Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1966, p. 6

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iFinds Altitudéffiflédt The Belgian cycling team had physician navalan with the riders to check Alha altitude elreclhu¢ Ila lound Hula or no change In periormanne at great helghlt Gnchon Inys Ho concedes lll important or larelgn uthIeIe to min at Ieasl week In ndvnnce 01 their event so they can becbme ac cuslnmed tq they10mg Euthg Rude alone evmanr emu of disappoinling thrlnrmunczs by visitnrs Adjustment to and and mm Just In dmicult ldjusflnl lo the height Gnchnn Iddl EASIER AT OLYMPICS Olympics they wont have the trouble we had when we wera forced to eat diner ent place each day There they up lugerylag what eat and drink aid any iypd oi mhlellc team can come under the Aupervlslon Cmdlnn doc TORONTO CHFour new comer havo been Ielecled to coach and manna and track and field team It he Bril sh Cammnnweallh Game In Jamaica this August Nell Farrell nl llumlltun honorary secretary of the Ama teur Mllletlc Union of Cnnndn Announced Tuesday tlul Paul Pace of Toronln was selected track conch Inn flame of Montreal lleld conch chk Hardlnz of Monlml as luck manner Ind Mu Jo Kennedy cl Wlnnlpex II unlalnn minn Ker The track and field leam will be plckld mgr he combined Candim championships Ind Brflllh Emplre Gamu lrlll In Edmoan um July Gachan recently guided tour Cnmdlln cyclist throth ch gruelling Inlay LBWmHo In nual Tour of Mexico The yumld illustrator for the CBC former talk me In Cmadnnturned with norm Ideas on how to tmpmvl the el flclency of athletes compattng in tho melted atmosphm at gtylnearly miles above ve film Pm 41 conch the Toronto Olymplc Club who coached Ca nndlan luck Ikau Ablgnll Holl mnn nnd Dav Enls mid ha In land In um pnflnflnnry wark Immedlalely by canlacllnx Canadal luck prospenll Hqu II ho coach of Juan Hendry of Montreal punmh lan lpeclnlln who llnlshed lourlh In the Canndlan chump lonshlp In 196 And did not compete In lhe compfllllon In year SOME SURPRISE dietitians Ind MImflldl will allyhnvc Iomethlnx to do with who win gold medal ma non Olympic Game In Mum City nyl Albert Glchon It turns at mnrlu In mma qunrlen hat Hume wu MIPC led an Held cnath mad Lloyd Perclvnl bl lolnnlv lnnsulmo lluura In Clnndlln track And Held Icrdvll much lhe Don Mills Turk Club wn nomin Med or ha Held cunth pmlllon hy tho Ccnlrnl Ontario bunch lho MU Coaches Named For Track Team But It olher time It wmld MONTREAL Dpclou Illhir Flu mm Frank In MM pa an ml Hul lman uxh fllrl Mull 5mm TM ymml Mavlna mime Mn In bum hum lauwlu fin up ll ElmInMfiw mum AM HIGH VHLUBD MET SIGNS the but with in Can ldl Ihe uld Without him wherownuld 191 If he was snubbed or pouqu reasons think was urlbie nJmUce Ho would be the but man or the Menu Ichon lays many Va Europeatop cycllsu succumbed to much disorders and Injur le Ind wereorced1owllh drgw And nnly half the 2A niexlcan llama lInhhed the Madam winning the bldivldua Ind mm honors We ntaried out with handl cap because at the mountainous terrain and wa begun with fear the mountains because tin Jimlea we ind heard IbouL aiiiluda interfering with erytrlormlncg athlete Nevertheless the Canudlnn Ind Funch Quml were the only two lmlgn entries to campletl Un Amu un unn Th0 Cinn dlnm flnllhed nth Ind flu French nth and CInIdlnn cyclists have been lnvlled tn tnka part in ma Tour for flu pcxg five years mm wrm1me WVHowcver aboui 710000 rm was the highest mu we hit Ind by lhnt dme Iho Ildm ware Im not Percival booster but thought In mluhl be mec Ied thin Mme Llnyd has lot to contribute and 1an it About me we ookrldvanuxe 01 