III lthILf Myth NON nagging backache anu Intended to cover lllo genenl luclal Illa of the clly Dlslrlcl weddings nlvenurles lzrldll showers bridge mull cnmlnl nl no parllex lmvellm and vls Ilon an all Hem mum to render of III page Your help In wpplylng lhll new wlu he really lpmc Inlerl Plcnso phone Thu narrla Examiner 7266537 and gal lnr Ellen Dlxnn or Audrey Caulson at the Wamcnn DE palmaul Mr and Mrs gas have rcuunod to their Rose St resL Idem Mowing loday vaca dion in Mexico and Acapulco nsAvx maan 5L Chml nlwrn llnmnn Cu hulls Chum nmp llnnlrn Ull Ilm mun Var In wnl llnz Mr Imvl Mn Ie mrnl Ilrldl Ahovrn ahml The marriage wm nrrlnrmm by Ilav F1th MMDnnnhI Mnrdu Tho MM Ulrika Ilnurny If flnumrr ol South Seas theme will high light the Beaux Baum Square Dance Club program this eve ning the nylon Dancer are requested to bring or wear Amcmcnlo of their last vacnlian nr nna Mn Rudy ht Mlle Tlm lvrldululn II mm Mr and M11 mm HOLIDAY IN MEXICO Singers Robert Goulel And in Hollywond with their baby Mlduel born on Mud 27 his wile Carol Lawrence pose Ann Michael John Goulet is the couples lbcand child SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES WED AT CAMP BORDEN FIRST PICTURE OF MICHAEL GOULET motor trip Washington DC New York City and Pine hursl Norm Carolin was en joycd by Mr and Mrs Tall of Shanty Bay Road Mr and Mrs Tall wore joined by Mr and Mrs Ed Myers Highland Avenue lnWashinglon and the Barrie couples motor ed to Pinehunt when they spcnt weekx holiday as guests at Lb Carolina 110w lrip other square dance club members In the am are we come toyatlmd the dance which begin at 315 aclock RETURN FROM FLORIDA BIRTHDAY DINNER birthdafdxnncr celebralion was held in honor 01 Mrs Holchkln ol mm 5L on the Mr and Mrs Emery Shanty Bay Road have re turned lo the clly following an ledandcd holiday in Largo Flor MOTOR lRll of Mnnknln Iaskaltwwan 11m mwlywr wlll mnh ller Mom ul Mmulaw ink win by Lu Canton OFFICE THINKS MACHINE Dunlap FL 11 um Immu Addlnl MMMM Ind hlrnIAlu om IMpmml fltpllrl M172 TU nmmurlll Mlllomn alum nmnu armmmn SIMCOE Mr and Mm Fred Andulnn of Own St mended tho 44 HM of lllelr nephew Jnmu Audrrlon and Miss Dabble Glr lock which look plum on Smur day at Flu thyirrinn Church Lamlnu erhlxnn The rccmuon whldl 11le hcld lhu Cmnlry Club Thu Innio rouple Iffl gum Al tho Clpllnl Park Molcl Duran ha wcnkcnd visit my wm en rllllmd by tho bridegroom pnrwu Mr and Mn June Andcrlml Br hmlnx Own AM son and Mrs mmpuon tr III rnlurnld to Inllnwlnq an mended In lha Barman Mr and grave Fun lhclr 11mm 9quan ml WEDDING GUESTS mchra pmy wu huld ha lnyll hue Inn All lllxh ï¬lm on hmdny wanln un drr he umper n1 mm No 1129 Wlnnm durlnl lho ovo nlnx worn Mn mudu 50m Irma hnml Mn Mamm el Vsllllmrm Imfln Ian AM lehean lMlu 51 0M Mn Jun Hunlvr Ladle hava been taking advantage Ike warm er climb the snuthem Unit ed State thI season Durlng alnlr monklong handay the smith Mr and Mn Roy lcr Shanty Bay Road met several 5am wuples While hnlldaying in Florida where they visited Pompano Beach and Palm Beach the Roma met Mr and Mn Gwrge Dan garlield Dundonnld St and Mr and Mrs Gladstone Currie of Kempenlcl Dr Lcnvlnn Flori da Mr and Mn Ilosscr molar ed to Sea Island Georgia and then on Io Plnehum North Carolina where they met Mr md Mrs Ed Myers Highland Au and ML and Mn Tail al Shanty my Rd Helan mung to Canada Mr and Mn Rosscr Ilw vhlled Wash ington DC IZUCHRH lAIlTlM oecaslon of her Goth birthday at the Bayshora Molar Hotel In evening Among the dinner guests Including Lhe guest at hnnor wen four generations They are Mn Howhkln her daughter Mrs McDanagh nl Lem SI her granddaught er Mrs Bolechawsb and her greahgranddaughler Miss Patricia Bolechawsky DAFFODIL TEA The Ballad Ten whld held annually In