Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Apr 1966, p. 11

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nw mm wmr Ans mm hum Hf HMUIMM AND HOWE My mam 0m sum flank Marla ermul In 1an Md Cum lwlm AND FIVWIII NM la In Annulnm Muhlolvul An mum Imllrl mlrr hnl nnrmui um mm In maulurn mlh flu Munlrlpal AN mu mm Mir 12 Ilual ll llmlmlr JIMle nh lrr nmullnml Ilhlny In my May MI lwanu In llm 1th mn llarrlu II nvlvxk In lmnumn tur rmuhlnlnz llylnw Nmulwr am and lnr harm than ndwmnlm ml wuulug lh nmm mom All perqu having claims against UIe Esme rl AMY ML ELLA SRIGLHY Inle of UK Towmhip lnnlshl In the Counly Stmme Widow who dim an the Trnlh day of March 1906 mm orwanl name to he undersigned nn nr More the on day May was nIlrr MLh dale me nwl will be dil ribulml nmnnzst the unitx on tilrd lhvrvlo and he Exommnl ill nul be linhln to any pcrnun of whose rlnim lhcy shall Dwn hmu nnliw THE CORIORAIION OF THE IIY OI IMRIIIE Nollco nf lnlontlnn to rip or Appnnnl nf Hm hangu uf Nam 01 litid Slrool ln llnyvluw Driro IAKH NIYTIII UIM Um nr pnrnfiml llm Ily ll 1mm yumu In 1m nan Numlwr Mn luv mu Impmn mum mu mum ul Ilrld sunl liny vl In mid munhm DATED 11 Ilarlie 0mm his HUI day April WM IXOYS SILHHMM and HOWE Hnrrixlm And Solidlou 11 NM sum nnrrir Ontario Study in spare lime prepare nr Province Ontario exams Sup ervisod by high school leathers FREE lskvolume reference lib rary to students Low monthly paymenu All books suppllut NATIONAL OOIJIJGE 70 Box 502 Barrie Phone 7230605 day or nlghl deceased All persons having claim naninsk the Estate LEONA MARY MURPHY lale of the Jin of Barrie in the County of Simcne Widow to died on the day January was are notified to urnish pron thereof In ha undersigned before April 22nd 1906 alter which dnle the Adminislralor of um Estate will disribule the Estate having re gard nnly Io claims of vfilirh he shall then have name 1er Oman Solicitors fur the Admlnlsirnlor LEGAL is on co Mug 1ngng over ll once lor Elma nwla Idvmcmnpnt Llme mun benzv flu mm own car Ind be nble to uk marl Mm Salt eweflencl helplul but not unwary Eu Turner negloml Sula Mun somhwulem Palmleum Cer pmtlan wmtmy Ilnlel Tmnla on Aprll 18 1m ll un or pm only No phone call 919m um selected brunt pndunl mlnlnz next dly mini your wlla you llkz IzTERBERE Required or Ccnlral Ontariol largest Rambler dealcr Excell ent working condlLlon Secure cure tar ambitious person Tab phone mm or appointment rtvruzm Feed Cmnpmy mum all sales mum mum ul Iry um wmmlssinn me humnee medic um surflul vlln noun muunn erlc mm mi Him to v0 Bax 4m su on London om of hard wor Highest commis sions paid All company bene hLm Please lumish lull pxrucu lars £0 nest experience in first iglgelj cpliu treated in mid mnfidehce 71 cmckrnm 3m Scarborough Ont NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF LEONA MARY MURPHY NOTICE mcnmrfiinws Sam uperiance In this field preferred In an essential me saluman we are looking or would be presently employed with Feed Dealer or with Chlck Hatchery We are looking very ambiuous neat an pganng man why Id SALES HELP AGENTS IO HELP WANTED Lu rim mir NATIONAL FEED MILL MANUFACTURING CO Mrnumnn Mk II 12 041 flunk SALESMAN mini KND ummN 35 9MP SETfi REPRESENTATIVE TRADE SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME NOTICE 03 so AL INSlTlUTE Orillia Ontario addressed lo the Orlllin Dieric Colluglale and Vocallonal Inslilule Board co Ruben Simlain llrdrl led 411 Highland Avenue Orll lla Ontario will he received in we office the Architect up lb pm Enslem Slanan Tlrnc on he Neutysavcnm day ol April 1964 Tenders nnmfbezaocompnnim by Bid Bond in the amount at five per cent of the Inndercd price Drawings and Specifications are