NEW YORK AN11 lid may bo young mouzh to 1m the new bald prim short skim and cllnging fabrics but she do have good ï¬gure or More Klan over In over wcluht woman will luv tumble with new clothes MM Vlctor Jeri Shreveport on 12 award wlnnlng young dc signer presented Friday lo the New York coulun group In the 19403 and 1050 Id Ionnhla cloth wen huge hunk of materials he said woman could hide huldb them We dnnk deskgn for U1 woman Mm tummy now The American woman bu he Krcnlest leg Kn thc world so show hem She In sporly easygoing nclhe llle and design 1m lhaL he laid thawing Ilze live And dz pint and can coslumu lm dining at Into my own clothes mid Delay John Ion Wealhcmlald Com now Inshlm lcnullon II In 23 Ilka the Tvshlrl look short mm You cant wen um wlm too may plan DESIGNER DIET inon Klrkpnlrkk New bany 11151 nhnwcd hi metric fluidly bench drum In bold nmnxu Mach Ind while with ï¬lm hm Inch above the knee On an overnight woman ncslxnrr Edie Gladllono young mother nl lhroo hnl mother under llnml um um problem In dcslgnnr ha women In car ncl Slylu lhawn hy the 11 do nlnnm were 11mph bold In color 41va tho kneel Ind mnda manly no wrlnlli Inhrlrx HAHUNCP ANfl main Inumhm or um luhkn Mallnnalyln unllmmdod hpmdmwmu 1m lady The nml Mr and than mmln Ian Md Um ahnprly mxlol Imduerd down um tummy nl ma HIM Palm Frhlny mm luvinl We wen dumlnn of Immkm and knllmr thv1 ml mun nflmima mm and InMau mu WrVHrvmwl 11 rmmlal wrv Um mudh or ulihn 61M and lumlu ltmhwar harm CIMI Irla um in In Eryn Hun um IHh awe wllxml mum lmm mm by mlknl T4mllh mu linen rum Innppnl mlh nr man ll hi nhml liLlnh lmuh anvorlnl mum WM Um well llnuL fiflLNl lnlrkrn and flick Ma lvmw mull wilh IIrlynnlnl mm mm AMI Hunt mu HanMIN lulln Mn um mum llmrllml dun hamlela HIM Bold New Clinging Fabrics Spell Trouble For The Obese The WellBounded Figure For Fashions Italian Style lumuan lath mu hld Im 6mm Anchmvd it wflh llrlnl Cmulln £th I10 llrlnl mun1 qu dQdM MfflojM In mmafly hm mumm ln IWIM Imd Mth ullh din uml pnllmwd nilpm Hod mun llmn Man at awlr mum and on Mr 11w huld durum wllcm II mm rum through Milo mam Mn In table flimmndl Wed mlltm um um mm mm 1km rm Vflll mm mm or mm lflW 11mm nilll on dink hm hum um Am damn mum MIan 0R7 MM ho Ilrd mum with 11 Irv mu Uw Mrdcdrl nvaln uqum Hm Wynr In mummy All In Mm UN mum mm In 11min Inh III ml Huh Math IMMMMI mhn lunmd flu Mum Icmrn mm an mumv Mum and mfl IM mull Mun um Mvdwr lik mm tin MM whlla llncn wllh whlto muchan nun cmpllflu Um ntwtll look monu denim pmenled la the Now York Coulun imp unllon by Vlclor Jam Shruvcmrl on of dulln who dlspllycd Ilylu IM erephoin m0 AND CLINOLNG tol FOE TOMORROW Wednudly wlll be In ampl clmu perlod or any work In lnlthllve cluracler qr unusual enterprise and or concluding pcndlnz project of business naturo Durlng nllernoon you my be lhe reclplen at All umxpeclcd favor or Ill from In elderly lrlend or nun FOR THE BIRTHDAY tomorrow Is your birthday plcndld Indicnllonl for you and your chm During the next year manual occuplllons will be equalIy favored with rnenla1 punufl no that whatever your work you Ihauld be inspired forgo ahead with omlmlrm and conï¬dence Currently you are in In extellank onrmonlh pe rlod for advancing both ï¬nancJII ocrupallonal lnlmalk 4onde ale or lake Jo risks Ihls week other ï¬ne cyrltl or develop ment long Job under lumines line are lndluled during the rim hm week ol Mmh the Ian wuk In September In lint three