MM Barbara Nicholl three oee Iounze exit in admired mmme New rr an dra Giuliand at rim The Iuit teatxnee bellbottom hipster W11 angel too and coveer eoet vdrlte lace eyelet hire 11ml able navy eneartble Ia eormolemcnt Ied by nahumi stone marten boa versatile email to within can be worn over suits drener or meta NIL Gilli Ianda rm nhile Mine eoai cabin1 little boy collar and vimMilne detail Her third bladt mum Iiiw Breton trimnod with petty Illile bow at the back tEkandner Mtotml Promise Of Spring Theme Is CrossCdnada HoneyinoOIJ Em DIXON Ymmger than rprlngtlme den litlimo the minions shown at the Pmnise at Spring Fashion Show presented by the Alpha Phi maple of LheBciI Sim Phi Sorority last evening that with matchinz drama or dtirte and shells dresses with the highwalsled look or high mama head the fashion that forecast the Imhcst younxeat loosen for many moon The result nppeamto be more feminine youtth leeimg Case in pointl slim floor length dress with waletline and look of Grecian almplicity pelt tIa aooenluah ed the Ihepely bodice mam LOOK interesting combination at Itdcnlorsincoatauwallu dresses also give mil now im pact to the enrinx scene while tweeter conLt brln latterenll end bnsketmnve woo into new prominence Inward waistline come In tor their rvhare cl the apotlintt in main that carry over welt eoam dctnLIInz Into sprlni Ian non The Ihane at the draw we honemaoon em Dane da it we ed In the travel poster which decore ted Collier Street Feilowshrp Hall when he twee parade was presented The floral decoretlmu were by lendleyl NorIlla The doe uratinz was In dhllg cl hire Paul Ford and Mn Gary Mor next The weddint OW WhIdI their any climaer the luhlm Show wee uled to lead all the Prom he Spring RADIANT BRIDE Mix Wendy Craig was the radiant bride wearing crew tion ram minnow annals Chenme lace enhanced the square nedrline end was repeat ed in the scallop which nm med the dctachnllle Gotham train Mn Jed Cam the bridea attendant modelled floor length slim gown ol enun marm nlk chillon om talleta The Ilizhlwelated bodice waa lmblmed In dais pattern heavy lace The we were the meet beiloheoed Mn Eleanor Orr II matron or honor wore shrimp colored Mfl with Imported lane and threaded with velvet It the steam and at the horn The very young mother at the bridE hire Robert Gibbons chose an ensemble Ion dran tung which Ientured full lengthwaIwIthutemoway ooilor and eelibow at the waistline The maan drone will designed on the modilied AIne hot at Mu atrew braid created light airy effect that eompiuncnted her dmy one tome FUR9 The mum at the bridegroom hira Jed Peir completed her costume with Kolinairy jadret bl light weight nipple Elfin lmrn Szmrnorn Dir Stare One of the emartmt turn In the show waa worn by hlrl Jadr Cain The nose beige rhenrcd musk rat Jacket featured an elegant Canadian mink eollar Although delicate the abode holtk Lt color mall Salted tor Springtime Ind very youthful looking mm It rm Roland anm Ir led and Mrs Pei Zhiore mm so over Phone Eileen Dixon er Note an intended In cover the leneral nodal III or the elty Diatrlct weddlnn an nlvernriu bridal Ihowm bridge partiel earning ol age pnrtlu traveller and VII lion are all Item of littered to reader at title you Your help In wppiylng thla new will be really appree IaIed Please phone The Barrie Enmlnu 13663 and uh Ior Eileen Dixon or Andrey Coulmn It the Womenl Dr partrnent