Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1966, p. 1

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Im 1le hlvnul palm llamhrV In IM Mum Wmcl nml Mid mnu Mm mm mm In rmrn IlnIiHrn 7an Palm Sunday HIM mnle lhn Irlumflwl Mlly nl hrlll Inm mealml lira dun hrlnm hl nurllllluu Christians Jews Mark Holy Week Mm VIM flanM nnll mm Ihldv lufld er Mm llr nrm rankmm lnA dnnnlnl pollry lm Alwyn hm firmlth with the 75 mldinl lhnl hrn him only hom dlltmnm om Ila Impu mrnlmlun mm lull Ill wintry LI rv nlunu lu nrcltn cy IIw IM IIIIIIHIIIMI he mum lo ll nlllllmlh Ihnl Ihl wmulmx Ilmmzh llw haul kn In Um yum AllAr lnr mm hi nmfivr mumm In murm JAKMIIA lllmmal For cizn Mderr Axum Mnhk IIIth Indonesia will wnxhlrr Jnlnlnu mu Unitul Nuthm and Improvan hum Mlh Um UnHM SHIIIV VATIIAN IITV AWflun um lwnu lhrir Inmul uh ufunw Huly Vrvk Sunday Jam by 0lnrldvnrfl wnn lenllfll nr 1hrlr mnunl Nio The Russians drnmullzcd he lea by playing recording 01 the lnmnallmnle the Commu nlsl anthem which Luna hnrl bmdcasL The hmnrlrusl of the anthem was also pickcd up Sun dny try Wcsl Germanys no dmm axonan7 Tau tho Swlct anl agency laid the man ialullile we equipped with wimhlic nslru man for llw exploration near lunar nullr spice and um mm was mdluina duh back In carlh Then wn no indication how ever nl what data was being re ctivuil Nor was time any sup uullon mm nholnzraplu the mmn qulnm would be uni hark MOSCOW AP The Soviet government laid the Commuan party canyon loday that Inna hiu gone Into orbit around the moon marking major my Howard manned landing It hlslorys first artificial sal la nrbIl the moon vxc fen chalk up key viewy over 2m United Slnles which skill has la match the son moon landing amicvmi by Rumin Luna IX Fob The US is not uhcd NM lo begin moan orbils until Ills this ygar Indonesia Will Consider Rejoining United Nations Th nuulans aduuvcd limit RusSian Luna Shot First To Orbit Moon with their widmr shields and fink chase young Buddhist iThieVés wind Year No 79 MIGON RIM policmwn The Hdméfiown Dally Newspaper For flame and District In mm hmm mm um world Inuunr WM heal Iluuhnm Irrlny Trullllnu rum fur Hm ymmxnl nnnllr Ounlnhnhl In uh INNM qurdlnu mu In lhll nlihl rill luml mm all Minn III mull WMWI ll hn np Mlmmt wlervw In Hm Wm prllnm In 5L lrlrrl Squaw Lam Hnly er runum In fluhllan rhllrlhu wlll Imus an My TllMday him murn ll IMI Inwor ml In mnmnfnl mu nl IntI Ful llny mannz Ihn nurmlinn nu mun nl mmunlnu wll mnmIrJ um lundhy l1 linw anlrinl lTMlfl AT llNlNIWN guiml Mulnyninn Admlslivn In the WM Council Pruidrnl Sukarno hm In mnfmnmlim pdlry ngnlnsl Iho Mnlnyunn lulmalm charging mm ml lhu lmmrlnlixi Vr 111le HIM Illa now lmlnnnlnn nvpmmrnl would gumm In fl lam anry hy Um NIH lm mum In um mm thd which when Ilka ll ur havp to he heed lh lndlc ho nuw Kuvrm mml wu likely In mk mm mnmir Ald mm mm Em and TMUA Ha AP nnm mam out rl to Gulf nl Muim many Iluhlnx anI nl dengue dlmugti rBidon 14mm was luundxcd muw day in lha first annmmccd al low mm the moon Tas said it ruched the vicinity the moon and won Inn orbit 944 pm Sunday 4pm van Jirsi moon spectacular in Sep lember 1959 when Luna ll planle the Soviet flax an the moon In October X959 bun 111 made the first photograph lhe unseen side oi the moon transmitting picluns lens ocean and craer nevtr bdoro seen by man Alter number of umucccss In attempt the Russian mad he first son lundlng with Dune IV last February and aunt back Ihe in dawup picture of the moon