mar Mill The man vuu rlghl live ocraxlon due MIM nuuln wllhln nul 1m yearn mm 11ml ynu lnku hula air by Ilw lmml lend lwr mu ma mml mom and put lwr Inln llm 011me lm r5 unmnn yuu ms and ask Mr up In rhlld TIMGIZHWN Ianr Ann ludul mull vmlv Ihll Inler or wml nlxlfl In IJNv Imlulll AMI lhll MrnlllK vlrkrd up lhe mm th nnll mul lbal lln mm rmlxlml luunml In Illnlh NIB Mr molhrr on llmn In 10 mum vanxinz 1Im rullm nhwy Um up Inl wm unly LImn lmullrt lml val NW vmuz rnn lw Inumrlnnl lhul lunllwr wuuhl Icnvr unall hil nllrn nlvwlr In llm llmlsfl canl umlrrlnml Hd help her and Hm nponcd ho door or her when the It one Al Ihn mun gave me sum look and said Ynu did wry loolish dung mmu ylr Iblnmnktr wankxi make smncthlng out It you could vimo been arrrstrd on phoney umnlcmng chnrxu Furlhrrmom ynu could haw Rotten all In lrnuMc mpliod Youre out of your unlml That lilllu girl mm In More by hcmll dld uhul any Incn man would do hulme lm Whrn old my wile Mum ho rlmxdcm the MM was right run nuw lm hnvlng mom lhwrhlu Wed Me m1r apinlnn the mLminn mm 1min uhlnh nvnnmny nnnl III In ymrnMlllrr Du 0n Hm wr Irmr MI Mm INlllfl mlr lud ru INCMIN llunl Ilwn ulnr pawlel rhil IImv plenum nun your wlrly rm Nllumn In mulnII pmrull rmwhru lhal Imnll IUMINI lwltl er be Ill allw nu lnr any nasnn mm vuly wumln n1 MI Hm Mn tn Ihuvl oul mumw rmlhm In uh IF mm Um mm Anvl lllml Inrpu llu vru May MVhImldvu III rrl hull uhrn IN MI Inwm 1mm Ill km and mmuru mm am luring ll rm nu llrmni cur Am hndIn Last 5un Just below church scrviccs began slapped in lho mens room Three other mm were In hm Out at the blue hard mull Vale and luokui down tn new little air about our years 01 standing next me Shn tugged at my alum wlm an air urgency and mi Mm In no lo the bammom Will you help me mister THE NEW EXECUTIVE or the Banis 0111111 Club La mum Womeul Section shown above Front mw mm mm mm In mm umllhnp an ummuy ndlim rllhlr Wm Wmnfll Mk1 Wmtlm hlrm ML Jmunal mm Inma amtl nwidwlni II In an Mdvm In hmuhm mum In anhNIlly MW MM In Mamba mm Siam Ivry ml part HM lrlnum Mm we mil um hm mud llllrllrily waynu Induiun my man lndgmu uh 1m MawIL fln Alinflnn ha all he mm In Mr mk mw FM ml Mun Ham Inma XYLUMINA My MI Aw nln In ï¬nwanry Lvlulun pan Hw mly lint M11 about mm fnshlm Inlay In he prim and Um lmxdme Mlu llrnrlclln 01er of TM mm rhirl nnmxlnn guldu um mmlnmr mnku Cnnmlna Icwnmlblllly In wmkl mmllng an Vanler honorary pml lkvnt of Girl Hulda or Canada wan gun homrr lumll tnn lollwrd by mud dll ulmnn on lnlrvnnllonnl guiding IIVIILIMM Ily Mn llnnlllnn Nlil nl anunlo lnlomnllmml conunmlunrr High Fashion Is Price Hemline OIIAWA Tl About loo girl guldo ltmlm mm Mum 0mm nllcmlcd he Thunday oprnlnz ol um annual pmvlnclnl cauncil MD may ulm um Du Sn ny gelling out her de Dont In Mr keep ynur kids nr do anythlnl clso or ynu hon you no 11mm 1ch nbllgalcd youll be anu to my no In Mr and Ilvo your own lilo have Include her In every card game and parly liko Ihn woman and the 1m dunn mu many Invertlilo keeping my kld when Ive mm on hips hul he she owns me How can rte myxnll lrnm her YSuflmlllnx Dear Ann friend has at Iachcd herself In me and cant shake hCI She phones every morning and asks what Im doInx II say Im slaying home shn anys IIl tome over say Im going shopping she says 111 30 with you Guides Attend Opening Council Oyl 0P DEBT nm II he ma INN Ilul your mmnmn Summer Humid rrmlnln ml whnl holler In In xlul VIIIMIHI um um WWI WIN mini Dulzw lmlma mung laughter whh tlxrlr hat Ncl Km won in pmlo wilh Iil umuon up hat Imam mm Euler bunny nml ol MK and chickan on he Inim 911nm Na In he onldmm by the