Danie rinks walked wilh two major prize inycslcrdnyl Dueday Lndics Ilawnilnn non lplel Bank Curling Club loll of Zï¬rigksucoxppclw NIKON CPI The Umml Auodnlinn at Canadian llnrelrncu lx prnpnrmx hrle In prmnlrd llm lnlcrul Inmrnnwnl nxkinx lnx rrlir lor all hum ownm the On ulu Ilnmrnn llammcnA Aw Ioclnllun was old vdnmlny lnlm Mooney mnnnginx IL mlnr Um Imkoy 0th 10M lho awwlnuonn mmunl mm In link wo hm 1va deco mum cum IN kllM WHIqu lhn yrnr Mt Mummy mmlu M1 muh nfler Dr Hon Hmwn run ï¬rm rim pmhlnnl of he nrumrun nwwlnlwm lime In gmmuunnl nnuml hmn vnrlnr in MI human nml ml nu mm In dined hnhlvy Dr nrmm ml that In Ilw MI 5451 nunm me ul Imrd Iv wrila nu hurl In Implwa hul ll Ivy didnt nlmw will Mun lhnrar period lury Inn Hm Irluntnl to IM lurid rlnu In llw wlvrn 1mm QEMNI In HIiI Ina ha uh mu ull 0M Hr Hmwn MM HI runt nflunl um um ramInn Ind In numlfl mm In Ic Imdnvl by uummmnl pmrly lery 5m Hunlwll Vnlh mt m1 Ilm mmlullonn wno ummmloe nunme Humming will the Wlmlmr mm mm Wm money mllh skipped hcr rink to victory In lhc curly draw lo win the DnVilbiss Trophy and Mn Gnrd Millers onlry won the Lnball Trophy In Into drnw Mn Smilh posted thru Ilrnlght vlrlorlcs In the curly drnw nud linlshcd wllh plus nlne She had Mrs Ross Nixon vice skip Mrs Hus Hirkli semnd nnd Hm Nullcl and Parry Sound rink Aklppcd by Allce Home 11150 regmmd me win lull her plus of live am Mr lhn runncnlp spat wgu urnomyn ma Wm WM Ii unnplmvl Ilm mm muu MI slavl urzuinllmu mm Mm Imlmku In Ill 1lowovlrl lmnt pm uwd lnr rmmh tn In Im Huh Will Ask Govt For Tax Relief For HorSe Owners Barrie Entries Top THawaiidn Bonspiel unrrlcn Iloso Emersons rlnk Imd the high aggregate among the aim xnmc winncrs it her ware Eda Hodgsan Roslyn Epéll ngd Murch Nickmon lullo Hurlirk Toronto wns rimml pmklrm he wrunnl mlllm Immlinz Mr Hur rhrli who wan 1mm Hut vlcwrcnldenl Dr nun wru elrdnl mnnd vlrn pmlden mul Dr John IInvlcy of Am mun ML HIlId vice plrfl denl Dlrerlun elrrlwd mum Ix John Hlompsnn Vimy Parr Mar Murray and Mary Home were lhe nlhcr mcmhcrs the rink Tap twogame winner was Camp Harden rlnk skipped by Doricn Mcisncr She had plux nlne Gladys Bruce Jun J0hn sum and Lori Courlcnay wm also an Ihe rluk pmvlnco nnd wuh lhn Jockey mm or puma nmnry UJS ANUIIlJZS llm llnmn Mrhap rm lthaHn nrrnlnd runner nald 10th Im II WHIIIHIII Inmlnl 1ndan Illawm Mr MW innlnnrr Mlun mull or Nrnro hmin hm mm My pnw MIMI wlll lilm LI llul Inmlrvl mmnuiondflp Imlinl Wm mm muuu van In 1h thau Trophy cnmch Inn Mn Mlllerl winning rlnk romnilcd plus IA wilh lhree Ilrnlght vlclurles Mn nnlph Hnycr wn vice xklp on he wln nan rlnk Mu Jack nur bridge scram nnd Mu slewnrl Emma lend II ll Alrlclly hullnrufl in will and Hip uvnflll IM rnlnnvlw le lnmtm In Nrm lunlmmu wl nunan HIIM In lry ill hall fun and llre ollm mm have WNI la mm Mun llnul Int rmwmlm that wnl llnmlle rim rluull lplpvhlan um um rillan vlghln lo mnjor lmlnl mulch IIrmrn have laid An undo mm mom um MM play um parM In war III llul yur run tml 1lml II nlujrd In many Brown May Quit Cleveland Club My Im rnup wlll Mrupy hII Inmlrd Mrlnl ml Barrie enlrlcs am look we of tho three olher prizes In draw Muriel Fendleys four Iome was Ilsn lhrca game winner and had plus of six for seeond place