Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1966, p. 4

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Hm nw IM Mlnhllul do in mm mu Mh raxlb mm mth 1qu ml hm mHml mlun mmmmdn rnchn am an lukru Indujul In mne mmmlwm MIMI Veslmlns Elrcsbytcrian hutch Harrie was the selling he wedding of Miss Mnr ucrile Lalimu nnly dauuhlcr Mr and Eldon Lallmcr Gluuccstcr England and xle Main Ilaruooi Rev Malvnlm Summers ol cialod lhu crmnuny April The bride Lnlrrcd the LIlurch the hymn lraixcmy Soul King nl llcnvm played by organist Mrs McKin Mrs Rob Munh Tnnnln lcmlcd lmlrml of hnnnr cr Empire mun of mm nrccn rpc nshionml wlh nu sklrl she carried 11 hm xcl lvmy mm Cu Ilcmmingtun ulan nrnnnmmn uglm xlml Yam lIilIn LV rru tho uslwm April Ceremony In Barrie Church nrwood Royal Aimy Medical Angu and Captain Dcnnls mag son LMIS llarwnml ESIANbL Arla Jean Sta Manic Ont hold an award for best acircssw lch HST IIllllll FolloMnu the wddin to UHUIKE LACE GOWN anon lullc mu hchl by ll cry nl and pcml headdress The brides mly erclry us necklace mark the mill the bridegroom 5hr vnrrickl mstrnl lmuqucl ul yclluw es and slcphannlig Givcn in man by her zihcr llw hridu Ware wall nglh xovm whim Guipum me uilh rirmlar overskirl rgnnm Her rlmprl vml il Mme INK CANADIANA CARDIGANS MWuu DRAMA FESTIVAL WINNER END OF 1ROUEI imnulr lJlfl llmo Ar xnw mr um Ivy Mury lickhvnl and hzulic Chaplin Ms cum pIrhly druwlidul or rum nly mm In lhu movie lnnl Line Duck Mrs 4L Dunn Angus as sislzd on bnhnlf ol the brldc gronms molhn who as unaqu ln ullcnd Mrs Dunns Costume 110 purmu vinlot bnwudu was rnhancml vilh ha shaded violcls and cursagc mauve orchids Fur Ihe wedding trip lht bridn wore an nrlginul suit of charcoal mm im bmk vcl tl rim aml sailor ml 01 while milnn slmw muck palm Im Imr act$301k and roman nI Hardening rumplclul hcr lra veiling cnwmhlc MIN huncymmm In 11m snulhml llmlnl Slulcs lho umv lymds ull lake up rcsidrnro Hllmulule Uni Amnug the nut0 iU ucsls uru COL IIII MIL 1L Tmy krry Ll Cu 1le Mrs Hrnncll Sqdn HI nml Mrs lalcnzud Wing Cmd and Mrs caption was lxolll at UM Bay shore lllnlor llolvl To receive he glmsls lhu hridus mnlher chose 4mm nl powder llluo Chantilly lure llh mulching jacket hal of blun tulle and pLluls and unrsuuc ol plnk ruscs complemented her ensemble mm null ll Wu mum like lb IAL smwlv mm umme rrHnrhlwtrrl mm Mr Nvlvlkunll DrunlhmM Th6 Hulir JLmnu lcqutilma Inlmln nvfu in not by Prime Minisicr Pvarsun Saturday at the Quonla Regional Drama Fest ival in Espnnaia om Miss 1m Imumuhnl mm handy mam hr hnldln mu Huh lravnl lhn mun Hmn hme my nr lhrlll Iu lw IMIM umme mm an mm Imy mm mm rl will mm umb Inwl Tlvr Ivylmrlun at rmim II HIP lwlnw 1mm lotr ll anwln lu huh Ilnmilc mllnwr HNIII rm Hm mm mm nn Im an Yup lmnl xva mm mm vs um lml lumen rur Ihnmlu numy In lull rluLIIIINl Win In mnlllw Humhlrr quu nml Imllm mlllfrt All llll Iinn Thry Marian nlluruw In fluhum lhllll Ivhnmnl In Mall lfl pha hm In learn new mrlhodx 01 Mr xlylinx am lo cal srhml ayn anln nhouhl he Mnrlinn lo lhink about langu 1er Ihlv Swim Ill he bran Imhl lmk III handhm nml Hm In wnHu Away Mllh Um lmlmn For my nIallrr hmv mnrh Illr xmall lmu II MM about lhu awn 1M bl In Hml rmh up mm hilllnl 1N1 =puu1 vrlnmwu re Hrdulnz nHNllnn bl gargan lnnn rauynlll lnr HIOmVIDL hlppiu and Ihull wnu Inlll TORONTO 1CPV0mm will he 1ch ul liltltubay hnlrculs by In prndltu lhn bunllxhlrr ho