Tornado Slashes Gulf Of Mexico mu be sud and tear gag 1e whim manage wblysak up the mob nbo small umLs The cominuim dmwnskrazim are deified by hm wiu ml In mmh lb my Mm 1i 1mm 4Inil ha wbmlvux In Ivlr homo um rnutnl nml lm Munle 10mm wan mm at wv oral ml mm am dark mun hnn mmlnx Inland um um gull 011w lw pnrlnd mm lrlmmrl Tlmnv ml Inhjlnml Tum Mmwa and mu wove Vulltlu nml IanIM ry he lwulnr nml wvrral Im mu um unrmful dormitory nl 0w Uniurnib n1 5mm florid nn Hm len nunth Alvin INK ll ml TM um um mulml butt 0qu Wu knww nL mid Andraw Minn mu mhrrlflyl um um munnnrr Damnxu more and unit spread Time More uncmimwd mmm same on lmm lha Tampa Maw1 human and luau ninu pormnx wm inyurcd Mm wax mhflurncd In one ha citys helm mi donlial mom Two mm aid wgrp inj inl mm un mo fmlfll side rl Timpu The British spun backing mlion at Jodrell Bunk an nounced Sunday nigh that ml pickm up rum Luna in dicated it had gone Into dos orbit around Ike moon Bu Sir Bernard hove um director Ihe slnlxon said nding umnlx indlcalrd that samnlhing had gone wrong and that Luna mighl be in spinning tumb in nrhil HutI Wmm ul Ann lamtma Ill NWk IMAIHHIAL ll anl lknlh NullrMll NIIIIC dllMIllJ lanlfl II Tns said luna was urbiun the moan about every Ih haurspand ulehe nrbil ranges in altitude mm 2173 In 521 miles mm the lunar suflam Vcscrn space Hacker Smithy but the 11mm savnd their In nmmccmenl or Hm reopening of Lhe pady mgms allel week end recess The Examine aimed primarin against the South Viol Nam govcrmnerl and to lesser extent the Exiled Stal Vircphum TODAY Mm nhuulka an min mnly In or IM nummwnl lo luuuvl 1M MmI at whmnl lhl mi may ruulullon 1M nflhnlmllfl lulu1m ill um up My mummm inulhilr munmu umu vltnmal AM IMrIuulu munlm rmnleul by my mlumr memz Illa umlrmr UM In mlrr mum mvutly by 0M me mumlny ulxhl mm um luluu Ivy pm EST lmlny mllllllo nmrmhmM In Irllln the dual yummy Mr hm hm nulultr lrul Ml Am pumirnl Imus prwlld unly In mlrnmu wfll he dim In vol lm ul WI llnn mmwn 1C TM mm lhuumdnl mug upllnl mm MunM cmm lo yrrllmlnuy min In Um nmmnn Indny Mlh dumlmm Ilm Tuwlay niuM UIIAWA CWMr Justina Spruce whn head 1M Inquiry hm the Mumdnaer If nlr Lml buying who will he mind £31in bu ha do palm out thnl Ula Inquiries Ad contain prnvLsinm In mmmoru wilnoxw and mme lhtm lo lllrnd flu Mimi In mrvunml Sun day an uniemrnu by rnlinhie Inurcu who nnld lhul 0mm Mon anlnr hitImbakn Anrl lnmw lmmheu MI mhinrl NH not ulJIy hofnu mu Inquiry mhpuennml thn ma mike draggui on mo Ihe night Assistant Labor Secrnlary James ficynnids duelle it the mast ml ous hmch of lnlth Hm havu am Men In many nan bor nexouallms Showdown Due On Death Penalty The and of the strike came 12 hours allu Johmon Inld Gll but the nuflona humest nnd respect Inr cur mum rcqulm your hmncdiale mmplianm to day with he dismd marl or der Munsinger Inquiry Has Power To Compel Witness To Testiiy day Whun pickeLs rcmgiumj hang nncr Gilberlxv ndon statement lhnlrhc would and lb Mike no rcpfisals were pmmlsed railway lawyers wan to Holt zofls home and III Judge or dered the unhm show cause why lhe lines should nnl be raised $500000 and 310000 Gilbert goes back belare US District Judge Alexander Hall zotr today facing possible pun lshmgnl or Lhe 124mm delay In gelllng the sklker back to work Hullzolt had 59L Sun day noun deadline Holtznff also imposed fines $15000 day against the union and $2500 day against Gil bert effective at noon nr members or other unims who refused to cross pidwt