anI mhxcrlwnn ram daily by ranlrr me new new yme 5mm rnpiu 102 lly mull In Unmln no yur mouth um Ulm months manUL Mnlnr thrown mm ym M50 III maul Duluth mum mm 0mm Cmmll nunh rmcum moo rm UNA and Fulllin mm yr Hm1 InImHy In 7mm lalluafl Hml Mnnlrul 507 XIV Wnl Imrler Nlrrl ammnrv Member ol um Canadun Duly Nulme MENlIES ENDS LONG POLITICAL CAREER Ibondon Im Press Canadas Commonwealth rnuxln Aus Iralln shares mum our problems and has up maclml Ihom In slmllnr man ner no parallel Is llle lcnnlh Um some of lhclr prlmo mlnlslcrs have torvrd Slr Iloborl Mcmlcs who llfl just rc IImI Is mullng 16year Inrm prlmo mlnlslcr and 1150 held Illa mmo pan from 1030 In III In culnrul the leg Ialalurc Ms Imme Male Vlclurln In 1020 and has been prnxnlncnl In puhllc lllc cvrr nlncc SIr Ilnlwrl In man of nulslnmlln all Ills III nlun mamwr Rudd many momlrx len hln longHum HOPE KNOWS HIS FORTE Ottawa Citizen Bob Hope says ho no one of those enterlaincrs who want In become £0 llliclan nm 15 good news le conlrl llons to panties lake the form of making jokes at the expense men In public or flcc No one does It better and no group needs to have lun poked It more often than men In public We who takn Ihem solves too seriously muumcu Donaldson Frank mt CubblltNichols Whitby and Al bcrl Paddison Judge Danton of To ronto opened hcnrings in Barrie court ro charges of mlsmanagcmcnl at Ingle nnok Park Boys Home This was locat ed in Barrie and operath by the Big Brothers Movement of Toronto At Grand Opera House one day only with add son Nobl caver Rebekah Lodge at 100 Temple Five new man in Town Counlcl this ygar areAldermen Barrie Examiner Ja 1921 St Andrews Presbyterian Chunch on Sun day opened line new Memorial Sunday School and also unveiled brass tablet in memcry of 14 young men of congrega lion who lost lives in war Bali Planing Mill had general contract with Maudie Jory doing the wiring and Woi lenden the heating system Dr Brereten was committee chairman for building assisted by Alexander Cowan Alonzo hiacLeiian William Aird Dougali Goodielow and Fisher Town Council discussed plans to convert part of fair grounds into lly ing field th aeroplane hangars Fol lowing inaugural address by Mayor John Litlle Barrie Council got down Io busi ness Alderman iluxtable was named finance chairman and William ltusk head or board of works George ilagart reslgned as sanitary inspector Mrs Gandhi has already demonstrat ed qualities and mind of her own She went over her fathers head during Isjsgkg Asp IN TOWN Mrs Gandhi was selected not only for her personal qualities of leadership but also for the fact that she brings the magic two revered Indian names to the task of prime minister Although her late husband was no relative or the Mahatma tho Gandhi name is still magic one in the nation and Mrs Gandhis father was Jawaharial Nehru who held the nation together during most of its first stormy decade As prime minister of Indialand the Iirst woman in modern timesto head the government of big power she wlll need every one of her talents as an ex ecutlve and mediator to cope with the Emblems ahead There is widespread unger in India and near famineis ex pected in the coming months The dis ï¬ute with Pakistan over Kashmir which as set the two countries at war twice in 17 years still fosters Indias 480 000000 people are still divided along religious and sectional lines The na tional economy is in chaos Neighbor ing China is constant threat Mrs Indira Gandhi on whose lrall shoulders rests the Weight of governing major nation brings remarkable talents experience in politics to her posi Walls Publisher Indias Prime Minister Is Fading Major Tasks OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Aulhqud mond lm ma lnl Mira Imumwnh M41 or paymrnl of mm In mh Daily Mindn Aml Elmilmy ualhlul ummrd Publlshud by Canadlgn Newspaper leltéd 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE 3131 Barrir Examinrr McPherson Managlng Editor