Hy ROBERTA llOESCIl When you are looking lur nmcUIXng new In your lilc mah on to many people Ind many lilunlhms Thl ls Impor ant became manic knock most ofltn on we go out mm the wurld more Hun 50 per mil the wny 11115 Is Mm polnltd out man who told me the omer Mr and Mn Maud Van mm art than Illnlni Um glut MIMI lhrlr mnr pin nl hnlml luluv Ilmn Mmh 1011 lnltlo In the lur mer Kamun hanm nblv Opportunity Only Knocks When You Meet It Halfway ALTHOUGH ll MIGHT ap pear if mnmer has Invaded ha 11 the quartet above are gelling in tune fur the Spring Commt to be pre sumed by the King Edward Ladlos Choir under the dir ection cl Mrs Jean Dbbsan on Mary at Collier Street Felluwahlp Hall The Toy TO LIVE IN WINDSOR TOY SYMPHONY 0N CONCERT PROGRAM havent dram Pay rhcqul or years he said but everythan In my back ground lndkalu could do his wart Below was mamad helped put out lrnda publica Hon Then 1n the year ham mm It home ham mum All types of publiclly or club And organlznhonx day that sh wnnud puhllc rclaliom Jab dmmlwr Mr And Mn UIMI Mulchl lwlvlonmm the Ian ml MIL Vun Mm Wind lnt The mMywwl Ml mail er hran In Wlmlw mo b1 Elle Symphony by Haydn camp in toy Instruments will he one of he features the evening Also included in the program will be quarloltcs lxlo 5010 and choral numbers alnng wllh selections by plane soloist Miss Eleanor Taylor mum wloist Mu Agnes Douchcr and Mrs Wendy Hicks monologist Above mm NIXON ELECTED 111mm NEW YORK lAl anmr vlrflwulrlml Nllrm hm hem tlbdzd In 000 beam Inulm nl Mulull 11 Nov mG on the mmlnn Lulu llfc Ind Mallh lmuunco rumpnulu II amountrd Mmulny mn tndu Kllhu Ilnn Jr um re nlmd IHII yuu cum mnv MA When yml uh you vlll mm me lmlfwny ml Incmw rm rhnnm xl luvan Hu lnm ll you ran all ll um IndIM nwmhmlly Tnklnl III In your run an ml mr way In ymr In Nnrh mil In many frnldfl Iml Iituhllnnl WIINI ym wrlnl In MM mumHI rww In IIvln nr Iwwl ï¬nd My whrm Inpll rmmrunle Km your numu rhrulavlnfl WMII ymnr Inlbln 1m ha mn No on Is very likely la beat palh your door unlcu ymlr nblllnu am in widely knmvn um the Job tomes sucking you Inxllad the average pmun has In clbwt his way In the world and In olhm knnw um he ex lab when you da mil many 011m ran happen in FL Oll dont cchl simply becausn you cxlcnd ymxrscfl lo new and MIUIIUUHI One woman ho dimva thI had bather um wnl Almllnr lo Ibo mus we Just My uan Inn vth the mum Job ml and knit puuing hum In Um mall uh clrrulnlzd all our nnd It It known that the wanlrd lo work Ono nlxhl In An adult Mhnnl when lhl look nrconllnn lcr mm the nwnlioned lo lhn man next to her uml Muh numc wu hcr hnbhy writinx wax hm 10h nrnbonn WAR ON um hll he rlzhl rhnrnl hon Mm mmllannl lhll lwnluc Hm man uh Alluwl mm In rlumo of flu company mam le in inn which mini lurkny hv nmlul woman in nplarr xlrl Mm wm lrnlem luv nxhrrl In mm or an lnlrrvlrw lh nrxl day She llhpnuul Mm nl Hm errviIw and hlml lur llw ML Nm howevcr need job nul 50 have had no luck have sent out batch la IN and have answch nev trnl ads nul no nne has beat palh lo my door and mod mo to come In work HE KNOWN to are Mn Slnclair Mrs Jr Hennehry Mrs Carson and Mrs Harry Smoth hursl BELOW MIL Hugh Ridden the pianu load Mrs Eldon Greer Mrs Nor mnn Shellswel Mrs Bar ncu Mm John Varly and Miss Mnrgarel Eaulch through practice session Examiner Photo lrs flmmgwd The sum cl honm was pre tented wnh variety gm including cordless shaver pnrlnblu radio and wallet cun tainlm money mm the CNN Mn Max Judd was eleced madden ho X1 Bcln Pi Chap er at Ben Sigma Phl Snrorlty Al meeting uld at the home 01 Mrs John Mokrun Mm iohn mm dlreclcd he program or Hm everlan Ex mgrInd Frm¢ghlp mle Aunuo Unlled 11mm wnl HIM In cnparily Sunday min or he Charla Drama ln Jmphl innirnf pmmlcd by tho churrh chair 1an lho Invnn mung mm