Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1966, p. 1

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The Hometown Daily Newspaper For name and District Iozaa Ye No is our STRIKE led to another In murmurs restitng irom ltre national railroadwalmrt in the Unitedraales One at them eta Inearlynwrnlngpdigolgla so as ho walls the line In iront oi the Pennsylvania Bail roads main motion today PresldcrA Joint Mellon oi the Transport Workers Union bo oal 2013 explrdned that the strike was called altar so nail Strike Third Day WASHINGTON AP atale railway strike today en tered its third day but resump tion oi service appeared near despite lresh dispute over pos allotl court action against the Atrl ng IIremen union Facing lateral court Inlunc lion union president IL 011 hert oliered to end the walkout ii the eight railways Involved agree there will be no reprisals against the 3000 strikers and that no damage mile or con iEmpt at court action will be pressed The railways child negotiator Wollo promptly replied Pendinglitigation will be pro mood lie aald the question at court action lor drunages will be up to each railway pruldcnl Steamer Passes Locks III 300 SAULI STE MARIE Mich PIThe ollloot Pittsburgh fleet steamer lean Fraser passed through the Soo locks Ind headed lar Lake Superior Friday officially opening the 1000 shipping reason an the up per Grout Lakes The Fraser empty excl or ballast wa bound or lulli Ilium at the wrsirm end at Lake Superior to lake on cargo oi iron ore Two olher hlps the Arthur Anderson and the George Sloan were walling to pass augh the lock on south nd Irip Irom their wlnlrr port It Duluth master oi the tint ride through the lock Cont Iloliran oi the Fraser resolve barnmrtor and ourcr tradi dliional gliL lrorn the Sault Ste Marie Chlmbcr r1 Commerce during ceremony It the Da is lock The opening rl tho lockI coin chled VIIIh lrldaya oliitlll opening at the EL Lawrence Seaway the earliest rlarltng date in the Iranaye eightyear blalary rrru it Llill urns Later Walla added he thinks the strike will end today Gilbert said he was awaiting reports rem viceproxide ol th Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen AFL Clol who were getting in touch with the tndlviduairalluays am certain agreement will be reached he said The strike is against Union Paclilc the Missouri Paclllc lllinola Central Seaboard Air Line Central oi Georgia Grand Tnmk Weatern lioston and Maine and the Pennsylvania Ilallroad west oi Harrisburg The strike disrupted service on 000 miles at line and hit Into the US economy It caused some 200000 persons to be thrown oil their jobs or work shorter day remllcd in tralIie larm tie up irelght movemenir stranded passenger and do Iayed the malls in Philadelphia Than rt Workers Union local nentmlm strike against the Pennsylvania llollroad allrr 30 lreight car In species were laid all because the national strike union spokesman said about 1000 now operating union member were Involved Blizzard Hits North England MNDON CPImirer con ditions today crippled the north at England Daliodlis were blanketed by heavy InavdIilI In the north oi the country nhrrr the llrryal Automobile Club callul weather mrwllilouo like Iltlle Si berla Highway acrora lhe moun tain palm were blocked II heavy snowrtorma Impt down lrnnr iho hnlflilI bringing trel ile lo Ilendulll Ilclwren Ila lmhrl and loul al arrow was reported lrran Nmthunrtarland to Durham England Edges Scots lit Soccer rINlGOW lilmximl Buriall ironies Its rim in this years Iorhl flxuf rp lirde with on carding OJ victory ovrr tor old rival Holland It llanulm Im here ttallrnlay Ibrland at Mt time Mystery Surrounds HBomh Malrllill lllmtoral Arrwtcnn Mala lm Mimi In your moot lulry ur squirts that lIIr us navy has lid lire admire lincrlran liyaliugrn land in tin Mrsliieirsncan lra rill Mlle pain Gunmen Succeed in Bank Raid uormuuu or rim rm imam mi mm you an Irineauru mu tr mum Lam Irranrll In um nn Mleme Nallounle lrtday runs tram vllmmmwrwnhuqmImwwmm are Mran with In rAhmtod Jj Hen raging First Big Test freight ear mpwlo rs were laid oil While about 1000 nonoperaling union members are involved PER spoken man stated that no train ser vice has been laternipted AP Wirephotol Hope Dim For Tanker Survivors MARSEILLE France AP Frerich authorities and literan today virtually gave up all hope at saving eight men trapped be low docks oi blazing oil tanker at