Dame anu msmcl Iozrgd Year N9 92 Boolkeeping Hits andreville Inquiry Ir llwlzmdenn flm In WHan luv llw mummy mm ra Mid Vnlnwlny lwll An mlrllrnlhm Maul jule nlxul mm Tnmnlap Ollth II mwmuwml mat II Mn pnny diwlmmn hum II In llml nu nullmrml ll In tlnlml Imlm dun from In MN Hw nnmllml llru myqu mnrnml Vuhwahv HIM IImUIMnnu Invl lNn ma mummy In mm luh Hmwmv thnmnu m1 ln Ilnl Hnl mm mu In nmluw mnl lhnl hml rm INMNI uhN mllnn la lain In nrlvlimiim lmnln Wmr Inrmlnlimu Mr lluurmlmvrn nn rm rvnm urnum mud lmlv ml ml rmumm Izqmmm Mmhlvlur yrar on rnnidrthfli gumth Againll Jnlnlnl Imltm IFJVKIV ha hulnerllnloly MM mm mo lmnnm carrltd hylhg lluygmuquton lmtlnlinu mammoer wmlwl mm Hu vlmm In 1110 rnplhlll ï¬fth mmlnunus day Imml Ilulo hm Im rm mrr luml In mn Um lnilwl Merl mum hf Amnrlrn WM um Ullk mmwlmm SAIGON AP Ilndndl ol Anl government drmomtrn on poured ward llnwnlown Snlnnn lnnluhl and burned 115 millnry pnliro 1ch hrIm nthr Buddhist lcmkrl do mnndcd Um Inmicr Nguyen Cm Kyl milimy mzimo plain publicly lo giro way to civil lnn Kmcmmml or llx mnnms anmcrlcnxu wm norm lnhgmL The cnmmi nn undrr Ivan Rand mired jmlicc the Sn prcmu Cour of Canada not into the bankkccplng maze Wednca day night as cxnminrd all ol wilncms except Mr Jus llce Landrcville whu wdl testify mg April 25 Tho Lw many of Upper Canndn Ontario has mkcd or Re Judgen removal the ml Killing herooEMxinz hear Sen lamb JavMs ILNX lefl lnspeds he inferior model salely type Manama TORONTO CF th anced the $25000 sale stock that gave Mr Justice Lcn Lan dreville 7500 free shares in Norman Ontario Natural Ga Th Ilzmd inquiry We the propriety of the Onlnrin judges dcaunns will that company mud km our version of Jamaldram participants cummission rnlaincd ac cmlmanl said the sah was charged 10 Ralph Farris xmrnuwr president 01 NONE the ume of the X957 ransac lion Mon May Lose Job Over Union Dues US Ieep Burned Rs Unrest Continues To Rock Saigon OHAMHLVILI OHL The Hometown Daily Newspaperfor Barrie and District The car INSPECT SAFETY CAR MODEL The Buddhist Mormhy ear lier lnmuclcd lb militant young lummmn In umnln quit until he unu mulled to in re urxL nuthlsl Ilnllmml ml llu govrrnmml am privnuly In popularly rlrmd consumer nutmny withn in ar monlhx mny NI mm 0M Kuple mm 01 Onlnlln mum at my Inl dun hr lmn vlnnnlul Im mual nmmml th month In ha 11on The Ilnlemml Ir he nov emmonl nun nunm rtrhnloly on thI nddilloml pum The In mu out of 9m slack deal which tonmscd com mission counsel William Mor row Edmonlnuu givcr by John McGraw Farrh Van uuvcrrbrokcr He said Ihe NONG president diredcd lhé assigning com pany stock to Mr JusMLe Lan ings in Vancouver and Sudbury he scclcly lnld the commis smn it did not wish in take up an invilaJon to make submis sion to N0 PAPER GOOD FRIDAY nmonl nun nunm prhnloly thI nddilloml pum Nn xnmnmcn nnclnll nr lvlth lnvnlvm 1n nnllznv ornmonl deummlmnnm In Salxnn Hue Du Nnnx nr other rum le be pun HIHL IIl dcmnmlrMon Mmlnl lnrlmllnx unldlm wnll lmml hufl In Ilaly on display Vnh Javils is Smator Ed wani Saeno witnos mm the US Sumo Omtncrca Cmmduee Wednesday Ja nla 1111119 Emmer will not WM lmnorm Good Friday Pulvllcnlbn will rc sumo Ealuniay April Ann MarlinI rny Nunx humidH II II Vflllkll FWDI muMl HUI NMIInH EdllnlhlI ThulnJ TV IJIHnnull Wnnunk mum The Examiner TODAY 1£arriv Examinpr an my wiru Irma he no VIMIflfld tho IWltlfl IIM ll 11 and rnl ml And MI yummy 1A Ilw xcyanunm lril ma Mm Iu Ml Inn In mr Immuv 1n um uurmy ml 11 lwu mm plum mrrillml Mir Iim In nwkl muhln In Ilmuly nullnlml pm um Imlm mmNr mm mm In nnvnwh lhn Ink wuh mun Imriul In lnle bollmn ml me nu Mi lulblr um um uh mihlnri whrn huntv lur wul nml up ummm ml IMr hue Inur tenm mum um ul lmml In 2mm lawman wmlml nnmflrliun at nllrmpu In lb ILum