week oI Odnber Ind lhroughoul November 1nd nm Jnnuafy Duldu tha mun load p14 riod limncu will bu lavmnod by gamma lnfluencu throw uu Avril during Ihe flnl hm week Santomhu und hruughoul 00bcr and nut Jnnulry Du be comran ln wandlng duran ha Hm Ihm WEEK Mud and in June howovcr Inca you may be need with mm unax dad pcnm Those cnlnlt In an Iva wmk 1qu hive rally ood yur Illh period not In Accomplhhmem In dluled In May Jun And Sm amber Thls new yenr In your to wlll also be hluhllahled by um llanally plenum pcnonn relu llnnlhlpl wllh unphnlll on nnllmenlll Inlemu leun nvw and Much lhrouahoul June Ind In In October and Ill nmmber WM rm dmlantr Almunal mnlrillxflnm lo hold luhlnn Ncluro ammimu Amt11n mm mm combined mhm In main pavaluly July number Wlmmrr II llw hul mnlumrl Ilmk turm mum knit hum an why only mvrqrvwn QM THE STARS SAY all drum nnl All iwnulhl Wm any um mm the Intel ho Mm Mn lmll whit vhyl Mild aim Dim mini mum 115M1le migmc Eu Ii mm mm mm mu mini mm ï¬rm and hand all YM mw mim pl In an mm an mi um shade of Hold Iflhf Um du ylm mnmm arr not in mm mm 11w but In tun On Nan ï¬lm hMIW m4 By ESIRELLXTA We good Muffin11 essence an an skin developed or mwk photographic and TV makeup only In more sub and natural loqldng MAGIC MAKEUP Four protruding browllnes that overshadow and Ilnk bye beneathdye darkest thud of mkeuzz in the contouring lrit hused Mmï¬wanamin Contcjï¬riMdkeupv Cdrréétéf jivFaulty Facial Features inï¬rm md you can re Khlpe make ywr nee You dont have Hvéwiux Hm double am my more Dr SW 6° 19° nhend shooting for I116 moon xWawomen have it mldo so mm In make mm GM fade out mm legthan period calm and highlith Undo in good lemma It the Tour If most my beauty makeup pmblm are IIWI In the manymg 5m chm mmlngbmwline cit do upder the eyes Itoo long Ind double mo Hal madm um mag in may makeup way one wry ï¬alaï¬e an n23 Play time has gnlned con nderably In lm ï¬ance alnco Math and Du were young slerl Gone wllh those day are the thorax children usod to do chopplng wood pumpan may or Ahovelllng can And how many of todays youngsters over climb light of stain or even walk 70 school Modern worksaving Ind 11v lng condition and convenience are making exercise oldvlash lorLed Ll nolehsolle Thu thls In of excrflon having an adverse enact on childrens growth ha been re ognlzed major problem by lhc Presidents Commute an Physical Fitness PARENTS MUST HELP RESHAPE YOUR FACE Now parcnls are beginning realize they must contribme Increaslngly lo the childs phyl tcnl well his menu da velopm Aycnoglsb Ind educmn hava joined with manuflclurm create auldmr pIIy nqulp men that will enabla young Ilcrs of various ages to exercise their bod well as their anglnnUonu and min lul ludu Thll equipment no Jul hnvhnnrd assorlmcnl cl ml cellnncou dcslgm Thelr can construction based on modern knowlodge chlldrens phyalul dmmlopmcmY Ability to coordln nl lrpufl pallern1 Start Physical Fitness Program To Offset Lack Of Daily Exercise cs ng ridng galvanized Itecl one chlldmn the oppor lunily of arranging lhe basic unlln lnlo vnrlcly of combi aallum lo lull lhulr Imagina on CAN IMPROVISE Laddm Index and tumbling Ollcn we pmnla Iuppon our chlldm hnvo no concern about manner Ind 50an conventlvnl Some chlldmn donl um mm mu mu lhnl mnny thlldrrn upcrlllly curly ltcn mum ollcn luflcr mm mum Inaccuer whtn may and that Mr mnnnm mlnM mm anl dlupprovnl mm In Illunllnm very m1 hnrrulinz la hem whm lhny wllh lunll