ITWA CWThu numb hlrflm award In Imvlh dnl nmw mm mm yrnh Inum nnIy ullgMIy In No Mnhrr me was down mavh Nrn ml In lhu llrnl ll Myth um bunnu nl MMHHI mmml IImh mlmnllunt numlwml mm In Nnvnuhtr cmnpnrwl mh 11045 In Nnmulw um um llu llmnnlh MA or 14 ram rum va wlh 1311 In In manila of llanmmtm mnnluru 9n cmml rr ml vanlr Irr In mm nml mo 40 per ml hile In un lInvmlll ha Ml IJLnflv rmnuaml unh In In flu IIWNI mid 11915 In aw umrmlh mm ml 11w 1mm drnflu ll lvml In Nmrmbtr mg lW an In mn mm In No mnlwr lml The numher llrnthl mlxmml In lh In hman ma nu mu nl ml nl mm Mmpmnl rm Ml Dam Mind Al in mknl lmlf Ilnzrnl Hum why lnIIed In nun well mlJuwlnd Inlllcirnt daughlrr Aml lhrn rrnd your nnswrr In olhrr mnlhrr ml Iuww ll wm my nnwrr In cmuonr Dm Ann hndm Severn month pro you printed latter from nwnmnn who wnnlcd lo how whom she hnd Inlch In raisinv her chlldrnn My hum mm out In Mr becauu hm naked mm the lame quu 11cc My dnuuhllr was Invzly lensfllvu girl who wan unable to mp0 with lllul problems Sha lurntd In tho boulo wnl Ihu lama nary youvo hum hurr tired llmrIMukon Immo dlxhxrlml rmldrem melch ln lail nnll Ih lelrldo nllempfl My pnrktlhoak was nearly Empty and my hum was hm ken mm wnrry nnd grld an Hy nml Mend dlll All lhry wuhl In help hrr mnkn huh mm In It wm uwlm nm lrngic Mury tnrlnl whrn Iho dird Al lhu MINInl 1m rnr She my the only plea Jewelry Aha huishu Ind Ihe wnuld never wear anointr In In place What do you my nhom this Ann LandcryA Today the man mnlll mllllonnlrc Edie could have rock tha $110 of an Iirpur bna can the wanled It For blrlh days and anniversaries her hm band has zlven hcr dlumnnd necklace hraccleten plnl Ind tnninu Bul Edlo all warn that gold rlng with Ihl Ilny dinmond chlpln It Dnr Ann Landau Id like say snmelhlng tn the mother who told her daughter to ms the engagement ring back bc causeJho dlamand wu Io small dear lrland ol mlno mn rled young man who drave delivery truck during Iha dly and went to night school Iva evening weak Evay Satur day Edles chelhem tank her far xido on he urea car That was Ihclr big daleh When hty becamo engaged he gave her rim with diamond chip In it You tnnld hardly call It slant That was 35 year ago Birth Rate Drops Seven Per Cent ANN LANDERS 11m The Treasured Jewel Is Diamond Chip 11m nnnimsnry my wn llrhl hnmo Hm mmlol manlmv and llznmhltr Mr and Mn Wilth 5NYII MANN In llnrrle KM cunt indium Um calvhrnnL um Mm WIL Iinm Maw Ivi wllo nml lerrn rhlldrrn It 1le nnd Ilw llklnl Ixrunwr nml KNIV lndnw Mr nnll Mu Dunnhl FIle of Hank MMIKI llMll RIIARKH ï¬nulh Mrlcnn xtlrnllm urn mullnun wllh mclnrnlly rhnrgwl mnlrn In krw Ihmk any lmm halhlnl lwnrlw Mr and ML 1de an nl Ill name wrm mean honor at lnmkly dinnrr rel rthnn mm Imz Ithr bath WM dtng lunhmmy dnlvlrm and Ilw nmmlrmlrllrn nxoy um mmhvl In Harris on Mr WI Mnu hrldu runslder lhrlr wedding gown mum lmporlnnl Ihtm jun nnolhnr cnslumc lhuy ham to hnnd Ihcm down In lhclr dnughtm you ban row Inwn ynur dnunhur wlII never know lhxl Jny wgnnmo ang Den Ailm7 Laidm am 10 years old and plan In he mar rled an St Valentines Day need help wkh nyvcry lmpomm decision She Is Just about my ulna maybe we hit lullcr und lemcr hut Im lure her own would at me Do you lhInk It would ha 11th asked her to It me wur It or my wrd dlnn wnum lnko very good cum lLWlnl To Ila Ex qulxllo Dur Wlnt To 11 Your Hand known you plnnnlnfl ta bu mzrrlcd and 5h elm yuu Mr gown llur but dont puLhrr op Hm npol bunkan Den Mother On the real rewards of wrltlmz Ill column knowing that an Answer d1 reded to on person can bring wmo measqu comm and strength to ulhm Thank you or Icuing ma know nuendad he weddlng friend In Sunday She worn lhe mos