Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1966, p. 3

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Synapsls Cloud Accompany ing he milder weather will per sist over the district lhroughoul today and Tuesday wilh only brch glimpse ul the mun pos xible Tcmpcralufes will cllmb NNXNMI and nzrlnfllurnl lender zanwml the lnnn ol IMAM Mclmmll ul MN on murky MI hml own an Imile Ibo Motran of ndlan can or mnk pmdudlan 111a new amnion II Madden Ivmnn Mmlrklm Mu Iln tnldixlrd rllamvlnmhln muks or milk In both the 301 Ind V6 day union Junior Imyrnr old rm 1m lwlmulny milking In am Ian Mm nmdurrd 2031 mm milk And n1 mm lulinl NH INHNIM mm In day AM no 11 mwll 9151 mm milk MMan pmmu Ivor IN lrn 57 mu llrr erl llwrd llau Auruo Inllnu 711 per rm lnr lnilk mu In ler mm In per ml mm mill and mu AILII Inf ml HIM ll Mrlarn lmlrhml llnlllrln 11 lflmll 3mm lhnl uni In MMNNWM is lilhm ll mull In dalmnan In Inn mn um mm ullfll 1mm nmnrm gvmdlun and nullhlm urll mannr rim lhnl nnw nullnhlo 171 Mm In Mr lrlMuth In ll nun rlvvn rhwmvlm ll lhe IlauLer III IMH Ilmll lb rnlml lwr IH Ium nwwl Ivy mmlm lnil 5an Nu Vnin Ill wnv dmul midim mu marl IV lNhnirm lrmn IM llamle Dilhid UniL Nor Hall burlun Klllalae Tlmnznml Cochrane White River Al nma 5mm Slu Marin NanI nn Sudhury Cloudy and ml lcr wllh accnxmnal Ham Innw lay and Tutadny Wind norlhmaluly 15 =1 Fomnl Temperulum Low umlm mu mum Vlmhnr 21 bL Thumn 10 lxmtlnn 1r Kllrhrnrr 20 in Low at The ExaminerJast night was six dngrccs and he temperatureut we nm was dogrecs Lake Cllilr Lake Erle Lake llunm Nlnnarn snulhcrn Georgian Bay Vlndsur Lon don Mnlnly clnudy and milder with low llghl snowflurrles to day and Tuesday Wind north wulcrly lb Lake Onlnrlo llnmillan Ton onto lllnlnly cloudy and mlldcr today Ind Tuesday Wind nun my this allcrnaon and ml likely be close to hose valuu on Tumy dull overcast weather occasional snow Hunin continue today and lomor Galt Holstein Sets Records DISTRICT WEATHER Oer 250000 hurls and pilgrims each year visit For 5k Marie near Midland when last lummer major remnstructim program was Jointly undertaktn by the On FORT STE MARIE IN WINTER SETTING Snowflurries And Overcast Hamilton Calharincs Pclerhorough Kingslm Trenlon Killaloe Lula government Ind the Uni versity of Western Ontarin The Fort was lhe western terminus of 1b 300 mile 17th century fur trade mule be twmn Quebec and Huronln Constructed in ms and hum vmh 1N BOB 0P EEC Tolcvlalon AW conev57 DELUXE60mm Ilaconomr EVERY CORONET CARRIEB 5YEAR 0R 60000MILE POWER TRAIN WARRANTY th Saul Sle Marla Kapuskasing While Rive Moosonce Timmln FALCONBRIDGE Ont CF Gears Clark and Fraser Mllch all were elected to the two vacant seals on council by dip In lha ha alter Judicial re count Four candidates had ex actly 167 voles each or Ihe lwa seals in Judge Mibcrt St Aubln let chance choose the winner at his lawn near Sud hury ed In years later by he mkxinnariuit housed Ontar los first hmpiul and farm Tnis view In mm inside lhv or looking towards the Mar tyn Shrine Examiner Photo FRENCH MOTORS Barrie LIMITED 317 fig EAT BREAKS TIE County Junibergrmers Annual MeetSaturdav Mr Kohler old press can tcrcnce that Volvos Dartmoth operallon produced 335 can last year an increase 01 50 per cent over 196411exald 545 can warn mld nlcsalo II 1965 compared wilh 1741 the prsgvnus year ere has been speculation that Atlantic Sugar wants Io use the facilities to establish lish processing plgnl Thé Véwcdlsh auto cofisany established an assembly plant here In 1963 an properly Icased mm Atlantic Sugar Refineries le However Karl Kohler presl dent sald Salurday gha sugar company gave notice to Volvo last year that the lease will not be renewed when It expires 1115 end lhls year 30 ac ve mm to ollow hmughoul the evenlmE The program will In clude mutations to the mun ty judging competition winners the iannmlnpemenl of final standing or the BarneJll Tradar Club recognition of 09 1966Nonh Simone noan Winter Fair livestock judging learn mainlfion the 1965 North vShnm debating team and mmnfiaflon of we Run Cum hunky Joan Ritchlc who was he 1965 winner homgunlor Eapner public hlghllgh of the evening will he be presentation of the luv Cecll Chnmlell Memorial 4H Club Awards to he two outstanding Agrlcullural Club members in Nnnh 51mm Coflnly The evening will be touchd ed with dancing to Don Tap stow orchcsua This group played at the Junior Farmer DARTMOUTH Ms The president ol Volvn Can ada Ltd says the company may have to Full it membly facxlme out Nov Scot be cause of Ieislpg dlmcuers An alwmoon lesslon darling at 230 pm will calure kill and Rwandan by the our lo cal clubs as well as the annual mealng and electlun of the neg qecudve 40 By ALAN scan Associate ALB Elmm The Non simcoe Junior Farmers Association annual meeting banquet and dunce scheduled or Saturday Jan film the MInesing Community Swedish Auto