lmnmn nne nl lhe worldl lcad In hairs 11315 lair plum are most nec umy arcaunry or any uuman Mm wants he lmh humble he mid nn Inlrr krw nhuuld Mve novrrnl and Ir Irly on that will xiv her 130 llunlpn 15m hair llnifllnll he duh To wnrk ml or London now hu his lnlullshmenl In lnrla Htlnre ruleran huh 13 In hudnm Ilnphnel mu hul thlrr In Spaln The Iowan HIM bhxzm In the spring In will be mined and mimier by he most slylkh hula boys and girls in many Mason judging by Ihu MW crop ulphildrcng lashions Ii HALIFAX 01mm prcsl den of lhc Canqdun Federallan nuslncs and Professional Womens Clubs said Monday 12an must be ready In accept challonucs um gusumn respnn sibimy in rapidly cxpandinl luhuc anln Dam told meeting or Hm Nova Scolia branch of In federation that rumon are the greatest untapped resource bruinpnwcr avnilnble In busl nus industry and government Predicts Return Long Hair Styles Spring Handbagé Have Bold Look Junior fashions Take Cue From GrewnUp Designs Must Be Ready To Face Future Says Nazla Dane Slllqrs won L119 Award forrher Ferlormance in The Miracle Vorkcr prescnlcd by lhu Saul Theatre Workshop CF Vlrcphnlo or he Ink hey will look dapper In knkknrn brouth up Mule wlln mnlchlnx ziplrnnl mm In heavy comm popllns 01 ho perennlnl rln Itan wllh elmer Ichreuttd nvushlrl or pm luckrin mm and than nod new or mower hm In the new dur nblc pm lnbxlu that lrnlme many boyl wear Hem lhln MO TM MAN 50 in nu rep rumlod 1n min luhlom with charming lmle crcnUnM 11mm In men mdherx hem whcn one cauxhl picklnl me mum lighthearted x1 lle louchu such smocklnl daubll coUm mbfihdlfld flo wen 11nd lowing ribbon enm plele Lhc pn3u¥ pllchu GMI um um mm In mph Min wlm nwdflnz Mooner Iho imply mum planed Alinu lulufinl mull Ho floral embmhlfiy 0n cuual WI Ill lhl new knlrirr lulu Inc oddkr Mr no hunk vl Ham mlullml uhle ulll bu Imam rd ll mnunllnn In b0 hrld In Olllwn llurlu hnll iHnM wm In Junl Um nl Ib nmhfllm fin Iih lb rwlrp Ilnm wllh to larllrr ul udwglnl mu nl nu um their but on forward ur wring in ladyIii drum prel lily ruffled and rimmed Vallu Eollon halhles and to on broadcloth In prcuy €0m binnllons ol plnkanthile blue he yqllowanhlle so 11m Im14ml lhu Ktnlhf Illzllu linlma Ilr rlll urmmpnnld by Ilu bullo nu nmm um Mm Tnnmlu Inl ll nu mrrllnn Umlvl Mum tll Itll Ilrhl Al III Tmo Illm IIAH In MMday Mr hull nullmul nml lwin mm In ulp Imlm nl Imu mum In 0mm Fnllainl Ibo IAIII yank mu utmld by WIIHam Mmll In ll luau no Inhnll Um num lump nflnnmn mnllnl luul min Mir luvw lnvnl Along pcrlonal lines Mast propllinux perlods lnr romance will occur next week and throughout August and January but hopplness ln thla depart ment of your lite should be talrly constant tor must at the year Date tor tmvclllng can best be Dreplanned tor mid Junw tho lust two weak in Auust early September Ind the weeks between Doc 15 nnd Jun l5 child born on lhl day will be Ideallsllc and unusunllyorm nal In lhouxh Ind dud unl aha hive sun luv 01 he Iris can look Iorwmi lo periods outstanding accomplishment and recognition durinW lhe Hrs 17 day 01 July In The wtng between 5ch And OcL fish mivaavEmhcr and late Docum bcr Most auspicious monhs or crcnllvo workers June August nun February Where finance In cancemd lorlnslance ymLmn expect good period Iarjaln during me two weeks belweeq April 29 and May mother during lha last two week In July and even halter one between Sept 15 and