ThaHotnetown DaIIy Newspaper For Barrie and District I02nri Year No INDIA AND PAKISTAN REACH AGREEMENT Indian Prime Minister Lat Bahadur shasrn Ieit and Pakistan President Muham med Ayuh Khan shake hands In Tashkent USSR today at RAIN HITS ac terreaching agreeman They agreed to withdraw troops irom along their inflamed irontier and work tor mat and pencehil relations once more At right Is Soviet Premier AlexeiKosygin their host at the summit commence AP Wirephoto via cable irom Tashkent BlizzardWailops Prairies East Coast BY THE CANADIAN PIIESS Blizzards swept Into Saskltcb twan and of the Atlantic provinces aday In twoiisted wintry wallop Elsewhere in Canada the sting we mild by comparison Winds whistled at no miles an hour to Region and snow was piled Into 12toot drills in south rrn Newfoundland Ilut higher temperatures returned to Al berta and southern Ontario and Quebec while more reasonable rains continued to washeway snow In anon Columbia Five persona died in two tires during the Maritime storm and ta TLC two persons were killed under snow slide The Saskatchewa nstorm was dying early today as It moved into Ittanltoba bringing cold air and light winds There was some drilling ovcrnight Teachers In Papineau Region Ioin Others In Quebec Strike MONTREAL tCPlSome Roman Catholic tcarhera In the Papincnu region cost oi Iiutl Que were to go on strike to day mctltn the nambarai striking Qudiec trachin to The Iapineau teachers have dcrIdcd not to report to Irhool today hut there II possibility nrgotlatlons will gci under way Worlncsdlyi Mnln reasons or the Paplneau trarhcra Itriho as well as those at tho riihcr Qurbcc regions at icrtotl are ionlorlty working conditions and salary The Intrst atrikrrr add titcrn trlrrs in his other in Hull and In the La tlorrtrur region mt LATE NEWS In ltegina Sunday the only vehlclcs capable oi moving were motordrirco toboggans as high winds drove powdery snow into drills and cut visibility to tern All air flights were cancelled Twcnly cars were abandoned in onemile stretch at road near Itloase Jew and In Swift Current police ordered people at the atrccts litany people new stranded but no death wcru reported In the Prairie blizzard iour children were killed In house tire ncar Iioltiax and another blaze in Liverpool NS took the lite oi sevcnyear old boy and injured man Itoad accidents blamed on weather conditions Injured at least II persons Scwntymilann hour winds pilcd hugc drills on highways In Cape Breton catching i410 route irom pomp Gagetown NB to Newloundland tor wintcr training exercise Thry were split Into two can voyl equipped with snowctcar ng equipment but it was not known how long It would take to cross Cape Breton to North Syd ney tor the terry to Newiound and The storm interuiiicd as It moved roaa Newfoundland The main building at the ship yard in hiarystown Nitd was blown doun All highways In the eastern part at the province were blocked At sca tishing draggcrs and irclghtcrs have to In extremely hcnvy seas ltlgh lldcs backed up by the wind damaged water iront Installations on Newiound anda south coast In St Johns Niki tire dc iroops and army vchlclca ca of Montreal The La Gardcur tenrhcri walkcd oii their Jobs Inst Tuesday lore than 15000 Qucbcut at no hitdtin in piimnty Inat secondary lchnoll are aiirrttd try the tint and La Gardrsir strikes In the latter area the children have not nttcndcd school since baton Christmna as the rtrikc began on the last day at their holidays In addition to liIiii 1500 mcmberl at In Syndirot rte Iroieiirura rte lIIlnte du tines hcc tCNIUt the Quebec gov crnmcnt tenchrra union are ronalderingn atritto Jan in Thcy or still ncgolintiiig with tho I7 arhnol boards in the AIM tora were leaving strayed Our Lady oi Lourdes Ituman Catholic school and church with loss estimated at 00000 Seven tarnilies were rvacu ated irom housrs