ing the nations securiy The inquiriesare into the Gerda itfonsinger affair and the alleged espionage activities of the iateGeorga victor Spencer And in both cases opening hearings werehcid in secret parent desire for as little fan fare as possible Mchustiea Spence oi the su Krcms Court of Canada opened is inquiry into the sexandse curity Mnnsinger case week ago and immediately ran into criticism from Opposition Leader Dieienbsker and former hstioe minister Davie Fulton that they were not notified in advsncc Mr Justice Dalton Wells of the Ontario Appeal Court opened his inquiry into the Spencer case Wednesday night You are South both sides vul nerable The bidding has been EntrthWeIt North one so Pu so heat would youbid now with each or the following four handst see 995 ohms nurse no you chess um use or Moose 4953 More on carom once Pass Norths heart re sponse is ordinarily forcing but you are relieved of the obliga tha heart bid is forcing is that North may have as many as is or is Joints and still property rcspon with only one heart ilowaver once East enters the bidding You are not required to bid again since North has on other old coming and you do not have to mtect him from being left nit post with big hand further bid at this point would show values beyond minimum openi bid and you clearly do not ave them Three notmrripjihis shows balanced hand containing no or ii highcard points and double stopper in spades Three noimnrp is by no means clos ing hid assome players are in clined to think 0n the contrary the immediate jump to game shows at least mild interest in Portuguese lcanetiatton of the ships regis tlons of Canadlaris called to unannounced and with an sp Rh PHONE 7m 2414 CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER tion to rabid when East over calls wim spade The reason hearts Take Control Oil Tanker DEIRA Mozambique Reut tentPortuguese officials to day look overoonLroi of the Greekowned tanker foannn iyingaiongside dock here with cargo of oil apparently destined for Rhodesia The move followed Panamas tretion earlier this week The tonnes and another Greek owned oil tanker the Manuela new berthsd at Dina ban South Africav have been centred in crisis involving Britains rebellious colony of Rhodesia which declared inde pendence unilaterain Nov ii taritein applied economie sanctions against White ruled od yior the independence step whidi Britain considers iliegailts result of United Nations blockade no oil has passed along the pipeline from this Portuguese Mozambique portio Rhodesias Umtali re iinery since the beginning of the year The loanaa is stateless ship Itsorigfnal Greek regiy trationwas revoked last week after it arrivnd in Ilcira with cargo of 16000 tons of oil JULIET JONES any EXAMINER WANT ADS THE GIANTS stain ii partner has the up propriaie values Pass better case can he made for bidding here than with the first hand above but it is still somewhat more emirate to pass than to bid The only bids worth consider ing other than pass are one not or two diamonds ilow ever ors Is valid ohtcotion to each of these bids itie vol untary robid of one notrump over the spade bid tends to show I5point hand rather than ltpcint hand Such bid would be correct if we changed the 82 of hearts to the or possibly the of rcbid of two diamonds over spade would represent not only values dime minimum but also better diamonit Double This is business double that offers chance of collecting fat penalty from East ii North accepts the double by passing of course Norths hand may not be suitable for defense and he may take the double out because he is short of high cards and long on dis tribution hut in that case no harm will coma from the double There is good chance at defeating one spade by one two three or even four tricks and this chance should not be passed up Any other bid could result in the loss of golden oppor iiinity DONALD DUCK UNCA DONALD you AND HLIEYANU mum was HAVE TO EAT BREAKFAST Tim DARRIZ EXAM depAPItIIoil 1m in ON