Illcm Emil Mn Cook lntlm 3dr mu Mn llvy luyhyr lamlly rnmlwxc Mr And Mn milh nndhrlrlnc Mr nnd le birthday RLardl 15 Mrs Wight has been patient In Innlswood Lodge or few years The ucw held quilting at Mlle hams of Mrs Mall Boll this past week Cbngmlulnlions to Mr and 11 Jim um nee Darlene iMonis who were married In Rlvmide Unilnd church West on March 12 leaving allur walds on wedde trip to vBermudn Game and Glen Campbell vis ned Mn and Mu vmrcd Slew nrz recently arm curling ln bonspid in Halilax and are now their way home to Avanlea Sask Susan Lyn and Janet Jack Filtord spent the weekend with Ihcir grandparents ML and Mrs lauflca Reid club gIrls groups and held combined meeting in Communin Hall Wednesday évening Group glrls are der the leadership Mn Eva Whiter and MN Gflxguoze mug Mrs hf Montgomery Ball gpenl cw days with Mrs DAngia aders 115 Mrs Laceby Miss Kay hams economist Alliston attended the meeting Jlrs Herman Hayes spent March 10 with her sister Mrs 574mm Emming Miss mm Chanmn spent last week with mauve in Huntsville Mr and Mrs Ken Homage and family wen men visitms with Kens parents Mr nnd Mrs George Hollidse Newman Lek By MRS CAMERON MISS Muncl McAIUIIn in VI Iling Mr and Mrs Robert Cumpbcll Nick Vandcrmcy of Willow dalo former student mlniler 51le Mr and Mrs Aiken Mr and Mrs Jackson spent March In Toronto and attend odlhn smrymnn ghow Mr and Mrs 1111531th welile and Mrs Willlam Plough Toronto visited thclr lislcr Mrs Willlam Walker Mkélown Amcunuro SOCMY have mm their winlcr euchrcst MIL Jackznn Mrs Clinger and Miss Irene Mc Mnslcr visilrd Mm Mullaslcrn Ilslfl Mrs Mirrick Bar Snlumny Wu Cubs day In lawn In lhc mornlni Hwy gam cred bundles nowsmper lrom end rcsidcntc In lhn nflcrnwn Lhc Cuh Mother put on me cesslul hnkc nalc In Um Legion Hall Symnnlhy ls cxkndcd lo Mrs John Dullnn in ha donlh her hudmnd In Allislnn Hospilnl Munh 17 also to Scott nrp Thornlon whose Hl lhc arm or Lutlla Grccnsidcs passed way In Allislnn hmpllpl Nut 17 Mrï¬nml Mrs irnlnor 1mm lmx mm mm nml ulnar Mn iurlml Weslun um ANNwmmuv NLHnlL lllcpmimgl mn Mr and Mn Clhn annty rnlerlnhwd In tlxrlr new home Mnrrh In In lumnr Mu Dow nayl mnnll Mr nrul Mm Dam on nn lhu nunllun Mr Lilli wnlxllnfl nnnivrrsary Arnuml 30 anlhu nml lrirmh nllrmlnl mh Mm Ndle am dvlirimu lnmh mu INV by Hm nus mu hmlru EAROUND SIMCOE COUNTY By mus mumcavnam nml mmm mmlml nui ny MISS McMASTER By MRS MONTE Colllu 7164401 MIDHUBST 2n wk mm Impainl Inrl rum mupbnlqnlnl an uI mam hutan mmHm mu nut war Invmmlund Inwa Hmlulo Intl mm It In ymr InnInt We Mir In And leyiul hnnlnl 1mm Inn wm In Wm IIMIA XIII COIN WIND GUTHBIE NEWS 01 COOKSTOWN LEFROY Kuhl 0m Slnunn and Edgar mectin ha senior league and Shanty Bay and 0m Slalivn midgets II another game is necessary It will be on the lollnwing Thurs day night Mardl 31 Wigginsp Sunqay Hé will he going to mlxlon field in the West or Lhe summer RECOGNITION Congraluialion to two has armurs whorcceived mogul unn at Ihe Holslein Club bun quet Vednesdgy mun George Caldwells herd placid first or the second consecutive ycm or having the hlghnst breed 0135 average for hard afraver 20 wws prkrt Bell was miï¬i for herds under 20 cows for Slrncoe County SUMMARY DAY Mr Norman Stoddart stay ed in Barrie last week with her ï¬lm John Moore spgnt holiday in Florida travelling by plane Ncntytwn ladies completed the MillinLry course sponsored by Womens Institute Mrs James Caldwell Mrs Tam Blight and Mrs Vern Hawkins will set up the Guthrie display at the Summary Day to bu held at Trinity Parish Hall April at 130 pm HOCKEY Oro Hockey loam will play the second game of lhe ï¬nals at