END DISPUTE OillLLlA tCPl Some 420 members of the United Steel workers of America CDC ac ccplcd conciliation hoard re port Sunday to end their dispute with DorrOliverIong Md The threeyear contract gives wags THE BARRIE EXAMINEN TUESDAY AVRIL 1566 ll mayRe UNBREAKABLE Tog BAD1115 DONT aLASS5How HER MAKE VINDOVli LOUIEI HAND OVER TEN DOLLARS LlITLE GIFT 70075 SET OF UNBREAKABLE rhaséMdgnniééotMeo Corning LIo Imperial ihose Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or Ilow Flew rmm nation to Paris in 25 ilours and 11 Min ulcs is fin tribute in the form of comic vaientineto those daring men the world over who at in beginning of the comm look new air in the firS otrliandiflr flying madrlnes mm in ClaerpaSoope and Dame Color is wrong soon at the imperial Theatrc For the large east of Those MsgnifioentMcn20th fientury Fox recruited an momma my fan of hoesnationally tarrams actors in the leading roles gollywoodl Stuart Whitman arns with quartet of English starsSarah Miles James Fox TerryThorns and Robert Mon ley They are joined in their vairtaoma frolic by italys Alberto Sordl Gert Robe Frances lean Pierre Camel and trinn Demlck and Japans YuJim ishihara in addition there are portrayals by Sam Wanamaker Eric Sykes nanny Hill Flora Robson Karl Michael Voglsr tony Hancock and Red Shelton in cameo role Thoss itisgniiieï¬t Man in Their Hying Ma es culmination of collaboration between direaor Ken Amakin and screenwriter Jack Davies Annakln had long bean conslth ering serious film on the early days of flying when he discov ered Davies developing an or riginai screenplay treating the comic aspects inherent in the exploits of adventuring aviators in their bizarre flying machines Annakin collaborated with Dav ies in the writinx and then they Ioined their talents to those cl producer Saa itiargulies ihefiimlssetinanadting and colorful era which has been faithfully recreated through the skill of production designer Tom Diorahan and the costumes of artist designer Osbert Lancasg tcr Sharing lophltliag with the films stars in sense are the planes themselves Exactlogly duplicated totha mos minute dean are nlah antique aircraft oddities as the Detmrseilc Ant oinette Bristol Box Avra Minnesota Residents Watch River GRAND FORKS ND AP Northwestem Minnesota ral dents anxiously watched the rise of two Banditqu tributariu to day At Orookstour Mints the lied Lake River me three feet in hours and mat of 2M feet was forecast for today The wa ter approadiad 25 feet Sunday niidit and workers labored to raise dikes built to hold back 16foot crest Flood stage is 15 feet The river had dropped to un der It feet over Saturday night although it Hill flowed under ice Iammcd up to in feet high But the water rose again Sunday Meanwhile the hoseau River incited to within half foot of dike tops at Rmcau Mind and the only bridge over the river wax closed The Red Cross said land for 30000 bags wasbeing shipped innbut James Gagaon of the army cosiner warned that rise of another foot would force abandonment of the dikes Dike tailure would mean flooding of whommimmediateiyandto mom within 10 hours officials said which did most of the flying covering approximately 00 lnhidi little mom than half lriplans EardleyBilllngs hi plane and Blerlot of the type which was the first plane to flytise English Gianna There are more of equally strange name and design and they were all captured by the pen of Ronald Seattle the fa mous cartoonist who created ti ties for iuoso Magnificent Men End of the six danes had twoostandlns oned to MIA case mlsbapl In no or medniLv comtmded so that it could be taken apart to facili tatsclosetrp flirnlng None of the pilots who flew timeancient aimult had mdaa and tar tunately none were need Mort extensive of the rnany film sets was the Bmoldoy Aer odrome msnunclh setting sores it was patterned after Brooklandr the Aerodrome century ago was the hub of experimental aviation in Eng land Nestled in Englands lush Bucldnghamddre cuminside the setting is actually an aban doned RAF base nereases averaging 27 cents anhour to maximum at $259 by November 1951 McNItMAM TO SPEAK NEWYORK CPI Robert McNamara us defence secre tary will addressthe American Society of