molyng JANUARY lassPAGE Tha nnmlun Pm urhumly MUM la Hu Im or mliulbn nu IIIpllrhu Ma vr mill1 In 11 madam Im or cum an nLo IN 11ml Mu pulp hle uni TITLEIHUNIC Fnr IVMhlm nul Irvrwvmc mm In lrhphnn numvwr In IN NIHI Iullmal Iv anlnmvl It 7m am Euculllmn unlnwnl Mun 1mm luhlhbru Mwlallnn he nnallln live Allvlll mum at Circulnllnm Tha nnmlun Pm urhumly Im or mmMIulhn III run in MI unlitA In 111 or leuml um AM In Xnal Them In no lallslarlnry loflnlnnn ohsccnIlv says judgm And un dnuhlnliy thrm arn many Ilnullslno Iory dellnlllnns It an lhrm are people It mistake to call slot mauhlno ll onearmed bnmm will never lake nnylhing from you youll Int ll alone Iln cman Increasingly so much to malnlaln and opcrnlo our planet lhnl hoped If and when mnn cnnqum spaco he can ml and move lo less expensive plnco of abode Almost any purron will lull you he doesnt want In 1qu forever but he 11 ways wnnla lo we tomorrow Hls successor Harold Holt lho Aux lmlian treasurer la Icss riclurcsquo ï¬gure but has worked closcy wllh Slr Robert nr many ycnrs He is Ilkon lo carry on tho samn tradition rival the 1an Labor Parly leader Dr Evan hols an outstandlng lntcllcclual But he 15 also practical and has seen Austrnlln grow and develop at remnrk ahlo rate since lhc cm the Second VQIIII War pm Rnliili and mum Rogers elected wardens Stroud curlers skipped by lien Webb and Green won District Cur beating Barrie ihlslics in final ih silos were skipped by Dr Len Simp son and Moore buwuum Society Trinity Church Vestry mael ing reported good year Rev Beverley was In chain Plans were dis cussed or war nrcmorlallms year Dr n1nn mm Church Hockey League opened with doubleheader at Mammoth Rink Col lier United Senior Baracas heat St An drews 32 on goals by Delbert Emms Clllf Brown and Fred Sarjeanl Morley Livingston and Jack Sinclair scored for St Andrews lloss Fisher was in goal or St Andrews Cecil luck for Bar aeas lrinity Anglicans beat Junior Baracas 32 Leighton Emms scored holh goals for losers Trinity scorers were Koppel Lally Billy Burch and George Powell McKnight Reeve lotienham elected Warden ol Sim coe County in close contest with Reeve Banting oi Essa Daniel Quinlan re elected preilge Earrie Agricultural mum matinee the original Winnipeg Kid dies Ontario Curling Association Tankard playoffs are in Barrie Local skips will be Hunter Kennedy and Harry Hook Barrie Thlsllcs will curl their playoffs in Orillln with Stephens and Dick Garrett as skips Hr ill Lay manager of Bank of Commerce elected president Barri ilonicullural Spclgly mumL Paragraphically Speaking As woman Mrs Gandhi will find that her success and her fallures ln ol fice will be watched more closely than if she were man It will be interesting to see what is the future attitude of Kumaraswami Kam araj the president of the Congress Par ty and the klngmaker behlnd the elec tions of both Shastrl and Mrs Gandhl and of other polltlcal leaders It ls to be hoped that these leadersrealize that Indias pllght is too desperate for them to indulge in the luxury of mllitary or political adventures Her first job is to endorsethaTash kcnt agreement which her predecessor Lal Bahadur Shastri signed shortly be fore his death The world will Judge her by her ability to bring peace to tho subcontinent Her own people will be even more concerned with her ability to prevent great famine in India recognition of the danger of lasting splits if an extremist like Moroarjt Desal were chosen But it was also tribute to her work as paity president lhaKeraia crisis to appeal directly to Indias president for intervention Al though she was ciose friend of Khrish na Manon she did not hesitate to de nounce Chinese action in Tibet Her acceptancé of the wining tactlons In th IndianvCongrgss ij wag in Hart Wilson Genérï¬l Manager AMn ln Amlrlml In MI Ilnl purlinnwnury prlnrllyx llnwvdmnllnz Vo nIImIM Elm Um nal Imh In lmflmnml and guldollnu dun ho Inhl In IBM In awnrmrnt 1de have In llm 1mm