anchor here The chloi oi the maritime lire brigade ordered his men to leave the stricken Olympia llanour which was swept by flame Inliawing two explosions earlier in the per The tlremen were seeking to reach the men who earlier oould be heard pounding on the hull to attract attention Two liioboats were ke at the scene to continue it ort to mister the Harries with diarrloal loam and sprays al water The explosions arrl the blaze aboard llle 1000Non Liberian tanker severely burned 15 men members oi the aIiGluk crew and Frendrwrkers and In lllctcd minor burns on several other In addition iour French liremcn rullcrcd bums and la lurios two at them seriously About 30 at the men were un der treatment In liaraeille hospImL Crew Escape Trawler Blaze HALIFAX CP Fourteen men eacaped Friday when ltro ravaged the trawler Karen ll about 100 mlch cast oi here The men were plucked irom Iilrbonl by two navy heilcop iorAim Ihort lay in hoe pitni at nearby Shearwalcr Naval Air Station they Irit ior their homes The burnth hulk oi the Milton vessel was taken in law late Friday night by the lug Foundation Vigilanl rxprclrd to reach here torLay The men look in IlleboalI alter the lire beiievrsi to have started In the engine room rored quickly lhrough the ship They escaped with nolhlng but the clothe they wore Ships In the area wore alrrtrd alter the intact trrn trawler rent he limt divorces signal hortly brlnro norm Illlflill LIFEIIAIT First to arrive on Ilm man on navy tracker alrcrail on and routmatml It rlrnprni illn ralt rout and rncloml alder Tina rrrw nwudrera laid re rlrrI laicr tho wall In the limit Iremed long but tiny praised the helicopter crews tor the speedy rcwtin Ilrrrunl pith the men was mongrel ring narrml Tolry pct 01 Irawlrr shipper anlrm llos lllilcr ul llKhrltflll The Karen 11 lltlll ilve years ago In Iinini luhn NIl nunrd Ivy Mara Ltd ll halal Iulm ilm no IIIIW charter to Illvrrrnwt Sealooda lid oi Illv purl NS HERES ONE Dammit daughter expiry deal the lather you cant mar that mm vs limenl Tim ranti more than nwnth tilt but lmlsly pickled the girl mash ill It It lei Ilten youre In low with earl alter MTAWA CPlThe big test ol Delence Minister llellyers policies Is expected this year On the outcome may hang the political iulura oi the swear old minister who has made it as plain as he can without iarmal announcement that he Intends to run in the liberal leadership when Prime Minister Pearson retires Friday the dolence depart ment announcedinervsased pay ior pilots The longer pilotis experience the bigger the in crease In effect Mr lleilyer shat tered the old concept at equal pay or equal rank pilot with the rank at light lieutenant now will make more money than an oilicer three ranks above him Mr llcilyer has thus laid downthe principle that armed larces pay will be based on skill not rank Previously get ting promotion has long been the only means cl obtaining pay increase The oileet on morale mnong navigators radio atllcers and other members at aircrew Is ex pected to be upsetting 0a the olher hand the eiirct may be helpiul ior technicians unable to get more pay because the promotion road was blacked by quotes in rupele rank be lngitlied rFow Ii any ianbera at the armed forces pppear opposed to the policy at integration set In motion In mid1904 But there have been traag Vietnamese Demonstrating DA NANG South Vlct Nam ltcutcrat American person nel wcra wamid to stay out at sight today as thousands at people Iwept through Da Nang and line in demonstrations do manding change at govern ment in Saigon AntiAmerican tooling ha ac companied the show oi opposi tion to Soullr Vict Nam ruling mIIIlnry Junta which ha been In power lor the last nine rmntha and rltaicnt lender gave notice that they would not be responsible ior American lives and property Ten thousand demonstrators marched through the streets oi Da Nang lor two hour today carrying banners dcrnandiag change at government Marcher Included lluddhisi monk and mint boy aroma and about 1000 South Vietnamese Ialdiera sailor and olllcrra up to the rank oi major RALLY DILAWA IMO In the university city oi line about 5000 perrona turnal out Iar the latest oi Icrlre oi ral lie organlxrd lry Willa clo mrni whlrh appear to virtually mnlml the tow Iloih drmnnstrann were peacclul and mitorganlrtd In llalgun moiical tudrnl hold clamoruu anlliovern lnrnl mwilng sirens speaker crlllcired the conduct nl