at the loot oi historic signal IIIII In St Iohns because oi the danger oi annw slides on shccr slopes at thO mouth oi the harbor Say No Progress In NY Strike NIIW YOIIK iAIIItlnrnthon negotiations to and the citys Io dayold bus and subway strike rcccaacrl at City tion Ith he iorc down today and the chlei tinlnn liargntnrr said they hnd born Knmplclcly unproductive iantlt mcnnlnglera orgotin Even the weary rumble Police Halt Student Boycott liAilIIfIllN tilt itity killw wrro called in today to halt otudrnt tioymtt oi tiny parking at hirhtnstrr lintwrrity IMI For morn than two hour itnrlrnti til blorkcrt tho rnlrnncc tn the main parking iartlitira litlill tip lratitc Italian Begins Hunger Strike lAIJZItMU illrulrrat Itaotln itolri Italian WIHI return today started one wrvk hunzrr strike against the nllrgrd prrr more oi Mnltn rnrrulwu in Ilia Itnllnn gutrrnuwut IceBreakers Free Car Ferries main Qt lilt Twit iitltl stink in heavy ice on the St Laurence Iiitrr rim atml iuurlay lore irrrvl only by total goirrornrnt lcrlwcahrtr Montreal Blast Kills Workman iiiWIliIitti Itlr iii ittlntrllan Within tin man was ktllnt and anothrr Intiirri tnli vilifil an rsphuirm ni unknown origin titllttl part it run tm nail to mum at mnnntpat emulating tirer tmnr Innlt Identitth the ttiiml Itie Mt kmrwn US Sincere Iapon Tells Russia ItIIiYU ltrutrrsl Inpnme Itoinior Hutu an ink liteIn today It twlmrs Atiwiirnn tarr imm mi Virt Nani an inn It Iptclthrl tor llllllt riloite In get negotiation Flilï¬l oi converging traitlc won holid Ing In Manhattans rnoynnl till yniilclals raid the rttnlmttt in million with war New Form Metro Govt Proposed PerlToronto TORONTO CPIA new iorm oi municipal government tor Metropolitan Toronto consisting oi the city oi Toronto and tire suburban boroughs was pro posed todny by the provincial government The government reteeted royal commission recommenda tion tor tourcity system in Metro and at the same time tossed out proposals tor amal gamation oi Metros lit munic Ipalltles Into oae big city Instead they will be squeezed Into six new municipalities as oi Jan roar Toronto will annex the vil lages oi Forest Hill and Swan sea making city ot SHIN The township oi Etohlcake will be combined with the towni oi hiimlao and New Tor onto and the village or Long tIrnnch into the new borough ot Etoblcoke with population at 239000 The township at York will join with the town oi Weston to iorm the borough at York popula tion 138700 CREATE IIOROUGII The township oi North York with population oi 1500 will become the borough at North York The township oi East York will be consolidated with the town oi lieastdc iorming the borough at East York with population at 90700 The last buliugh will be the prcacnt township oi Scarbo Riot Police Disperse Crowds Blocking Main Roads In Lagos LAGOS lltcuicrslIllot police today dispcracrl demonstrators who blocde one oi the two main roads into Logos with it barricade oi tire on the eve at conlrrrnco nt Commonwealth premiers trr rxperlcncc behind them had started earlier on this acc ond work work oi the strike litayor John IJnrtsny who had summoned the parties to City iiali late Sunday algnnllrd the coral whcn Ito walkorl irom the ball into anhirirrlng tcrn rcralurca at 020 am declar ng The imcdtntloni pa not has rclnml ii rcccu Ile rlcclincd iurltur rnmmrnt anri Indicated he would have statement some time oiior noon clined to discuss the resultl but acceptance liver and Iniurrd mnny prrionl rough which has population pl 153300 The announcement at the gov ernments proposals or revis ing municipal government in the Metropolitan area was made by Premier ItobarLs In npage statement Ite said the twolcvcl form at Metropolitan government In ex istence tor the last 13 years will Windsor be continued as recommended by royal commissioner Ii Carl Goldent In his report last June But