llmmlcnq Gmva mm mclllc rumMm 1m lmmmuml Hm lwm llm IIIMI IArliailxnl Inf Ml cm 1mm Hm um III ywï¬wv Imm lrmadcmllll Andy cartoon mud my eyr 1ka mmn 20 lmmwl mkginah hanging ml Hm wail Thiu no depicted MAMWH Sham WWI lln Ininmer In mum ma when lmnl look lmz cmmllm In rml nn Invllallrm Mr Mun lmlllnbl trauma Hm plmvum Mr Alvin Hnmllton lekxnfl IMI Aml Alrm lmkinq mlr hh mmhlcr mwnminnnmy Am Or Ndmx Hwy nom lu on Mild thll point we wm Inter nmlml TM lruincx want In mm Um ah he munm laxmo victimllcd Ivy bad mm and 31mm of mi Just as mlrmora halpcd ha lmlrlo mm In the din1y mmm Tom OBrien new mm duality 1n Qumvpcllc mnlinnl 1n Alvin Ilnmlllnn his mum tiun lam ml am In mum lnr Hume amuch nml mleI nnd reflbm In mu Qufle mum Scmnd prionly he helium should he Io slnrl combinz um nmmncm epcndinn mlunnlu in mmmillm Thats the mm place htre every MP can lcuilimnlcly nlr hm probkm and let Minna1m Inr wn years we hnvcnt boon giwn his pnrtunily so cwryona Dummy rrIv um he dzllly numllon riéd First comes mallcr wth cancelm all rural arms but poohHy the Prairies 1M pmposcd abandonment 01 more railway hranch llnes 11 rnllroad legislation should be mmcd quickly inla mmmillcc Where It mighl bu thrasth over or three or our monlln he said loo im porlam or the House go inlu lnnl polillml haNe owr llnd remind himeel ll im poflflnu he has large mm constituency ul QuAn Mlle on he wall with or no grain delivery pcinls marked by colored thumb lacks lollowinz along the seven mil lmcs mgr OFF STEAM OTlllllAAlvln llnmillnn he cnlhmnod king or the prairin whenllnmk But lalking to him In hls Parllnmcnl Hill ollicc Just belore the waning ha new PmlinmLnl could sense his ncnuircd mastery of political strategy nnd great Interest In gavmlmcnl programs ll concept cl how Ihc new session could be got all to ermflnlikn slam in practical and nanoarï¬san as he outlined to me OTTAWA REPORT Dy PATRICK NICHOMUN fixMinister Offers Ideas 0n Priorities HAVE AIMS OF OUR OWN ms mu hmiaikéi in Dopnrlmrnl cl External Afloku lo mm Canada mm nmim nlnllom OTIIHII EVENT ON JANUARY 1m ulna won olmlmu ln Umwr and Ink Canada but boulm 59m mm tho Lhmna Mann 1M CJJL completed lplczrnph mvlro 1mm AllanUc to flu mm Grnlml Trunk Hallway unIlnd wilh Nmum my llunlllon llnlwny my mum ll Mumy minmi pmnlrr um 21 In 04ch mm mmln mmln mrmlwr n4 Mnmlc Imray mnmmlm 14mm Mum lim 1M mum but III hml nn elrrd MOM nqu oxvum MONDAY m1 TUESDAY mm no llrlLIin IiLI Mme WM Anslrudul In min with lho Amnlrnns The USA Um Alaska boundary he way today will Canmh hnvllmqu pmwa In Uyn Yukon The En ssmm um lord Alvcrane Sir Louis Jello Judy lhc Supmno Court at Canada and Ams mmh CaymdLm lawyer In Him lays the ISA wax on he Emflm had cnp tumi Cuba Puran lllca Um Philippines the Hawaiian 111mm Ind Panama Theodore Roosevelt wu lho pmuml and hi policy wax ng Ibll Illckf Thu mmmlulon In lmdnn but was unable to mu dwisim about Canadian and Amcrlcam clnlms nflcr wuh of mccllnzs Pmidmt 11mm than um private mun lo landing member of he Mush whim that mile the bmndary wu mauled the way Um USA wnnml he would uk Con la mobilize lump lo fun me In wnrclalm Thu Amer cam hm Henry Cabot lulu Mm had nirvady said publicly Um Canadas claims worn unnamed Elihu Hoot Sccmlnry fur War anLScnnwr llmcr ha Slain 01 Washington whmo bum city Seattle was competing or north crnlrad Lfl Vancouver and Vlcmnn Although Canada was growing rapldly as nation In 15m Erimin sh comrollcd Iorcign Main The Yukon gold rush had made Um ma Imporuml but Um boundary outlining Alaska lha Yukon nnd Briush Dolumbh was vague On January ll 1900 nrflaln and he Unlkd males agreed Io rtinr Lho mallcr In an impnr mmmhslon the talk drilled to water Pick ing books mm his crowded 5thch Alvin lumcd up ables describing our superabundnnhe or water and he needs cf we 01 United Slam Tum he reeled on ï¬gures mm his head so large they stagger one He spoke sclling water wmh $45 biILon year In United 5mm in package dealCa nadian water or