US Iuldim In the city Irrmler Nguyen Cso Ky lrl dIy outlawrd rlnrwmalrallnn Ilrlkra and raid lire govt ernmcni would rcnascrt ronlrni ovcr radio rialloar In the north at the country uhola ilurhliilrt unreal ha rrarhid llI grrricat extremes rm The Examiner TODAY Ann undueA in ivmr nuauuiu emlreli 1min warmr it DislllttU lallinrlaki awnr mam Walnutst WrathrrI objections to some method used Mr llrilyer himself coa ccdas mistakes were made To what degree their mis takes have causedthe exodus irvm the armed ioloes isnt known But in the la mamas up th the end at January an aver art of 600 men lolt the armed Iorccs every month This exodus uaa halved in February with the announce mcnt oi tZMeAyear THItlSl merit bonuses llut Illa dran may not be halted Informant ray until manpower strengh is down to some 100000 or 2300 lower than when Mr lloilycr took over Ibo dcienee ponlnllo reductlna 110000 was in tentlonal The rest isnt PEAR FOR EFFICIENCY Some oilitzra iear the loss oi trained men Will result in slump in nigh rriaintenacro standards and consequently in elliciency This question represents big test at Mr lleliyera policies Another test is In the manage ment at deience department and between capitel and current costs lllr lleiiycr is determined in hrcrezse allocations lor weap ons equipment and construe lion and reduce housekeeping CASH 7v Hut housekeeping cost In elude such itcms as pay And he now has to put out more money ior thishigher pay lar pilots ior example to keep skipped men lrom returning to chy etmct Except for some loose ends the delcnre accounts tor the lis mi year uhlo Itended March 31 now are in Oiiiclala said Friday they show expenditures on house keeping at 0115000000 includ ing lastminute oullay oi 000000 ior re engagement bonuscr compared with 11129 500000 in mm Expenditures on we spa or equipment and construction loll in 3201500000 imrn $21950000 in the previous year Barrie Girl Hit By Truck 0n Ross Theresa ltladlrrgor nine Pool St was admitted to loyal Victoria Hospital lor Kenya and later reinam alter she was hit by truck at 1016 this morning at the corner oi liar and Bay lleld Itrecta Constable non llcltarsl llarrla city police Iri veatignicd IION PAUL iIELLYElI Biggest Test Sentence Spies To Long Terms WASIIINGTON Blo ahemlrt Ilarry Gold and onetime loreign service eillcer lrvio Scarbeck sentenced to long prison terms ior passing US secrets to Communist countries have been ordered ireed on par role next month The iederrl board at arole Friday granted them tr am Scnrheck May Gold May is trom the lederal penitentiary at uwisburg Pa Gold 55 native ei Switzer land recolved 30year rem tenco Dec 1950 alter he waa convicted oi conspiring with Klaus Fuchs and other to de llvrr US delcnce secrets to llunla lrom 1041 to 1047 lie will remain under parole until July 1980 Scnrbeck 45 Brooklyn NY native ls sewing three concurrent 10 year terms ior presiding clussilled documents to the Polish security police while he was serving as second secretary to the US embassy in Waraaw Ila has been In prison ior year and will remain unler parole nrporvlslan until February 1973 Gold eaded guilty and lol Iowlng arrest cooperated with the nu ln Investigath Furhr David Greengiass Julius and Ethel llascabcrg lll lerlllied at the trial at the lio Ienbergs who were put iodeath tn the electric chair ior their rolr In peddling U5 atomic secrets to the Illuslana The parole board said both Gold and Scarbch had good rlsanrreeorda and had helped prison programs Gold work Expect Labor Cabinet mNDON ifllIrime Minte ler Wilson swept back Into ai lice on the Mural lather party election vlrlnry In so years to day Itartnl mild wrettrixi wllh rroiurlllo at his cabinet exuded as hi Ilnl mIJar muvo next wool With only mo remit lrom nruradyr eiocilon still out standing the overall labor me orlly in the Mount Ilouse r1 tmnrmn stint at That did not Include the Labor Speaker Norm Kin or the lone liar ItllrIn or munher lrom Northern Ireland The remaining real In Scot land was expected to go to the Hamilton Conservative party leaving Labors margin at it had marlin oi only three In the last IIfrlIment Thor was speculation Wil salt may retire tum old Labor wartime lo the Ilouaa at arl lorr to make room Icr younger awn Na mm were muslined Whatever changer Wilson do rdn on wlll liMl in be made tyuiltll larllarrrn wen April It ml mlalalm rwst drew up legislative program