Newspaper Editors nt in May 1619 meeting in Monte real other spealrcrs include Prime Minister Pearson Cone servative Leader Diefcnbaker and Premier Lesaga of Quebec roar aaaasas PALMS vancnn cm SAWPope Paul blessed palm brandies Sunday in the Sistine Chapel and said mass before 10000 per sons in St Peters Basilica to usher in holy week for the worlds Roman Catholics POODLES NEED RELIEF VICTORIA CmA couple at poodles had to be given tran ouiliaers for stage friidit at the rehearsal oi an April spring allow to publicise French eulv ore Iney becama ovarexeitcd when theirmistress started to arada them amid the confusion the practice coroner BRIDGE By JAY BECKER South dealer NorthSouth vulnerable Noam use our was as war ms 435 across exqiooss cross use across scum an neurons 21 1f the finesse worked you would make the contract but if it failed you could then go down if East shifted to club and it urncd out that West had the let You wouldbelboutaltoi favorite to make the contract if you played the hand this way but there lsannther method of play uhich eliminates tha luctr element in its entirety and gives you 100 per cent chance to make the contact Win the diamond lead with the ace draw two rounds of DONALD DUCK JULIET JoNs THE GIANTS ESEV58 AWWR VANCOUVER M19 30 000 A8 renewMm DCNTW snap THAT SILLY TEASI snow UP HENRY Eganliiélsï¬fe PERSECUT BTRIKERB AND WHEN LEAXRE ARE SERRMESrTEEEDWIDï¬SEotr REVOLUTION JUaT TRIAL SEWER WAGES AND WORKING 90Mme Wéï¬am IN AN UGLY HOOD trumps and this cash the AK of spades Now lead the jack of diamonds and discard the seven of spades on it this costs you diamond trick which you could have saved by rulfing nebtdding lentils Wm North East You Question Dramatic Film Question dramatic and suspensefilled ï¬lm idling of tits in Communist Germany and of the conflicts in the mind at qr East German youth will be special Good Friday presenta tion on CBC television April at 130 pm This nominute production was made by Lolita ds Rochemont Associates in collaboration with Lutheran Film Associates pro glut of an earlier film on it nriln hither Filmed only few miles west of the Earlia barricade Question tells the story of Peter 15 yearold son of pastor Who has accepted an appointment in Commnlst Gummy following the imprisonment 01 an outs rï¬oken predecessor TO GOOD HEALTH Some Mental Cases Rebel Hospital Care Bg 10m MOINEII rm 50ml time ago this column contained tragic letter from WWII who had tried to get her emotionally disturbed husband into mental hospital item is part of the letter again phoned the short smiles war Call your doctor Ito will make nrrnngnnroir for ylour hurhrnit to be taken rare Hi dodnr my husband to arm to go to the hospital voluntarily but when it rnrm time to olgn tho admittance pa pm ha refusal It was Saturday lltll ronlrl not rel rourt order than lwrrulr the room worn closed We rough him home it ended In aultlilc Mental health ofllrlolr in New York mu rail nilrntinn lo the new law thm nhlrh lr riuigmt fol prevrnt such irnrniiu at well or to correct some other antiquated unit in some resorttr prï¬miortmily liittlll nuilmir of hamlllng no mmlally iii AIlMIT INIIIEII ItliIlP fnr mnny yrnrr in wet Iinlrr nwnlni honpilnl ml mlltrtl patient ntily motor mini rmlrr iirrlnrlng ihn p1 tloni in renulrn Illtli rare nuu reinmt tlin pntlrnt hurt to roslnml to Mother rourt hearing to prove that ha our rant not really in ltttll lmlrly More rrvrnliy voluntary hum llnllrnllnn line lwn nllmwl or palirnts aim kipw they nml lirlp nnrl mm to outer lha hinpllnl ailtyslonllal nimle vl nwnlal palirnts Ilfl Mflï¬ltlfl lint IlllY va llmpilltl lore inn shin llrry my not win ll Illll lrlwl ur lmr HIlllllllttl the on mum ol mmi mn rirllmnt whirls llftl Ilmre IlUmlleI trial limit it pm rd of nktns 1er of murm rwut lug n1 an Nrw ivrli lval nl Inat lll€CaIthI llInl nllilmlo llisl on law not tka mm on nprvnlrs only on no win riplr tllal lmzoiinlimiuu up st ml Nobody form Peter to join Communist youth groups but in school and at play however he Ir suhlcct tn indoctrination and Ls ultimately obliged to choose between his conscience and promising career as pianist The decision rests on his rear ponsa to personal question Question 