Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jan 1966, p. 9

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PM Th valMp II lha ntnmu lumwl Axumnn Us mum munr linkmm 1h raMIm lan lmmll HAHN 11 Hum lam 6qu In MIIIIC AV lhillpplml Mll Thu Mllle Main wmld hum warship xvle ullh Irufrulmnl pride 1m only way In mllv tut rom lral mll thnL Aml wln dnnl ll Mmlfl mr lam rhmn nmnml Mnryllwlmvr mm llhNntl wlh Im at hr phynlclnna hwthuL nun the Ilnl lrlul llm pmucuunn hurl rallrd Mmy llochmn Inmvlnl wlnm Dummy hrqu um lry hr huhme Mining Ihn Illrl nul Irrllru lvr lylml tn harm Iwn Hvlrr lunnllu nllrr In IIAI llnmlhy mm at Nahum mnxrl CIr llnrhm Mm pmth In ml nummx Wm ar nulllrvl In mm In ruml mm to kill mul mu min Hunthy by anranl umlrr mr In lanl Ivhlml Inmle Th degu mxmcnllnx 11 Onlnrlo regions formed an Ontario 01k r1 mmrll la In each onlpp TACOMA mh Ml Inuulwnw vhynlrlnu rm In Mr hula Mmml try Iml In miwm Inn Mfr Mu run Inul hr lulml IM Iln the rum Ilmr In mtvnlhx lhnl Dr Hnlwl llrrhmr law Hm Irdrum mil with lrnl HIIIlwulsinu mm mum Hrockle dlrcdor the Outarin contennnl pLIm ninx hrumiu and my dcpuly mInIslcr of tourism Ind lnInrmnuon old the 100 dee gala and obsarvm ha lath val are lureflru my to brlni lnrlourisls Mr my messed however that lesllvnl during 1961 should Ml be limlled to Um cmtcnnlul year but Md becvmu Annual aflnln lr nu 0mm Imllnn mm the dciexnlu that laik About anwring Iha ori gin Canadian 11 mixing up In Indiana to Iha Held In out but he came dawn about Ier minutes More We go MN added was bean Jab landing It was man can will the shot rm lnr landing TORONTO CF DcIegths lhe Onlnrio lolk arts con cnre during the weekend urgcd pmmatc festivals ing Canadas ccnlcnnlnl year as drawing card or mm trade Boucham hll wile Belly Z9 and their sons John and Eggnld were not but police sal Bunchard had been In radio tonlact th the tower at Pitu burgh Airport but lost contact Vilh Vlsibillly nearly urn be circled the area looking or pl Iocorrner dawn The on all xed was the nnly placo 1n lhe area he tould have lundcdvlnld policeman Wehca lhe pkme nnd nnhcd Warship Toslod Jamuas Douchard 51 nf Rrrrkville brought down his sngclnine plpcr Churakce on ht nrih Hills high school not an about 12 mile north ol Pillsbur PITTSBURGH APlA Cana dian lying In small plane with his wile nnd two sons made an emergency landing on football field Saturday during heavy snowfall Polka called lhv landingmagnlficent Festivals Urged Doctor On Trial Mr Fevreau president of the Privy Council raid constitu tional reform must await the report the royal commission an bilingualism and bicullnrnl ism in 1961 and the results oi current inquiries intn tigcal priorities rReterring to Quebec stains in Contederntion he said wauld rather think that nur acquisition ii insuliicicnt in our oyrs is at least protected by the constitution than knew it is at the mercy oi an opposition which stubbornly rnjecis the lEssun of modern hirinry He said it cannot yet be ascertained how much the Brit ish Nnrth America Act can be used to increase the growth of Quebec and the other prnv inces would prefer delay It mum than entrust ll reform Parllnmant whlch would be dumlnalcd by that sentlmen laI colonfialism which Instill In Ihe Tories hcir conccpflon national union Mr Favrenu said in an addressla the fauna In canvamlon the Qucbec Union Legal Sludcntst MONTREAL CF Silur day Guy Fuvreau Quebec leader of the Moral Liberal party said he favors delaying slop lo lranskr conslilulion amending powers to Canada ram Britain Lands In Field NEWS ROUNDUP Favreau Favors Delay In Constitution Changes Huuur wllu lw 1er lmlinn troops In Vac Nam have remiml hosme lctlnn from their homeland Exernal Iair Minislcr Paul Hasluck ald lad mlwl In mv Immllo 11 UHIHHII Alvlnmlul Vulnl My mvly Irmhwl Ix MM mamm In up Impnm Mlmm num nr name Fund mm lwwumwnl hm mm uniwl mu um um uunrln umhuy IN Unnmzfl lmnllml hi mm mul hr hhll IIMN Antl In liml Nail Inmlw l1 1h HIM umIL lw ml llw AIM In Wnfi lmmler MAN mun firm of Ivnwn Irrnl hm ua Im mw ivy an Aml Elm In lw mlwlmlvo wlluu lmlu Mpmw Im Im Wham éuuaw In Imo mlwl In mv Immllo lm14m lm 1mm Im wrum plumb