connedlnn with lhe campalzn of the Harris and Distch unit ol the Canadian Cancer Society will be held at the home Mr and Mrs Donald Emery Shanty Bay on April 21 Thu LI apex to the pubfln noLmAY pom Mat Mummy nhuurhquMk II II MCIIHINHING Elmnu vummmmq Edam mumuh my flamuhwflq mum1 mnmmL MAI mm Dmmlm mum Mn month Banmdos BARBADOS Mr Elm mm Snel xa mumcd In Srrcl rankm1 alhn vacallon 1n THE BARRIE EXAMINER lo Hayï¬eld 5L Bantu iiarriia howy Int hum with Auden bi Andmwa Collbm Aunn RETURN HUM MU Mr And MN Vanda lmk We St ynl lhm rd Hklny In ayuu Mach Manhunt and mnl with NI llufl Hwy ymnlwflh ML fnm lhalr lummï¬d Ilrmrmw NW York well with mmm fmn Handle Jlma on Island two lo vlll nmlvn Cook St Knlghz Mu Ia ihew holiday ll lion and Whflill HOLIDAY Polluxrm wimn Midny In ltmrmno Randi with Puma Dmmflekl hm Mlmml to IM My Mm Danlmlluld 6mm IL lnId Jr will In guan he cl gum In limo Mm Cnnmy Id she will star legal proceedmu abut her husband gel the chlld back when she ardvu In Scan land Winners at the weekly eudira party at the Orange Hill AL lnndnla Included Mrs Mnbd Gillham ladlea in In Pearl K011 Lndles socond Camp hnll won Mcnl Hm And Mrs has won mens second prim one hand winner wu Harold AyersL STROUD EUUME cash prize or Enslu bou neu will be came ol the guchm be held Mayday strand mmun Ky Hall Chasm or me Gmndcn lady 6n the Euler parade mil in clude the lady wilh ha prelu ml hat the lumicst hat uni the most unique or original MI The mm attending Lha mam Will have dmnm to win prim also with class lor crank Em mu mm will bang nl mo 11111611191111113 Stand all Board JAMAICA 11111111411 law Menl Huh who went Jack Poucher Mens second Mn Trudy Cochran and Man law won by Allan Warrlnor Winner nl the door win was Mrs JIme Hunlcr SARNTA CPMIS Cathar Ine Convefy say she will lo Scotland Thursday in an alienpt la recover her two yearold up Patrick who has Mn Cunvery said she has re ceived word that tha bay in Glasgow whlch the canpie 1d year ago come to Samla Mr and Mrs Convuy mm alcd nine momhs ago and am lly court awarded custody of 1110 bay lo his mum nnd gava the father visiting ï¬ghts The boy and Convery were all seen here March 19 when the lather look hlm out for Willnm Elm director of 41 Kendall Coa Bauer and Mack health and medlcal re sumh laboratories said tho clmdalory problems inch wom could become worse wflh Wm hose le ls great omfuslon even among down about the distinct dilluence between my or exapy of mm circulatory pmblemsy Eben 31151 In Mammy He indicate times more docim premibc support hose for vari cose vdm than prescribe elastic llmlnngs Major mason given he added is that doctor fear the patient might not wear the elastic pe cam 01 appearance Elm laid Lha lunar compres sion at giach stockings is es Imflai in help delectiva valve invlho vain support column blood and assist in its upward moLiAn inward the heart 3m mustngmm hL hohé here tinca Much 19 charge of abduction has been worn out against the father Pan1c Convexy Mimi wuh varlcose vein 51 other circulatory pmblemern wearing swport hose whenflley needeldc ntqpkings BAHRINGMN 11L ABA cal rgseaxjch Mox icon Landed 0d ma Lh0u5and1 Diredto Coritehds Ddctors Confuse Types Of Stockings Going To Scotland To Recover Son ANNOUHCKMINII MINIMUM ltCflMORIN on wu Cuibbnan two Danie women chm lor lhelr mldwlnlrr lmn MM Trlbhlo 01 St nnl Mu Emu Mc my Fl hnvo relunwl lnllnwmz wn wrclu Monkyo nay King and 0th Illw ï¬shneti737 he npnng bouquet of yellaw dallodils and pink and mauve hyacinth decaratcd the tea tabIe when an hnnm were performed by he grandmonaer of the brideelect Aka Ella Ford and Mrs Hopkins of Banla To receiva tea guests tbs bride war navy blue Inflated dun oomplemcmcd by corsuge pink carnelian Mrs Fan chose pink duss with matnhlnz