Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Apr 1966, p. 10

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13 AUCTION was AUCTION SALE Saturday April 23 at pmusharp For HAROLD WOOD Lot 14 Concessinn Sun nidale Township on the county road Dnemile south of High way 756 burn at Sunnidale Cor 11 Sale of 10 head of mixed cnme NR5 um machinery hay arawy grain and some houw hold efiects Terms cash No reserve as the arm is sold Saturday April 30 pm sharp inf WiLLlAM MBCARTHUB At 10 Confisslon lnnishl annship one mill souih of Thoman village and one mfle cast of Highway 27 Sale oi 30 head mixed callle Yorkshire pigs hay straw grain arm mauhinerypwllry and poms housdmldeliecls Terms cash No reserve the farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Waldi for full list April 21 0F INNISFIL I966 DOG TAGS 1966 Dog Tags are now available from the Animal Conlml Officer Mroy or the Municipal Office Siroud me 1966 tales are as follows Male or Spayed Female $5 Female On or allu ners or harbanrers or dogs wimoul 1966 tags which must be secure ly alladicd lo the dogs at all times will be liable in prose culloni discount oi per la will be allowed on all tags purchased belore May I4PUBLIC NOTICES em Atcnllmlntl 5mm none CA mm In Blnkmplry 1m nunl man man nr my mm such mum hflunfl vmgmr mn Nesbilh luvmoi hfnvm AT uonznnn can mm Tum $0 omly II II STECkEEYFUNERXE HOME EXAMINER MOST ANYTHING 7282414 law 91000 For Momh AllCnnndinn Fund Cally CollinKvkoDd Distrm Managu Charr Thoughtful 5min 1451mm SIlllVllli ITV llflyllllfl sum Lmio FORD Anian Conlml Officer Phone LEFROY 4562345 PETER WEST 5c PIngAIAI HOSE HARRISON Rufircwnlnhe shill flwnwm and Company lelled Tckphone Barrie 7M2 ane ALIrCANAmAN GROUP DISTHIHUTOHS LIMITED PHONE 7mm mm OOUGHLIN Auclioneer ACCOU NTANTS OPEN FRIDAY Fust Courteous Service EUNERALHbME TUCEiON SAVLEV START YOUR INV THEM PLAN PETHICK FUNERAL HOME I09 Bruno SELL WANT ADS TNVESTMENTS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BARBIE SEA FO0DS FREE Panreudy Service Wo Mum complain no of Ocean Fvolh Fish FISH CHIPS In Town Clomh Eulor Sunday Ind Mendy Mull Roopom Tuuday April I2 and who non RESTAURANT 770 15 Ladies of cm ensemble at New Yorks Latin Qumcr picket prancineg at the nig1xc club entrance on West 4311 St between Broadway and 7th SAULT STE MARIE Ont CHThe fighling habils of mating mink are ennugh drive man Io drinkma com was Iold Wednesday by man charged with impailcd driving inlds Kokix 47 who breads mink in his basement was lined $100 alter pleading guihy la the charge Mink Drives Man To Drink Reid said that alter chasing pair mink around the base ment Lheyre viciom when they make he took in drinki His lunarold son ballad pu lirc nboui midnight March 15 and they urged him lo leavu ham or the night He did so but came back shurlly utter wardsi Lhought lhe only person who could have wanted me ou yum jhgyn 9le cmem Muxlr Mania All An Mndrm munuh llndlnm 7134113 Regulated Teacher lmlmcuun In m1 mm um Mann rum Lulln mJ olhn lrlmnl Iuhkc THE DAVIES CANADA no IIVVI 1477mm WILRON Mm no mums Muunocx no DOLTOHS pi OSTIIOIATHY CLARE WIA JONES ANGUS MOSHE JESSIE BRYSON voles PIANO III NAPIER 51 Ontario Land Surveyor llodnvy SI Mlllllli PHONE 736 ml MUSIC LESSONS dfrbunmsl Chppmnn 51 Plan IlflDI Fred Grim 51ml nnrrlc Ontario Trimphone 7211220 WHSON 05THOIATIIIC ULINIC onoMEfiY OSTEOPATHE SURVEYING PBANCING PICKETS PICKET NIGHTCLUB or cuminHum Cnnltrulory at All Index ma slualux 7160502 DRAMA Mum 1mm 571 of the house was my wil testified quarreling with his wi Kakis got Into his car and drave away without any lights audin what police said was an inc uIm manner OTTAWA CPDYxime Mini ier Pearson said Wednesday naubnal wildlife week April 16 is an important and valuable reminder that Canadian must manage mnewubie resource wiih wisdom and responsibility Am the second day of strike cnncd by the American Guild at Variety Arlids over wages hours