Oct and between Oct 29 Ind Nov 15 Consolidate monelmy assets lhell andlook larwud lo really excellan lwtrmonlh cycle along these llnu bexln nlnz on the lint February next year It wlll be imperlllva however that yau do nol specu late in any waydurlnz Navcm her at J5nuury ynu could offset galns Where buslncsxhndhr emu Inlemu are concerncd while he entire year logy guod yqu if tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that this new year in your lilo should be happy and progressive one As oi the first oi January you enteredi generous planetary cycle and ti sinca then you have cooperated with its olier ings your aflalxs both material and or personal nature should be bflnginz largo measure oi contentment Even fail things have not turned out quite as you expected however liars prom ise siili more chances to ad VAuce your ataiu on all fronts Plans Outlined To Senior Ciiizens Excellenl lullr Mflumce now 511on bring great happi ness lo those who married as well as Insuring naw ro mnnces among Ina single Also favored under beneficenl Venus Ispul an nrtifllc nnrl cuIlunl pursulkx the aspiration and endeavor at those In lhc entertainment flcld FOR THE BIRTHDAY amnmn EofierOMOfiROW THE STARS SAY BMW 301 conteman Allne Naturalowalnl liners me Mill lew and tar he mcen huk expert predid trenchlnl 1mm lb mmul hmmu try l0 uuyouulmulh mum cum Mp wold lheir wlluhl In Irvullvm for ymL Slmee mylompm me vllh Ihlnu Illa llouu Men In cummm Icw mlnulu ml lufuu ynun Ilud do mm ynu Ilun In hour whln youn flhlmlnl hum uhnu II In um my II tool body millWt hi dvaI ll MI In lhlyn Ind 01 mm and ulmml Now ya un 11 llno ll thtu mcll II Illl lnber day mu no man ully dullnul Illh your lvnlvyc only nunllionnl med In mind All Im Mn ulAevl hon nu Ib Impumm IMHImlM IMlmiM MINIwin Ind nltln MI fin uullenl dmuy mm Wielmnullnlnulvinla zirlt WILh matchlnl capu Ind lilu Miss Mullet drum com male with malchlnz mob cap In the meanum ha mm are ready for any union caslon In caneplot double knll cotton lulu Alter All in lhc Iprinn young mans hazy Wm The Mod Look LI soen In In childrens aprlng Coumm hu mater laymg power as the line continue to THE nhnpa Timid Maderunner lummlu al wnyx 190k It may bqhinq MIMNMLICHDI Ill GIIIHJOHIKIMI ally all an mmr Inupfllcnccd mun delicm Ihl mr Io Imoolh Iml nh Hound You rel lKfllMU¢lb¢f Ilka 0m ml Ind mlcd Onu homo mud II In wxlIml II ll worth he saves He has yet to find mislnkc which give the reslaw run more and hlmselr less What yaur opinion Frnnkly find it uncouUIrTW Cfluulf Dur Tue Machlnurmrakrc milkk and dn people Then naxhlnz uncoth about When we dim an and the waiter firms the cheque this xcnllcmsn makes birpmduc llon of changing his gums mum his pen and adding up the bill ha find mistake he paint it out to the waiter mm the air at man who has Just foiled bank Nb snob MANNEM Dur Ann Linden man have been going llh has hub lhal mbaraasex me tn death lhlx glrl wrote Io me Id tell her about twln bod wilh single headband but Ilnce he hasnt usde or my advice Im keeplng my nose out of mink lhvould be who you did the same Dear Ann Lundmf girl lrignd oi mine who is 19 plans In be married In the spring Lgstfleek the Indher lance went shopping or Imllure They bought befimn wlth twin bedkbul only utter 57qu nrgumeqt asked hm why she lmlsled on twln bed when her lanes made it plain he wanted don ble bed She said posse tell me what is