bcnuulul gown and veil have ever man It must hnvu cos Inrlune have aI ways wnnled la be marrch In In ludillnnal hrldnl cnscmhla hm cuuld never aton gnwn am veil likn that Yau laid hen Slop beaflng yoursell If you did yaur heal ICCEPILIB peace you have turned Anlch un do no man On that day Ann found peace will always be lhanklul lo yumA Mulhzr Couple Celebrate 55th Anniversary UNWANH IMIIl IllZMOVNI FHEE CONSULTATIth For Appalnimlnl Cull Mm mm tmlwnu Thu McLARNEY CENTRE or ELECTROLYSIS 7130380 5th llon MI le Hunl Fl mail plllhnx hnl IIUI urn ul 4m hrlm aha lmukeyrmy Mom on Ihe hack Ihu mul MIN Ilrnlgm cnnl mm cnlnr Ind tul lho Int cl wllh nmavnbla llnlnx or nIIA yennouml Mr and Mark lixMannlmxth alum mm mm the tunwink Thu menl unlform enmhll Home Ind Inch wllh nllm lnpolm closed with our Ill vrr lmunnl burinl Mr rm mlnl mpla Ion ml Th lurk Im hronl poem ml Iwo nu packrln TM rlnulc up In IIM Inmn lhlxlo nahy my n1 llw uniform Whlu ahlrl ml Mngk Ilo nllmlml wur An umme nmcnnl 11m Inmkrymry ullh mumm llnln nml nllnn Alum com plrlu Um WII unllnruL mnllwmlnm omnlny lrlmllllcnllnn lvrowl Inrnr mrMIM lhu nllllnu rml uml Hm urmrn name ll nnw Mn The wamcnl rnumblo mn IIAII of an AIlne Mr and luck el with ml1mm Iron Ind nmlght hack Thus lml whllo haw on the rullnr nl lho Inahlonnhlo whllu tonnn blouse wnm undrr Jntkel MENI UNIFORM By GARRY MYERS PhD Parson 1w make moment and slick tq them evince me annxlh ol character Its easy make resdutlons and whila mfking them 1ch proud on so But its not my to make the kind rowhliom wo mean to carry out nor is it easy carry out the msolullm we have made Usbally New Years resolu tion is aimed at acIIKmpme mnnl km ho rnsoluï¬m Dcslznvd by world famoul Manncal cnumrler Mlch no lchnud Hwy complement flu now Ituwnnlm emumblu Aha cmlml by Mr noblchnud and lmmducui In Delobcr IBM IV BNAEMHLI nolh mm and womln In con tact with the publlc donntd lhe new Imnkeymy tryan and wool rnscmblm which rovldo Ilflincllvp ashiunablo mun Milan er Cinniz MONTREAL Mr Camdn lulu employees at lichel oHicu nnd alrporla ndnpled new unl urms ln lha New Yur Tcï¬taflva plan warn discuss ed or due pmjecls of 1966 Air Canada Employees Introduce New Uniforms New Years Day SELFPRIDE Keeping Resolutions Tests Strength Ot Character rmploy warn nn Iha Irll luml uhlle bnlh mml ml unnwnl hull wry rml hmlgo lmpllc Ilorl seem that lhe more resofluflons we make that we dnnt carry Ihrough he makes our will pmvu grows To have on may he keep But we lai then mxr lailura may discourage us my much or cause In last lallh in our 34an Then it vmuld mm that But whcn wu try to llve Intol chnuy wo do make resolu tion now and then We plan We say ourselves or thr Quay what Im golng go SIGNING THE guest book an arrival at the New Years ave ball at the Ofï¬cen Mess ha Barrie armaury is Noel Stephenson ol Barrie booking Dllfllï¬Nll IN lONTIUCM Snppt ICCENM plan lwwovrr hunifl on Ill uclml plny or 01 on lcrlnlnmml pmgnm now uidrr wlml mnu may do mako mm tum Itch ddlgnflflm fluvpm luv nu qunhuNl lo mrry lhmuzh Ml mjml SumIa ha hnl Mud flu mm In MN oak he wont oath mt merunlly In Mn dtnmutlud hl radium to Illlnd lhl um Invlmnu vmnmuy and um nry Now suppose your ddld or mine butwom dam and IL ub nounmd resolve to be homo thhll belcra school dlyl and to so prompfly Ind dul ncmly In my hummrx Minna regular early Iwur bud molm ml narrnls might do mmL lather If nmund mm ohlln lion our child hm already mm width other pcmn know about Summon or Manure In prom lxod ll Idlool ndny to hint mm llama Intme In mid ncglnl by glass Ve pamm when Ir ho mg to In would dlmso My 0er will and ncmrd to make duhab resolution which we bellow he could wnh our