Firm May Pull Nova Scotia Assembly Plant Thu aufnprcsldmt said Volvo 1er warmth in schidylcd or 75 Bradford Street CARDS ARE LOSlI PETERBOHDUGH Onl lolnl al 16000 undellvcrabla Christmu cards were dls valchcd to Ollawas dead lullcr alllce from this city 50000 Postmaster Claude llllllnrd laid lhlrd clan mall doe nn gel directory mvlce of checking names agalnst city lists How evcr only nino parcel were un delivnrablc ups to May In Nova Scull If we can It Is not del lnlle It senlar manage ment decislon to be mada In Sweden whdhnr we flay In Ngya 5991 qr Cunnd He added that Volvo ll not Interested In Purchasing IHE eating factory space wax more flexible and lined Volvol um awn randmruw Janun at tho huneslnu Com munity Haii with the banquet starting at 630 pm1icketg are $200 each and may in pur chmd mmany Junior Far mer County Director TORONTO CONFERENCE Over so North Simone Yu iorr spent enjoyahiejaw Jan when they attended the Ontario Junior Farmua Tar onio conference at tha King Edward Hotel Toronto The day textural musical and pub lic speaking competitions open to the diilemnt county groups well as mammoth dance and an opporiunity to meet with Junior from throughwt the province is definitely Inlemled In slay ing at he present me There wuuid be no question move he lease was not being d15 continued Joan Ritchie EImvale was he one North Slmcoe mum compoan in the public speak lns commune might my that Joan Npmsenlcd lhe taun in excellent fashion in both her prepared and Impromptu aemilormnl danca hast Nav ember and was complete success so good time pm mlsed to all would recammend this event an chance to see Junior Farmerrpmgrarn at It best The past year has been most successful hne qr North simcoe Juniors and they Invite namnts fiends and nonmem ber to join hem in this even lng of entertainment and ml enjoyment The date again lxlsaturdw Janun at to Runesan Com mentioned the Ontario arm record book has been 2x Icnsively mixed and improved or 1966 Farmufs can nbtain copy oi this book at the On tario Department in Agriculture oflim in either Burrie or Al iisiou North Simcoe tanner wishing or help in setting up this book should nollty the On tario Department of Agricul ture oillce at Barrie and Arm or oilice visit will be arranged or this purpose nagcmcn mccllngs will be con llnulnz In early February with loplcs 9f lntcrcil to all We hope that Norlh Slmcoe arm ers and their wives will plln In aloe ln as many these median pussiblc HI ELELIRICAL BLUE have Just received word Lhal 4H Electrical Club will be operaking In North Simcoe ln ms Thls ls lrcmendoux addition to our Agricultural Club program and know that our scnlor members will be looldng forward to this club In pas week three arm management meeflngs have been held in the county or lllla Guthrie and Elmvale The meetings have featured an ex plannflnn of the new Onhrio Farm Record Book well dkmsionon the Canada pew alon plan and mrkmcnx tam pcnsauon The meetings have been yen received with over 200 farmers and heinwivey Attending the three meetings speech Almouya no placing In he lap flute finalists Juan was definitely one loe belle speakers of he day and those mm North slmcoe were thrill ed her flofl The qukh 815nm 13mm Ma mmWW mmmmm PLUS SPACE FLIGHT IO AT Mo pm 6mm fillmm and Mm or when in mmmh or minim9 WNW II VI Will HOME 1mm Aonux llllll YMIHI Thb company perform 1n Niagara Falls today moves to Welland Tuesday and to Gull Wednesday Perlnrmnnces will be given Onkvllle Thundly Whitby Friday and Bellavlllo Saturday berm moving into the Atlantic provinces ELKS ARE TOO MANY REGINA CPIIn tha lint elk human xeasan in IMIUI was Saskatchewun since 1960 74 nnlmal were taken by tho 100 hunters lucky ln llle draw or licences The special season was allawed mar local ranch er complnlned damage caused by the increased popu lAUan of elks The performers return to On lariu hrlefly on March or In appearanca Cornwall and re turn to Onlarlo March Dur ing the allowing 19 am per nrmance will be given Brockville March Tuition March 10 Kingston Mnrch 11 and 12 Pembrake March 10 Dcep lilvrr March 15 Kirkland Lake rMnrch l6 North Day March 17 Elliot Lake March Permmanta In 11 commu nllie will be in French TORONTO CF The Call dlan Opera Company produc Ilon Curlnan leavu or Niagara FIHI Ont easy on he first step of 14weuk Eastern Canndinn our of 62 communities 111E 3AM EXAMINER MONDAY immvxv ma Canadian Opera Company Starts Out OnTourOf Eastern Canada Failure 74 4sz wn QHBVSLER dilfiixbifib During lhclr final Ontario swing perlormnnces will in given at Windsor April 11 SL Thomas April 19 Kitchener April and Simcoo April 13 San Sle Marla Mart 19 Lindsay March 22 Grnvenhum March 23 Sudhury March 14 Brndlord March 15 Cobourl March 74 Oshawa March 25 Owen Sound March 29 and Guelph March 30 EVENING SHOWS AT g1

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