wrong with Hr whn wouldnt even try double bed lnrplcase her fiance Inter ested Third Imy Deu Prly What difference would ll make to yamil lhey slop an an Ironing batud When It come to beds dcarie hr9e really pmwd have Vslepl alone or 19 year and just cant lleep nyonei ri1i mam imummméwtsmfi mm ms Weak Nervous Irritable due to Change of Lite 13ANN5LANDERS You can so help wllh Lydll Plnkham Threes erwd In This Situation 001M Inhy touch an defined In mum Inupulcnccd pull Hnouu dellcl Iho lulum ll cm In Imoolh Iml nlmlwlhoo mum Gabe Ilka Gaul mud In wxllml um InIIIIllub Huhqu mm nml Vlllmiu ur Inlmll Inn And nlhlr My mum IhI duelupmml 5mm bow Ind nth nub sluinul mm Am Jukv punk Ivan nulknl In Ilm your My um hnpullnnl min Mk II drlthfully nle hl Mute lune mu mruw mumd In any lmlllr ceding mlrr lnuIIV Mann IIHI mavla Mn IIII Ilnllime menu In wmflimt hul dlunayul Io flml um My 11 mm no duin All luhlu hm mun diln Mnth Ntuun uay uf nullul min for hhy ltdlnmbollkotbluflaudkcd ln Ilnlldtulorl hhyl Imman Inm nudlllmuhlm TM yrar lh event will he held at he Cnmmunily Crnlre lnOrlIliz from July 11 lo 23 Many expcricnmd Ilcmnnslrn lors M11 be on hand at lhc lalr wall display nl qullu mg and crnlls Work well under way In mnku lhn In big sucms TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE HAW Thu Board of Dircclbrs he Slmcoa County Quin Rug and Cran FaIr met at lhohumc Mrs Caldwell Bcrczy St In dixcuu plans ur lhc annual Mr Present at mctllng were Miss Olga lllnwdslcy Mn Torrmcc Iis Hrlcn Ander mn km Gladstone all nl Drillla Mrs Ken Cavannnh Mrs Caldwall of Harrle Mm IL Manrrn Shanly llny and Mrs Jun lannlgnn Slxynpr The nut mecllnu will be hrld Al the ham Mn filmlslunu Codwalcr SI 13 Drillln on April 25 Dear EdnnNo IL Ileul yqur place In tell he buss wife any thing When he gets ed up with Mr call hell let her kn0w Unf than which may be never keep your llp zlppndl lhlnk lhc biggest favor could an my boss would be in drop hL wife line and explain nlccly that her frequent inter rupllons Mb nuisance and In please call him only when is Wlllyou back me upIch Edn This morning she asked me to call him an or conlercnm to loll hlm hat the gnrbaga man dldne called the lrash and her bridge club cumlng and what should she da Adding up blll heron you pay you dont check yourblll before you pay them you arent very bright It not good manners how aven unlike hnglap when mistake discovered You couId ask him sonpedal tho large ucl SILENCE Ann Lnnden am sec rclary to tha sweetest kindest boss who everllved Hi win neuron ME who drives both the boss andme crazy with har countless elephant ullx Yesterday shc phoned to all th Ihc egg man dldnl show up the vacuum swccpchhroku down his mower wrote an un friendly leuer and she lost lllllng from hot bath Quilt Rug Fair Is Iuly Event Tun In Iuhlnn NflKlpcmlu nml nr lhrir miuuu quIliliu In mm uul up llur rmlrarinx fulum llmo Iumlm mirm muh nylon lnrlullr looped Inn ur loowiggling nunqu lllll well willl hm imm Ihu mm min nr himla look lur lhr Imkugr with hr mum Walkua nu ll urn limr wu bhup IM floutor Ilmp urn mmfnu Ind lnIIflhfllilm Vin In Ipringn Ilmll mum lnkllinu humInig lnm qumrlnur unprlnll Iml rnflrrlvme AHHp and lung Ir lwgllu In uim 90132 NYLON Um no nIorLlngt youll have or flu nlllllillfl vimr uy they cling In your hp Pair only no my 11 Walkers Own WALKERB

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