This is exported to ermleln emu laugh marum James leer leilqlern Mutter ll the rat rhrquer rlnndy ls shaping on annual larnlget ior plumlatlnn early In May It Is noestrd to the airrt route elect the lowed Wald Shuffle War with warped at high lam end variety oi mature to rolranlm industry and boost eulout With one result still to come the party lmtingl in the new foran were labor lo Irate gain oi ll Conservative oi Bil lJllllll i1 gala ol trill Iteraihllran labor up The nonvollng Speaker we reelected Flanalln Iller lhe 10M gen eral ion wan linlwl 11 rmutivrI 301 lJberrd Smoker AI dtuabnkn flush to the flintth won lit Wanna see boasts 10 ltpcokrr ranch The only miniamllar result will be declared today tram lho Millh district of Arlyll cort alrierrd certainly lor the her servallm One al in last rrsuIlI re ported war reelection Jo lrirmod Liberal party larder la the remote ilhellrod Orkney Islands The mulling Crmrrullre rte eat may bring on struggle tor Ilse party leadership rm hold by Mend lloIlh but he it expected Io laid at any rhet Heath said not cl 1M mam tor his partys driest was lhll Wilmr governmml had only i1 months to aim And the lite turtle believed it slmhl he rim leer trial llieoomplae weathermrmary north or Fire On Indian Reserve Eleven persons nlna children and two adults burned to death early this morning in tire that destroyed slngleslorey irame home on the Perry Seurid Idand Indian reserve the chic of the Olllrway hand said today Dead are lllrs Mary Jane Judge in her 70s grandmother oi some of the dead children Harvry Pawis an overnight visitor lrom the Rama reserve ncar Orlllla Three children from the lam lly of Mrs lJenlamin Toboboa dung Six children from the family at Mrs Joseph Judge whose husband owned the home hlrs Judge and Mrs Tabobon dung and Robin Tabobondung escaped serious injury and were released irom olp It al alter treatment tonllfiatfll IliyiiSurday 31 will belmind on metro liniong Victims Earlier reports said the death toll was nine aevenehildren and two adults Mrs Flora Tabobondung the band ehleisaid all the bodies have been recovered CAUSE UNKNOWN The building was eagulled in llama when the tire was the detected about amr she said The cause was not known The building was heated by two wood stoves lands and iorests depart ment pumper arrived too late to help The island about hall mile oil shore lrom Parry Sound In Georgian Bay Is con nected to the mainland by road along an abandoned rall way line An administration ailiclal It the Parry Sound General Hos pital said six lire victims were Xbrought to the hospital bypo re US Marines LaunchSearch SAIGON ICPlNa U3 ma rine divisions working out at Nang and Chu LII broke up into numeroua small units today in hew search tor the elusive Vlet ong and reported that 501 my ad Man rant Irate operaqu turned up handiul oi the enemy The rnarines experience was duplicatedby the US lat Ca valry Division in twohrlgade eurch iara North Vielnamcse regiment in the Chu Phong mountains along the Cambodian border The 1nd Brigade oi the 15th lniantry Division scouring 25 miles northwest oi Saigon also Iailcdto uncover any major Viet Cong units Some 1000 troops oi the South Korean Tiger Division were wrrplng into strenglyheld Vlct Cong territory about 270 miles north ol Saigon Latest reports said the tier Icons met only minor opposition and killed 17 guerrillas wllhout loss to themselvea Iha Viet Cong today claimed to have lnlilrlcd heavy caaualc tie on American and South IerNl NR construction at IrypArI on 111m It at GramhuraL to carry Woods mm to North no and eliminate recurring an and bottleneck are Mr and 0otIrloli he mumhdamu ll Vietnamese government troops la battle last month North leetnameaevnewI agency report irom ll aaol quoted the Viet Cong press agency as saying nearly 1000 troopsincluding H1 US mas rlaesouere killed or wounded In lighllng ia Quang Ngat province March 11 and 11 Irish Troops To Leave UN UNITED NATIONS AP iroland will pull out oi the United NIiJons peacekeeping lorcs in Cypnls April in UN spokesman announced Friday The 313 Irishman in the Littl mon iorco will be withdrawn because UN SccmtarvaenerII Thant anld he cannot limb unite to repay Ireland costs that Dublin would lncur in keeping them there through new threemonth term ending June 26 will be HumanIth ml Iml It will eroa lull ikdrflitxherttrfl

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