hanon With Mn Fendley were Audrey Webb He len Ideson and Stella Hark Yvonne Armstroan Harrie rink Wfll up morgnme wlnncr wllh plus of 10 Marian Cros seu Sheila Drislow and June Hardy were Iha other members of tho rlnk Mrs Dufllcld High Park broke he Barrie manapnly In lhl draw Whtn her rlnk was awnrded lho prlle Ior hlgh nu grcgnla onegame wlnncr Mrs nuclnlwn Mn Mur ray and Mn Hickman were Ilw on Iha rink mm Jlmu llnlmu lelnn OnL Mr Bullet mm Mclun fulllnnum Ont Vlnm Nmnnn Cnmn wml DIIlrlcl Jurk Krnnry Ancluler ML Gnnlnn lnmp Imll 5L Gamma Kmnotll Knvnnmmh mhmlnm lrM All WAVIN Mm SoumL Dhlrid Io Dr harm IilIlMl IIMOIL Oul HIM lï¬rlr Rlcllmy Her mm 0M mum 11 um Mflmrr Wintlw 0rd Xrn Mlnulh Hwfllhl 0M 5mm Mountain Ont Donn Math Ollnwn Dlslrld Dr Hmbe and Mr nurdwll DLV ldcl Mu Ienwhi Em mint Onl Wllllnm lrnl Sprimtbrook 00 Nikki Hall CUM Mull Sin Marin Thu llnwll Muir lm hm llmrll Al pk whrn blurL 011 Homm Vrllrl North nny link Hum Slowarl Jr lnirdmnnlxh 101 ll Ila alumnaY ML Juhn Hum lulumlm Ont Dnlrld Dr Brown Jlmu llnlmu Myllnn l6 Bnyfluld mom mum Wm WITH IHE FAMOUS PERMASTAMP N0 INK NECESSARY RUBBER STAMPS OF All KINDS COMMERCIAL PRINIING DIVISION THE BARRIE EXAMINER 25000 IMPRESSIONS Mmiv onh 5m Ian Gerry Tnqu l1 Inlrr no Club 15 Fox Plumblng 14 Miler Carrier 10 Stewarts Mamie lo Clmkson Hotel High Snzlcs 5959 35 llfizh Season 16 bocke Brysan ma i1 Abbott 662 High Season Triple Wan Emma 13 Polrlcr Palaéi 21E Gnmo Scom Mlnndnla Olnrkmn Wellington Sur knnl Gcrryx Dang ï¬eld Po Carriers Iomn Imkcricw Slcwaru llwwcy lion Flrnunn Tenm wlna Bumrr Sonics BanI Fmsled Foodv ls Irozrmhc Floor 12 0anan Tm 10 11mm Electric Humid Illvlllou Gum Oma er Dano Tnmdnx 10 no Firebug Ihmmcr Wfll mum M5 Tcxnm Cnnmla oÂ¥uhl31enncrg 05 man mm anney Bmatlbcnl Imnnmme lilgh khan Snglég Sauc In 190 ll Inks mm iï¬zh Average Jan Acnrrzral 5mm Tum Standing Second DIV IllonL Allmill Lumber ll Howey Elcclxic 13 Wellington lulul ll Dangerï¬eld Lake View Dairy Sat rim hripm anney 117 mm llmh Somlm lrixvlo Snuc ler hrs MI ll Hunw Mm lligl MN Jan Him Mmm an of Jan 11m Krliy 210 Kaudor 2011 1mm Svmu lSnunnn Tanmnu Wauwlnl erM Puma Irnxrmlv Tlmmu llnmuml Gmn Dunwr E4 Tvxnm Dominion meu HAIINO MAN DIM MIAMI VIA MP Jan Ilnu Jr mm umlary ll Hlfllslmm IMk Aml Sullnlk Dawn 1lrrl nl hurl lHMk II hum lenudny nllhi Ila ul Ml MENS ll GROUP hth Shqdlllll Hut 711M MENS ROW BOWLING Poirier IL Fraser 2511 Sinxlo Wm 356 Winnr 7266537 Poitier nu v33 um place in the Georgian Bay Junior Hockey league here last night when they dropped Mimic an Punching Fuwln uyl can Leo Clhlll old him In In ellphone omvm ullnn mm touch mnvrn Ion In anhlnzlon um cum mm haw the um problrm PENEIANG Barrie Spam lulled In chance to take We Only one point bchlnd minJ adlpi OrleJ enlgrlrgg the game Span now lhcm ulvel trailing both Dunn and Padang the vmorymovcd Padang into for link Ice in the close pennant bal ile Lul nighll am way the only lEague contest on up No gnmu will be played tomorrow night with Huntsville at Orillln andeany Sound It Collllu lTHE BARRIEJQXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY 196 Hen are he Itague standing IolIawlnl 1m nlghll name Oriuinl Minn Mick eonum no to show the way or warm 1n the Georgin lhy