Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1966, p. 13

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in 17500 DmOIr tAPtdlore than iil7500=new liuyster Corpuoara lure being recalled to correct problem involving eccelaaurr Iinkage the firm said Thursday This problem did not Involve terry salety lactose Chrysler spolrcsman said But Senator Walter Mom dale Dom Minn said In Washington luesdaythereywos apmbiem oi safety Cllrysler care being recalled late H500 Dodge Monaco and Polara models equr With the Mableinch engine with twobarrel carburetor end an undetermined number at Ply mouth Mix and Chrysler equipped with thevserne engine the firm said the spokesman said the ears are being called In to dealers Rigid ii so as prevm any pomihllity of its being stretched by the lorward move ment at the engine In anionser never in an omergerwy stop the tram explained the engine moves onward momentarily on the rubber mounts With the shorter throttle linkage of dress can such stop could small in the engine stretching throttle illnlwfl causing lastsunning enginc at idle Mmdales our in Washington quoted Dodge division semen manager as saying the prdilern uwduitmlegultlin Lizarqu to iroq caviar pres sureand to increase stopping distances weeks ago Chevrolet ds vision wt General Motors Corp continued that it is recalling 0600000 late model Ihevellcs and standard ChevroleLs with automatic Loansmmions to ear rect problem that could cause the accelerator to stick Get Prison Term LONDON Ont ta Three mm were given prison sen tencu ranging lrorn eight to 12 years Nesday or the robbery last September or brands at the Royal Bank of Canada In Mount Brydges t2 unites south west nl here John Clarence tianec 37 of no fixed address was eartcnccd to 12 years In risen The scar once will be led to lsycar sentence tor in Peterborough bank robbery abduction of police oilicer and armed rob bc ard Mocon 27 of Oshawa received an eightycar suiteroe ccnsccullve to the seven and halt year term he got or the Pcterbomugh robbery several necks ago James Lawrence Hutchinson 07 ot Oshawa was silenced to to years In prison The three escrmcd with $31 732 mm the Mount llrydgcs bank Sept is Visits Ottawa OTTAWA CI Admiral lord Louis Mountbatten ar rived In Ottawa Tuesday night or twoday visit as guest ol the govmorgcncrai Ile low In Irom llrginu nhrrr he opened the new Speakch Corner at the War rann Cultural Centre during must visit Here he will have discur Iionr with the Dclcncc no search lioard and National Itc Irareh Council In cooperation with Britains National Hicc tronIrI Research Coundi ol which bard Mountbatten Is chairman and qundcr He will also ricilvrr Ipcrrll on one ot his organizations prolrctr and attend dinner given by the Canadian division of the Institution at Electronic and llndlo Enginccrlr Friday liorti Mountbatten lich to Montreal or the llmlal ronvcnllon oi the Royal Conadian truinn winding up his Clilllltllilll trip thrro with In Midwest to tho drlrgntu nut Monday Gets Wirephoto OTTAWA CPIThe ncur Tuesday ltmnhnrnlnl the tint unIII oi wirrpiloln rnutpmrnt Inr nrlwurlr It harm evrnlu Ally to rxtrnd tn rvrry major police olllro In Canada Iierrlvrrs on the system will be able to copy mug stroll had rhrquu dorumrnll and run lingtrwlnil in talilliul drlIII The network Irisrr inun Jnn unryI icdrrnlprnvlnriai route cure on orgaulml rrlmr nhitlt promised 31mm pan llM at Mr ntmlnrl InirIil some latilllirt Ihn nrtniulr will intu in only IICMI headquarter llI titlnwl thirrnl Toronto and Vanch vrr this your Aunlhrr drum or In divisional Iltilll handgun in will he Iltlttl within Ivr rau llllil tumlulultuwr George II Irtioilan said during time mullailtm It the equipment that hr min prurhuia and my nlrlpnl pvvllrr tour to join the miumh rrprrinlly Iu awn oi msmiml rriuw iim Itrililhuwlr rnmlmnonll uill ltt tram In the IttiMI by launiinn National Canadian lniiiir Triocommunirntlum Ii cut IT rm to 00 month on art This would put lure mall at about DIM or IO UHF station nivrn lipt nets lurk It In lull log MAYOR DON REID City May Help OTTAWA CPIThe city may consider limited temporary help or the Ottawa General Hospital In Its financial crisis but thats all it can doMayer Don Reid said Tuesday Mala responsibility for linancv