lines President Gilberta he Brotherhwd Incomuve Firemen and Enginemen AFL CIO called off the 38 slate strike just before midnight Sum day night Under stflf pressuré mm Prgsidcnt Johnson and heavy fines imposed by federal judgb lhe union held out in he has mlnula In winnlng pledge of no reprisnls against 5mm WASHINGTON AP Train movemean picked up speed over eighl major US railways rom coast to coast loday afwr nil firemen ended parnlyzing aurday slrike Rail Strike Ends In US Bairlo 91qu Canada Monday Apfll vb lha uy AmtAnd Mm bum Intlhlalm Mun Allm mm In mm and mum um all on you mu nlnl MIan hm mu an mm mm In vol by UV pm rihT Tumlu um umMrMnnl hmuhl In luml ha vand an ma pm 1mm mimlm Ilw 60 mm In Ihl Imrndmrnl Ind gum In III rpql Mm Bllnhum Lllml MP tnr mGmflmmxm Ind mo of rho lmu woman up olnllun In undulltulu Im mlmnlmnl hanllnt ulnl In In hunkw Mr GMIIMNI alnrnlnlml humble Mm ml lu yum dxnliunnim lln mi noun would be Im lo Um mmmmJa cmmul Section II In mnrlu Ad pmvldu or flu mnrmmin nl wllnmel Ind mm the Inquiry he nummu In 1me mar Allmllm In 1hr Hlmfl manner dvll hu gallon Mr Jmucn Spmcu dvcllnrd In mmmtnl willcnlly on atnlamcnu abhor Umn In my Uncuenllemen wrre mm monsnd Ipprnr and didnt um um provision In Iho lln ulelo ayppel calmed 1mm in mmme North Carolina hm oreslm uld they gained the upper hand ta had com within miles of the wily Police evacuated some rtsldmla ram rural area Mar 0n clly 31 am Sunday lrrwod them to mum ur the nighL Hundreds blam spread through timberland in North and South Carolina Georgia Arkansas land Oklahoma Ouiérwist serious Injurlgs were Nomad One dcaul wax reported An flyeardd mm died hurt luck Saturday While fighting Maze near his Pelion 56 home Mum Madurai cafes in live slam HMHLT NC AhShawl broughl weary in fixhlu in mm area hope at mile lo ledbazpsflm Imcoe County FU said more lhnn 100 dolegum will leave Bnnle and 0019 poinls In sim cue Cnunly iamorww morning In Mn least 2000 larmrrs mm across Ontario Delegaifi from Simone Coun ty will Join farmers mm across the province Tuesday lo d2 mand Ontario Governmcn aid in Improving the farm economy The Ontario anzrs Union plans mass rally in Tomnln and demonstrailnn at Queens Park In support of demand or increased prices mislance lhe even of crap losses am helter dsal an 5511001 taxes Five Slates Hit By Forest Fires HERES ONE ALQIIEENs max Count Farmers To Join March I966 Mr Hum would nol dkdcua the number of 0111 mmdxn In Slmroe Cnunly but he bald more than 100 local armtn 11 Join lhe demanslnxlnn flm DFU danonuralors wiH leave Barrie by hm Tuesday morning at 330 and Ioln tho mass rally 11 am The Queens Park dcmnnurnlmn slated lor Inter lg the day increase our mm or he Imp bf mo mam are Idslance lo cnmpcnsale or crop lasso and rcduypd ghoul am He said the DFU mid be prepared la lake lurlhcr acllnn ll nlcsdnys match doesnl bring mulls Wemy lake mica out the Qutbec Irmm bank 1mg blockade blqhwavs he sax 0mdcmln in to Ham wlll be lex islalinn in mud high milk prices In the farmer The Sim cae Cnunly tlimolm said milk pmductrs me still gellan pov erly prim lur mill evrn lhougll here is no long lur pins on Ulem1kol MW mu nu bun allowed in keen paco with thaeconomy enjoyed by ulher scgnicnh society Mr Harm said He an mun have paid 11 sexvlc la Illa armers qursls but have not acted lo raisu prim in relation Lng praducllon casts said loday hat unless the government takes ac tion to Improve lhc farmers 101 Canada could end up import