mm mum Ummx mun MI Iw yrnr Invln nnm mm mm nunhylum nw Ominn Um mmnaml hi11ml wnv mnuwmihn Mun In Wmnnm nor MM lmmnflw Wam um lmnlufl Thll nrw wanh lo uplnln nuhlm INIUI In which no nhvlr mu rnme npprau an on nu Inmy I1 durrllml In lhv Journal of 0m Ammrnn Mullrnl Am rnlun by Dr llnwnrd Mr IIHIIMI Dr Kmhun Gunm Mr and Dr My lllrhnnl arm HM Vrtrrnul Mmlnmu Nun llmjiilnl Nullh Ulllr Ilntk Avk mu lhn llnlvmfly of Ar Imunl medical crnhn And my xnld Hwy nu out lhnl Inna hrnvy ml at vnrmu lrnnqumlml mlxhl be came lhI hem rlnmnxl Dr Illrhanlmn and mod ulna Mr mm hll wm lnuml Im Hun hml Irmt Hurmum ranlul nludy of UM hull our mm who In InfI Imtl 1N NEW YORK AW Curlon drfrrll inshle he hurl Impar nnlly are he mum some peo vlc Le mddrnlly and muml ousl team ol phyxlclnm nld Sumln Hr 51M he heard nolhlnl hnl Mmd allow mm In give any rmlrncc lo anme slonél that Hu Aux II are nnlhappy The award will be made Mon day at dinner at the Unimr sily of Toronto The wile con fish of inwme mm the Slearie Memorial mud 5d up by fiend and colleagues at the late NRC mum 11m Hasluck snld hem have hcrn only few cases lhil abaminahlr prntllc Askrd pub mccllng ubzhcr the Auskalian roops mink lhnl the Australian public mm lhrm sufficlcnk lup nnrl in said that when he VI Nam the man he spoke to um happy and proud of what Ihoy pngc doinsz unsluckumm mm irl Nnm have my pralu Inf lhe Ausmlinn troops They at Pmlessor Neil Bart 331 he Unhjersjy ol Brnlxslifimifimm and Profu srtr Polanyi 36 of the Ugversfly pf Twmhl UITAWA CF Two re search chrmisu lmmVVancon ver and Toronto wdl share he moo Steade Prim or 1966 the National Researd Council aanounced Sglmday Grave Is Shrine That was the uni break nr he 5Wman crew unlll lhn Enlerprise sailed to lhc Philip pine for brief res home set linz out ngaln with the us 7th IleeL That was the pace lhe Enlar prise set from then on sor ie flight p1 one agrplane We dxd stnnd dnwn 12 hours to Christmas Hglloyvay sad Heart Defects We went on the line Dec for he lirsl Ume The aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk had pasled rmrd of 131 combat some in one day The second day on lhe line we did week lam we law 165 combat sor fit in but dnvf Receive Letters his carpetedcabln alter 45 day uuIse all Vie Nam he first comhaL palrol ever under laknn by nuclear surface ves sel Steacie Prize QANBERRA lanternAw GUY Mm Tha would have he cued making bath the Icllcr and he huycr or Rhodesian tobacco pnflic In an Illequ act The new mow repafltd nrlcr Rhodcslns chit luau Sir Hugh Handle mtl Prime Minlslcr Vlllon Onpusllhn Leader Edward Heath and JD trnl lurkr Jo Grimond Thalr maelinl nppnrtnlly was Inlandcd lo why unlml mm Brlminl three parllnmcnlmy political purlirs In Ihe dlspul uilh Smllhn uhiwmlnnrlly nmnmmL wNDON AWBrim wu reported Sunday night to be shapan plan or worldwide boycuu of thdesianopacco Tobacco ls Rhodesia blues min Iqrtzlgn money Qualified inlnrmanlx uid an Marvincouncil approved by he Queen will be Issued man outlawing lhe xale o1 tobacco in Rhodtsia Lay Murder Charge Shari Jenkins that James Reeves A6 callle man 15 charged with shooting to death David Colston 32 of Camden aner the two began flying nbnut an aulorcollisinn lni nchmova to topple ana Minister Ian Smiun rebel gov ernmem ncem drove the cwunty 1311 after the Incident and Id In policeman lo cal Sheri Jen kins he sherm xald ll you mnh flu and wllh fill GVII CInndinn anulsd Palm you nl nut an uwlvrlinq Illm blllnu ullllylna cm wv wulk can ulna you In mInv bunch of poll mull horn ulmlml lmmlianllnn In mum Ind lnlullinmw You my fly plum unl haul IMI hm lend dnalum1hu IlaI IllInd mm Vol walk mnylmlyoulollulomlmoml mm In clnwvlm mu cllv Illnll ll wonl dull It My mum Wlullnl II wll Ithk ynu un nul lhl gr mad to Mussol John Meisel so d3 director 11 the department nautical studies at Queens University to do resede on the behavior and attitudes ol Canadian voters duflnz the federal election cam CAMDEN AkL AHWilcox County Sheriff Jenklns said rural Camden whlle man was charged with murder Sun day shorlly alter street ar Kumen led to he shooting dtpjh Negro mam Abouz Ea Negroes tried to march In protesting the