Junior Hockey lam amnflnu ta mmuu Mama todly by lu lue Ilalillldun Lynn Jam Orlula General manager nob meln nyl Ihu anionll nd American leanI luau ave Innlled lhc mlrkel beyond ruson Ind now almost nobody can mllnp pIIyor Ilzn Inc TORONTO CmToronto flex the Cunllnrnlnl Football luau mm lightened lhelr mm mm and In cullan lhem dam to aim comp plum In um Unltrd sum Garlepy stated all this ma playan cold the llï¬dlnnd Flyers spot he has complex for the past lew yth But thmgh some dlsv agreement he and the club fled company only In Decem He hunt played1lnce hasnt evgn been to rink Howwer its unde that the Flynnhave pmtected htm thl season which mean Gar levy would need xelemlhe on playing with another duh Garlapy wasnt speciï¬c today to what the pmblem was be tween him and the Flyerl Hawaver he did my 12 could all be blamed on management Im vary dwbtM it Ill be buck he nld dont want to dlscusl it too much Just blame it on management beliave um Importance at those handllng tha Mldlnnd cluh natal1mg or lotottha Bay Gariepy an ouleandinz defenceman in junior Denim and professional hockey may be ready to hanxup the dates but wmherarlwt hell be back again In the Centralï¬ataflo Senior Hodwy League he gave some food or thought today for Midland Flyers and he leagua ofï¬ci ini Rifles Find Talent Costly Penetang ijowns Barrie Sports RAPS REFEREEING Gdfiépv Career vlef Orillias Micks Leading Scorer RICK FRASER hidy nllM no lllnll Ami OHIIJIIA IHHM Mllflll WY UM CENTRAL ONTARIO SENIOR HOCKEY Orillla Penelalll Ban1e galliung Hunlsvflle 11 Mlke Borsa and Milne Dubcau paced Penelang to their wh aver Barrio with wo goal each Bub Clanon scored the other loaL The Barrio wring was Mn ly split amonl Claylnn Peny Rkk DunAn nnd laws Ypung nun nnb We point sep arate ha nix teams the men could even be llghlrr after Fri day night nchL win or Iluanlle over Drfllin and bar ring la betwen Parry Sound and Collingwood would result In three points wpnraï¬nz the in live lcaml Mick has leagueload goal and 30 wish oh ul 55 poinh zood or mm polnl lend over no Bloomch of Fury Sound who hu In small and nslsu Bloom lieldl nuLm lop 1n the lemma Tm Orlllh plum191m While and Archlo Rankin wulnl close battle for mm Pllofl Whlla has poinu Ian Wing nu Inn 017 am My Gmmmelt nl Ilumvllle Dan Tannahlll Pent hug Henry Gray llunuvflla Ind Barricl Jlm Burke PM Micki Orlllla 15 an no Bloomï¬eld Hm Orr sound 11 55 11110 Orlllln 21 flunkln Grill 11 71 Gmmmrll null 10 Tnnlulnll Im 21 ll Gal Hunmlllo In flu nnrrle In Threa point behind Bloom Ilrld Mammals non Orr who 1m 22 call and 23 mlm and mother member of the Pan Sound nqund Bloomllal hmher M1 hn lounh plnco mhlmul wilh point be Ive put inkoi dim into lhe Midland club he said But when lherel bad taste its difï¬cult thought wan having iniriy good season But like oidzuys lmuunily better in the second hail Gariem has been standout linen hestarted in JmiatA hockey wiLh Barrie Myers yum ago He moved mm the Flynn In Buliniooi flleAmeri names burm in the AHL Hehld one season in Ihe National Hodtey begun Wiih Mon Bruins W311 he wouldnt elabor ate on the pmbienu with the Midland club Gnriepy didnt bexitlk to toe of on the Men eeinz in leagu thin Jen ion The miereeinz in the won ive