lng much 115 and LIE SERVICE Mr Emu The armuu will present brief the government during mass rally at Ryersm Institu lu In Turnnla before matching on he legislaLme dignity has GRIM REMAINS NEAR PARRY SOUND hmnlm have My huh dam pet In den mm lune on In In mm but Im1 Mn Thu Imhi Mm are um mend my According opor ranchan here marlin AW Wu pra clmymd In the runslal rlly of Nhn Tran 1m milu norihens nl Smlmn as drmonslratou marched on be radln alallon In the central mounlzln wt of llalnt lhz nmmamlcr Um milllnry Unlmnfl ncndcmy wru ordcrrd In lnkt charge Um tlly mm the newly npw The demonslmflnns which or three weeks have been demand in the rpslormlan cl civillhn rule bean spreading mm the mnIn uaublc spots in lhe north and again Included Saigon government domunslra Hons flared up again in mvcral cilic and military and police tomes alarmed In firmly to deal wflh Um mimic Demonsh ovrrmmed an American mflilary Jetp and not fire In IL None of he occupaan wage hurl demonsiralora appcarcd la be infiue 11 In an bracket JETJEEI ABLAZE Police cardbncd all the us Intnrmalion Servch buildjn one block rum the National sambly US persnnmal who were in restaurant amp he Wilding shouted at the datum Union The rioting was the worst In bl Saigon In the crisis lha hman lheJilc Ky him urgingold gqgcmpwnl WM um umu back wlh learng and club analgut Government police with lear gas and dubs broke up about 500 leanage damslrnmra at me old National Assemth build lng but he youths hen surged toward the Salgon River In the direction the US embassy Mather 1000 demonstrators struck out mm the Buddth In gs 311mm beat them SAIGON Cmng broke out In Saigon Lanlgm as Pre mier Nguyen Can Kyg mmtary reglme wrestled whh spread In mbellicn in South Vic Nam The US military command declared the capilalsstreels bars and public places of lim its to offduly American mili tag personnel Ki Wrestles With Rebellion 113 Personnel Restricted Not Maia Than 10 Far Copy 16 Page On hid lhe In um fig wig3M lip ll erSl rhnu rate of Increase mortal so far dung the Roth northward course lhrouxh Manitoba mé nu cxmclcd ln peak bdhfln 715 and 780 rel at mix between April l0 and IT Morris mich south Vinnlpez Lhe rim me 41 MI In uhour period Sunday to 76 col nbnvc sea eveL Ice Jam and Lnbulary run ntl mulled in rapid rise hr rim at various Manitoba poian during the weekend The Indians who were lorced Io leme heir homu last year hy mInnr humus ucre ho lake by hm Inrmcr nCAF slalinn at MacDonald so mich west Winnipeg WINNIPEG CPJAbmfl 350 midinu of he lowtlying no eau Indian nucrva noth bl Emerson were In be evamalcd today as he fled Rive couUm nod to rise awards flood cm In southern Manitoba mi of date uGen Nguyen Van Mcu appealed ance mm or an end who wave ol dem unstr violoqcou He alsa anmmdmi all magi would be closed ar an Indefln Ila period beginmpg Tuesday USE TEMbGAS Rial policeused cargas on 1000 marchcrx In Saigon tonight lnynn em to break up Una rd anll govemment anll Amuican dcmonslralian tin day In the tense capilaL Only shmlume helm mund the clock curfew for American troops had gone In elm in Saigon to am any cidean the Isycc crowds Ice Iams Cause Red River Rise pointed wnman mayor Saigon macs said Student dummsuamxs in Da lat the zwrccs said burned part hotel Imusng the lo cal radio alalion USE TEA mm anmlpaiev xiv Cloudy Wilh possihle Mwflfir rim Law tonight 27 High mom Eugen Forrlull SEE PAGE THREE

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