ml nl no The lhnumndn rlmrrs madly ynulhn and mm nnly 10 nr 12 ynm old rummqu or Um mnml nlzhl In rnw ln prmul nuainxl pmpmn MM Intchm MM nrnln ha harbor Munn mnmlnml an UHIUJN Nlllll rim lrmpu luday Alwd nnul mm nulnn kl or HM ï¬mdmlnln Wrxl mm Inko Morn than 400 person are nmstul and qucslioncd rilhor lnr rioting or or hmakinx he curfew only lhc second lmpnsul Mum the 5mm World War It cxnlml al mm 1rn lhe mm mm mum ml and manna fuck ovcmlrncd burned oul cars and mm buses iny abandvnml police with car bine and maps In baulu near patrolled he mm Parking mom ware IKnl or am on he ground 11an hmkm glass Mules nnd stones Humd the Many shopx nlonz Um lourlsl mil Nalhnn Road rman wholesale looting Hut lvy dawn II govemmml spokpsmun lfllll all navy law ml order HONG KONG ReutersScc ï¬lms of anlnon hm ll muted wnnlmo look lodny allowing millions of dollars worth ol dam age in riots over my Me in crmennwuniing In one cent UK Troops Stand Guard Over Red Iet drevillc sewn mmth alter huflbury had granted NONG franchise during the Landrcville mayarflly armhut an inn Sharp nueslmning n2qu Dub con Innnnn that his cumpany nclu ally was principal in lho deal Féirrff$dr€$Starts Hong Kong Riot v13 stqrpvd Io inspect me car More testifying at hearing held on pmposcd Icgislalion setting auto saloty standardm AP Wirepholo HERES ONE Lam mnulmlu murmtnl Um pummunun mm mm um ll hay rnr ullmxl wax mun mtnavy Inw rrmnu mlnm mlwl our Mull Sln Mma Iunwvalnm OMimln In bl unwawunlly uw illuh lomm Indy In Tmann 41 dmm ml gm on am il wan TM Imazw lrnuwralmr luv rlly on ihu Lula II lit IIRI TUMOR Snow It Inf Alllh rnmnflllil may Tnnmtn 11y lmlay nml Hm wulhrxmun Ilrvllrlwl Innllwr lwn or lhue day uhmllr mum and ran rnmliiinm mrr mml nl nlarin MM lam mldmllm Minn nl lhr rnmmlmlly cMml Hail walru In Um lhl Mlmu um Imvl nm In0 mhlmll have Inlerun of 1rnvln1 mhm uvn mum HMEIISON Man 101 ML and nmphiblnux uhlclu wtre mnle ln slvnlrglc nlnndhy anUnm In lhr flmxllng le River Valley annwlny while nlflclnln album up rflnrt In mnvn people on lhnnhnnl nwru Snlll Mnynr ll Carlson on prop nro well inlnrnml ml lhry lnnw Ill Mml lcvrl buy him In mnve So lnr nvncunflbn hm lmII mulhla by rand and run but 0w rnXmUm rm the rim ernlm 01m mum In Mn lmnkr mmnmnlly 010 MIMI 60 mlln mum ll nlpou only lbw lmmllu have hmlul 11un lo lama READY TO 30 Moro Snow Coming Weatherman Says demonstrations were the ugliest sinm he 1951 Kowloon rlnu ln whlch 59 were killed and Jfll were lnjuml llul hi llmc only 11 No known have been hurl And only nur 1an hospilnl In the clnsllu bc lwzm slouclhrowlnu Ilarard carrying dcmonslrnlurl nnd po llce who unswch wilh lrnrum xrunndcs Four of lhnse hurl wm policcmrm loan and on Kong by ï¬ve Hung Kong centsabout equal to Me Canadian cent The me now is 20 cnnLq and and But Mr Taggarl added In an Intervluw he truckers will not rclurn to work until 1000 main lcnance members unlnn have reached scpamlo mone tary agreement wilh 0w Trans port Induskrlal Reminm flu man reproscntalim the Boats Amphibious Vehicles Standby To Evacuate Emerson Mr Taggarl president Lo cal 01 the International Brohcrhood of To 11nd and Chanmun or the un inn barganing committee he agreement reached chaey day night wll be recommended lor acceptancup about dozen membership meeting in Hamll un Windsor Fundamjdngslqn Results of the vote should be knuwn by mcsdny he sald TORONTO or nay Tag garl said Wednesday night he was conï¬dent 95m striking truckers will accept lcnlzjuve settlement negotiated by union and management represenla ï¬ves In provincewide strike against 55 Ontario trucking lirms uucï¬lnz lnrmi Barrle Onmlo cameragrhunday Aprll 1966 PRESIDENT fCONIIDENT Striking Truckers To Vote On Settlement anonln during lhe week lZ lINGUA Bo NUS