MI contribudon Shot put Ind dhcul mr Nancy McCredla Brampton also In Injulllca hu been done to Perclm 31Lwo wmt to compel In dhtmu an dawn then well Med to alonl cloud veflcIHomley oume mwocln pro mmown of mantra womnat lugs our men with purified wnta The teach nyrm 1mm Inca lthyflclm trmllln with the Ital wu point 99 an 35 finite Manual wan Itrlcken with In interimi disorder and wax lost or molt oi the me This pm in pru Imon Gary DeJoul oi Cul my and Dominica Mum and Flam Dnndra oi Mancini oiher members of tho tum Ken Miz cl 10mm former chairman or track Ind field or Amlleur Athletic Union at Cmdn laid In llnumcnl rllelud lhroulh nullunll turn ol Hrn here Mruod uld mllquoltd ln Clnldlm Im cry from Cniun Jan 11 which pinned ply lnerv mm complalnl on the NI Hunll Hockey lune bc neceuary to mm 16mg Id um pnpmfloql VINNIIEG CP McLeod conch Cnnud flanll hockuy mm Ilchlwnn unlnr Hockey League club In balhuinl pllytll HI nld ho was min 00 NIH And not thn NHL 1n McLeod Raps SaSk Juniors un Ngllnul 11min NW uvk Mm innv II In MI to Illn ma or 1W 1M II Mid Munhxmn whn hnu mm Vllkh nll lmull la cunmlly lrllnlnl ll llmv haunt mm In hm IAI WimiIML MONTREAL 0P WI head coach Mode duyleau file Universityol Mnntreal Gab min hockey team will have Ml herds full when tlw team meet Mcnmler University Fddly mm leven playm The man mined tom the am and to an lnz 151Frdly ol cold Dr Yvan Dam who he unlvaruh said was tired or striking re tereejn game against Odlege during the Christmas holiday wu per locz flu Mlldlh an Met but 1dr um um rm to well minim And hi ml ml bend ram ledllu putlnlpnuou Our rider nnw find tho Innull Tour du Intent muchuller The Franck um mind In tho MD or Tour alsmwco Panhm Mn boy 9qu wlcrynmw an Roch Chayleau who guided flu beam to 1m Against W11 larloo Warriors the Ontarlm Quebec Athletic Amdlflon last Sgundaynsagd 19 would ind placement or fine lever lien in R16 MIMI didnt nud the oxygen hid £3me Ill an my frqm Mom Glchqiimphwm mm mu medical cm Ind on In In to puck tom RIDGEWOOD NJ MP giwm JLm mm hu not only 10¢ roommate but humonlca weal Thntl because Phil Lint agnona Minuet friend in baseball and MI roommm lor our new with New Yok Yank In lnlervhw 1n Cllury Slhlrv McLeod Id Begin Pm Ind veybum 12d Wlm hi NHL have tnlkld lo lorwudl Fun Huck Ind Motrin Mm wilhnut nklnl wmlulnu to do HI uld NHL cluhl unl ht Iwo pllym 111 mm Junior atllon now meyvl not all may run handle to Iludy and pl mdy for flu wnrld dumplomhim Naked nld Roth Huck And man Illendlnl unlmllly rm membm ol thu mflnm Im wlll In ll land mum lo lheir homl um whan they at buck mm In Mmh HI worm lournl men In Ljubjlnnn 1mm may have linlxhed lhelr exams MUIT FIND EXAM In Wryhum Jnrk Shupo mnnuer In thI Wlnxn ulé In an Interview ho Ipnlu wllh umnrvrmnnlnr ob lh Clnldlm Ammur lloclmy mhnlcm holon Ippwlchlnl Mnll Ila nld ha wu Inhl by Gov don Jud Mrlvlllo SAIL to over with Mon Irle urnan nu RIIIL duh loAqunllly an plnyo Carabins Coéch Has Problem MI to per Inn lmm Mtlml Ipu In Mn Hum laid in dhlnt why wmmlon nu nuuv my No uh Hm Mllnnnl rluh nunr npprnnrhrd MHIIIII HM Wrylvum club helm lulu lnl Mon lor the Nullnnlh BOUTON LOSES MUSIC MATE HORTON OUT NMIIVHLE Inn MI Olymnk hrva lum rhAm 1M llalph InInn Tune filnlu Unlunllf Id Tum be In wlUulrIw mm mm llllhn 7ch hum In nun who Inluvy NUIL am mm um vim nnvu Ilelulul mm um In mum Junlnr Ila In nu met any It Ivy and Lauy Iiimg 1an thank mm mm Null HAIL ivrmllel mm nu ma Enlon In mu Hu faded In Philadelphh Phil es All heard In season wu am darned humou lca 13mm nld lookhll Ihud to ycnr oi morn vlclarlu Ind ch nolu Phil mlly mod to loam My lo guy It Llnz