Mr Goldenbcrgs recom mended division at the Metro area into tour cities was narcd The commissioner would have quartered Metro into the cities of Toronto Etnbicoke North York and Scarborough Truckers ReieCt Repbrt TORONTO tCP The first part of twophase strike vote by the International Brother hood ot Teamsters tInd was completed Sunday as truckers in six Ontario centres cast bal lots Union oiticials In Toronto St Catharines and Kitchener de the Emma Windsor local em bracing Sarnia and Chatham voted overwhelmingly agalnrt at conciliation board recommendation The Windsor rejection sparked renewal oi talk at provincewide strike by some 8500 truckers The Win rl locala vote The outbrcnk in an nntlylng orca was similar to one Sunday which coincided with the arrl val oi thrce henrts at state In clurling Prlmu htlnlatcr Icar son for the nicoting on Ithodc sin In all no ot the Common Health 12 nations will be rep mrntcd It at them by hcnds oi rtatc Iollcc usctl tcar gnu in arid tcr tnodrnionitratora today but no rasunltica were rcpnnm rind tire engines quickly put out the blaze at Itinahtn near the arena oi Sundays clashcs That vlalcncc between rival political iactlonr cort aevon HERES ONE mnn stopped at it rain and orrlcrcd rap nt coiior Vihcn the waitress hnd drllvrrrtl the cotica he tried to main convcr antlnn Imka Itkn rain tioca nl It he cnturrtt cant Ittlp hilt It looks llltt till the Mill ItA Itill mittc itlTAWA itflt The Cnnih titln Labor nngroae today pro poml motor overhaul ni IN rrel rlcrtinn laws that could and tho rloirtinrttinn ni clotlion ram patgna Ivy hll tmiltirnl par lira In it imrtwnttl lrrirt to ill special romruiltu tin rtcctlon upenm the Imonrimrmtwr TIK icrnmiiwntlarl Ftll polttlrnl III at nrcr pulillc tllsrltillltl rontritiutloni lilirll tlnlll rlilium ltiittll on th spanting oi tntllilllttl pnrtlrr Frrc luuNlrart Hull and atrial rilattituitinn inr mh rnmllltntr ililitl rnngnttinn ot pars tics under the remote titer tlnnr Art The iIJ In irrtul Hill In attire Imtrr oi lhr Nrw Dem Ian lng orrtn IttM tor attivvi ratupsign CLTC Proposes Major Election Law Overhaul Milillt Ierty prrsrnlotl Ili vim at cloud meeting with the live member rommltiM nliirh tor Ii months llit two attutytng clrrtton uponm with view to rrronnurndatlmu un how they should be rrlnlrullrri th hrlri raid the limit on campaign Ipritlinl ahoutrt he not at lit crntl per rotor with unounnusuuuuuuuunauounnmuu In TIIE EXAMINER Today th Cauau barrio Power WorkoutP Sevlanpe Down Midland Ann Landerkd City NewsT CtualiiadIT l3 Comicsll DIaIrictS Editorial4 uncommonmuuunuuunaum halt oi thr ornniinl applying to tha rantllrlnte and hot to his party In ronitilurnry nl mom rtrctnul ior iltttlllli tho ran tlliillt would have inatng oi about 300 wt his party would he able to aptrid up in almr llnr amount the conurrl added In Rough Coot rteIO metreS Womensd Weather5 Obituariesl1 came as surprise It had been scheduled to vote Jan In with Kingston Ilamilton and London locals Instead ballots were cast Sunday with the 45mmcmber Toronto local and the St Catharines and Kit chener locals Wilfred Sciton Windsor president said 99 per cent at those prcscnt at membership meeting voted against the con cillallon board upon In the dispute between the union and the provinces trucking indu try reprcscnlctt by the Motor Transport Industrial Relations bureau About 90 per cent oi the members attended the mcetlng during which only six at the 31 points in the report were dis russod beiore members rc tectcd it Mr Sciton said he under stood about its per cent oi the membership In Sarnia and Chatham had relented the re port Snowsdiialls with strong north war MereThin winda bow tonightiiit Itlgbi tomorrow 20 For complete summary turn in page live to For Copy l4 WeaponsCécheillncwered As Red Stronghold Scorched SAIGON AP The largest US lighting iorce oi