hdp uny Ulmugh But Im not lure would be win or us mm pm mild to mnka molu Iinn around lha NM Year or At any other Umc then to futï¬x hm Mld this mom by doing all cm to ennblo him to may lumu And selly 11 day go Child say mm ï¬sh 10 mum his aucnucn on mom ha surl Ll Imporunl MI he really whhm to he Ind one has the alult of mm to carry outno km moluunn wgdwant him armake the kind of molullon we Ile and the meme our keeping an more lmpmunl than making resolutions Vbldng to help our Mdo keep moluflon he ha mldl wegmnhyced ï¬rst go 57qu we parent need ï¬n to pmva lo him we kn rmhxï¬on nl our on whi he knows we have made ha know Hut our child ha made Mum resolve we should try hard to help him carry it 01mm on are IILI wile My Stuwan Moriaa In chum ol decorath for the nmunl party Examine th See Page 13 BK VALUES FROM fimmo OI JEWEL MUST WORK LA CIIAUX ONnï¬ 5MP MIAM MPIThn 0mm ml ulnn nu Swlu walehlrmk n1 indqu ml tullomerl In be loo lmpmud by the number of lewd bull lnln ulch Only 010M ulunlly ll RIM We mlfltr nyl II mm ram ln wound Inkhe lo 15 In ulllwlndm Whm Job Indor hulnesl ln msu are concerned besl pe rth will Alma plums good fiscal cyclesupedally between now and ddFebruary Next The 1er three weeks March molva here you my be given more mpomimuuuh he last week In September ï¬n 1m hm week of October and lhmxlml November md next January Jun one Idmonlllon Do nothan lo anuzonlu upw lal or busineu parlnm ln In early July or the ï¬lm week Seplmber or he mmmlrmm will not be lonheomlnu Alon pemnal lined here will be great omylml on manna durlnz the latter pm at lhll month ln Fabunry Junl late October and late December Dont take the lnlntulflom of May September or November loo urlously however Mos Itlmulnunz period or Inn Ind eoolll odeerl Um anon month the ml thre wteh Mn nm Nmembc and De Mr and Mn balls 02 Ilfl mm New You Mek en MnndMaLAlexshmmd wen holiday weaken ï¬gm when Mr and mm and 119m um um Mr and Mn Bruca Edney en larulned ll dinner puly Al the Remy Street mldenu an Sundny Gueaulncludod Mr Ed neys pmnu Mr And Mn WII ter Edney of Bridlard Mr Ind Mrs Harry Euley Win done Michlm And Mr Ind Mu Jotmux nnq um Jami at an WM mornin Aspect will be omen mildiide hose haun in your birthday Lou outlook for 010 next year eminent indeed Do wnber you enlmd Hal vexlad where mums mn cemad one whlch will last through the flu chm week Fetaum new good likeli hood of incensed urnhm dur lnl Ibo Ilde web but unlul not to spewing In mid Jqumy and dont comm yaur ul lo lam expendlluru Next good cycle or monan gnln The entire month Apn but only when IonaInga venture In mmsd Dont expect im modme returns lulu durinl the Hm mm weeks of svptern boz and thrmghoul October and be exlmmdy ImblllJI 51mm And wlacï¬mlu It pwm mmmmmmm my urmm at tho nylon an New Yen1 Eva Guem Included Ilium dancan tbs Benn Ballet Guy Doll and 116 nylon Squlm bullet IIIP per wu mved followin the dance pron nmzï¬m vq never elm be good 99 nor in which to make plans or dinner Adlvflles Mm vigor uun influences wIll pnvdl liter noon will encourage accomplish mani In important mama my 1mg nunmy ESIRELLIM FOR TOMORROW mgquingnspgctl wï¬ll be Mnmh THE STARS SAY huhhunky unauTuunnvI MI Dimunhind uuwmm PM tqu nï¬ui tVOGUE GIRDLES Tinn pullon lullI lulu puny Iml long In may flrdlu In In poop XL Rug Mandi this II apiclajpqrenm of slightly Irroiqlarhmandllrdldtholnllght lrrplularltioi wlI tint affect the appoaranoo or wearlnl qualltléi sortod Marla In tho group Whlto mostly By Vogue Chm mm nuhr wk milled Ind mnlnur llyln lo hold you lowly ll Imp 32 la 33 RrKI98mu1298 VOGUE BRAS Manning mmlml on Wallwn lInn 1mm WALKS rats WALKERS lullmum lumany mom ntumlnl 97¢ 219