GOLDEN WEDDING An open house reception will mark the 50m wedding anniver nary at Mr and hire Rusell Draper ol Cookstown The cele branta will receive relnuvu and friends on mutiny afternoon and evening from unlit and to 10 oclock RUIIIIIMGE SALES The local Association of Al Iandale Dialslet Guidesand Brownch will hold Rummage Sale at SL Georges Parish Hall on Saturday moman mm urr II It oclock District Commlp rlener hire Dalua bee la con lastminke detail More the curtain went tn on last nixitta fashion parade PEOPLE INDPLACES Audrey 1164531 vener the event Proceeds trorn the pale are tor training Loadera at an Guldea and Brow nies The Auxiliary ieliarrle DI trItt Branch the Humane So clety will holda Itumrnlse Sale at the Odd Fellowa Hall Coll Ier SL bevlnnim at am on Saturday mnrrung Dannione or Ilrix eeie will be received It the hall on Friday evening at not MENTAL HEALTH An open meeting at the Can adian Mental Ilealth Auocietlon oi Barrie will be held In the Libnry Ilall this evadng be ginning at oclock Topic for discussion in The Aldrollc hi1 Iamiiy and their problem my mm mm am PHONE mutt Ilot Flashed Vou can get helpvnlh Lyï¬e Pmltham nunmums uy Happy Easter Wlth Flowers area You 133ADVAN¢FEj jWAREHQUSEELcLEARANGE Summer6019487 mono IF $33 neg49o Slzetl2T8Z4 months SESIS martini sns $133 $297 SHIFTS sullfillirs $1197 97° Reductions lip To50 SHIEfWflYWEB Reductions lip To 50 Girls Boyt Reg $499 Mn Fe him did an met lent Id In emmnenletor CONVENEM Converter ot the thaw wn ml lasting Flowering Piantl Fresh Cut Spring Bouquet Artlatic Easter Arrangement Order Now For Enter Delivery locally or Anywhere In The World ANN LANDERS Possesses ll Beard But Lacks Humility Dear Ann Inndenr hly hun band II collua mdueta with very hlrh IQ lie hnd lood Job whim he quit tor neumal rruanlp III has hm out oi work tor over two montha No one will hlre him because he wear bee It not unruly or dirty noting but he Ito been told by aovrrnl pmmflv employer that he will have to shave II he wnntl the 10 My huehnnd return In hhnve mnlter rl principle Mm aIt hemd nolhlnx to do wlth pemna ability and they want hII talent they will luv to Illtti him II he II times he brmmu demand hut he ntqu to give In Jenna Irrint InuI heard hr It trnwnnd upon lbdnyl would appreciate your rnm lnrnll Upholdrrl at Irtn CIILn Dear Upholdmr intu did hntn board but he Illa had lnlxw tronIll lha notice IrIy llmnt In your hunbnnrl Th ilrat rm that route In my mind In hnmlilly Your hunlmnd tmna In true that he II the one who ll Imit Imt or unit II he InaIala on IIIIIIEIIIK to hit heard rnntlrr rd nrlnrlpla lhm he mull In prepared In arrept the murquonrrn Ilke oiling throw down hy nn employer trim may not want to hir Hill heard LIIII TINT IIIIJI Ilur Inn IAnlIrrII Mr Mon IImt tlmi nrry wall my ntury turn Ila II In In have that Inner woman unmlwlr in Ill world my Iurn Irnm II ml in rural the my tuumt It the IuAIIIllly Io lamina lit mmlul to emn In tin only um our loved hlvrn lu ur untnlthlui ma my Ineml wnl broken Tn earr tare vttvmml him In still hit tIIM My heart arhnl In IIP hint Imtl lttl my Ilmltdt tIll wnmlnt Ill 1M To humiliate him martth hi1 but lrlend Now live In mllor with man dont em likemuch Ion love hiy ion mer huabend hu remarried hILy lilI In over How stupid me not In have waited until the numbnen wu one belan made loch In Im portant docIIIorL wan in trance when