Morris nulu nnrlh ha AMI wnm runnan in Ice Imp mm Hiflmny 75 on ho umlllml oulnkllls flu lnvul pmvhlml In flrdiw wsuvulor 1va ulnrlaln MM ban per ml Hm mwna 1370 midmu had It Mm n1 Um mm pruxmul by xcvrnlml earth tllkn and rch have lmll wmkinz mad lly Illan In ill hornhl wi1h umlbnxx 1er lurnlhuoTI miluny cm wrro nvnllnlzle or Mnmnownd nnw 1m wntrhin me rising wn Nady to 1mm grrig Mm The announcement wrote in sh to an outstanding underwa Icr prchct which began alter 52 bothr and Its relucllinx tanker cnllidcd hlgh altitude and crashed along Ialomarc Beach Thu recovery was made by 1L5 Naval Force uhioh un dcr HearAilmlrnl William Furs had been searching he sea dtpflu mum Um we munlhs The bomb was Imch in 2500 of water nYmusl exactly nhcm Spanixh fisherman Fum chm Slmn old he scarchcu he law It all Into he son vrraiiiï¬l W6 MADRID ANA hydrogen hnmhxmislnxjslnc the crash at US nuclear bomber Jam has both recovered from lho sea of Spains mumas coast Ii was olï¬cially annnunccd lov ay Wc havent accomplished everything we would like lu have but am planscd wllh lha overall plclure he said WANTS HIDUR WEEK The union has been asking for labour wcck during the lila 01 canruct nn longer than three years and or wllhdrawal court action taken agalnsz same lncals allcr wlldcnsl strikes last October It has alsn soughl wage increases In excess 01 many atlas of from 58 to 63 tcnls war he current basic rate of $2 hourly and jurisdlcs ion luvcr independent nwnm comment on the terms Ienlauvc canlract saying would havc Io wait at mcmhcrshlp vole Missing Bomb Recovered Intact my 9mm nl nmmm USchrihssywnmm mid The Inca prpsidcnt declined lhn the rumn hpvnrvl we again when mm hum Illncktd llrn lruck nuCr In lb lnllrvl Irll Frnnl wmrh mm mm anlnyl 10 hour ntrlkv nld one prmn wu kmnl In hr mnnd Ihmllnx Tm pnhcnrurn wrrr Injuml In mm shun inc MalM lmrlnohl Inv qrnmonl wavist Um nu ma ml when lot but CAIEUTTA ICPI 1611 two persons wcm killed In In rllnn lamst cily when pollen twice opened line In ward of nllnckln mum only low hour alter lhc ml of thanlic Zlhuur xrnIrnl Mrikc organized by lclllll mum lhrouuhnul Wesl Mum llnlc Thu ml mark was by crowd lhrn wln OM and lmmhl at police hrmlqunrlen Tm whom were killul In this rlnsh The other three hnnsz ell on there and were quickly recov md flu two hm were damagcd and lull rtsidne radinaclivlly which was cleaned up by removing nearly 5000 sltd drums ol carlh and vegnlm lion The bumb dwubcd as Zn mcgalnn hydrogen bomb was one or our last mm the 52 in Ulc collisinn 21 crash in which seven airmen were killed Eight nlhcr Amnrican airmrn wcre killzd In the crash of om Iranspon which was on support mlssian tor the march and muvcry group Palm mnm Hench Police Open Fire On Indian Bioters He said he alks would start here Monday after layoff nearly six manhuThe malnl nuance men have been waiting for the Lruckers In all the major body oi the contract the bomb wax lnlaul and no dagagpl Bu we still must Iron out the term alhuir agreement beian everyone goes back In work Mn Conlardi aaid add in that he hoped one nr two day ohnngoliallons would sel lle mantra hauling or ï¬rms on cnnlract basis Jaseph Conlnrdl vlcepresi den the Hamilton local and duhman ol the maintenance workers bangaming committee said he did not anllclpale any problems in settling the mone tary differences belween be and management 0r uni mum Apnl 19 mm mll mum lulmla nn Fmanm ltm In hr mu mviru rum to nmlmml 11de policy wnx ml by Nurmem Mlnlu Nlllh lrr 111M we mammn la drum x1 tunmt flmizmup In out at lam Prime Minimr lurmn laid ml 10 nowrnlnrnln lnnalrrm xmmmm lo Incrrnxe Inlmnml luu In MI mvim rum to npprmn to mm Anwmlmu he lull nl Ex dumu AM permit chur CPI The Grim mom vust lhrmuh hit 04 Imblniwn Wmlnwluy