Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1966, p. 3

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Na wlll In rummbmd by many Ilnrrlo mldenls an ncwnwllahrd munlclmn havlnz played wnh Hm Harrie nllrglale Ham and jalnr with In KInnslnu symphnny uhmlra In 193557 Ha now mem hr the American Federallnn Muulclnns lhln Umu ho Wan ongnuul In My ho natum and mcrhnnlsm emlnuruouu hlnloglml cloth llm collulnr level at Scripps llutllullun of Ocean my La Jolla He In all cnnllnulnz hln Iludlu n1 bclllllpl Dr Spanln 30 rcrrlvml hln Hachclur of Am do grro In Dining In 1057 Al Qunouu Uulvmlly King tnn Mo took pougrmlunlo wurk nl Iho Unlvmll Houlhmn nlflnrnla nml ohlalnml lho de rm In of Art and Doclor lhllnsoph lllulngy nl Unlvmny Calflnrnla II Ange Print In MI nppolnlmtm Dr Span hm hrrn on mt the College or Mon Unlvmllf Hun Diego nu mlstanl lrolcsanr Ihmnlurv 1002433 In HIM he an marine xnlvmhlnlngy and medical mycnlngy at he Unlvmily of Mlmnl llnrkin Tho new or Ills recon np lnlmnnl 11 hand of the University San Diogon hlo ogy do nrlmcnl was wol cmnu new to hln motlm Mu brolwr Chris Spank nude hulldlnt In color Iln mm MIL Helen Spanln luchcr Ian Conlral Collcxlnlo and nnnlhnr nllar Mm Doug Conlon narrio Tho mnjorlly rrcaachITIIko myncll are nlwnyn interrslcd In hearln or reading about the success formcq nnrflo lent BIII 5pm falls In this category Dr Spank wu barn Ind oducnlcd In Harrie nnd is the Jon Mn Splnla Clapperlon st remember receiving the news nper durlng the year tved In Western Canada and lnter ln Eur ope when my husband was nervan with the Canndhm Arme Forces would nave them like npectnl DR HILL SPANIB dessert or tlmo when could renlly enjoy them Ind rend Ihem cover to cover But receiving the homc town nuwspnpcr mean oven more to Barriclle who hnva wandered far from home Your local nowspaper publishes many nrtlclcs of citywide Interest and plfO vldes service to the com munlty Think about In you know someone relative nalghbor or acqualnlunco who quallfles nominate her for the most outstanding honor Canadian mother can receive would be wonderful Mothers Day gm give AEPOINTMENT What mnku mother worthy of the title Mother of the Year Perhaps it her work in the community possibly she spends rent deal oi time and effort with or phans manta ly or physically handicapped children or maybe she has been an outstanding neighbor In all cases she is first an ideal mother to her own iam Hy Judges In the past hnve Included Mrs Douglas Senator Muriel Fergusson Senator Olive Irvine MP Margaret Konatz and Mrs Jean Leago The years officials have not yet been named Th3 winner will be selected by panel of judges femposcd of prominent Canadians from all walks of Nominations will be accepted by FID Box 4044 Ottaawa from Jan to March 31 life Is your mother wofihy of the fine or Canadian Mother the Year she 15 youll have an ogwportunlty to nominate her In the Florists lransworl Delivery Associations annual campaign to find the most outstandlng mother In lbs nation NM 19R with flu enouzh Mildly Md Gemrlch cru bed the amaze and White satin SKIBTING THE BAY hostess going pim By EILEEN DIXON EEEHINGWEAR FORECAST 111 here and then by eugnu Paulina Mzera umde Im the empm 3m Cerise sdk crepe dress with in thovqhdtum rhllvl Mm My II tvlremrlr mm1 law Mr and wllh thnmlnl venomlily Ill Tlll HIIlIIIIMY ll Mnmlny II nnr MUMy lhln ynr lhnuhl mlhlmhn In 1th mm nml nann1 mnltm rumum Your planetary nlllunen Iml Ihnl yum run 1qu lmmlkll urulnluun lnr put film rnmnwnulma flnlndll ulunrlmml min the nul min In My Mum broughqu Mull Am Npllm Mr Hm 1qu Xhue unit klnlwr Nnvrmlm Ind nut llnumy nm IIDd mldlc punulln III In Inm