Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jan 1966, p. 9

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Er OTTAWA CPIThe lcdcral gnvemment was urged lnday In includ psychialric care in he caverage pmvidcd by the exist in hospilal Insurance pmgram In the keynnle address at the annual meeting the Canadian Psychialnc ialinn Dr Charles nobcru Tomnln laid all discrlmlnaliun ngnlnsl he mentally 111 should be removed mm federal laws Such action would have an mpact nu of all pmporliun thgdfedeml lunds involved he would suron Rive leader shm tn the prnvinLcs in hair eflorls imprmc lha adminis lralion psychialnc sénicc in Canada and wuuld lit1p lu ensure all Canadians lhc nsychiamc services to which lralmn psychinlnc sénicc In Canada and wuuld lit1p lu ensure all Canadians lhc nsychialflc services to which lhry are ontillu Dr Robert is an nsaocinlu lnlesmr pyrhinlry ill the mumly Turonln The mm of his addmn was rolcnsrd the press in adv can Newiy arrived northerner who think cold as mo weather or below may laugh but thnskluncd Floridians and regard anythinz as low the to as genulne winter Ht an particularly uilical Hub utlusinn lhnlml mrnl xncnml Illnrss mm Wmmu nf lhn FNIMM Ilnxpilnl Insurance and sznoslic 51 nm Art Govt Urged To Include Psychiatric Care In Plan The was primarily ling to provide mlcqunta hob pital mm or all Cnnarlinns HOUSEHOLD rmch BARRII 20 Dunlop Shut WulTalcphom 7266534 um mqu 4M nwu mu mqu Aw Get an HFC Traveloan Get away from it all le hang of Kent Gel ltl Trnvrlnnn mm Hmmhnlvl Finnncc will my fur the whnlu undue unmpmmlnu llxlginu 0011 ruler Inhmmll clnlhu Ipmll muimmnl cvrn rmh umvz Runny NFC whcn you relmn Thnulnndl of Invirunrn zvrry yrnr horth IUI rnnfulrlut mm Houuhvkl Finance May mvt yum SET FOR BRISK DAY mm mm Iiln Imqu On lam In pm my infimi riflim mm unfnvuyuul unit 411 um mu mzm 7171111515 mslsnmn and if this objective was con sidcrcd seriously there could be grcnler case or thein clusinn mcnlal hospitals un der this program One can only hope that somewhere at mmn lime snncnne will appear Wilh suI heicnt canviclivn courage and social mnscicnce to underlnke me kind pollllcal action which appammly Is necessary In correct this conlinutd injus um He said th axcwld 1mm man of viowinn mcnlal illness in diuvrcnl light mm nrxnnic Illness still exisls For example take Ping ho dressvs to suit Ihe occasion in woolcns and sunglasses Ping poodle belong to Mr and Mrs Ilene Crablrce Pet erslmrg Florida AP Wire phnlo hanzcs which nnpcnr to he drsirahlt Mrlic ulnrly in rolalmn to he pm sinn patinnl cnrc are MI mllKlIld and delayrd by many exlxtinx nmludm towards men nl 111nm SHOW KENNEDY DEATH LONDON lCPrThc mus smsalinnal play our prmluccd on television is how Canadian bnrn Sydnty Ntwmun hull or nuc drnmn dvpnrlmcnl de scrlbrs Iorxhcnmmu lmhlb lion riHHI by Gcrmnn nulhor Iblix Lutlendotl drama llzcd vmlnn of usalslna llan ol Presldrnt Kennedy 5m 9m ms SIMCOE LdOUNTYINEWS Nev Years visitors wnh Mr and Mrs A11 Hansen included Mrs Buyer Mr and Mr Envanchuck and lamily0 min Mr and Mrs Sinclalr Villowdale and Mr and Mrs Link 5nd Br Mr and Mrs Robert ey and children motored to Petrolln Sun day when Mr mieyx sister and brotherlnIaw Mr and Mrs Schram and children relurncd home Mu Shepherd has Nlumcd to her home In Tofontoiollowlnl twoweek visit wilh her damp her Mrs Dori Fildey Sixteen 1ng of during club members and 1w guests par Uclpaled in nu first banspleL of the leasnn Dem 27 Prize were awarded as follows am draw rinks skipped by rqu McKnlican Wally Smllh Larry Davlsi 11 am drnw Walter malty Harvay Jack Edney By er55 Mammal COOKSTOWN Seethosegiamwldedoom HamilVan easy load Ind unload Two cuvbsida doors May be specified and ihon there are number of extra window combinalions availabla HE EUIIT 105m 11 mm MUNIIMB AT IM TIIF mm FKHJUN Ull TUESDAYS You can see how great HandiVan is frOmthehack But the most important thing is on the front DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD 145 BRADFORD ST PHONE 7261885 Mr anders Madlll and children Whilth visited War New Years weekend with Mrs Madms mother MrsuW Wright and Mr Wrighhlwhn still mum in Alljslun huspllal Mcwgsrm ter an ness of twn months Joseph McMasten Cooks town passed away in Allistan hospital Dec 23 1965 lie was the son oly tht late Matthew McMaxter and Dmthy Mc Ginnu and was botn Jan 13 was in Sinclair Tawnship Mus kaka In 1906tewithhislather and brother thtiam McMas ter who predeceasgd hlm two yearsncamo to Simcoe County andsettled on arm near