hum hmoul when manager You Bum fined him $200 or boil harmonica on bus dat lnx 19 101 ltruk Hawks Defeated On Home Surface THE BABE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JANUARY GOll Skim had lha place prelly much lhamsalvu in winter Th OllIWI Ski Club WHY memberle 10 to 6000 Im 104 Inc Lulu wllhln lhl nuk when the Gallneau HlllA pm vlda venue I10 or ha novice And map to lest the mom uwa Now the mwlnl PopuIIrlly ho molnllud Ikl vehicle hu opencd up new pnrk Ichlly whlzh hundredl Olllwnru mum min up ol flcllll nlnl nomlnl lo TRAIL MARKED OTTAWA CF 01d Indian lull hnvl Imam rudwnyl Int motoriud mow uhltlu in the 750ch mumu Puk yenround Ilygraund or luwum rudenu outed In Quebec Jul lew mlnuIeI drive mm downtown OIthI the ormar lroquoll Ind Allmquln dumlln now oper Iled II pIrk byrthc NIllnnnl CIpim Commlulnn Idem gavcrnmenl Iuency Thu park provide PM but Iummer ouldoor tununexcelled vandal Iaur or nlluu Invm well scenic Iwimmlnx ndegceljenl glcnlc me 17 mllu mlrhd Ir hlvc bun dflllnllld Ill Ipaclll mm the mow buul Ind Another our mllu wlnd lhmum anny wooded Addlllonll Irklnl 19ch hi been provl ed II the Yuk en lunu In mu hmlel can mm Had our 91 Ill pnk on lholr um vehlclu Puk olllallll uy Ihn ntw llvlty do no vlolenu Io lhl lavornmenl oblocllvn in tho GIHnuu In In nllurll but unorIUom cl Cunn dllm un mloy an unchmled unwound pm Cl lo mm 1ch 01 lb Nu anal Clpllnl fommlnlon Gatineau Park Trails Open For Popular Snow Vehicles Cm nlyloqll yaw llllllfl DVIIIIAI AIIWAVI WINIAIIMI WIIM All IAN THIS SMALL ADVERTISEMENT CAN MEAN BIG SAVINGS mkESERVAHONS AND TICKEYS MLL Tnvol Slrvlm MM III 532 jug BOAC cm um ynu llme Ami nlm many 60 find ml About llOAC mu Iummcl lhm mold 19 Ulnulllmlc kl MINI such from Tumnln Ilawl nm or clmkd tl xlllfil lmuhm Ivy umnlflcrnl MC hillRoyce 707 or All mull Ilnnl DCl jrl From Aml ll mu lfumpc lhl IOMII Mr liumyle 1lly lcumumy luuninu lunmln Roma wll mu you nnly xm mum Plum nnw Ind mu your hml Mam If youre planning trip EuroIn mwnwmmwml 0K Johnson Km In nu um Hum BOAO Eplklfnlzf mum41mm Coleman dlraclor ol the ark brunch nyl mow vehlcel allowed only on llmlled male in thc nulounl Palkl Tha Min of the vehlclu II on mark agalmt them ml mnll mlzht be Icmd elf Another drnwback ll lhn moleneu lame of the llunal parkl Patrol wnuId hlva In be lmllluled In make lure um Int lbs Inmlliu were out men therel tho en of flu dunx0 lha vehlcm mllh do to the you tree and plum YITMVA CPIAl Blvno 37 glamcoach cl Mndm lard the old Ontario Ruby Foot ball Unhm 1U Mn Ottawa Bounhunljer ol 0191mm Football Cozflcrenco MA min in nuislnn coach uncr mlnuor Red OQulml In mnmd luesdl his hon wwn md It lumen P1 line 1961 He plmd for Toronto Am luuu In 1062 to IBM Islyin one time and then went to nlpel mm llamblrl or we yun by mmmi Bruno born In West 214 manhunbgon Alanchin WM wim London mil mm mu to ma hum ll game pener him lama In lmdniilor lwo em Ind ii imam mention mm NAME MYHM NEW YORK Mlllllflmk all Snym chlcm Burl NI llnnnl Footbnll Imuu 1100ho 01 he Yunr wm named Tuudny winner nl the Detolnlwr nwnrd In the Hirknk lrnlmlonnl Alh Ieln Um chr rmnprnnnn Hubby Hull anlnnnl fltkty luxue Chlrasn Illnck lllwkl um dlllnnl Inunh mm mm 1am mi Lord Coach Bruno Joins Bough Riders Sherth Bun have drawn upper in thexr denm um Canadal Ambundor In Rum Lhreatzned to on two their tum In Run lul nek becaun man play Lloyd1Pollock Wlndm Ont 1v president of flwCa mdlan Amnlmflmkay Imo clnuon who wu in churned 1M Haven arrived back in Canada member with the Mam Ha laid reports that Ambu ndor Ruben Ford had rebuked thy mm qr gnud mllcpnducl Ind will lay during me In Thurnxlyyin