lhm nd qnmcd For May Emur re ms The whine um In Iml day or two manr Immuan nlfnll OITAWA CPIA lonz4efln program develop civil service bilingualism including pay bo nuses or some lowerechdnn Job catcgqries was unveiled in the Commons Wednesday by Prim Mlnhler Pearson The grime minister stressing the program is aimed at the Oilnwa area and centres whcre residents use both French and English said It is lundamen Vtai objective at his government to strengthen nahonai unity with equal rights and opportu nities or both English and Frenchspeaking Canadians The program nullined lhese measures Secrclarics and clerks re quired to work in boln ancli and English In perrurm their John will receive higher rates payl Thenmounl and lim ing of lhe bonus were nol menlloncd House Adjourns For Easter Recess Stafï¬ng Inv1970 execullve and Idmlnlslmlve rpcraonl hlrcd from ouLsidu the public nervire must be bllingual Bi lingualixm wlll be require ment or promotion by 15713 EXPAND FACILITIES Tallu WI be opened with the Ontario and Qucbcc gov crnmcnls almrd at aslahllsh in Frondylanmxaae sec ondary school In Ihc Ollawa area and lhe gavernmcnl language lnslrurllan facilities will be expanded Each ycar 20 Englishspeak lnlz Mnlm ilil service cxccu livrs and lhclr lamlllc will spend year In mainly Frtnchipcaklnz cily and lo Frcnrh speaking clvll snrvl Inls and hair lamllic vrlll do lhu reverse Rcasonable proï¬ciency or willingness lo learn bolh lan guage will be an element of mm starving In 1967 in the selection university gradu alas lnr administrative pom ar bilingualbm is re quired Long¢Term Pregram Aimed Ht Developing Civil Service when auqu or snuwmlr ries winds Southwest 15 Might any high tomorrow Full summary on page live lawman mm um lmr In vvlnl klme mom WW Crcdilhle Lender Cnnuclla said his pnrly had done Irr riflc Jab In pushing lha ul crnl government oprnmm bl lingualhm DIEF CHALLENGES Opposinon cr Diuiuh bniwr challenged lhe right ha Civil Service Commission the governments hiring agch to implement the program with on authorization of Parliament He deyhuded greater issurl arlcfl the changes wnuid no prejudlca the rem pi uni 1mm clviz mums David Lewis NDP York Scum speaking both In Frcnth and English said It roller lien on past governmenls um bilingualism program being dcveluped only now hope ha mi slalcmcnl only the ï¬rst sup awards rue enriching unit The prime minisicr tanned the commission would lmpiav men the program within the prescni Civil Service Act and details of its recruiting plans would be discioscd 5mm The program will not amcl government uicnnsu military personnel prousionalx and employees of Crown corpora Hons Mr Pearson said am sev eral years me government ex peels it will he normal prac tice Inr Frenchspeaking civil servants Io wriie reports and communicate orally in Punch wimin the civil scrvlcc and French Canadlans would be able to communicate in French with the governman The prime minkmr said the program must be Inkmduced gradually and mm ensure that civil servants who are nnt h1 lingual and have devoted years mvlca lo the country wlll nut be prejudiced by the pro gram spcclal secretarial is ha set up in lha prim ministers oflicc £6 implement Ihe prw gram Scabiered showers or muwflur ries winds Southwest 15 might an high lamorrnw to Full summary on page live cud hunks In nlny 0pm Ens er Monday nml lo Icnl im mediately dishonored rhrquu fllvlllï¬l 51m dlyl the mm hunk mm wan unlll um HUMHK Monday In lake Ive lhnL Amrn4Un no Ammaner Act In mmmrr chullnrnl aixmxu lo 1mm wnor ml upfrmmn nlrrmll for sum 1m Mal In Inmnm maxi mum mrmlruhlp ol he Air Trumpun Moan In lim mm Hum whinging lhe name Hm Azrkflllurnl Ilrhnlnhln llou M4 lmrlv winM Ad In Ihr Aurimllur Ind lluml Dowlnmnml Ad