ha drama Ihu Maw mm and Inmlllnr ltr munlc wm wmnlrd by Um holr under um dirrcllvn of Dmlxln inr flï¬ï¬‚y From mm Iehcllm In the lwnmlul Garden at lmy lr nllrmM by Jrnunlrm ln the in rd an klhwmmwl llumxh In In chum Illllrlulnh Grim urnmun of Humr Wu pnxlnlxml 501nm Mrl Davld Hum Hamlan III an Ilu Wu lwqlud mm the MmnlL The ca table was covered with lace cloth ccnircd with large decorated christening cake inscribed wIIJI the names oi the guests of hunor RETIREMENT PARTY the open house recepilon marking the rcliremcnl of Wil rad Wardle from Lhu Canadian National Rnilwnyl In honor wcrc parlonncd by Mrs Van DcrHeydcn and Mrs LL Good chiid Tca assistants lncludcd Mn Wnrdle Man Worsdcll Mrs prawnd him with Emma 0Lher member elected to the 1966M cxnculivn Includa Vlce maldml Mrsl Jean Ballersby Recordan sccmlary M11 Jana Burncli Concsponding Accre lnry Mil Frank Graccy and treaxurcr Mu Hugh Doucellu Mn John Mokrcn umnknd he mcmbcn or Um mom bear lng the Sorority cm whlrh wu warmed to hem SM nulllnrd ha cnlcndnr ol cultural prommx mil to be prestnltd qult on the llcla Slgml Ihl Manual was onme Ivy Min Jana numu allowed by vicw Grcck Alphabet Prlor lo Ihn election presldcnl Mn Gram Mxkila cxundcd welcome to Mrs Don Innncll who hnl transferred 1mm Monica Barrle guests included Arch deacon Ar Read and Mrs Head and son Peter Mrs Jean nnlh Mlss Susan Gibbons Mrr and Mrs Inhn Burysluk Mr and Mm Robert Powell Miss Sharon Powell Mir Inez Light toot Robert Pawn Min Surnn Dotson Mr and Mn William Crooks Mrs Harry Mame Mu Malth Robertson and tiny Susan Bonkey sister Nancy Ouhsklly guests wera Mr and Mrs John Phflllps and Min Daphne Idenden of Toranto and Mr and Mrs Frank Mul hollund ol Straudr sue he rec ptinn afler wards ware paternal grandpar ents Mn and Mrs William Hockey of Ottawa Mr and Mn Roland Dobsnn Srwol Barrie and Frank Powell 51 Mapla vagreatgrandlathcr Ike 1w an Capacity Audience At Burton United Sorority Elects NévfEXeCutixié PEOPLEAND PLACES DOuble IChrilsténinq Party After Baptisms At Trinity Barrios Mos Fascinating Shop 23 DUNLOP Godparenls of Nancy are Mr and Mrs Robert Gibbon Minand Mrs Tom Bookey are godparents of David gent Im flw and II Archdeacon Read bapuzed Dayid Gordon son of Mr and Mrs Roland Dobson Jr of Drury Lane Nancy Ann daughter of Mr and Mrs Dom Bookey at Napier Street was baptized by Rev Sherring christening party with two liny 2505M honor was held at the Dnny Lane denceof Magistrate GordonFoster and Mrs Foster on Sun vday aflmnoon The reception followed the Baptismal Rites in Trinity Anglican Church of theFosters grand children sixmonlholdl Nancy Ann Bookey and elghtweekpld David Gordon Dobson Whom II GARNHS HOBBIES 726032l rockcrchalr Among he 250 guests allendinl the party held at the Wardles Ombmdand SI hnmc were Mama and lends mm Wlï¬cby Capreol Tomnto London Burlingmn Minesing Edcnvale Midland and Barrie Oulamly guests participating in he bonspici on Saturday ll the Barrie Curling Club wera cumrlainzd ihe homes Barrie resident at the week end These included Mr and Mrs Clair Baker oi Toronto and Mr and Mrar Clair Morgan of Canninlian at um Owen Sl residence at Mr and Mra Jack Butler Mr and Mrs Wood Wilinwdaie Wm guests he home of Mr and Mrs Ed Taylor 01 Olinway Ave Mr and Mrs Naiiel Wellington St had Mn and Mn Gnmel Smllh eran Dundas as their guests Mrs SLan Perynr an son Ken at Hnwman Ava ware recent luncheon guesLs ol Major and Mm Venus at their Coll Ingwaod resident3 sTyDENTle QUEEN Raymund Ka mann second year student at Queens Univer sity Kingston armed ha Agnes Strch residence his parents Mr and Mrs Raymond Kaufman during Ihe weekend mspcnd the Easter holiday In Banla CQPLINGWOOD GUESTS BONSPIEL GUYISIS wgmznn chum Mr and Mm Macdonald and daughter Jill at Tomnlo were weekend