ally IVlerd Maugham the your wllh In month at Mum Jum ml Replunhr noluhlo or Man nplllhmwl ml uhnum be pullrullfly mull lo Hm Menu nt am an Monay You my lum lnlla lhuughln nl your on but mm In nuocInkI nml you may In aurprhrd nl lhrlr pmllcnl mlnplnunnn of your plan n51 Mjrngg muonnow flamnnu loclll IclMllu Ind damn Immm In all Mill on ma llvoml lhl whm yaur prlvMa Illa II concernedmull emphuls on Itnllmrnlnl Inm ull durlnx lhl next hm an In human Junl llll October and 110 December and 1mm an duywm Iva rmlancd wllh ucrpllonnl lnklllxrnro bul wlll hnu In nub lendcncy lawnrd Inab blnhnm ll lomnrrnw ur hlrlhdly lha next mnnml pmqu 51ml deal In In way mum mcnt Ith In buxlnm and per wnnl mnllm EIIorII put 10th now cnupled wIlh nom unusunlly nod nppnrlunllIu advanco Ihrouah Influenlhl cam IMIII thould contribute many Iownrd me nchIcvumcnl cum lho IuIlIuI oI mm Look Inr xond mulu from your lab and lInnncIAI cIIanI durlnl lhn nu Iv wnh In April Svplumber OcIober November Ind nut January mm engllad In lIIIIc purxulu wIII Ind 1M months II May Jun AM Sep Itmber h1gth lnspIrInx Ind proIIIanq FDR TOMORROW Fina plnnclary Influentu mm mm personal rellllonlhlpl You lhould have an extremely pleasant dayupeclally if you mapernle with all and disphy ynur mMI rhnrmlug sell in 21 toxelhm with llmlly 1nd Irltndl nlnlme ummnu During the buslnen session WM decldai ta hold the Annual Pancake Tea Feb 24 The fin meeting 01 Ihe year wu held Wedneaday wllh 13 member Ind Iwo visitors Mn uwrence of Alberta Ind Mn Marlin Cochrnne nodal hour ollnwed Idfllll men of In union Mn Louise Stewart wuvln Ilalled President Aulsflnl her will be Honorary Prelident Mra Donald Punch Flrxt vice presldanl Mrs Annie Cain lec remy Mrs Kendrick mu urer Mm Partridge buyer Mn Warlow Dorcas Mn Finnn min servlce Mn Anderson RIV Doan Fund ouilined Hm dutiel Ind the fellowship relating to membenhip in in Womans Auxillnry during insul iauon oi oiiicerl ol the Alter noun Branch 01 the WA 01 st Gem12 Anglican Chum THE STARS SAY Manualr dole right nm were shown In New Yark at 1h American Deslgner Series arrqngcd by Eleanor Lam belf AP Whephow St Georges WA Install Officérs by EBTRELLITA Thm IN IN Delaru wrnlo that Iho hu thanxcd her mind The My ll out hm and mull In many hnr They want In keep ha baby or the When in hay learned of her wade he laid hcr he wnnttd nolhlnz man to do with her We Icnl Delum lo IIva pr un wed mother where KM nod as am uy he chlld lnr Idup on Dur Ann Lnndtm Last year our dauxhlcr ran all nnd married boy mm of pm Dzlom was not ya 16 no bad he marriage In nullcd she kept monklnz an 01 um ham lo mock the boy allcr Wfl Ind Iona 1n IM And ll wu Imposxlblo In coner her law mnnlhl ago beams prpucn lth Dclnfcalwuprcznanl Dm Mn xx Hockey lam Ire nflen any Inlkorl but don that you would hear my lhinx at hockey gamo that you wouldnt bur outble name or for um maltcr my plate when all ype of peann gather 11 you want to go your husband mum lo take you STAND BY vi used to go to hockey atnu with my dad and brother when was in hitch xchooi and dont remember hearing anything that wnnt nice lm the mother at twu children and men being treated as were an ndoier cent What do you lhlnk about Ulll iirl Cloodui Whnt do people fly hockey nmes mama arent IIIP posed to hear Whenl naked him who um the bad language he playerl or the upeclalorl hsrxald 110m Du Ann undemflockey season In hero and Lneed to know Ihe mower to quesllan II my hushlnd trying put one over on me when he says You cant come lo tho hockey game with me because the langum you hear the same is not In an alladys em ESSA ROAD im Melvin 11 er dflf mom ML mending no mlmn and New Yearaholldny neawn