log the hospital lay with the On tario Hospital Services Commis sion and the city would not pro vide any substantial tuture rev zone The Grey time at the Cross the Roman Catholic order that owns and operates the hospital say they need more money to help pay the Generalr $6000000 capital debt pledges of money to launch program against slipping standards and Isnrne dlste provision ol $500000 or equipment Dr Conway Don chlel at stall says the illsycaroid 62o bed hospital must be closed ii the demands are not met Gold Mine Closes TORONTO CPIAnother 0n tario gold mine has run out ol pay dirt and been creed to close Allen president at McKenzie Red Lake Mines Ud said Tuesday that production was stopped two weeks ago at the companys mine in the Red Lake district or northwest Ontario alter 31 years of opera lion We simply run out oi ore Mr Allen said The mine controlled by the Little Long Lac group oi mines had been processing only about 125 tour at are daily in the line months In what Mr Allen called salvage operation Preliminary reports Indicate the company had an qicratlng profit ol 398 In was com pared with an operating loss at $260667 the previous year ENTERS HOMES UIIAWA CPIIt looked as though Guy Ilene lloruy picked hisvictims by thumb Ing through Whos Who The ltyeIrold Eastvlcw youth pirath guilty in county court Tuesday to breaking Into homes nvmcd by Opposi Ilun Leader Didonbakcr Trude llinlsltr Winters Gen Clark Iormrr chitl at the army stall Ind rhairman ot the National Capital Com mision Dr II Illrd rnrrnbu ot the medical ud vlsory commission the Ca rmdlan pension commission rrtlred Alr Marshal Ilugtr Campbell Col Edwards htnd ol the llrllish Inlormu llon Scrvlct Ind Cmdr Pcmbcrtun comptroller to the govrrnorgencrnh Ilouuy took more than um In rash Ind IovrrIi radlnn mm the homes III in the Hush Ilockclltto Inrk village adjoining Ditnwn tsyrarold ixvy Ippcarr In Juvrnlle wort later on the lame rhIrng Ilnurly will rcmandtd until April I0 Baptists loin Call IOIIONIO lCil CatlmllIn IInptlrI the newspaper the units Convention at Ontario and anim has Joined In rail Ind Ior rnyIl rnrnmllliun In nulry Into the Stovrn Tnnrnlt taro Trurcuil use It you oi all when be rorudrtvd and un lrnrnl to he tunnel hr the rape murder Lynne Harper ll nrar hrr llnlon tint home In um iIIr unitan was Inter commuted lo Illa In prim Toronto Author hailI laiiour dIIrI book The Trill rl Slum Trurrott IN the tutor at In Inquiry into Trtlkolll trial Irntrm Ind uld he no Inno trill The Canadian tenths II In an editorial thI nniillnl in than royal OMIIIIIVIM wlll he Iutlrllrtury In In IlreIdy Iroured public Given IIN Support lnTAWA ilTiimuil rents the United NIIhm rutlu tinu tinder nhirh the tin It Natty has Molded and riivrrlrl mr nannmnmuNERwsoursoa arm1 me EWsaouuour Emerrml Eml It one unne oi the pipeline in Rhodeda pill clots here said Tuesday They added that Canada la vorl such step to make sure the oil embargo against Rho destarlsellootive But they declined to say how mods force Canada is prepared In support in the Osmonwealth Obiectlve of toppling the white supremacist government of Prime Minister Ian Smith Informants said Britain has not suggested in the Cosmona wealth sanctions committee Caueds is the committee chair manthat the economic sanc tions against Rhodesia be made mandatory under the United Nations charter They said the real pinch hr the Rhodesian question would come It the sanctions were made mandatory and South Al rloa continued to ship oil and other products to Rhodtsiar Strontium then would presuma bly have to be Imposed against South Alrica as well Study Hibemating ATLANTIC CITY NJ AP space scientist reported Tues day that new experiments with hibernating hamsters raise hope or eventually inducing tempo rary hibernating powers in man lor long space voyages and tor locd conservation during times 01 Ismlne Dr It Challec at the Uni versity at Missouris space set once research centre also said that an ability to make men go Into hibernation and slow their bodies demands by cooling them could gleatly extend the time available or surgeons in performing critical operations lle told about it In report to the opening at the convention oi the Federation oi American Societies lor Experimental Ill ologya