Drillia Communin700thk By ms cmsox Mr and Mrs Ray llickllng Ann and Barbara of Oakvlllo visited ML and Mrs Doug 1119 ling Sunday Mrs Kanls returned home mm hospibal Sundax Mr and Mrs Van As and Mr and Mrs Edward Kams Toma visited allmthe Kams home at the Mek Miss Eleanor OIlalxoran lcndcd the SpcrLsmms Shaw in Toronto Saturday Miss Graca Hind Churchill was her house guest or the weekmd grandchildren while Mif mg Mn Stephens Oshawa and Mrs OConnell Thomton vis ilcd their sister Mrs OHnl man during the weekend George Proclar rumpnlun murmur or ltd 0055 rrminds own and mmmunlty this L1 Red Cross Monlh nml nsk CHIan to be ready to rocohc cnn vnsnr whrn they call or com lrihulhns March 16 was Achlcvcmrnl 11th al naming Mcmnrlnl Huh School Allldon which culmin nml unomcr mslon cl winter nlzhl Clnssu Sam how who nllmdul chum rum own nnd wr mung uMIIImtu we lrn Mimn Imipn Lomnnn lxrl Krll llrlnn lIHnrx Mr Iml Mrs In Smilh and Mn imrga Mr nnd Mu lurnle Arrhnm Inn1L NNuInrkcl and Mr nnd Mrs MILy Hnulhml were ra tvnt guru nl Mr and Mn Cum hzlnllvm mu Frnn Indlo Mm cum Mom In Humno Cwniy Monkan Comm nl annn rum lrnnm Mon uilh rd rm winner ulll rum Mn mm nihciamnfmw berry lnrlnnl Mnnflnlu mum I1y mu In Mu APTO Alum weio Kant visitors will Mr and Mrs Jad 3011911h Mn Roy Smithand Mrs db en Gray were inTommn or mgple dayg last WEEK My Duncanfllbrum visfled her sislgt Mus Archie Bamgale last weekcd gucsu Mr and Mus Bathgale werc Mr and ME jloberl Bamgate and family East Toronto and lift 913d Mrs Kenneth Bathgatc Sympathy is extended to the lamily of Mrs Levi Sriglcy who used away in St Michaels iiospitai Toronto alter several months illness Mrs Sriginy was mm of the few remaining pion ours in the districL Congratulation to Mr and ML Dontomnkinsoq lW Rblfefhi thd r3251 111th of son at Rays Viclmia llosfl pigal On March 19 large crowd enjoyed the square dance at the Community Cenlm Nnvdv ly dance worn also mimd Winner for the 350 bill was Ms Bentley Littles Hill WI met for their regular mains in the Com munlly Centre with vicemesh dml Mrs Ray Laughced pre By MRS EDWDEN Mr and Mm Wiplrboumg By nms DOWNING HOLLOWS HOLLY Allan Elakély entertained sev eral nme guests to his third hifghday pgxfyjaLurd siding Mn Rachar prgsenled lhehlnle 01 officers or lhe cum in year Mrs Graham report ed the cooking Emuw lo aecasonn qr eavmg the community Io reside in Brnrwlon Mrsvin Willis was presented wiih fancy dish by Down Mervin Walf incl wiLhaiJnIn Accident when his leg was bady cut by achaln saw ll member answered roll call lllm Bob Prydo was in charge of devotional period Replies have been received from anum ber of bakcloss bake sale let crsUscd nylon hose are still being collected Mrsl Joe Coch rane mlaslonary Convener had an inluesllngpapcr on Mia missionary givings are used ior and My ngeral gyï¬des lrom byMIs Collum Mrs Bentley and Mrs Graham Easter meet ing will be held in Holly Grurch wllh guests from Thornton and lvy he Joan Hunley Strand charge will be speaker All cdmmunlty ladies arev wel comc This meeting is April at 815 pm VVIONARYVVM1EEIINGV Holly United Church Women held their March mcclirrg at Mrs Ray Loughccdsrhunle my TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Sirizdh Swilï¬l pm JOHNSON C0 Barrie lTD its the shape bfthings tocome and go in quickly quietly FOR COMPLEII TRAVEL ARRANGEMENIS CALI H3 DUNLOP ST OPPOSIYE QUEEN HOTEL Mr and Mrs Harley Cum mings Ottawa spent lheweek end will Mm Cummings and View 1h Sunday morningVUnllcd Church sewihc anlam Suther land waslndncled 45 an elder of the church by Rev Dah Icn Fred Under cbnlinad ln htxfgitak PURCHASE TREES