US Industrial lsalion or underdeveloch Carr adn This mad he the greatest JAILER ALEC Gillle CANADAS STORY THE JOLLY 90le le IAIIIK Theodore Roosevelt V367 Shook Big Stick PLUS UNFORGETTADLE MUSICAL Shawn II 710 pm mm BOWMAN SSIflihiion Homass Iuruor Elioi Hm is lhts Is In the thing in our future he said We can spare the water it would be 155 than rim per cent our surplusand he wk of it in ammindhcsnnd it would ln crease their gmwth by $360 billion year but we want corresponding deal In payment Would Ihis be the diversion NOW PLAYING The Saviours is never outdated nor ouldonc Make Him your friend today Jun Chm the nme yer orally and May Ind louver Hebrews 1M BIBLE THOUGHT WASHINGTON Special The US Vlel Nam peace ollensiva vmln reluplanlly Into Ills lary Ilvwas great show and In enllrely new venlum lnlo dlplo mucy and II accomplished mora lllan appear on Ibe aurlnce Raul peacemnve In nlrlnky lluallon auch aalhe Violnamesa moss take place In utter secrecy Pmldent Johnson sent emissar lc around In world In blaze ol publicity autlcrlaz gloom and despondency hope and Im among alllea and enpmlerlrnllke by drmandlng 13 blllian mm or We Nnm mnklnl hi utu dottnm npmpmum laund Ilka Ill 75min in The Union me Inge wn beaulilully balm morcn wr mnra pcacn mm war 1pm peace What Is Im Johnson even mom lmpollanl he keptlhn Congress and he US people an an crcn keelthe hawk who an dtslmy North Vch Nam and evcnlunlly CHM and the dnvrs ha luxl want la out an unholy liluaunn the Irinndly countries that he ally wanltd pearl on rcasonablu lcrms ho scared lha mt ol lhe world Mo the conviction that he 13 ready lnr lull scale land war In Asia and he kept Gcn eral Ky going or mnnlh or no lust Johnsons envoys whizzed by jel ram capital to capital round Illa world conveyed chm differenl massage OneThey had In convince neutral and 1105an nations Ihnl heUnlled Stale rully wanted peace In Vlel Nam and wax pr pared to make new mmslon In gel They were expected Ia pass the Word NanhViet Nam whlch the US conslder lo be Rs main upponenL Doublleu new oral them did When all was said nnd done lhe Swlh Vietnamese govcmmcnl troops warn nil lighting mas he war on the orders 01 um shaky military dlc lniorship In Saigon IL lender General Nguyen can Ky feared nnolhr in long series or coups 50 Secretary of State Dean Rusk ml to go In 51130 to By sure Ky Ihnl the neat talk did nl really mean very much The US would slnnd behind him and not sell Mm out In Commun ist National lecrallon Front whlch conlrol more lhnn half hLI country experienced jugglcr would have dillicufly hoping these diflmng Ideal In the alt with only two hands but Mr Johnson 1113 woman Two They had io whip up support for the war imm irad ilionai USi allies including Can ada on he assumption ihat on ior years ii the allies ere peare moves aside it wiii go not ready in und tram nan were they should leasi do samcihing ia spread the burden argund In Johnmn ianvicw ni international diplo macy which is really ex tension of the lncredihiyum pilcaicd system of Congressional relations ihe President knaws so well the peace drive had someihing for everyone TililEE MESSAGES WASHINGTON CALLING GORDON noNALbsoN Iahnsonjgbly Keeps EveryoneIn The Air nflce II 700 IRMA LA nouca 910 iL 1th war grlnds an and la judge by public oplnlon pulls the us public will In along with Orliélally courts than min Johnson has not and fur dcclarauon of war upoln allth sslb becausa wnuld be mnlfln to dcclde whnm he US ls ï¬ghting he Viol Cong xucrillas North Vick Nam or Red Chm formal debate on decla ration war wnuld be tricky so the President choose tn consl der congressional voles an ex lra delense apprnprlatlonssuch as the last one taken during Iho 1960 Gull of Tonkiri crisis as voles comldgngc volé of caanenca ram Con zress in his conduct of the war um Mama uï¬imam nnmmm umuxz ues wan mum Rrmwsléu MRIQHARDSONS WIUSCH DDMPANY nulme PERSON BllLYWLDERS WE mum Mllfl Vflllil BEST PICTURE m4 one