available to lheGcneral ConA radars al the office lhe Ar chitect upon deposit of 31500 wind will be returned on the return th documenu in good condition no work consuLs alleralions lo corridors Boys Washroom Men Tenrhcrs Room llcnllh Room and three lendxm Vork lloomL The lowest or any louder not necouarily Econ TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7214114 TOWNI Smelaryficnsuer and HLLsinms Administralor Orillia District Collegiate and Vocational lnszikule Emmi Tendéis for was ALTERATIONS 12 OQDCK NOON WEDNESDAY APRIL 20 1966 hr Ihe CONmUClION of new WISHWON at High way 26 andzsideroad and Concussion Awmxhnaw quantllies 4000 cm yds granule fill 700 cu yds granular Bnnd 100 cu yds granular alsalnslalllngan 30 36 indl culvert All lo be placed and compadegl according lo DHO specificatiuns Twnship to supply culvert and gravel Work to be completed by May mm munmu 15 FEMIS LANE BARREL Dawes or any lender not neces sarin ammedl EARL RICEMRDSON Clerk 17 OWEN SR HARRIS unsng date or lenders pm Eastern Daylight Saving Time runway 17 May 1966 thyme ol the architects file Vt or any tender nor necessaiily accepted CARSWELL and GRESEACH ArchitecLs nos Hume Collinxwood but mwnsmror Wm Tepdcrs will be received by the underg Tenders aze Invited for 11 construction of new Memorial Hall in Owen Sound Plan and mneafloyu may be obtained from the Mice of the Nahum Canswell and Griesbach 305 Hum 56 Coll Xngwogd an gepqsit of 500 ROYECAEKDIAN LEGION BRANCH N0 owm SQUND ONTARIO 12 TENDERS at your 0hrysler dealers Join the mark buym lhnt Ira mnklnglhu yearl grealolt nvlnul Ill lha yourl urcnml aural trad Iow AND MVE on the bolu th 66 ohmllr produolll Uurlnl Volum Valun DmI TENDER AUCTION SALE Wedu April 27 or ARNOLD EOWSER ai lot concession Sunni dale Township on the county road 29 miles soulh high way 26 ium at Sunnidaic Cor Mrs Sale mule iarm ma chincryv grain hay straw house hold iurniium includes many an tiques Terms Casin No reserva the arm is said JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Vmch or full list April KEN AND DOUG ANDERSON La 50 Concession 05 Fins Township Sale or beef camu full line arm machinery some household citccu MIMI2K COLWILL Audionwr JOSEPH CUMMINGS AI Int Conocssian Flas Townshlp one mile east Highway 27 Fergusonvale Terms cash No mserve n5 Ihe arms are sold JERRY QOUGHLIN AUCTION SALE Saturday Apnl 18 at pm sharp For IAMES REID All his va1uable howMIA luml lure etc also at the same place same time livcslock and machiucry hay straw grain ur ans pacificquons and Ten der Envelope may be obtnlnnd he Oily Clerks Office 84 cr Street ya Nest 61 any an er not nec assm1 Simcoc High Street Storm and Sanitary Trunk Sewers on ior onio Simone High Park and Ross Sireeis and Parkeide Drive SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up in pm EiDSI Monday April 25 1966 in lender envel opes supplied or me nbova mn iraci ooxnpnsingihe ioiiowing mnstruciion Trunk Siprm Samar apprdximalei lineal feet 77 121 concrele pipe Inmk Sgnilgrylswer approximately 516 hneal feet 01 39 asbestos cement plpz 2457 lineal eel of 20 asbestas cement pipe alter mesday 5px for Oh sumol Ten Dqllara $1009 wtgich vill n3 be remngled l3 AUCTION SALES 12 TENDERS shuucmu City clerk Auctioneer Wasth pr lislr April AUCTION SALE Saturday April 30 Al pm sharp for AND DOUG ANDERSON Concession 05 Fins nship Sale or beef camu TENDERS Contract No6602 Ill HOT 11 lunlendl doM MI Bulvudm nu holnnw pvlormnr lhnll dawnd In In young Inmllyl budgal Ind with It su cylinduand VB powuclmlquuu buulllul mm look OREm PrimJUST HIGH Belvedere but smn Innis Tanship orie mile west of Highway 11 turn at Strand Gen eralSlorc Complete dispersal of 50 head of