not the divorce and remarried trance Nothing mmtvl rrnI lt wan like dream One moman actually plndred my arm to we won tirenrrdng km then that wan Ilrlr lllltcmeu and Innhlllty tn torum had rulnui my lllr MINI IhIn Irltn will help wml wIIa rlccldn what to do about In uniaititiul hnaband Tenneuee nrlr Irnnmm Thnnlr you Im writing with If lrnnknca Iml mccytlun And now word to you my dear No No In our unIIl the Hull curtain ll drew Any wnmnn who run will lor IIIm ynura Ia my mIILlI nllve mt lhe moat at It tnntidmual In the non Amrrtrrtn rvplnmelrlala who III mml ht me becatm told worm Ito lrlmtl kept In rminn hrr IrIrmIA on glow to mvl hot to an oplhalrntrio um hm high yrsnrtl Int the ttnlrstlnn nl uplnulrtry but my optmnPIrltt II not litvnml In tml lieuM of Ibn rye oil the min olmltl IN III Mll nlmninrzlnl In no elm had mnwlnrlrn romumm CHANGE IN PRICESI II Beauty Salon Dink Ir IIII nmelnt Mum and IIIII lermbDI In It Telephone mIm hlrl Mllnd Dolxton Initiated by coconvener hirl Larry Gilli land Tickets were convened by hire Wayne Syku hire Mur ray Veitch and hire Jamal Dul Ilald The dressing room wu In charge at hin Irzd Ilukett MII Norman Rankin hirl Frank Dednerrk and hire Ken Donovan Favor tor the new were convened by Na Ilulrett and hire Ilorb Thompeon hire hyirea and hire Bedoarek were In charee oi publiclty IIoaIeu tor the evenlnl nu hire Gary Morgan MODE module In the thaw ropretml nd all three of the Ill Elxme Ihl ilplfll In Harrie Alritn Ihl module indnvltd hirl Jnclt Coin him It Orr hire It ilbboru hlra illillnml Ilm Quinn Ind Mu Ilcrtu Ilmmp Ion hlrt IacIr fair and hire IInr nId Nichol reprumted XI lieu PI rlllpler and hiiu Wauly Cull and Min Sandra Ch Mprmntnl lhl Aiydtn Mn chan The Than limp ElmmrnI hm an The Hat Ito provided the TMlIlflM almwn Ahnlalnnte WM nlm xlvm Iry IINWH Inw plan chita Ilalntyllna and Ilnauty Cmneriinr mmnlira OMEN NOW IIIHACII Thar thm woman pay In In Norwnya Itnte human rhmrh WEDDINGS BANDUETS PARTIES MEETINGS We Pal II our talulnr VIII III Illlll II In FII Im Indpl anhlnl Ia Tu Laue nr Tm RMIII John Blehulnlmer 728445 SPECIAL ENDS 20 OFF HAIR STYLIS I43 Dunlap SI xix an In nut nun Ihnnn am 0va hi on many am tmtlur rul whn Iwntltlnl um with mom Irel III In mm In rm and not mmtn It Intinwlnl III at IYINMIMI II trla who lwre Mnrl Inl mvmm um lIaIler Thornton harm RrhMI hlulrne Phone IIIeh In In 1qu an held It gouanui DD Through FID Harris Flowers DUNLOI ET 11H WED APRIL Au PERMS IS of DISTINCTION Em 7287443 who AND PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT COURSES ow FORMING BARRIE AREA THE NET INIIJIMHNT IIRI CAN MAKE Hill IIHII FUTURE ITvlryl nl mmmu model what we mu my wltn Thornton trMmd llrl We train mm ml nun III on rm tr hul tuln In mm In nunmu In nv nl luruan Irwllldfll MM vu ouutlrnl mg mt mu IIMvv no II will mmmm It in no um Iltmrlawt nIIvn hm to mt InIv Ieleunailnvi pm Mr ru mm mom mm Anvl thI mt Imm mu WALTER THORNTON tanadaa null and Met Mndtl Ind helm Itlmnl Fnr Intermatinn Mnlarl Inrll hIMIvl hurry and Ilrprnrntatlur Andmnn TELIIII In Illdny ml pm In It GinIII all Itrrl min IIyIIIII III lllnlep llnel Illll IIIHII Black Watch Juckels SPORT CDIITS WHITEBLIIZEIIS $188 $497 Reg $499 HAIF PRICE SUMMER suonrs 66° CURITY COTTON BLOUSES $127 DIAPERS STROLLERS s344 $1188 IIIIIIinds DI Savings P19 ii pied piper Shops no DU LOP 3TH EASIMRIII SPECIAL WIndhreulrers to to Reg 500