wlth Mn Melvina parents Mr Ind Mrs Minnikin High St Mr Melvin is an 5le at theMlnneapolh University my soum DANCE Inge number of vlllflng mum dame wera In the city Thursday evening In attend ANN LANDERS The dinner oertywfl held to mark Mr and Mm Coopera45tl1 wedding anniversary married on Dec 29 1920 Guests at the dinner included lino celebrania miniaw and daughter Mri and Mn Jachnan and children Ted Judy John and Pattie Ban rie their marialaw and daulhg let Mr and Mra Rosa Hawke and dilldren Karen and Kim of Men and Mr and Mn CamedalmhierFaye Mra 1611 Park and herlhuaband Iorvnlo and John Mra Wayne Kathering her line band of Toronto Jim Caller Tomto and Kathy Carter Barrie vlilo ceiebranu only mMErmdduw Mia Dawn Parka Monro was aiao present The bride was presented with LeorsazeALyellmv mm and the bridegroom receiveda boui tonnlera tram their grand um They were lpeciai ammo dance held at Norlil Collegiate Dave Taylor Detroit Mlchlgan wu zueet eaiier or the even arranged by dance director Mr and Mrel Arne Hay Barrie dancera were Joined by guests repreeeniing Toronto Owen Soundfliramploa Coliingwood Ailiaion Slayner andbCampBorden Square Dance FROM Nova acorlA Brian Nelaon returned lo the home at in grandparents Mr and Mrs Nelson ler Wednesday evening fol ow inlz howeek holiday visit hi mother Mra Si Nel son of Middleton Nova Scolia Brian is aeiudeni at North Coi leglaie nrrnImnr we gum Togmas Mgpdale Drugs PEOPLE AND PLACES Tum Deaf Ear T0 Salty Language family dinner party was held In honor Mr and Mrs Cooper of Grillln at the home of their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Frank Carter 91 Eugenia Street1 Barrle ngniily DrifihéifCéiébrétibn VMqrks Couples Anniversary Nu Awuru Um hwyrum MI it II health warth Khan Murman ha km Mal In Ixurdnl ya mum You balh nerd Ilr your complaan lo lhlrd plrly recommend the clarxymln who mnrrkd yau Whrn you turn whnln bugging her And Ihc learns lhflll bunzlna you you can lulu pull lonelhcr In Head 01 nnlnl ano molhcr nur holly wnman whn mu Md our hablel II yem hm her hand lull You can hardly call Mr lnzy hccluso she doesnt dunu lhl run 700 We quarrel lot am plnlna hall the rnmnnu In one am of our marriage Sh my am murky Ind nu ma II lazy thll wrong hm Emily get up at 100 Im And coma Aha II to but It um hour aha cant tot be head all the deck mm my awn break lnsl and the kids are many good nboul staying In bed until my wife cu lhcm up She keeps lhnm up Iain they will let her II In mm Du Our lhll glxl Embel llou and glelermlned to do ah mm You could not con trol er urller and you cant conlrol her nnw She Illould have had proleulanal help you nun Stand by Ind be pre pared Io ylck uy the places Am coMPLIuNrs Den Ann Lander Weve been mmled le year Ind have lwr chlldren My wllo nay up every nlghl unlll 100 or 300 am she lay Ill has lnnmnll ID the Ind thlnp to keep lm busy like llwlfll or lronlnz or lookan at TV Slla clalml her best slup nap In tho nltcmoon while the kld nap Mu way Will you please ell In what 1111 35 hm to def0n of Our boy in no good and will ieava he cveniuaiiy Then III will he stuck will child and will in lake caning hem boih Conscientious OIHN In the my today to mm the Varty Heap wedding at Trinity Anglican Church are Mrs Carter Torynlo grandmolher In bride Mr and Mn Levi Hudson Albert Undnum Mr Ind Mn Frank Abel and son Jahn Mr and MrsAIex MacAndmv Ind non min of Brian Imdem North Col Ieglale ovrorcmr GUESTS MrL Jones oISL Tho mas and Mrs lelor Ind Mu Hulchesnn of Toronto wem mslsvaube home 3113 Carter Ron wgnppm cums FROM NOVA ICOTIA Brlnn Nelson returned In the home at nu grandparents Mr and Mrs Nchn 19 Wednesday swung fol ow