Cnokstown on the lourth line of Innlsm when he lived with his ttrothtrnnd sisterlnlnw and niecc Miss Irene McMaslet un ttl1 yearrngo when the lam tly maved totCookslown Mn McMastor war member the United Church He was an ardent gardener and enlny ed many hbura In carpenter HandiVan canturnina356 foo circle Lets you 00 odgofpackad traffic and da livervouv goods whale and whep vou pmrhisad Ill Hut 0M0 nlmoplm um mnkn lhn dlflm once Nol Hm plm Hull 01 coum whn ll plenum 0M6 MI rcmflnllon for En Ing ludmhlp For lmlmu rullxln llIdIVlnl would In cIlyopmlod Ind Iuhlul to ram molflun Ind nlt 0M0 Inul um ad lhc bollom Sim mhl In expo II flu ullvnnlnd film con unit umlnum Pill vholphulad ll all um undor coludl No vomit nullVan mm up Io mll mum won Cm In wlnhr Inn 01m And no wonder 0M0 Im mmd flul rcpuhllon or ludmhlp Winn youn thlnklnz mu lhlnk nullVan Ivy 0M6 xhnp He is Iurvivcd by his old est sister Mar at Mrs Blnsa Bracebrldge and prede ceased by lwn brother and one slsler Also surviving are five mphem Mmrce nieces1 Funeralxervlce was conduci ed Dec 27 by Davis lrom Hughes Funeral Home wllhvlnlermunt ln the lamlly plat ln Thornlun Cemeloryl Pnll paste war cnunlry and own neighbms Norman Cnulu Cecil Nevlls Harold Parker Elmer Graham Blll Marlins and We loy Hindle Flower Rams Fred AppnrlyPhlllip Mclcllan Dan Kara and Dave McFadden Rel ativelganended lrom Toronln Ullcrson Huntsvllle andVBarrle ny mm FRAWLEY Mr arid MrsvJack Barr Col waler visited Mr and Mn Clark and Herman Barr MOUNT ST LOUIS Mr and MmMInan Bhdérlck Look mlhha upaoofiandl Van measures 21 cu It Inslde That will hold up to Inn 01 payload Loadspaee length 1mm annifio housing back lsnvav 92 inches Aulhovhod GMC Truck DMIM In Bmlo Set your Imnl GMC TM doom Tornnlo upenls day wllh Mr and Mn Phil Mr and Mrs willlam Miller visited during the week with Mr and Mm William Fallls Wye bridge Mr and Mrs Ken Robbins andMrs Mary Robbins War minuan were holiday vsim with Mr npd Mrs Law Tom Frawiey and Brian Torr unlojMr and Mrs Wflliam Pen dcrgast Margaret and Paul at Calgan visiled Mr and Mrs Frawley lugjug the loin Mrfand fir fienphlle Klnk spent New Yenr with lricnd 317an 51mm Mr and Mrs 1Gabriel Beau chcsne afld lamily Toronto spent couple of days wilh Mr and Mrs King Members of Strand Womens Institute are reminded of the course illembroidery stitches to be held in Ihe Communin Hall 31 ms CAMPBELL FANCYWCIRK Tho engine In 120hp eni ginaeving 10m And you wnm more muscle you can specifyn 40hpworkhmse Fawevgllde is availablrloo STROUD GMC AT AN 113H50I 11LILHIMR AT PM UN IMNNEL nun noma VALUI lan ll und lo nan lo 9111 Hem brlnx lunch It be pooled and lea will be pravldednfiquip menl needed to 10 inch Em lbroidery hoops lhlmble sclxsnrs eraser and pencil The instruc lms will have oilmt material on hand The Week 01 Quinlan Unity or Hutches in the soth Baxfie and St Paulfs Slrnud Churchill and Lenny congrcm lion was announced for Jan 16 In in Service arein Burlnn Avenue United 1Church except Jan 11 Youth nghl in St Pauls Inniinl Speaker Jan 16 and will in Bishop Hunt Sultrngan Bishay Toronha Jan 17 Womens nght new Juan mnlley Slrnud mod erator pangl discussion VTeach no PrayPIan now to nmnd as many aervim In pnsslble NEW STUDY CHRISTIAN UNITY strand Presbyterian Womens Missionary Saciciy met the homem president Mrs Campbeii lorthe first meeting of the New Year and 14 mem bers answercd Ihe roll call Mrs John Cowan sail the hymn im Thu mélal flow built to thrug off abuse from moat any kind load lniact heavy dylv 00 at no extra cost NoAmumed My Lord an appropriate DC new study bank The Blblc llqu pnrliLn was taken vi Gagdincr and Mrs Cook as readers and Mrsnnncan Camp bell taking the suilablc parllrn ram Realms our Calln The Chrislan wilnesx hy lavrrn discussion was led by Campbell and Mr Ira Walsnn llrs Me and Miss lln is nsslsled by giving experiences at personal involvement In various walk life and also mmmnnlly or gmup involvement Ilwns shown ihni as Inc Isradilcswere set apart or special pn se lhnse pmfcssing ihelr fall ln Him are set smart or specllic purpose Mrs and closed this pm or the meeting with parycr Next month finely Peter 25 Ha in be studied home Mm Willlam Walllcn and Mrs Eddlc Gibbons mis led in serving lunch NEED MORE WATER has been cslimawd world papulnlinn will dnuble and WI ler consumpllnn will trip by the end of Lhecenlury HandIVannbodvandmmo are dnilixedAnd the hoavvc gauge steel has 9an wall ancelucouoslonqivingvou longm service

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