the Viet namcau war demolished honeycomb oi Vict Cong iortiti cations on the edge at the Iron Triangle 75 milesnorthwest of Saigon today but the Viet Cong ducked the knockout punch htost oi the guerrillas kept away irom the and Amy trnlian troops as they scorched the Communist stronghold on the third day at Operation Crimp Australians operating with the LS lst Iniantry Division and the Ward Airborne Brigade un covered big weapons cache lctt by the iteclng guerrillas The hatil Included 47 weapons tire of them erewsize lti gre nades 15000 rounds oi small arms ammunition so heavy STRIKES HINDER NY RESIDENT NEW YORK AP Asked how the bus and subway strike was aiiecting him one man told an interviewer We moved here year ago and there was housan manage then we couldnt get the European car we ordered be cause of the dock strike and when it did come nemuldnt wash it because the water lywassotowand dnt inst leave it in the garage and take cab be cause thue was tan strike low months later we werent cyan hcaring what was going on in the city be cause oi the newspaper strike and now we cant go any where because oi the transit strike Order Troops From Kashmir KENT LSSt Th moat oi India flint inn agreed today to withdraw troops imm ntong thclr in ilnmcd irnnticr and work or normal and pcncciul rela tions onto more Irixnc Ilinlstrr Shth ln din nnrl Ircsirlcnl Ayuli Klinn ni Inkiainn altiroloppcrl their spociiic quarrel mcr Knrhmir and other motor trsuca that TWTNWMEM til likrt Aiitrom kinda Iod out tor Vtoi tail snipn no flow leap irom binning hut In villa hiring the In Oriental yer an tattoo to war twlce out nine pain Tns kent Declaration aimed at lessening tension The declaration rcprracntod diplomatic victory ior their liost Soviet lrcrrucr Aloxel Ito aygtn who worked inr Into Sun day night to pmuada his guest to end their wookIong rnnior core on auntie note own it they ontrldnt agrce on any may tor batter west oi helm The urine tion was on luau an ItaI Vld onecontrolled birth at the river Whit RN odouabeeeieeretcl term Into remain mortar rounds too pounds at dynamite10 tons of rice and large store oi medical supplies CONTACT LIGIIT There were more uni H000 men in the allied tom but US military spokesmen reported only light contact with the en emy regiment aired idrce thought to be holed up In the 12 square miles at lungle and marshland The spokesman reported vial Cong killed 38 captured and 169 suspects mostly women and children detained Allied casualttea were light they said Military sources said the ad vancing troops were clearing the tunnels with tear tea and then blowing them up Tunnels presented labyrinth of arsenals caverns and con crete lined bunkers below dense jungle territory Thetroops oi the us lst In lantry Division the Illid ans borne Brigade and the Royal Australian Regiment supporth by New Zealand artillery bat tery have aklrrnlshed only lightly with guerrillas alnca their Joint push began two days ago This was because the Via Cong had ich irom their sub terranean mans like rabbits irrién warren the sources ia IIONG KONG neuterat North Viet Nam today accused the United States oi mlng toxic chemical and poison as tor mass murder in Soot Vtct Nam The iorelgn ministry said in statement quoted by the North Viet Nam ncwa nIany The US aggressor are do ttherately pursuing the criminal path oi the Iiitlcrite Fascists and committing the most be our crimes which canned be lob eratrd by the progressive man kind It said that thousands ni tons oi new and more dangerous poisons called CN diloracciophcnonc DM C5 The statement added While drumiicotlng rtxnit thclr dcrcit iul ponra campaign the US ruling circles are Increasing museum of the civilian grand lion in South Viet Nam pot son gases The in civilian toM Ivy Wow it an troupe Act it to oil hm amt holds to the vicinity ot in mutate am Mr Wtierivrioi in