WM Hwntqen lmw much Jmlmd the pmflost WM lanxo pMum hat with 11m and dalsim with mm nwl Laining Easter eggs and um by Vera Nelson may Easter bnnny map noun mmundod with wall spring nuwm Ms judged Aha unnhsl hm It was mm by Madelinu Harkvr 1n hopinx wzlh tho mdnrn hat MI dud bl card cards around the brim and mlnlMum dining room luml tun the cmvm won mun ha min for Audrry An unusqu cvcnt not place allowing the moldy undue in Stmud Community Hall Monday morning when Basin bounds all ruiginal cmahon were mo delled by the makers A5 Mulllal Orchestra played Eastcr Parado the col ndul chapemu were pamde before the judges Mrs Ooclv wane Mrs Tyndan and Mrs Nulhalkmd lo 11 Mrs Jack Duvgl Mrs Doug Homer MnK Eobgfl THE LITTLE MINK um mum MustIn mlnll In humlmdy our mm whwa drum Ind pmmu mm Ml cardlqm ml Ind lemming V1 Dmc Mm Marc stmevvpo ha warming with lulips Xnhmimx the 1mm nhvw te roshmmu wrro mrmL the an to Pm Pm dï¬ll Mn Nchm Presl drnt Mu ï¬nd Meson le Vlcwrrsldenl Mn Doug am or Second Vlmprexldmt Mm 1mm Grzcn Smcmry Mu Jim Dwnr Trcnwm Mu Don Coniy thm oumcln mu uomou lehnm Icemalrh cmvrnm Mn Vun Adams and Mn ludmnlson Special events Mu flan Armstrong mu Mn mm Social mmtnm Mn Bomplcl convene an Mn 13an Simtwm Mn Gordon 16 dinner cllmnxcd he clin in lilncy held during the metnoon WINNING RINKS Prize winner were cangrnluL nlod by MIL Bell who pmsmted the awards Among the winning rinks were luml skipped by Mrs ank Hersey Mn Jumcs Clync Mm Dung Homer Mrs Hugh Gibson Mu Ron rm roux Mu Dave Smith Mrs McDowell Mu George Kcnmdy NEW omqu Viho namlnlLlnu committee prescan the am cl onlcm yr the coming year The execu Denimplcce of spring daf lodils mapdragons and my while roses flanked by L111 up or decorated be mad table 1313 bouquet was vimn by Mrs Duke Pearson hi draw held lleowing lhe dinner Scaled at Vlhe head table wiLh Mrs Napier ware Ms Karen Kennedy MIL Jack Corby Mrs Robert Grmn Mm Bum Kear sey Mrs Doug Homer Mm Haydon Mrs John Ough Mrs Bay Livingston Mrs Vern Adm Mrs Don Candy and Mn Jack Duval Mm Sally Napier of Burton Am the ï¬rst woman to ceivo We mmlship In the Womens Secllun of the Barrie club President Mn New hm made the presentation to the guest of honor HEAD TABLE Barrie woman who began curling in 1933 was honored at the closing dimer the We menLSccflon 01 the Barrie curling Club last evening Curler Receives Life Membership Green Ind Mrs Jim Dewar Back 00 11 Mrs Har ry Young Mn Corby Mu Vern Adam Newton Mrs Don Coy1y and Mrs Rmhmkslrong Examv iner Photos mn hnvn On acquire who at until gnu Ibo no 1m heat and Ilgm Ind km Ltmpemlum dump do rm um Mr nmvy Imd 1n Mull um years youll have mwly b1de ul buru Thu panlonm lay in my Junk are duinkinu thly nowWI the Inuit Hwy was about two col all Um my Mr lmccy Now boy Ilnnd about to 21m bnxni om1 bug loaves when the bananas in mdy to pick the poo dlu Ila hke Lhe mm 111m now moot mowumlroznflwmxmdflw cycle Mm again She plckcd ventral of lhe men will at the nuucsllon head gardener Ben Tracey Vle think hey may mama We all he has Then an hm In the humid krmvfmxu Mulch Lu houses leh pond uwical nowm kae mkh and norms tiny WW and 10mm ms 11 public wmkx dmnnmml nequlmd he mu about Iwo thrown mmflan am be women In Kl Moan all OTTAWA OmTho Gaines dwarf Emma No 1mm men Home is about to been mother And in the hm tra ditkzn of 1qu draw the ii Im wmlnul my me anlcr an expert xaldmnq Banana Tree Gives Up Life To Reproduce He also thanked the women curlers for their assistance dur Ing the mens spicl when hey faywed codes to the male cur en As the women flowed away their nanling brmm or anoth year many