Klllnln 120 miles north of Macaw came 59mph llgoclg newVol um Begun 1965 Allan Oup clump ionl uni winner 91 um Ahum Cup lulu ln chdan 1m month denied uwy hid been hauled on flu diploma dc name by ard The leam rived born In Shgrbrookg Nelda nlzht report from Moscow Mon day said um Ford had made special mica to the team last Friday to rtlrlln ram rough plly 1115 ll allowed um um In XI nln which flu BM an lent 154 to Soviet Army Elm The Beaver mumcd to Mo cow or Friday and Sunday game against two other Rny um um and lost In And WIRE INVITED nice to lll Ind tho only comment he mule Ihout the profit nigh urns wn um um Runlln pm had been my hard on it wunt nm or diplomatic rehuonl Ha hoped the next two tame Ws IMW Pollack Idmllled Euvm were edly in In Klunln gum but uld flu lhc rem1n wu win and that Chi Runlnn Anny team included mu or uvan pllym of their nI uonal tum Pollork nld thlt hr and other ofllclnla lrmlunl will the 5mm were Invited to Forda Mlle Int Friday nun Raymond Bergman pmldent he Beavm uld Tuesdny lhl Ford never menliansd rfifh plly during Mn Friday George Ray pinyincoach And mr delzncemln of the Belvarl uld hln club plaid rough hockey In Knllnln that lhl Soviet mm played 1m rough Ind uu mam know hockey were Fridly meellnl Along with Pollock Ham Crochellcn prcllden the0uebec Amateur Hock lunchlllm Ind Len ODonne pmldent ol nu Quebec Senior Lam WEHENT TOLD Wawm never told my time In clean up nur plly or hIVl the Iour curulled Cro chulm md We dhcumd tha Kama bu the Imhumdor 51 3mm CANADIANPRESS BRAVES RETURN ToCut Russians TOur MadeT0Measure Ends Saturday SUIT SA lE CORD IOACH MENE Ringo Ringo Ringo Ring Ringu Roy who aald thaleavera were men cqoler receptionvln Rum lhan alaawhara In Eu fopa accused ha Rusalam 01A tuning the rough play in Kal mm Ha aald Sovlat player el bowed Sherbraoka goaltender Saran Aubraywhen he want down to make flop la the um mlnula of the 25mm The external Illnludepub men In Ouawauld Tuesday Illa Ford hnd notvbun um 7mm lnmmcflomon in ma ar never lsked vélm hld hapbéned night he Roy Addedthat each Kama in Hue 27day tour wu lollnwed by banquet or zettozeLhar but ltLRflflll wal Jun hello Ind than goudbya me Inch game Following shbrbrookon Ion In Mnscow Spunk Sundny Lhu mus drcuhuon newtpaper Soviet Sport uld tho Cauldllnl behnvlour called M1 um and jun ndlgnann at in ll dlencfl m1 Leaguu allow younmr an Gayle Fielder wean con alggrgd man lead Thu mg was relatively hme Canadian standard but the cavern yew mm by NW II yearn lam flu Hula Denim kidding his eighth E1u° Mmmfi pa In turned up In the manned rule of mgxerm as Seattle Totem blanked Emime lip gen in lnterbddm game InfIiielder who hu mien 031g aqua appearance Mmdncehodayedlormodd St Loni llyen in mm and mmefioddoolflnycar mm find 151m past Baltimm Mimic Ed an unmn in the ward period It aha mod on an wimhi Bison mm WWI only other AHL action Gm Menard and 8111 Don een wen the other mum in Semflel vtdmy m0 m1 ln ll Horn mm by WHL club um mm havo filter In den Quebec Don Blackmm faced the Eastern dlvlshm euderl Wifll two goals In men Aims Bufldo 1b Mb an came mm Terry Guy Bill Smhuimd Leon nodule fled anson and Audrey La cmlx up mm Mahmust Nu Gerry Mahwh Gerry Dueflello and Jack Imam noted for tha Bum Fielder Leads Seattle Victory THE CANADIAN PRESS Em WWW 22 Dunlof SIIO Pvlcn 0an Sum Positively lASI DAYS Ron Prlu 1an SUN 11945 14295 15700 16995 crnwd 01 10000 at the Mann Sport Palace or what the en to cansldered unsnom manllka conduct Vnh Brown Barrio LN DUNLOP ST 726M ambit DUALDUTY 2995 3295 3700 3995 Ynu Sav 9H0

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