inEL lmweeknhougng lpeclul Ammo daricb held at North Collegiate Dave Taylor Denn11 Michigan wu gum caller or the evgn mused by flame director Mr and Mn Louie Hay Burris dancer wen Joined by guests repreunflug Toronto Owen Soundfliramplon Colungwood 411153 Signet AYTHWOVW AND DATNINH AUNDM KVINY Mr Fish of Blake St enlerlaincd her son and daughter1mm Mr and Mrs Jlm FisherMichael Jane and David during 13 holiday Met prior to the lnmilyl departure by Air Canada for England Mr Fish Melnnurgical Engin Corvallis Union on Jan has been ammced During Mr Wigga boyhood Ide Barfle acth and arrier boy ten yMfl Tam NhENchn JnmeI Mr Ind Mrr Funk Abe Jr Mr Ind Mn Ed wards and Min Nada Putnam 111 at Toronto Mr Ind Mrs Ar thur Murphy Ind Mrard Mn and Fernanda and dauuhler Marlanuended from Senbur ough0lber mm Included Mr and Mn George Ammonzud son GeorgeMr and Mrs Wull Ham Dom Mu Blrvlns alla Orillfn Miss Margarei Andzrrqn nl Sutton Penmn Spelhnnnoljmmr Mr and Mn Vlctm CAM of WlllW dnlez Mr and Mn Haber Car ter and son Writflr Gard nmu wu nu mu Mrs William Fail 01 Roman Road Post Oliice Mr And Mrs TuiUiendemu at Painswick Mr mdMni David Carter of Oakviiie Mr and Mrs George mum of Russeau Minim hm Gray Hnwkosione Mm John Ziegler of Kin11mm Miss Simone Dube of Weston Jim Beiciler nf Cniiinzwnod organ ht who provided the wedding mus mum of dau Mar Mrl Ex 12 rigs ol WWI gunmen uz SINGER CENTERS uwuuhnhwquwmnfla Iwm 617 FEATURE ll Intop It IV PM OPEN YEAR ROUND WIYH CAR HOSTESS SERVICE PHONE AHEAD FOR TAKEOUT 721 3w llfllA mlEMME SEWING MACHINE I11 SINGER Don Ilgufi Ilflchcl Drawn front bobbin Mnkubullonhollnz my Umlltdilmo only ModclJN HM runnr mm AT IINUEII ENIMM Look Forthe Bright Orange Building Iom mam mum mmnm JANUARY1196 The Officer Commanding Squadmn Grey uni Slincoe Fon esleu Capt Harm Steele Ind Olllcm of the Squadron wlll re celva guests at the annual New Yemx tea on Sunday The at ternoon event will he held in Ofllcers Men at Illa Battle Atmmuy ram lo oclock only DEE RR Banfilms mow cad the lengagement at their Mr and Mr Ted Inesan Duckwarth st wm leave the my thl weekend enmnle tn the Barbadgu for two WOW holiday They will be Joined by their Marvinlaw and dauzhter Mr md John Cutler o1 undoneonl and Mr Ind Mrr Garden Thvmpxon of Brampton ANNUAL IEA ivenlty wu head at the bot nary liloMm Mhha Cam My at Elliot Lake Ha wfll work with Iha parent mmpany mo in BM Englaml for the next year Duriner Wear Ahmad he is scheduled business 99 in his boyhood 1n Barrie MT Fisher attended Barri Colleg Inland layed clanne with the colic Bani maka mm business trips 10 Australia New zealand$oufln An193 ghogesi 3111111113 Dur nqymnxN BABEABDS ng Exiting gugaujuln BARGAIN DAYS SINGER IENIHDCHIIHIKQ MW Ill MW WW HUM Om van mm IU III my nu mumn mng MKIWINE Mr and Mrs Dennh Garvey have returned in Windsor liter spending the hofiday season wit Mn Garveyl manner Mn Tonero Samparm The engagement has been an nounced of Miss Panlei Jenn ette Fllzsimmnns daughter Mr nnd Mn John Elmlmmnng Banla tn George finerlla Jr The hrldezroa elect In the so Mr mi Mr Georg Guergia ol Angus Zion My uerian Church will orm Ling for themarrlngoan Jan 15 al pm Rev Guerzh grandfather of the mideuoomo Hmwin oflidate ma cm mony paw SALE The Mathen Auxiliary 51 ha Barrie Bantam llockeyv tour will hold undralslng Bake Sale at the Simpson Seantr der Office on Jan 15 common dug 130 pm Mrs Jayca Lynch LI convene ulwmv wannmi mvrznmwm PHONE 7231414 Pair Hénslrl Ion 31 Mr anti MuhAndy Henna The caunle will ethgnge vow al me me at StiMar Church an 322 Isabelle Dgryflhy 347 BAYFIELD STREET 7280941 W¥ ixfixkififi

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