nr when adult gum am In wr home They not know Ihm duty will at nudp In lb livkl or arm 1mm klrk lhc nhlm nr Mi nr lollinl luck or mind nbukl mm or mmu nurtrlnln lurnrh cu uuvflo Iuch Hmu Hwy may look um um Ml lama nnl ululnl or normI Wmmunl uUnn ADULT 13 The mom pnrrnl Inn may llghl rnlhullnn nflrr In or my dllluuhl III huluml um um pom mller In mum nlu llu INIII mm may Mo why mmr Inn Unullml lhnl or flu mlghl In name anI mlnlly wrnnl mm 1va lml plum Thin Ihuon lnrll Jim Aunl Mnlw wbu hn grown up In IVIMU plm nr In an vlmnmrul nnl HIMNI WHIMI culmtu lhll clly mm IIIM mu Ihn Iumrlnl nhlrh may mur Imth by my mum wuan ml KM hull And hmlru Teenagers Suifer Insecurity Regarding Social Conventions By GARY MYERI IM In up yml pmnl hm or hmlm In tnvumnl WI of llluMInnl yrm IMM led IMman lnv Iny mrh km In lha Imdunuud mm or ull hm Junl rm IHHHI le uxuhl In mlvm Mp up llmhl 33mm mlull lmw lAmlllar with Mt lmrwlanl mallm mm In endl km ollowlnl the domdln ounlne the sketch dar ker mm zoe on over basic loundallon dude which ap plied um all over the lace Mammy the pronMm braw Um recedes the eye widen And apply the lightest made In Ihe contouran kit knowing tho dol ledIn onlline In the men This mailed oven bgslc lmmdaï¬m For ionlong too pointed me use Bndarkest shade in the kit laflwdngflw dotted line to M9 out the extra length of For double end use the duke shade on Ihearuaul THE HARM EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY 1m bar can be converted into climbing harsel wagons tents mace ship and loading plat larms Whatever the young uen create they derlvq tram It much needed cxerclu Sibel nlso prnvldu plenum castle towers quirrall nesla spldm web and an as arlmeut climbm Thesa mode are skinned of cor Lion mmm plunked steel uhinz whlch Ls virtualiy mnln tenance free In addllkm they are practic ally Impervimn lo the rough handllng they at over the yearsand kid can cerlalniy punish almost any type of equipment Todays parenla remember ng their days 11 ha jungle gym perhapsmay not moz nlze from helr own youth much of tho equipment thelr young len enjoy SWING ADJUSTABLE Them tubular steel wislcr wmx Adjustable In length it spin or swing to null childs langy 7A lairscaly whirlwind II modern szflvpropellcd varslnn hi old oroupd The rockll 11 celerIulm that he youngsters can safely manipulate whllo llandlnz and he hlghrlda muw um accommodues lhree pllymalcs the third Icnled high In lhe emuu so many odnya ch11 drcn deprived oi woods mum and niher natural play xeliings parenis Inn in pro vide the proper militia lo nuke lure lhalr children d2 vnlop in hair ullui physiul Ind menial growth petunia Or you mlxht bu nucloul tnouzh Ind big enough nnl lo yourself ul or even ml lembuxrund over mh mnl an HELPING HAND You mm hair the mlllly Hmld youlh or Idull In use Jul lhlnk how preclou lhl perm may be how de lighuul hi or Mr way which mtmnl may lo your own friend Ind when you llmld pmnn blounmlnx oul whnl ullulncllon you your Iel wlll enjoy mull Ms llmld pmnn blounmlnx oul whnl ullulncllm you your Iel wlll enjoy mull Wllhaul plnrlnl blnmonn lhI Email lho tlmld pmnn WI Ave bun dixtnulng nlly an man mm why ymml pnrrnln Ml rrnwnahly rullunl Idvlnllu Ihnuld Ilrh ml ruluvm from mly yrm In Hair chlmun lhc buln load mlnnul we lry to tumult good mannrrn and um nircllu 50 till me In nur dulldmn kl Imp lhlnklnx what lhm no flulnlunvu will mun lur Hair par0M1 Inlllllrllon the snow 0M For drdei