and wmking com difiom They walked out He said in Asnlcment ob servance of lhc week invite IL to think about the Musings we enjoy rum our wildcmcss and wildlife rnsourccs in Can ndaf Wildliie Week Important PM WMWA CP Canada runhnuing talks with India and Poland the two other member Canada Continiles Viet Nam Talks the International Control Commission or We Nam la dclcrmlnc whether he commls sinn has rule lo plny bring ing aboul ptflce negolinlions Exinrnal Miairs Minisler Mur lln said Mummy David IL South nslm lin hut ME lands rem United Nfll cmnmission Cummunisl visuxe any Mr Mnllln said indin um land have mind number comidcmlinm lur 51me pmpnanl lnr negolinlinns Mervin but he thnn m1 lo belie dlmmimu cndul EMGARY CIGuI Kma pis surfing lclrmivc rim lncklo hr llrilish WAIIMM Il mu the Wrslrm Fmthnll Conlrrcnrn hM born lrndcd In Cnlnnry Slnmpmlrm Lions Deal Away Linesman Kasapis In nmm lhr Llnm rnrivnl lhn rlxhls In Trrvor Ektlnhl Cnnmllan lurkle WIHI Ml year of study lrfl at Utah Slnlu Unhrmly swanuyflfifilnusws representative ll lhu aninnx lnInrmml mu Ission momhm hnl lhe unis caunlry docs nut any role Mnllln said india um INTEREST PAID 0N GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES OR 5YEAR TERM is NDP York wheflmr Mr MM report lhnl 15 lllmlnp mm Em Dime lhana 7100105 My nny Man are no mason hAvu BUSINESS BRIEFS EXCHANGES CLOSE Mesl United State securin and commodiky exchanges will be closed Good Frldny4 April In Canada the Winnipeg grain market and U14 Toronlu and Montreal stock exhanges will be closed THE FIGHT POLLUHON Fordo Canada said Wednes day it will spend $00000 lo in stall equipment lo alleviate air pnllullon prale at wind sor Maul Monday night Fran we left they are Gail Hand Irene Dorsan Juanita Boyle and mm Meyer AP Wire PREDICTS SPREAD The chairman of the Ontario Securities Commision said Wednesday that sweeping changes in securities legislation planned in Ontario may spmad to other area oi Canada in year or 50 Klmbcr told the Toronto Society oi Financial Analysts that provincial authori ties in Quebec Alberta nnd British Coiumhia have shown enthusiastic interest in the On tariu plan By THE CANADIAN PRESS TORONTO IONAn ImiLl llnn ln Cnnadian communillcs lo apply or lhn Canadlan seman nial champiunshlp suit In midget hockey was Issued Wod ncsday by the Canadian Ama lcur IIockzy Assoclalinn The CAIIA mld In mm men that the series will brain Sumrdny March 25 m7 md It linue youth the Emur CAHA Opens Door For Hockey Hosts TM CAIIA men that he Samrdny Mar cnnlinue lhrm holiday wcck Oil Kings Whip Westminster NEW WES CPI Ed Walkmlmll In lloynh uhlwing hf The win It Ed mm In Im hm nl mm hockty IcmHm WESTMINSTER 11C Edmonton Oil Klnxl our New Wnlmlns nrsday nllhl mm will brain m7 md Emur wln was reserved Wednesday luntil about April ii in Ontario Su preme Court in damage suit by William Mills armer pres ident and Mercurytreasurer Local 938 lnlernailunul Braill erlmod oi ieamsterL llnd against Telegram repnrlet Funk Dru Jame lloifa in lernaiinnai union president Kenneth McDougull local pres ideninnd 13 other union oili ciale Mr Mills alleges ihey cnnspired to remnva him from cities in 1958 GIVES HEALTH ORDER WHIIBY Ont CIDHealth Minislerliiatihew Dymond Wed nesday ordered all children ni Ilicied with mntagious scalp ringwnrm to my hnma from Kalhlecn llawe public schoolin this Oshawavarca lawn Several Grade pupils warp wanted at lictedi Health Oiiicer Dr Marg arei Eraund said she will In vastigata the outbreak REPORTS BANKRUPTCY TORONTO icvwohn Braz lli investmentnlesman and deiealed Conservative candl daie in Toronia Trinity in last Novembnre federal election hax filed an application in bank upicy The applicalian cites election expenses overspend ing and bad investments as nausea oi his linancial troubles COFFEE T0 BLAME TORONK GPt iomnlo resgarch namignya here may be link bewccn cniiee and heart diseasei Writing in the current issue The