Inc denl bu were turned back The incident occurred in rant the Aniiach Baptist Church Negro dinrch where neral was being held the time Sheriff Jenkins said All ynmnmul EMT mlrmmwnllln nu Cnmmlulnnn 57 group ea em Dennis Subo dlredm of University of Normal de OTTAWA The Canadg Council is going to finance In eflenflye slqdyuiutlhe gm it 6t gdolescénb in Montreal Annouminfl serla gram today no council hcan Inbutlmz moon or the first year of the study and expects finance it for two morn Mud glgdlilla peaogal WY in in Is on house when liedied has gang underdue acumen5 hm mudl it lo souvenir collector or to persons who want to have mmfllmmm Plan More Curbs vggeq flmlewnlryigparlodmr with the 1103 Gm loner ouflybe dld Announce Grants REWARDING otter young men JOB CAREER what does the NO YES NO YES PORT CLINTON Ohio AP The US Coast Guard plckod 53 Fishennen Picked Off Large Ice Floe Two firemen vmrk everlsh 1y lo fill bucket from well at lhe seen of $50000 barn my Dolnu unnlu fiym or moomil powu min wmnnly Cnvm lull mm and labour lat dulvm in nmlmlnh nr wovkmnmhlp Docgel suwnv mm cbclmmwn wande Imll HUM If you want to talk popular price thats fine with DOdge Whnt Dodnn II II the host buy by far In In clnu Younolmoroln DodgeAomoroDodgolulnchns longunhnnatnndnrdcmbutlIpricodrluhl downwlllllhumDodaofl21lnchwhnolbuuonlvon you blg cur rldo Dodge has all ma Itonm undor Ila hoodtlmt nonIncudrlvor can handlo uplo 440 cu Inch V8 mm Is anything but mm 0an looks nor your comfort and unity Chock Jun iawofltnlontuvonElnonrvoom Blu nnrlllnnco EVERY Now lend an ear to what that price gets you FRENCH MOTORS Barrie LIMITED 75 Bradford Street spokesman at the coast guards search and rescue head quarters In Cleveland raid the fishermen were no in danger fishermen all large ice lee that had broken louse Saturday in Lake Erie off Catawba Point LITTLE BIT HELPS blaze east ntlrenlon Satur day nlghl The firemen were using the water Io coal their MONACOPOMIM HEOIPOMIM ldaIOLAIM illlltlllllll narfbrymirmunny when loe broka loose be cause the Ice was Ibout eight Inches thick anumm wumer kep it rum breaking up TRY EXMIINLR WANT ADS ml Hum umylnwnship Reeve Doug las Mchlaslcr CP Vircphnla tuck Mm or the arm of Flno lnbvlcs and clownnon vlnyln SIXway ndjunublo drivers um Optional TIItTuloncoplc alnurlnn whool Now unfmy door hnndlou Snlow rim whnuln Dadno add up to nvorythlna you want In car Including tho pyoloctlon of an oxeluslvn EVnnr or 50000mllo power Mn wnrmnty covun mm and Inbouv you won good car mm am who you want grant cnithala Dodnn Fllrhx zabelh Hugher 97 daughter of Cuna dian minister who spent much of her lileteachhug In Burma LOOK MANN0 CASH STROOD England Afler wave store burglaries in this Kenlish lawn mule boutique now dllplaya an empty all In lhe window night to dissuade burslau years andWan organizer ma Naudnal Athlan Trainers Association Throat Matilde Bull 69 wha defeated Clancy Tale In 1919 to win he Canadlan csslonal lighlweighl box championship Tormln Bernard Emmy Wadsworth 52 um middle wing with Ottawa Rough Rider 1n lhe 1930 TombGnome Mcleer 59 Ontario regional 16 mm age far Imperial Tabacca 00 liter lengthy Ulnggs lnvtrnels ScollnndWilllam Logan 52 Scolfishcivll engi neeringvmagnala In airplay msh KlnulonSluarl Langdon 54 trainer at nlhlcles at Queens Unlvprsily or the last LnguSir Abubakar Tulawa Balewn53 armor prime min islzr olthe Federal Republic 01 Nigeria flouwa Aclor Herbert Marshall 75 who had career at 50 years In show buslnm hear snack Cnmhrldgc Englmd EL Rev Ftudcrlck Dudlcy Vaughan Harboraugh known as me swinging hlshop of tha Angu can church hue Hymn EXAMINER hidNDAYJANUARY ml By THE CANADIAN PRESS CHRYSLER SANAUTUD DEATHS BflYflTY FORE Slmpll oluuun uncn Ford Mm us quick guy Inex penslve Jurl call and Len ul when you wnnt your Ford You can even renl It by unrhmu you uni 7287361 Links 81 Wora nllht In His Ndlhbolhood Big shopping HELL COUNTS AGE vthn British monarch diés Big Ben In the number years or his or her age trip 17 but have no car NATIONAL FRANCHISE SYSTEM OF FURD CANADA DEALER RENTACAR SYSTEM Salos ltd it ii

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