condaveiol nearly 20 000 scientists Experiments suggest that only low hereditary genes may be Involved in the hibernation pro cess it Thing of Past NEW YORK APTArrest Ol drunks In New York are truly becoming thing of the past the citys chief criminal court judge said Tuesday Of more than moo persons ar rested or being drunk and dis orderly in Manhattan lost montilto pleaded guilty ono was convicted and the rest nc quilted seld Administrative Judge John Murtagh Ilo disclosed the tigurrs at contercncc ol the vs National Council on Alcoholisrnt lie said public llrunltcnnrss used to be an ollcnce in New York City but the law was changed and police nrrcsls have been based on disorderly con duct committed by drinkers Ilccrot changes In the law on rural that each defendant In the drunk court had counsel and the ocqullinls resulted last month Locate Equipment QUIZIIEC CII solely litll Ind vest have been lound about so miles northeast of Que hcc City and Authorities said Tuesday It Is possible they come from plane missing since March it with two Ottawa rnrn aboard The plane Cessna ua was piielul by Robert Show 11 only Ion ol iloilrrt Show drpuly commissliuwrgcnernl lho m1 hlunlrral worlds Inir Also In the piano no It Ilanna at Ottawa An Ilrtmrno rrarrh or the plane was Ituprudul April The Inlcty twils and rest were lound at llrnumont on the rivers south Ituur lrovinrlal pnIIu raid the It lists would be shown to our thorltlu at tho Itlvlrre da inup airport the planeI drpnrturn point And in oliur persons In All Iiirmpt Io drirrmino dril nltciy whether they rnmc Irnur IhI olrcralt Crime Proposal lllNlXN illrulmiA load In liritirh professional law or gnnlrnlton has rrrnmmrndnl IAri rnnvlrlrd thieves he do land criminal lvnnhrupie on that they and their lumllln would not hruotit rum rruur Aim OI the proposal by rum nIlth the Law ilnclnlyA tullng body oI IIrIinlnI limit lawyersll to land the prrwnl Itluatlon ohm little attempt vnade to rrrmrr Itnlrn Vinny once mom has horn convicted ul thril Under the committees pro rmai uhlrh wrniid rail Iur mh legislation the nimlnai Itanltrupi And his loudly would have to mate Imd mum mndl lgnlnrt the by their victims The mmlllera plan rim not Inmee romprnrstltm Ivr rlrtlmI oi Inch shoes rob lerry with violenre For this mItIin her rrimtnel Inpnlu been which 0th to ply nut Ibout anon Minimal In Wrorrtion this yrar SAVE 6c WHITE GRANULATED SUGAR SAVE 45 RED ROSE COFFEE LEAN MEAT Fill5 SIDE SPARE RIBS 1lS SO EASY This week you simply get DOUBLE the amount of your cash register tapecomplete dollars only will be doubled this gives you additional la pes to use for items from the IGA Gilt CatalogueOr tor Eaton Merchandise Certificates IMPORTANT For easy counting at the checkouts only complete dollars will be doubled for example it your cash register tripe totals $1364 you will receive an Iddl tional $1800 In Bonus Tapes FREEI Double lape Days is just another reason why we say you always get little more than you expect at IGA TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F DOUBLE TAPE DAYS TO CLAIM arms moron Bag Ilh MIIONT OLilMBiiZO OOOKEO MEATS pm PURE PORK SAUSAGE or 65C Lil PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 13 14 IS 16 SAVE dc SAICO lIANDAIlIN ORANGES SAVE dc IGA CHOICE TOMATOE HAVE IUIIITAN MEAT BALL STE HAVE lc IUllITAN BEEF erw HAVE 10c Old THIH TABLE SYRUP BLUE llONNIIT COLUUIIIII MARGARINE lIOZ TINS n01 TIN 07 TIN roux TIN ILOZ hilt LL lKO CANADA NO GRADE PEl POTATOES PRODUCE OF USA CAN NO GRADE CALIFORNIA CELERY IIIOIIUIIZ OI liiiA AN MI illAIiI lIINATlIIIN DINNERS AN FROZEN 01 AIIIIZITILH lltll CHRISTIES IGA FOODLINER th oI Em Road and Camp ltonlm Hwy SAVE 11 ROYALE BATHROOM trunu f2 SAVE l3 KELLOGG5 75° CORN FLIIIIES 69 CHOICE NEW ZEAlAND SPRING IAMB SAlE SHORT CUT WHOLE OR HALF EC LAMB 65° 29 TWIN IOvOZ PKGS Whole FlInk oI lb TABLEJIITE SLICED 501 Ill 1010 100 n53¢ SWIETS IITIDDKIIELD SKINLFSS TABLEle erNERs 01 SIZE lldl RAD FAMILY till 49 Riley rooos an 100 29° BABY rooos 99 37 SALAD OIL 95 45 ROBIN HOOD FLOU 71 59c sandwich BREAD 22a43f 97 LEMON MERINGU 55° 39 FOOD FEATURES 59c lHONEY OEw MARKET IGA SOUARE 1601 TIN 49c YOUNGS IGA FOODIINER Strovd Ontario Worthy and Mulmtrr PACKS

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