Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1966, p. 10

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MNMIF AILlulu ulunnn lnlcfi 1M lvlnthrf 11 1mm pHlwr INny Rakhrl laliu MIMI lludl qlamu meur Hy lnrmu rnnmzn lR rm ml lmmvmymmnm mmnl mu uni lllnlllr kg 1an nvwl llaucllrm Ii lrlrllrllml um hum Ilrmur wumrl In mm llmn UN Immlrr rum IIvl Hu lmlul Iawr lth SI Im yrmr Hum Jrau Mmlfl Luual 71 III lnvl anllly nlnlzncu nthr hrml Illarh nilIn dawn Mulrnn Hr lhl IM In lllln slut JanhnHI nl lJmIlImIIIHNI lllllmml MINI Wallrr up nHrr AM lunnrr Imclhll umnlrur pm lhlllnxlinn lulmlu mlhml In vnr BHMML mmqu llrrnlnn all nmlunul lulmrr vrl llrnl Tun IIVUIIII MIL In Hu lnHNI Iawr lnl 7n llu If Yul HIM annninSrlnrn Hindu Vilnlnllxn Mn AHth nl hlmh nml lmvlr mer In Ilr Tm Mrirhlniu mII Mrrlnl Inf Illmuy Ink 11w first day he rnnlcr Inca Ill be lualml rmlrrly lo quesunm ul lrnlnhll and In Mllun Immmmlnn mum Jenn Mnrchnml who hm hccn drsiznnml In Ink mIr he now manpnvur drmrlmtnl uhtn mm will ha chnlnmn hr dlnruulnm randy of labor maltm mu hr Inkm up on lhu ncnnrl dny uhrn Labor Minllirr Nlch nlnnn will conlmnu thnmmm OTTAWA lCl uxmmsian of Vnrnunnal lrnlnlng prngmnu or Nun will be mnjur Ionic Al lodcml prnvinclal router tnru nl Inhor mlnlllru hm nrxl Thursday and Friday WlNDSOH Ont CWRnyal Larroix Oltawa Thun day Ms scnlcnccd lo lhmc can in pcnllcmiary after ploadml guilty In mngnlralex nurl hcre Huh Inrxrd thcquo lar hen Dec 10 Adulph Zukor win to day and still keeping daily ol Mn McLaughlin mid in he lcnvr an example this is the rxenl Md or rcxuimions eninrcing campaiihlc mmmuni cation 72an ships by means of radio telephone in ma SK Lawrrnce River Training Programs ANMMN mums 1n loner to he minister dated Jan Leonard Mc Laughlin president Ihe SIU thanked Mr Pickersgill fur copy of lefler sent In the min ister 1ast month by Ihe nomInA on Marine Association which represents many Canndinn shlp owncn mum on he Grant Lake an the St Lawrence Ri vcr In his letter Mr McLaughlin said There are many Items in flu DMA submisslm mm which this Mammalian In In disagree mnnt both on tho principle and on lha moms ncvcrumleu than are cxlremer imparhml mailers In which there has been amused unanlmlly annlon which any selfevident in com parison ol lhe various earlier suhmissinnsx larcrs Inrcrnatmnal Unlan Canada find Thursday asked Trunspnrl Minister Jr Plck orsgill lo indicate lhe inlun tiuns of the department of lranspurl vflh respect plans in providing separate and adzquale upbound and down bnund lanes in he St Lawrence River Gets Three Years NEWS ROUNDUP SIU fSeelésj Of Transport Dept ed géii birlhfiay kiss from on hkh ml MDNTREAL CWThe na DEATHS GETS BIRTHDAY KISS FROMACTHESS 250 Unlvmny Monm Willlam nu nut presidml he assurlnlinn Hid whm Algumu Cnllcxc in apemflnx this would be he proptr me In no 1M0 Inlcrnnlional ml Mr Vkshnrl onxbrvmlvt membtr lur Alxnmn uid cum plirannm commin nn im nlllnnll unmnuy would Target dale nr ha opening Algoma Collage nHilialed uim Laurmllm University Sudhury Slphmhnn you Work lownrd in cslablishmml begun more than llve yum ago Lawrence Brown president or me Alzomn Callcge Association mid Wedncsday lhe idea has merit but first priorin mm be establishment of Algoma h1 1m OPEN XT YEAR The prupasals first iugmted last January envisian cam pus bum Saull Ste Marie Mlch and here financed by ayemmenh In bolh countries They gave their rcacflon anci ienrning they will be asked by Onlnrlox allorney general Arthur Wixharland Education Minister William Davis look into prawn Ivr nn Interna lional unlvcrsiiy SAULT STE MARIE Onl CPIEmbllshmcnl nf Alzoma CnlIege here will take prece deuce ovar an lnlcrnallonnl un varsity lay execullva mem her of the Algoma College As sacmion The cunerence Was nrlxm ally organized by Man Mac Eurhen when he was labor min isler He was switched to the health ministry last mnnlh fiavle Itnr Natalia Wood When the photograph naked lhc Mr Nichoison will he hos in the provincial minisiers at dinner Thursday night where he will deliver his iiist major speech since Inking on ihe in borpnrlioiio eaiiy ihu weqkj Algoma College ha answer from Zukor What phnln ln lulu rllnlrlcl and llunuglmul Gnnndn mnny pumnn nnd limul In pmcllcnlly nll typos of huninm including Aarlcullum Connlnlcllnn Mnnufncturing lmlmlnunl Mrvim Tourill nml llmnnlionnl lluninnmm llnunlmrlnlion nml Wlmlmlo nml llnuIll lrmlm lmvn nlunllml loans from he ludunlrlnl Duvolopumul llnnlx In nmulm lnml lvuilallnul mul mmllinory lucrmm world mpllnl In nlnrl now lmnlumu and for other pumm ll ynu mnulllor llmt lDll mm he of nurvlcc you an lnvilul In mum nn appointment with the lDll mpmmumllva ly telephoning CAN IDB SERVE YOU of the Industrial Development Bank