Holstein cattle 40 cows 20 are fresh and In small calves can bulk cooler Surge milk units piping ouuet or 40 cows mum and pump com plete Term hash No reserve as the omenj going out of the milk business 147 Concession Innisfii Tminshig one mllc south of 1harnlon iillugénnd iwa miles east of Highway 27 on Iour mile straight west ol Highway 11 Sale of 35 head regislcrcd and grade Holstein cattle high class farm machinery milklng equipmcni grain and some household diam Terms cash N0 rcservc as he arm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN AUCTION SALE Satuniay Apnl 23 pm sharp For VINO READMAN $lwlfihg mailman artillin esnor 11 Highway 0R miles east and zw miles nnrth of Uhmofl Stone Quarrles Salauol 43 head of HexMord Cattle purcbwd but not registered pigs implo menkmlxed grain and baled hay Term cash No reserve he arm is Ignlcd AUCIIONSALE Saturday April 23 30 gm sharp Fnr RUSSELL TURNER Lo 52Concession 05 F105 prnship Sale bee name In linemodem arm machin ery hay graln straw and whom effects mm comm Auctionoer man nibRNNN Auctioneer Neywash St Odllia 3266761 AUClION SALE Saturday April 23 at pin sharp For HAROLD WOOD At mmgconcmlm sun nldak Twmshlp on the county loadone mile south of High my 36 turn Sunnldala Cor ncrs Sale 01 head Mmlxed cattle pigs faym machinery hay straw main and some houw hold effects Terms cash Noresuve as Ihe farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer 13AUCTIQN sALEs Audience Watch or full list April AUCTION SALE Friday April 22 at 12 noon sharp ALFIJED JOHNSON Plymoutfi flll AUCIIONSALE Monday April 25 at 1130 pm sharp WILLIAM HUGHES many goucHLIN Auclloncer FRENCH MOYORS Barrio 75 Budon link 0M Sn Dodgo VIIIM Chryllcr um dnlm Illvl ammowooan MIIOMM Saturday May al1230 pm sham for MRS SPELLA FLEMING at he FLEMING woos First Ave OAKVIEW BEACH SECTION opposite he Dlxin Inn VASAGA BEACH Sale housclmld lurnilum clc€4 trlcal appliunms lncImlInIz good rchigeralors and all out cage equipment Tums cadL Nu reserve as the Onlario Gavcrnmcnl has bnugm he propeny for park land JERRY QOUGHLIN 335 axeE ma 92 szESE AUCTION SALE Wednesday lllay4 at 12 noon sharp al the BLUEWAIER GARAGE VYEVALE ONT miles straight north of Elm vale on County Road No Sale all garage equinmnnt service station equipment ma chine shop cqulpmvnt nulboanl service 001 and motors boa lrnller and motor all nervlce manuals machine slum manu nls ollicc cqnlpmenl pop mach ine entree maker Terms cash No rcservb asvlhe owner is ln ill health nnd is go in ou AUCTION SALE Saturday Apnl 30 mm sharp for WILLIAM MacAMHUR Concession Innishl Township one mile 50qu of Thomlon village and one mile east of Highway 27 Sale head 01 mixed catllc Yorkshire pigs hay slraw grain farm machinery Poultry and some household effects Terms cashJNo resetye us the arm is sold JERRY CpUGHLIN Of 55 Head of Haremd Cattle For MIL SAM SHELISWELL and SON KEITH SIIEUSWELL of Lot 110n Col Orllll Township on FRIDAY APR 29 AT EM miles naflh No 11 Highway nr mile east and miles norm of Uhthofl Symm Quayry mm 1w rum lo years old 12 young Hereford calves 20 Comic freshen Hereford Yearljn Terms cash No mscrve gs Sam Shellsweu going arming or cash unpr Keith Snellswell Id aim after loging hwsg by lira TiaAUCTIde SALES Auclimincr WATCH for full 1m May Auciinneer Watch mm list April 21 mm woman 1m Ncywash Shorllllai Phnne 3265761 many UGHLIN 5001101 SALE PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Sm an my the bIzacllon ml Thrill In Furys hlg pulor manu powar all the my up In IhouotublcInchCnmmmfloVBl And new lhvill In Fuvy nvingl blg powavlul car Fury manl Mud 01 cu Aucliniccr WM hlu HBIM Drum Human mu my Applications will be received by the underslgnéd up