iacke and cur 31 PM 59 ANNOUNCES GRANT TORONTO CPITho Cana dian Gunpin Association will get $12000 centennial grant to bush masler 10 chart and mndbook on lhu walm routes used by early Canadians can tennlnl Commlslinnnr John Fisher laid Wednesday lurprlse misrellanenus mower held by the leaching mu pr Cannon Schnnl In Oshawawhere the brldetobe Is on slall Dhe hasten was Miss Sharon Loud assisted by Miss Margaret Dayman Ind Miss Lynda Hattield MISCELLANEOUS SHOWERS Friends of M15 Foni gather ed at the home of Mrs Ruth Nelsonpoueen St Baxrie when the brideelecl was guest at honor at mlxcellaneoln mow er Pink and white streamers decorated the livlng mm or Lha necaslon Brldal bpok made by Mrs Barbara Marlin and the hostess was presented to tha sum of honor Mrs Nel willhe matron of wedding hnnnz It hhe Saturday wed nu Mu Ray Ford sisteriman the Aprll brideelect was hostess at an afternoon miscel laneou shower ea her Bays mldence yellow umbrella adorned with yellow ruse and steamer decorated the corner and the chnlr mm the guest of honor was seated An amus lng long composed by hostess told of humorous event in he llves of the brideelect and the hrldwomnelect and added may note to the event moussmu rm Thu mnlher of the bride Mrs Percy Ford enlerlalncd trouseau tea in honor of har daughter at Ibo Fords Albm Street home Brideelect Miss Marla Ford Has been entertained several evanu prior to her marriage In Nzgnatï¬ngsun on Aprjlle lflEBARRIE EXAMlNER THURSDAY APRIL 1m April BrideElect Entéï¬Ã©ined Prior To Wedding on Saturday Bambi or lï¬oï¬idwlect vnm Ragï¬g Orange cnown DIAMOND vacuums ARE SOLD av DERIRAM BROS LTD 429 ILAKI IT BARIII ONT nonmson Lna comuowooo our THE CHOWN DIAMOND PAINT COMPANY LIMITED Trousscau rooms wen attend ed byMiss Mamarel myman Oshawa Mn Barbara Marlin Coppe Clifl Mrs Ruth Nelson and Mrs ry Ford Binrig Miss Fa Ind Mr minm M155 mi and Mr Hadgson will exchange vows at an altar naon ceremoxfly Jean um ed Church onSaturday Amla Ford who was charge of the guest book and Mlsx Belly Wiudatt and Mrs Ella Chapman were lea hostesses 355qu tï¬gtea waxarms Wadka Wyborowa smoom clear mused wlul me laugh ursnd wngof Europe Enloy It tonlght male oocklall McGUINNESS DISTILLERS AGENCIES LTD The charm of Emma is just sip away why not taste it only2t Raging Oranuo7mllmslcolWhltoEvorydnysomoono creates now color Can you lmoglno what Its like trying to plouso ovoryono Crown Dlnmond can whh Iholt docornlono colarnuon system Thlnk or any color and your Crown Dlomond Doolorwlll match It on tho norInnr rown Domond Docorotonolho ulllmulo In palm promotion on rho lnaldo or tho oulsldo your homo nu oolorlul Crown Diamond Docomono now an you love 0300 on gallon 750 on quart MATCH ANYTHING 1he Ladies Section of the Barrie mfllng Club will wind up adlvmes of the season at any and dinner on April It The closing event will begin with lvm drawn at l30and pm he dinner will commence at followed by general Members who have nut ye Island upfor the dinner have becnasked to conzacut Dinnér T6 Mark End Of Season Cassls llqueur daapry colourad wlth Ilch black cmrant bouquet and hulty flaw Delightful In sweat cocktalis KayiBfaylyfaloh Dunlap our prim will nmnln shzmmanrl Set$175 Palm$550 lo $1250 Telephone 7261012 TORONTO ONTARIO with 01hr uplm Juno 30m mo NO CHANGE IN émcssr 71640254 mo Wlsniowka Charry cordial essence of black churns Slmd over mcnd Ice Its yorllabll noclu at SOAPS LAST LONG As The World Turns and Tm Edge of Nighlwboth afternoon snap gperas have been on 1012 vlzinn since Apin 1956 Ramsey 31 7735976 More Sablg wwams runs Bin 1110 You lgnLlun BBRTIII Exdulhc Furrieryho malmud ldll un only nova Mu PM Lam Erletllon sun mm mm Em No onunmma sana on noun sausmuph Guunucl Dunlap St 7284360 Tofonto