will be at The Conllnonlal lnn llarrle Ontarln W151 INDUSTRIAL armammr BANK Mr Almel Itllinccy Ill lhn fonllnonlal Inn lrlophnno 72041114 in Mlvnnm by wrilinu In on Friday January 13 1066 Mr and Hancey Tolnpnnna mum lialsnn bower lhc plhne mlnlsur null lha tnbincl mrclnrlnl had the varinul departments of govern ment Mr Pmnon mm in ml mnnl lhnl lhe pus principal mrcmy has not hm nrcu ch In from year but lhnx It cxhlcd bclnre in Canada Mr llodgson will wordinMe all program and auiviliu or the prime Ism ofllce TGiven Appointment An pcanumisl and career clvil xcrvanl Mr llodgson has been nsslslflnl dcpuly db mu or the last an mnnlhs canccnlmllnx on financial ld minlslraliun OTMWA CF Juhn muss la has been ap pninled principfl mercury In Ihe prim minister Mr Pear lon announced Thursday The brie says he slrap and other lorm punishment now used In school are denlal humandignily and alien cam psycholvgiml damaga In chil dren Rev Robert Hemsiraei minister of the church and membnr of the committee laid Thursday lhe nixmember church cummillce will argue Hpnge brie harm the prnv nccx cnmmilicn on the aim and nbieclivas nl education in Ontario only one 119 How abdut takinl levgral Zuknr who In control financing courses degreegram and mainten fillCE HAMILTONTCP The so cial acllon cammillee First Unitarian Church here will ar gue or abalilian oi corporal punishment in school before legislative commlllee Tuesday lnrluranlo To Present Brief formula nlarla AP Then ls mu doubt Ihataler an Initial surge afv fellowship China In allen Into bad odor in much Alrlca Em the Chinese were JinL believed to have been particularly active In sun mauep resenlnkivex from Dahnmey and flu Central Mrlcan Republic and me nnllchincse tone Italemenu coming from the newmilflary uglme in Upper Vallm arq regarded bysnme Wesem observers as nmnke geraenu mi By PETER BUCKLEY Cindin Pun stall Writer Pavely not China appar ently at the mo of three re markably nimllarflflilary re vle Ihat uve erupted in Frlncas lormer Alrlcan cnlnn Iuln the In mnnlh vaértv=7Ndii4C1iinqz At ReVOltS $28 sale YOU MAY CHARGE ll OF COURSE zThe new ntary repmeyhl Dahnmey the CentralAlr can Republic and Upper Vollnrre plapc civiluan gavemment hal military lake likely to change the nplhasanl rams The best it might do is provide firmer guidanc or the cannlric Involved and reduce influptlou ami Mpoflsrq And he former civillén ruler were all regarded as moderates unlikeiytaioln such other or mcr lerxiinries aamli and Guinea in close flirtalfiin with he Communmsu Whalall three pnunlrics have in cnmmon is small pnbulnlions backward ecnnorfilu and few praspccls for quick improve ment CANT leNGE mm it where milllari Enen hive lakeq aver PUT YOURSELF IN THE WINTER COAT SCENE thrée Riven Paris Franco wilh hlggcr per capila foreign aid hljlthan any nlher country has pumped an estimated tmwmm 1m its Iannet central and WM African territories since 1960 had bccnjn new since 12160 when France gave lull independ elm lo 11 former territories In that part Akita snth ma Sahara Then is nulhlng so far in dicale that he mllllary leaders in the Ihree countries were In calluslqn However they may have been lnsplred by Ihe or mbrficlglan Congo where Gen Jnsoph Malqu took over 1110 overnmenl from Ms quarrelhng clvillnn rulers The mili1y tqkeovnr Inr lhé caunlfiés has not been warm xccepflnn In Todays mom popular alyioa In Mmmcd Im ported fabric camel hair pom mnlthlng un somblm car mm ski jackets and other op ntle and quality com All Mm PIck up ynur new winter con now Enjoy mil now boauly during he cold winter mnnlhs ahead and him the onlislndlnn of knowing In you um lot mrmny by buying at SurMhna hhnp mrly for hm selection THE 310 youve been walling Call tho babysitter catch tho curly bus SumMani have their entire shook of winter coals on 5an 326 $3 $4800 and up Remember prim wind only OUR GIANT MIDWINTER EVENT Undnr tho awuornhlp he GREENWOOD 110 SUDBUEY Onl CPILau mntlan University here will build salelhte observation su lion to hElp luck whiting sal ellfles meeting WedneSday nlght the Junction Creek Cam Alfihorily gppraveda quest o1 penmls 3mm gum MAY JANUARY Sudlgury Seeks Tracking Station l3 DUNLOP ST 16 Bayfiéla SI WITH THE FAMOUS PERMASTAMP No INK NECESSARYv RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS COMMERCIAL PRINTING DIVISION THE BARRIE EXAMINER 250001 IMPRESSIONS am to build station an 0052 mrvallon autlloxilyowwi lam near the unlveisfly Thu nbservation past will built on large concrete on lop of high rm oulc Smflh authority field Hug pmject in cooperation the National Aeronauucl 593C Adininisuation at United Staten unhersflyls ccnduchiu 7266537 will In M4213

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