ever Seen in this league actually mining the league and could lead to the Jenna ioidinxi Flyers should be right In use thick at the milk or ï¬rst WE 74 Flyers have been in the cel lat most of 1110 seasonn They have only 11 points this xenon and trail lhlrdplqnefllillll by my mm gybs prgblqpsms ï¬Ã©ason The 1m Mao ape mIN Ill he llvm In In IMnI mull mmu nl luko lulu Im MA lUFKlN RUlE NIGHT SPECIAL PROGRAM PR Mlnl lull mm Vim IMAM lly McBRIDES MENS WEAR mm Miasinu mm the Iournnmenl are Amoid Palmer Jnd Nick laus and Gary Pinynr They an ï¬lming iaieviion series 150 miiu away Palm Springs CaiiL which nu Iiirrcd up small slorm by the San Dingo Iponxmfilw Cen tury Cluhi Tournament diredm Sid Hod Mid attorney Ira drawing up lormai pmtest Addressed to ilgg imlmlonal Gal Associ smyard pu 156671 sm dus Counfryï¬luh Casper hnd 66 Wednesday along wifll Sun Leonard Vancouver and Georga Knud my Tomno Four instructor at Hormhoe Valley marl near Blrria galned honor at the lchool aponsand by lha Canadian ski Instructor Alliuca at Sun drldge last week Top honan Mn to Bill More who gained hll Canadian Ski Insuudorl pin Only six the 19 Intmcim taking use mell im senior course passed Shannon Kenna Dave NIan Ind Bruca Newton all gained the SKI lnxtmdora pm Only third the 84 Alden on this cagm paged Ihe tell SAN DIEGO Nativl xon am Casper was the knzknl gallery radian today the $40000 San Diego Open 20 lmgnarpent rot qndegway Ilium mpt hunt duh ll Lulu flu been lousy and dont think this the mum Hockey madman In mud re mnmmwmamuhplny minuahleamwdlmm or thin Its Ive avetiskn wEne dlhese lnexpexknced Memes anluon Begplnyen aim hmdinl an Casper Leads Golf Tourney Awarded Tap Ski Instructors Pin MENS WEAR 40 Dunlop St Due 13 the pour mow Ide MENS WEAR Now In Progress RAY Gm SALE MIDLAND MANAGEMENT ANNUAL 21F winds up width mmqu mb mimr penalLvyand tho my don chum humM lume they change mm per am Vulleyrresorn At Humgvlllg For tha In par nl In count the indexAll under tho Manner of qualiï¬ed Imtruclarl 20 through each plum themnn uni and also Instruct fellow mom be In their elm Thu Inner pm he chum la him over to our swim when lhl Iludenls lll mnrked lar the manner In which they cohlrnl lheIr clan and the deb ecflnn and carnelian other Iklen qu Thu Hull lest wu on Salur dz when um mm was re red to complle our dlllcrcnl phase lkllflfl Mark Ire mud on lhl Moron lash my mmuan wm Ans mom 1mm iodvio period Theyre Mint some lugs zetaway with Im en SPflIdLlll winter wimhw family medal in hockey do beflm Midland good hockeymwn Ind Ive enjoyed playing them Gad can look buck on long Ill coImlul omen H0 Maw 321m Prohibly no one klww mi better today than flu Intplan Midland Flyfll Allhouzh Any Iider allowed in give Instruction hll putlion in enhanced if he hoid nny CS 1A mud and lnsirucil with resortlchool Tho nixd mm was mid mm diiï¬cui his yenr wi lechnicni qhnnzel in the Allinn official manual This bbok HIE basil ol the mum Ami whole wield MI myro io Ineouilsunt fluvng Hum what to do bl in IN league pllyem In the law will plck Gmepy one thu louxheat delmcemen in the lam to x1e byhHesmeps ill posh FM on Whammy up one klww thinv 20 HOBBY CENTRE Dunlap 1mm NOW Iï¬ii6cness nljoldl Annual HAROLDS SALE 7282566 218