March meeting of lhe Wo mens Institulé was held in the hall with an attendance of 24 Mrs Stoddar pres ing Rnll AttendingCollege Royal at OAC Guelph March were Mr and Mrs Jack noblnsnn Mr and Mrs William Walt and Miss Jean Wall Mr and Mrs Foley Mrsl Oalwell and lrwln Bowman vllla spent Tuesday Mar 15 with the Bradley and Sulher lands and allatlended World Mlsslan Nghl ln Collier Street Unlled Church Barrie when Rev and Mrs Colwell Zoe lllll were lwo of the mlssiunar lcs pmserucd at lhls servlce may have been posted to Brazil and wlll leave in the fall no spend live years there dress and mliu Jls hxlory The lrcasuer reported nearly mom made mm euchrcs and draw Mrs John Lloyd and Mrs William MLArlhur were appoint ed leaders at 4H Garden Club Several Iadhs decided lo pur chaseflowcring crab trees and the Institute to purchase one for the park Mr William Bmhe was In dnarge the program Mus Ruth Gonna gave her speech BOND HEAD Look for it soon in Cahadiany SkieS JET an Sdmol Drvponlg whlch has won her an award in puhlic speaking at Shélhurnesha goes to Tarllln In April to try or prnvlmlal honors Mrs William Sutherland gave reading Hat vey Cross 01 Beelon and Harvey Whitcslde of Alllslon gave ln ormalion an Slmcoe Mper live Mcdlcal Services Mm Ali Vin Snlllh Mrs vwllllam Wall and Mrs Philips served de lclous lunch Synipélhy is extended In Shewebl in he death of his falbel on Egiday Mrs George Wilson returned hnmg Saturday after spending lhepasl lwo months with her daughler and soninlaw ML and Mrs Kcn Sutherland Tofpnta The Suiherlnnds spent the week end at her home here Ivy juvenile hockey team last he second game in the 5m ï¬nal series agamst Thornton at Allislon Sunday awning wllh awm each1n out of Nexygame op Sunday Weekend vlslluors Included Mr and M31141 Lani We am and family Oriflia and Mr nnd Mrs Bruce hunks George town with Mr and Mrs Hob Parr Mr and Mrs Keith Mc Vane Murray Susan and Brian McVanci with lriends here Mr and Mrs Fred Given Tomnlu wilh Mr and Mrs Bert ML Lean Miss Janet McDonald with Laurccn Smith Master Bradley must with his grand parents Mr and Mrs Ernest Goodwin VBy MRS VLMEI WILSON IVY 716651 By MES ALLEN MILLER Mr and Mrs Allen Miller and Dorothy and Mrs Harold Be matured to St Catharina Sun day Vto viafl the lalterx sister Mrs James Morgan who will be celvbmtlng her 99th birthday April 13 Elwood Miller was In Toronto Friday nlghl with gum or Ban1e Beans and Bella to al lend lhe Tommy Ilunlcr Show Mrs Russel Coulsoin ha Ire lumed home aner being pa tient In Royaal Yiclqriavglospnnl Mrs Marlin par Hunt in Stevenson Memorial Hos pital and Albert Mach has been patient in Barrie hospiLaL We wishlhem speedy rscavery to good heallh mummm EXAMINER momm mm 1m Robert us an aughlcrlsa bell DeVeigh oanmlllon she Saturday wiLh Mr and Mrs coarse Ellis Mr and Mn Allen Miller ap THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR fHIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS UTOPIH And Loopy W11 mumen Your nam by pm CARRIER MISS YOU 7283fli3 prcclaled he quick reamed neighbors 10 their aid Friday win sudden chtniney the oc éurmd 31150 10 Earl Reid or unce ngaln being friend in need an the Ivy swimhboard Hy ESTHER DOWNER Emce BrolIey Scarbormlgh spent 135 Friday with his grand mother Mrs Hazel Brnlley Mr and Mrs Gflford Camp sell and Comic spcnl the week gnd Mount Elgln wilh Mr and Mrs Jams Campsalll Roy Holt Egbert add Mr and Mrs NmmanScoll Bnnlu visllod their bmlncr Vincent llnlt who Is patient in Guelph hnspilal Mr Hollis knprwinz In heallh Rimmmumz and Miss Mary Smith Torunlospml Sunday with Mr and Mrs Harry Smilh EGBERT nu L25 153