vIsitar the home of Mr and Mrs Harry Young Park SI The lamlly al Iendcd the Friday evenlng pm senlaliun at Bngadoon in Cm Ira Collegian Auditorium WW Bay and Mr Don Cnmpbm cï¬ener quit Mk zgzNINg mama Mr and Mn 41 Cathy North Plrk Road enlbrlhluéd Mr and Mn Gating ol gravemu and Mn 19911 Exwullva and director oUhe Bartleflommunlty CQnCflLA Enclaunn Mb the home of M15 MaryA8nu Moorehï¬ur lleld SL an Saturdly evenlnl The purvose the meeting VII 50 qgscnss the 55mg aLgha math concert for the cum awn Thom altmdlnl Incl reason Thom altmdlnl Inch 2d President Bruin Owen Mrs Rohcrl 4913va Viol nge Ernie Walker Mn Orvnl Jachan Lloyd Mord Mu George Davies Miss Mary Wase Stewart Pickles Mlss Jeanie Bryron Mrs Ward Melenbacher Mn Margaret Bradley New York Cqmmrmlly Concert repruunll Among Barrie women whu are attending the mu nnnunl media of the Synodicnl Society at lhe Womens Mlsslnnary 50 £1er Toronto andKlnxston being held at St Andrews PreSA bylcrian Church Kitchener are Mrs Gunning Mrs Jenkins Mrs Calvin and Mrs Ross Adana 11m meal HUMOR IN MUSIC CBCWs Fullval or May ll prescuu Vlclnr Born and tha muxical Um at BachNew ankcr Peltr Schickclc ings are II FROM TORONTO Mr and MIL Cralz McBrlde returned In their Toronto llama lnllawlng weeks hullday at the home of Mrs lllcflrldc parents Mr and Mrs Burl Schlahl of Rose Sl The Tamnlu vlsllon were also guests at Mr McBridnx parcnll Mn and Mrs James McBride 01 Campbell Lennard Reilly MP and Mn Reilly ol Tormto were Sun day dinner guests at the home of Mrs Reillyr hrotherlnlaw and sister Mr and Mrs sun Peryer nl Bowman Ave Mr Reilly was recently unpainted deputy speaker and chairman of the committee the home in tha Ontario Legislature ATTEND MEETING Ava DINNER GUESTS In sesslon tram er Wiaadilllf duzAMA 575 901qu 401th 11124416 by Wu Wade 1121de 4mm and baldwnaizfl qmwm 1v Jabubzu St Slinm wmmm Suï¬19 and Highland Quinn Slum £1 Wulm WMHA 7y Ski11A In Slman UM Mum 8an mm 151 Woltdaq com mama am Mal1M malls £1 91111011111 511124 magma 0011M my mm comma1 mm to 23 51 m1 Picture Yourself In Stransmans Newest For 66 FOR QUALITY SElECTlON and PRICE its an eyesore Howeve dont lust throw them outnl you do you an mbhlnglymlr garden or pox dble bloom next year Horti culturlsta wltll the Ontarlo De partment Agriculture suggest that you keep them healthy un tll um have died down and than plant them again In the fall They wlll bloom the fol lowing spring When the bloom dies cut all the flower stalk Th prevents the plant mm exhausllng Itself by develonlng seed Instead Lhe ldea Is to pmdnce strong healthy bulb Food Is manufac lured by the leave and Inns lerrcd lo the bulb for storage For the plant to be able to do When Indoor tulips and dam 911 we flaww Wm LlTHEBmm EXAMINER TUESDAY mu ma dfls vs flnlshéd Moomlnx they la thbecomaJhll 01 Keepslndoor Bulbs To Plant In Fall 20 Ladies Wear HAIR STYLISTS of DISTINCTION M3 Dunlap Shim 7287443 SPESIIAL ENDS WED APRIL wuanni OFF ALL PERMS long Lasting Flowering Planl Fresh Cut Spring BwqucLs Arllsllc Easlcr Arrangement Order Now For Easter Dellvery locally or Anywhere In The World Through ETD Harris Flowers DUNLOP 51 7104401 Say Happy Easter Plan lemma in 0001 sunny windww at temperature of 45 65 degrees Water regularly andzlve mum er1 llllzer every bhm Io Imu weeks Mler three 10 week the fol Inge will dle down thJs It mun manululure mm Mimi1 heed Yqu must thgdoreukeepjl ï¬ngwlnz we At this me stop waming and let the poldry out com plainly ane or scvzra weeks In cool dry place that isL free from host and than har vest and clean Lha bulbs Smrï¬ them over summer In plum wygrelflfex will be cool and dryL Nex all when you are plan lug your mhcr bulbs examinaf the one that yw have saved and plant those that are Ixm and plump WitH ï¬léwers elll