IV TRAYS TH9 MORNING MHIURIDUS Ili IS ISIILL lDVEItiAl SQUARE BEtlDICiARNtltD lUi IM YOUNG ND WEAVER PAHr ME in PROTES gywmnwu tN THIS WAR VOTED AGAINST THIS ILL as GLAD WHEN THEY START SHOWING RERUNS ON TV has suMMskal KNOW llJ HATE MYSHF lit ItE WRNING EARL BUT moo BACK It PAR IS WEVE GOT more IO CONSIDER lUSrSAVlitE MRDANDILL aiiucmvtos no coo HOME no no muons men one siv lt DARLING1 thlltKYlRINiER Iii THIRD BY zWEV REFUSE ELLS HUSHED THEN SHALL BE MORE PROUD OF THAT am Wow as ENLISTED FOR THE WAR BELIEF FACES CONCENT CAMP OR Forms SQUAD $11891 THAN tsp TD WAR NE volts 0155 EHAMEI Bur TNEN THE CHAMBER FALLS SILENT AND WONDERS OVER Is we WEDï¬WIU EM ALL LL 6N MEA To SWHOF WE SHOWS IL WW IICDND LAST WINTER DiiiLY caosswono ACROSS Litmus flGiuh Evidenc Jinnting cry IJCornl reef NihilisiCIi in sinlment isixom god IdiAlnblln ciaiir IlItovereritI lilhllrbio 1illnrvrya illei ilcnl HAWAII ward Foreign Sn leather doileellul priest IlIlko lame insurmco policies ï¬lm out Jixcllml tion MInio filIl0iIniirt Roup 3Illill welknul Jinn Morning rs rrptinn Jimmn tliy HItoyni llnbirl FRIDAY AIIIIL ll EVENING liChsnnet It Nm Italian roi Your ut IlIImily rnnuo zMr noni1 tSmaincrl arenars altuntllyrilrlnlil iilutilcoi Junction romhi tIeapil or Funny tom Th Tltninenn 1er rroin UNCLE sum mu of amino 97Lnurt ertlsl iiiim onuin reoouisni 00 INiwi ltrnlher irons iile testhtr spans 30 21nntnt lhnw JMovis lMlldred rim Ttil 10 Show iinood Ali7i 11m vnmnn mm Mew Hiyyiiilhri flu oohlit llliitli iid rni iiii dean1 liinmrr lyle usuc moon flATUItIM APRIL 16 MORNING AND AFTERNOON ieso eIJuuu uu Lion aTho Undmtol linltrii Inulrl 3lndigent Psmvlln rain 00 1er oriliin snow sltniy week sma suui sumo iY Lou 14W xo IIililll omi slsiin any use Draw iMnnunsi ICnlnnn mm Nomi HGVD sMito Dwsill show Tfhnfl ticiion Jilin 21 Border 25 Itamnn money 26 Phil 27Mlnl ni house god Hirswa lCabhoga salad 98hnrpen as Mr lIJlIIk 110mm NLIKQKIHHJ 30Fmt iiilrrslw dentist nickname 7i Slipper 317mm sign anirium itctuirch part tti Shocks an iiiunion macaw asahm Hull ILL uAVI ORANGE outta aAaaN AND EGG mots AND COFFEE our NAT 5qu rivet THEE SAW REAKPAQT sawED WAY Mv PARTNLR PUT THAT mart AND HATE NMI ICsmn nunmuck ild Wild West men men tid tillo imi Ytstndlll room ii to Colon on Poetic eon junction FIlfiy truss show Evening Inn 830 lSsmmy DIVI snow lTiimmy nonm BLONDIE IAdvlnttflfll 00 hineig III WIIMII soon lJtNows Wuinu spam rom Unril 700 iiiai rum 180 sinot llllnitulrfl cmiiniii musu in min Ii comm on Insm THEREmu DID kllpfl nous Cioacrusin Hear 0pm EYES WHEN BMW sunI Cont1 Loo luhllul AV nimn fleeting rnmi rimw hm unitum an an no vltlilnn tltl steam lihsllo Dnir ilIIililiy time ILDD 7mm moo 2sriMnl can timely um rhiniiooou Unlim Lhmny tsrinnn ii firhnlitol Mo IIvilly Tl hm rn limbme Irll im niuin it it ms lnhn ï¬ll 200 52 rillshall mm lMtiinlly them it lit loll loistntil tiitmlis Tm DOWN Argument litmthth outlaw Ionclnlil limi rum in it to rm VIIt twin LNNM tiller mm riteunit um ll WWII I0 Lhrrot amount Mtgth iimm sour MN HI DutL rsniruoir turn on inAL IAMS Awe no town to HTML iiurl wuni ow vice rrtson viiiuii it mo MME uiiivi on one moorr cm or more COMBIOVLIUI or Wit We tanninint I5 iiiruour Ni iiriiuir OF pinata senior too It VotllttII Mn FE int iciictt Aitiilllnu tv thl hINH titnl 10 Inttnilllnl MTIIIIYM Alltll ll litilNlNfl ltsnu rim no Ipfntinl WE UlitERWEE moo tIILL MALI DYDUWII TIMIOAIIVMVITI LDI iiiilm Tell Min rm it no mulling We rut ltlril WtIltIln IWolil It spun ii itennts the rim sameen Wilburfl 5+ comm mm IIIin on am ionv ll tuilnl il ll mus Lun rim Wilt iisni mm lntv Jullo il rim TliiY Hl 71 im non wui tum Ii Itimltmslu iiu In in IiiIt IIM um vmhr arms riv unmiy Mm my mm nor 1h Ituiil limi Th nowi ii row liiMltl it him run it are mum rm Ii IliNlliiiflll It IAnueirl luvlro iiisill livinln nu Lit in II mm Lil int viui am mm lunM mu LII summit Ivl tliswnI Irm UUWVI urnw you our mom liftsN oi Juliiill It Nit till mi loinI mm in th ni tum Its fut Itlllirti um inn no nsymaum