untjeplhe eyes CHANGE Mm mama lENAS nW wumcmm JANUARY lined and fade out the urging onendert Alrvtlï¬s polnl you may well say but Ill look like patch worksullt 91 115mm darts work Igum of 11 hi and dark can ¢olend5tafl Sn wnh dual 53133401 mm Wflh ha Jones of Ilme brush es you dunron an flushing mdel usan the llghm shade on the shadowed ma thc dar ker qakhnn 139 lifhlgngd ap Ynesulza bland oi bcnuly that hnllranslumnce iubfly shadow hlghlghu new facewith all the unloved EI uml played down and the flood mum given lhlmmar ntw rmphulss Fought For Rights Of Fellow Women CHICAGO AP Laura Hughes Umde 80 niece lormer Canadian wa minislcr sir Sam lughls and the ï¬rst Woman to be ederal grand jury toreman in the United States dlcd in haspflal Sunday Mrs bundzwas school teadm in Toronto and she campaigned there inr voting rights or women More mow Ing In Chicago Mrsl Lunde campalgnod In Chicago or tuberculosis pre vcnthm the honest use of val ing machines and health lm provomenla She was Viral gm or the Illinois public health department and was given scrvlcc award in 1955 by the Illinois Medical Society Mn Lunde was he ï¬rst unman to be foreman US cderul grand jury and he irslo be member of such jury In Illinois The appoinuncnl was in 1939 FLORENCE lflculcrsJme Italian spring summer 1966 fashion mlIchon upcncd Fri day at Florences PM Palace an ant setting or showing of Ian boutique and knlb wear designer mm Rome Florence am leam Casual drum homer sum while nnd Ion evening drum In IIzhl sou knits were prmnlcd In In spring bmmct onrs bright mange pIsIa mlo men rlIow and Iau 01 mm wore used car her fllshuy Iqunred aIIhoucue umIoed Ihou In mulching marl Wm dtslanod by Inumurinn The Kcncml ï¬lm seller AIen dcur line shorl skim and In Mny dizhlly boiled line was pre unw by knuwcnr designer Udn or pauorm arc nonm ricnl hul nal ho mm mmmndnz an annine hm Incsmarina ol Rama bril liantly opened he show with rim eyecatching color Riot Of Color Sets The Scene II BETTER GET BABY SITTER Yu so an no down In Norman Shun Tlmuduy You know 110 cohbrnlng MI Imam Annlvomry ALLnAermNEsm LanIESmnTszznn In oo Mqhair Minn Blcpd Qqallily Sizes Med Large Assoflcd colors with line éorilmsl trer Tm style to choose mm Turtle or MW Neck Some have Va and waist While mlh flmnl trim contrast suesMl4 Ideal or bedroom den living nr meroalion mums Good assortmtnl mm colon Sizes 21 36 24 3624 45 27 48 CONSISIING OI PINS BRACELETS EAR RINGS NECKLACIFX IN THE lAlFST MODIUAN AND AGOG0 SlYMb OF REGULAR PRICE V2 PRICE REMNANTS From Our Yard Goods Dept CONSISTING OF COTTONS WOOLLENS CREPES CORDUROYS BROCADES PLAS TiCS HQ 50 OFF BOYS MENS Pullovm snoi Aio Jx 96 IB 31192 Cudlglm 00 6x la 18 BflYS MENS DEPT Open All Day Wed mm In 530 gm NO IJHF HIKWI MIDI LAVAWAV ANDY RIIZI HIS Ideal for Cushion Tops Smnn Windows Several Qualities To Choose From SWEATERS IMPORTED FROM ITALY HAND KNIT Price Special From Our HOME FURNISHING DEPT SAAme 11min mI Hnlm Aunmd 5110 In nln llum Lula hm Mull PRICED AT RICE TO CLEAR FROM 25 UP CARDIGANS AND PULLOVERS REG PRICE WASHABLE VISCOSE MATS DRAPERY REMNANTS Of Our Regular lines V2 PRICE ONLY 449 PRICE ONLY 649 PRICE PRICED FROM 99 to $249 REGULAR VALUES UP 10 500 12 PRICE 007 ORLON SWEATERS LADIES IOOV ORLON PULLOVER SWEATER SLEEVELESS SHELLS Gulan mm nr Mar JEWELLERY USUALLY 1298 USUALLY 898 LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRIS UHIIH Uiullly Umnlly Ml $249 $349 $499 $249 FAc