7t in dossier com piled for delegates to Berlins annual youth rally Although Peter Is the nucleus of the film me human inter est centres on his anguished father superbly played by tiidiael Gwynn liargarets Jah nen plays the mother Peter is played by Christlnn do Bronson hound by the Katharina Cornell Award for his work on the New York stage iii br matter of coring for sick person not of locking up some ono who has done anything WIDfll OVEIIDUP CHANGE This ll drastic change and think an historic and long overdue one ii to humane method it also can unrt such force as Ir necunry Under the new law that man who rebelled and committed suicide lDUItI hav bren taken to the hospital in stand Under this New York law his life might have bear rpnml Hrplltlnlnl how the law opa rtrs will Into men rpsce so will go into the mrrhnnlrr of the Nrw Yuri system tomorrow Dificlnir in other stator hm been studying It certainty and it wmdd not surprise rueand It would pirrrr meIf other states devised rompnrnhtr leg lrlrlinn Dear Dr lllolorr We lost child thrrwyrarrolrl this to brain hrrmrrhrrs from weak blood veurl mihl this in her editary nnrl our future ohllilrm nlm Ire ntlnlvill Mrs ii is rslrruwiy nnlllirly 5mm troliillly of him vessels rnrl have irrrrnillnry mm but slow you Imd your husband on Iililllll It is vastly man Mind to mum that was inn ratio Artlilml DI Mimi and II liluiy in mm in native rhllrl Nata In 75 Marriage nl first ttltllllII ls nppomi lllll is illegal In Iunw rlntul iwrnm ll rlmllsr llrrrriilnry Iral minis rain on Imth um Ilw rlllltlirn an 77 unit um llllely in lulu the Ianv tlilrtll lnll nnuh mnrr namely Third mums ho arr tar qrwnrh apart In the larval trn In My rlst of this Is very small NEED llllllll JIITV 0le newts for law into and aimlnr lrluar un rsllrrratnl to rrsvli ILGILWO halos in 1901 Opening leadking dia mnnds lhcrs are many ways of re ducing the luck factor in bridge and irmasing the element of skill it would be poor policy to rely solely upon iudr in givm hand if an alternative line of play were available which was sure to succeed regardless of how the adverse cards were di Vlded Here is case in point Lets say youre dociarer at four hearts and West leads the king of diamonds One way of playing the hand is to win the diamond with tho remdraw trumps and then finesse the tank of spades DAILY CROSSWOBD Am LEM liming whale this 10Narcolio 12 Extension 13 Cornan ll Elna contract SLAM 10 Calendar abbreviation 111mm not corn other of posit mm gods durum nhmea ILEcIonm minim an OJlndlï¬ Alcott voter hrroino plant It Blump sump MIMI Jun hill at Mask motor or DOWN Bum basket Nexus Bird Cowboys aobriquet Direction nadir Anthropoid Italian coins Musical II Historical ort with ï¬ha llavelock I1 Barf 8L Modrrn but at the same time assures the contract West wins the dianmd with the queen but regardless of the nature at his hand he is bound to give you the contract If he has spade to lead and leads it he establish the iourtit spade in dummy at trick while if ha leads diamond or club you save club trick and thus make the contract it is surely better to adopt this lino of play than depend on tha favorable location of the queen of spades or see of clubs sure thing is surc thing is mu thing 21 Aymger as ltuha Yatuhya All out so Paulo as out Drull 30 Troubles IL Irish kinga ILIVurttorm home berg meas an acronym no THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley QLLYIMIMYMAW twsru FEEL warms Von pom HAVE RHOOKLIKEA snow Doc EMAIL SIUF numb GRANDMA SECREI AGENT X9 BLONDIE BUZZ SAWYER BOARD AT enraev IIP we meet MR UTIS ILDNDIE NOW uucu nMI var RAVI 1n on you HAVE DLENTYM HAVE TO WT DN COMPLETE NEW FACE COULD MOM coMPLnTI names rmoawnutowe LASTNIGHT Hes Go60 aowrawea AND EATS THEN DANCtNG AFTER THE GAME TONlGHl Hes nunv Mzs CLA55 wanuuorn nun 714 new one CHECka run cauH lawns HE TOOK To LOOK AT CANT llItP fl WVLI NIIP SUWIIOW WE annals 10 man rust Omiiws soil AIN ll MAY HAVE Will1WD Ill NOON LOOKIOIMV ll WTVIMO 10 LADESIZI rur Wit SHROIW III All WE IICIIIC nowmrwntnt am um mwnonf mlr Mr mm inset Ann YOU mum To me Muir rm tumm sons no new newness 10 our llOtiNO not root Will org my amniotic you Most noun or season NAM DONE MM ranwan