In PM WEDNESDAY APRIIJZO 1966 for mu posiuon of LIFEGUARDS for the Recreation Committee Summer Programme Appli cnan must state axe and qualb iultlons JOHNSON SECRETARY limbo Tags are mw available from Lhe Animal Control Miner Leiroy or the Munldpal Office The 1966 rnlu are follow Male or Spayed Fanale Female $7 all 1966 owners or harbourers otdsgs wiuqut 1966 tags which must be secure ly attached lo Ihe dogs at Bl llmu will be llable to pram mu TOWNSHIPOE 1966 DOGTAGS mum ylvar wllon discountol $2 peblaglwm he allowednn all tags purchased before May 1966 ELMO FORD Animal Control officer Phone VLEFROYJSGJMS fiipleysé BELIEVE IT OR NOT 14PUBLIC NOTiCES AIHGAEIE umlsm Want Ads Donf CostThey Pay OFSEVEEAL mousmm vommlss 36121140 Frmthvonen Coronet bu Dagye JACKSON MOTORS LID 100 No Indian Plymoulh VllloM Chryllor III dulm Badge Vafiant IN on lml nobody hull lnr valunl Inmu nnul Valuml CnnndanuluwlwmSlimSula INQVflmwucDmlu fimonlhvml Inmlounhlo unnumiul mm Ilylv Wm mmm Mica Nowrorvllulula Valnnrocl mm II CHRYSLER In mm mm ulyln man up Ind Inloy Chm my own You bnnmulJuquoul mm plul IhI ncw Yawn Ind CdunlvySlolmnWoxonClny lulnhlaJumywpownld lhnywhylm mmhmuchm louvle mum up NM Kelly said he had in mind converting next years NHL ex panslon up some personal profll adding hehoppd luremain in hockeyperhaps in acoachlng capacity TORONTO CP Lemma Red Kelly snid Thursday night he may have played hls last game in he Natlmla Hockey league In mvdressing room alter his anonla Muplelears had dropped their ounh stralgm Stanley Cup semifinal decision lo MOMICILICRMIHEHS the claisy right winger said KLHy missed only the 1959 season while Haw missed the playoffs in 1959 and 1962 think that may have been my last game Its not became of liliw febl nyw Ive bken thinking film it or some fimeu He hagplaycd over 1400 NHL games resend 152 them in plan my at the 19 seasons he been in the league Shouldhe relira it would leave hidie flaw of Dctmil Red Wings the 1711ny veteran of the circuit Hawe former teammale of Kellys when he was with the Vlngs nmv is playing in his High playofl over 20 ynar 5pm mursday night was 1115 Mad playoffgnme It THE BARR EXAMlNEB FRIDAY APRIL 15 mo Kelly Considers Efidipg Career Von um Comm lennlcomnl mm upoclnlly MI npuoml 381 Commando VBl Coun Co Inn Ihlll Cmouoh modl un In lhn winalnu nun SIVI on nlw Iwmgnl Golwllhmcalomlhyoadgll Hg Il Looking or In mou cu lor yuuvmonoy Dodge Thu onlylhlng that Ilnl blz Ihoul Dodge In mml Bizcucumlon and this Bigcur roomlnus Big pevlwmancs up lo 440 cu lm Ionrchu alumni Now Gal Dadgll ll ULEI Bmh BANAuA Lm Cumulun My nu mm VI mn Imummlhv my mm mu mu rm In mu 6YEAR 50000Mlll POWERIAIN WARRANTY 57 Hwy 11 Youll think Mom of the Gun dcrlully efficient and prompt service youll get at Tnltuns Vn lry make um youre sal islicd in every respect Dnllflo Junior semimh McIrnse Mun Joseph Hanii 82 cMmldu of the ard orthe most innings pitched In an American League game 24 innlngs in 1906 or Baslon Red Sox SeoulDr Smgpaik Lee 31 the South Korean member of the Inumadanal Olympic Wm miuec Pembroke GAILFrank Nigh bur 73 rated by some hockey experts as he greatest lwaway pcntre of 311 lime Cenllll Lelgu Tulsa Minnesota JTulaa wins has even semifinal 46 AllDnLaIio Juveufle Kifldand Lake any illwa wins bestarmia 11 na 24 new maner me dcnt Abdel5alam Arel 455i an alt crash Malmoe SwedenCount Fe lix van Lucknu 34 who sank 14 Allied ships in flla First World Wanwilhout taking single life By nu CANAImN muss munsmws nocnmv By THE WE THINK LESS OF MAN WHO DOESNT RE TURN RARE THAN CMAP WHO TAPS US FOR 1HOL5AND DOLLARS PHEYSLEH TOLTON Equipment HOCKEY DEATHS CANADIAN pm 7261485

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