Lancet British medical Journai Dr Alink Liiiie and his associates at ihe University at Toronto say coiiee contain Substance Which elevate scrum lipid binod aisi in suscapiibie pew go and that such people may liable to coronary heart dip SE COLLECT $10001 GUELPH CF The cam paign or the preservation nf ha hlrlhplnc or Colunel John Mc Crae has collected almost 310 000 Barclay Holmes nn Mlici the McCrae Birthplace Sum cly announced Wednesday Cal llcCrae was the nulhnr at the First World War poem ln Flandm Fieldsl JUDGMENT RESERVED TORONTO qudjmeq HEADS COMMISSION TORONTO CWStanley Wi Marlin 52 executive director the Ontario Hospilal Associa iion has been appointed chair man Ind general manaxcr Lb Ontario Hospital Service Cnmmissinn it was Announced Wednesday PERFORMERS ILL HAMILTON CF Sixleen members of Scotland touring Bnreslord girls thnir were taken Wednesday night to her WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Im nvmuau NOW IN uum 99doln taro fifty crowd mm the enjoyable peope Ne Wing aleLame me piini during flue middle of per lormanee wflering ram and poisoning They were release ailrr treaimenv ANNOUNCE INCREASE vnucouvnn CPLThe Sun Vancouvers alerman hens per announced Wednesday an increase oi one can in the price ol its Saturday ediilon The in crease in is cans copy will bereiicclive this Saturday sold iha announcemeni TALK BE TIFICATION OTTAWA Tha cenlon nini commission announced Wednesday representatives of government vnuslncu assoc illons and indusry xiii disc pinns to beaniflytthnadn Iceniennini yelr at Wadi Ii iiooai seminar here RACK COSSCRI Three Angiicm coadlulnr bish 0ps oi Sydney diocese fluve written an unprzcedenlml mm 450 clergy supporting con scrlplfon and Australian In volvement la Vie Nam mm on Duane Hulme Mairand Dain called at saber lhinklng and calm judg menton LheIViet Nlm prob WILL MAKE REPORT VATICAN ClTY AWPope Pauls enlarged birth control cnmmlsslon wlll hold crucial plenary session ln Jun In draw up report at its vlewxnnd possiblyvrecommendaliom an artlllcial contraceptive devices long banned or Roman Cath olics ThLl was named Wednzs daylmm sources close In Al redo Cardinal otmlnni named by Pope Paul Inst mm to dl met the newly expnnrled ram missinn lem TORONN CPOnario has stepped up its drive in the Uniled Kingdom or skilled lm migranu wilh the whllcallon shag book to be distributed overseas Ont Steps Up Immigrant Drive book entitled Ontariu Style shows color and black miwhlle pictures of Onwrin workers institutions and recre nlion ey Randall minlsuw n1 ccnnamics Ind development said 30000 cvpics have been printed at cast of so cents copy They will be sent In On taria House In London Govemmenl oiiicials estimate the province is short 35000 skilled workers Last week lllr Randall depurlmeni launched an axlnnsive advcrllsini tam pain in major UK newspa per and ha received 800 re plies to dale IOHLEB AND OONVENIENT NEWlIP OFEN JANE Tha smart way t6 save and travel Redioing coach seaQs all reserved in advance at no extra cost For other economy RedWhite and Blue fares can Yqu Authorlled Tn Jumper CN Pusenkr SIIEI Depot Ticket Office 7284l51 Clly Tick Olflct 7296525 REI FAR 0NEWAY If youve got the time weve got everything else BOAC flight at he very lime you Want to travel And new low low fares This summer theres record number on9 transatlantic flights week from Toronto let direct to Londunby magnificent BOACRollsKoyce 7070 Air Canadngiant DCE jet From April the new low transatlantié rarcs comeyinlo effect Example 21day Economy Excursion ToronioParis light will cost you only 5381 return Europes waiting 50 why waitnny quntzer See your Travel Agent WEREHANDINGYUU EUROPEUNA SILVER PLATTER man 149 Inmnml wfinm amlsunvensm unwm conrunman wml Ail mm BoAG FOR RESERVATiONS ANDTICKETS CALL Travvel Sirvige Dunlap msszs wona wm Ayn cu Ma lrntk nml Amnnmmu 0K thnéon CANADIAN NATIONAL

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