at them will wait pali t1 until the waning President 1h Curling Club Larry Hart who was the only mule curler on Lha scene thank ed the Indies or their coupon tlon during the past year It has been great year lin andnll mld Jack Corby and Mrs Pea cock Directoys are Mrs Jack Duval Mm Harry Young and Mm Nixon TIE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY ad an 511 some away he gqod amm ibis lha women didnt mu yxidan oranyone be about their running Their employer Mm Zm think It crazy ma mu all gummy we were EiuhgtmMh 65175111 york and then we Mung alter the My 151 am of sevenal blodmMas in hum Mm KANSAS cm Mo rm A2 62 and no longer slendeg Mn Edith WWW the star spuinler among aim drug makm wiuirrun for exercisle during their lunch permds Mm Mlargarel Merlin Oalkgdher workers imn the Dressmakers Run During Lunch Hour lmlo lnmln BARRII The Inspector formerly head 01 the palm youth squad uld children an alerting out ln crime at an eaxlllar age than ever He recalled that last spring Vancouver police broke up shoplifting ring lnvdlvinx 50 school dulldrcn 00me II Nil They seem in feel hat If they question their dildm too much about mm they so Iround with lhey will be thought old Inshioncd By Ignoring lhe problem par nib xomchvawfllrwpre It will an away Inépeclor Dan Brawn told the Vancouver Parent Teacher Ooumn um ouIy increased con cern by parents can hall the rise In delinquency But parean seem afraid become Involved because Iheyre reluctant In in Ieifere in their duldmnsécliw lieu VANCOUVER cmA police Inspector says parents maid being called adtashianed are letting their children glide We juvenile delinquency Stick To Rules To Avoid Trouble Mr and Mr Karl Gil chiIsl 0m Station havean nounced Ibo ngagunem of their daughter Carol Lonalum to Walter Ilca ion Mr and APRIL 15 1966 T0 WED AT ORGSTATION Hazlyzflqu anlnmï¬ands dlvnrce rate has consistently been the law est It was0fl per 100090 last ysar campang with Quebecs 40 next lawsumd DrillsCo Iumbial 1096 highest in the enmity was 3621 Thaw were increase in the Maritime pmvinces Ontario Manitoba and British Columbia mm were 4064 divorce granted in Ontario in 1965 com pared with 3503 in 1964 ed the divorce rale has been climbing algadify since mm The raw lhe number divorces per 100 000 populmlonwas 36 In 1961 449 in 1961 and 457 In year ghmt since 1543 when it OIIAWA UP record 89 divorces were granted dur ing 1965 by Lb provincial and territorial divorce court and the Puï¬arment of Canada the Dominion Bureau statistics reporleg Wednesday Repott Increase In Divorcé Rate Pelte llnsfol strndd The mar riagewill take place at 0ro Sudan Uflltcd Church on Ap til 30 3L3 pm Pholniby Le WWW Nollmml lmd In umd In withan Oumnly Inl FREEI Now Day Dlol Unoklol mk your mom or your copy 01 ml Inlomumlvo guido or write RROWNS HOLLYWOOD 462 Enmm Aynnuo Toronto Ont Both light and dark Hollywood flload mo nvailnblo at your tnvoulilo crocovl ITS FACT THERE ARE VEGETABLE FLOUHS IN HOLLYWOOD BREAD VEGETABLE FLOURS ARE USED IN THE BAKINGI standout GREAT FORMI how come BREAD BEZZANTNURSERY aFLQRIsT 591mm 52 31mm flbt Flashesi CENTRE OF ELECTROLVSIS UNWANTED HAIR SAFHLY REMOVED FREE CONSULTATION AP influential nmnqmmznstou SEED PLANT FUOD POTS AND CONTAINERS Enrylhlng Fur Thd Glrden WIEEINS FlfllS loll an on Barrio Ton Hurlel Exclnfln Fume wlgo make Ind Allan um rm um mmlon Tn Ink In Imam my mi Na Dingu unzmmma llllllleuan Gnlunlud Helm You com 18 owomuumnn um ThgflMnLARNEY Min éylvl Carlien 7280380 Sulia Fred Gnu SI Wfllqn Bldg You can get help wflh LydialE Pinkham rrla Tamale Dunlap St BEZZANTS nuy To no1